Sorry this one is so short, but it's time for this story to come to an end. I had a blast writing it, and I want to thank everyone who read it and reviewed it. I really appreciate it.

Ch. 13

Gohan felt like he'd just gone to sleep when he heard a noise coming from down the hall. It took him a moment to gather his bearings before excitement hit him. The baby!

He jumped out of bed and hurried towards his mother's room but Goku was there waiting for him before he could make it.

"Gohan, I need you to do me a big favour." Noting his dad's perplexed expression, Gohan immediately stopped in his tracks.

"Sure dad. What's up?" Goku gave a tired smile.

"I need you to go fetch Grandpa Ox and let him know we need the doctor. You stay with him until the baby is here. Okay?" Gohan tried to hide his disappointment at being sent away.

"Okay dad." Goku ruffled his son's hair and returned to the bedroom. Gohan frowned but left the house to do what his father had asked.

'I hope she doesn't have the baby while I'm gone.' He thought anxiously. The thought made him increase his speed as he flew over to the Ox Kingdom. When he arrived, he flew up to the highest window where he knew his grandfather's room was. He had to laugh when he saw his grandfather snoring quite loudly. Gohan excitedly knocked on the window, startling the Ox King.

"WHO GOES THERE?" The Ox King bellowed as he sat straight up. Gohan laughed harder.

"Grandpa it's me!" Gohan watched as his grandfather rubbed his eyes.

"Gohan?" The Ox King opened up the window groggily.

"Hurry grandpa! We have to go! The baby is coming and mom needs a doctor." Gohan didn't wait for a response as he turned and flew down to the front door of the castle, startling the doorman in the process.

"Good evening sir" Gohan said as he landed.

"Good evening young one." The doorman answered as he gathered his bearings. He'd never seen flying children before, but in this kingdom nothing surprised him anymore.

"Good evening Chico" The Ox King mumbled as he hurried outside. Gohan smiled and nodded at the doorman before following his grandfather.

"Let's go wake doc Kinyu and then we'll head over to your house okay?" The Ox king said. Gohan nodded, wishing his grandfather could fly so they could get there faster.

"Patience Gohan. Babies come on their own time." The Ox King said with a smile. Gohan forced himself to slow down and looked at his grandfather curiously.

"Like how long?" He asked.

"It could be hours, it could be days." The Ox King told him. Gohan's mouth dropped slightly.

"Days?" The Ox King couldn't help but chuckle at his grandson's astonishment as they turned a corner and reached a small cottage. He was still chuckling as he knocked hard on the door, three times. Almost immediately a short, elderly man poked his head outside.

"Is that you, your highness?" The man asked. The Ox King nodded.

"No need for formalities Dr. Kinyu. My daughter's baby is coming. Could you help us out?" Gohan watched as the man smiled.

"Of course. Another one huh? I remember delivering the last one like it was yesterday. Let me get my bag." The doctor turned and went inside while Gohan looked up at his grandfather in surprise.

"That man helped my mom when I was born?" He asked.

"He did." The Ox King answered.

"Wow." Gohan muttered. They both stood in silence, lost in thought, as they waited for the doctor to come out.

"Right, we'd better get going then. Wouldn't want to miss the big event." The doctor said with a smile as he winked at Gohan. Gohan grinned up at him as he remembered he could do instant transmission.

"Actually, if you both grab onto my shoulder, I'll get us there quickly." Gohan stated. Both men looked at each other skeptically. Gohan looked up at his grandfather.

"I promise grandpa. Trust me." The Ox King shrugged and put his hand on Gohan's shoulder. The doctor looked uncomfortable, but did the same. The next instant, all three were gone.

Gohan blinked as he opened his eyes and saw his house. Both of the men gasped as they looked around and noticed they were not in the same spot. Gohan rubbed his head sheepishly.

"Sorry if I shocked you. Just a little technique I learned in Otherworld." The doctor stared at him dumbfounded while the Ox King gave him a good pat on the back.

"That's my grandson. Always full of surprises." Gohan turned and led the two men to the house. When he got inside, he could hear his mom breathing heavily from her room. His dad was comforting her. Gohan watched the doctor go in the direction he pointed, then looked over at his grandfather.

"Don't worry. Your mother is in great hands with the doc and your father. Everything will be just fine." He gave Gohan a pat on the head while he headed over to the kitchen and turned on a few lights. He began to make tea while humming something to himself. Gohan sat at the table and put his head in his hands. He felt restless and wasn't sure what to do with himself. What if it took days?

As his worry and impatience took over, Gohan tried to think about Piccolo. If Piccolo were here, he'd want him to meditate; clear his mind. He got up from the table and headed to the living room. He sat down and tried to clear his mind like he'd been taught, but he couldn't. The memories flooded his mind as he tried to relax.

"Gohan, you're going to be a big brother."…

"Gohan, I l-love you so m-much. Tell your dad I'm s-so sorry"


"I refuse to go back without you dad. Mom's having a baby. And if you find a way to get me back to earth, then you have to agree to let us wish you back with Perunga. The baby deserves to know it's father too."…

"You gave your mother the greatest gift today. You gave her her family back. That's something you should be very proud of. I didn't realize just how much she needed us until I saw her sitting all alone when we got here…"

"Gohan that's enough now." Gohan jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He was sure he had just sat down, but his sore body told him otherwise. Looking up, he saw his father's smiling face.

"Your grandfather says you've been sitting here for hours. You okay?" Gohan tried to speak but found he couldn't. He had been reliving some pretty intense moments and couldn't quite shake it off.

"Hey, everything's alright. Why don't you come meet your new baby brother?" Goku coaxed. Gohan offered a small smile.

"A brother?" He stood up and his father gently pushed him towards the back room.

"Yep. And your mother and I have agreed that you should pick his name." Gohan stopped and looked up at his dad.

"What? What if I can't pick a good one?" He said in panic. Goku chuckled.

"When you see him, you'll just know." Gohan gulped as he turned and continued into the bedroom. He saw his mom propped up in bed with a bundle in her arms. As he got closer, he saw his little brother had black hair just like him. Gohan couldn't believe how tiny he was.

"This is your big brother, Gohan." Chichi told the baby. Gohan looked at the baby in wonder.

"He's so small" Gohan muttered.

"Do you want to hold him?" Chichi asked. Gohan carefully picked up the baby. For a moment, the two half saiyan's locked eyes. Goku and Chichi exchanged a smile.

"Welcome to the world…Goten."