Disclaimer: I do not own Destiny or any of the characters in this story save for my OC's. All of that is property of Bungie and friends. Also, I acknowledge that some of you may feel that some of my story variates from the original storyline, so I want to make it known that this is slightly AU, but still contains most of the original story. So, without any further ado, let's begin.

No Longer Lost To Light

Chapter 1: Consquences

Eris Morn

When Eris had heard of Crota's fall, she felt such elation. The sorceress was extremely relieved at the news that her whispers would no longer wake her in the middle of her sleep, and felt obligated to congratulate the guardians responsible. When she reached the courtyard, she was intrigued at the sight of everyone crowding around one ship. She had been expecting six guardians of varying statures (a few hunters, a couple titans, and maybe a warlock) to be responsible for the commotion. She was not expecting a lone guardian, much less a warlock, to have been able to accomplish such a task. So when said guardian finally walked out of the ship, with his ghost on his shoulder, to say that she was shocked would have been an understatement.

'How is this possible?' she thought to herself as she sized up the guardian. 'There's got to be some other piece of the puzzle I'm missing.' She then noticed that the guardian held a small bag, which he then presented to the Vanguard. Zavala took the sack and opened it, and the three ex-guardians peered inside with interest. However, their expressions quickly turned to shock, then disappointment, and then sadness. Even Cayde, always cheery and upbeat, was overtaken by a look of depression, a strange expression for an Exo.

"All of them?" Zavala asked. The warlock nodded, grief evident in his posture. "How did it happen?" Ikora questioned, to which the guardian hung his head in sorrow. "They couldn't get away quick enough," his Ghost stated, its voice hollow and pained.

Eris, with her question answered in the worst way possible, was taken aback with shock. Five guardians had once again been lost to that hellish dimension of darkness and evil. She immediately was overcome with pity for the lone guardian, and stepped forward. He turned around, facing her. It was then she got a look at the contents of the bag: five dead ghosts, cracked and devoid of any light.

"How did it happen?" Eris inquired. The guardian looked down, then at the four ex-guardians, and walked away. "He tried as hard as he could to save them, but it only took one hit from his sword," his Ghost responded. "I still don't know how he managed to take down the bastard himself, but he won't talk to me or anyone else at all." Eris watched the guardian walk up the steps toward the apartments, stop and turn around, at which his Ghost said, "I need to go check on him. I'll spill the details later." He then hurried off to join his companion, after which Cayde spoke up.

"How did he manage to avenge his team solo?" the Exo wondered aloud. Eris still had no clue to the identity of the survivor, and asked Ikora, "Who was that?" Ikora slowly turned around, and, in a soft voice, answered "His full name is Jax-42, but all the other guardians call him 'Creeping Death'."

Eris's look of curiosity stayed, so the Warlock Vanguard continued. "He destroyed the Black Garden singlehandedly, captured Skolas on his own, and now he's destroyed Crota. He practically turned the tide of the war all on his own." Eris then recalled a guardian in similar armor coming to her for guidance in preventing Crota's return. She was astounded that one warrior could have accomplished so much, and was about to ask how when Zavala added, "He used to be so talkative and respectful, regardless of his high-level powers…now, though, he's changed. I could sense the grief emanating from his body."

He looked at the doorway where the guardian had left, pursing his lips, before turning around to Eris and saying "You are the only one I know who can relate to him. We can't lose another guardian to depression, or worse, self-immolation." Eris recoiled at the thought of the soldier killing himself, appalled at the possibility, before realizing she had similar thoughts after her experience in the pit. "Please talk to him and see what you can do," Zavala pled.

She nodded without a thought, and began to walk after the guardian when Ikora called, "Eris…do anything you have to, but don't let him do anything like that." She turned, seeing the look of despair and heartache on the Vanguard's face. Seeing Ikora like this nearly broke Eris's heart, and she quickly hurried up the steps. 'How close is the Vanguard to this guardian?' she wondered as she walked reached to guardian's door.

So, how was it? Please rate and review, because I really want to know how you guys and gals want this story to continue. Thanks in advance. Peace.