Disclaimer: I do not own Noblesse, it's a brilliant webtoon made by Son Je Ho and Lee Gwang Su.

Plot: After many hardships Victor overcame together, the conclusion of this future arc is…?


Messenger from the Future


At the top of a high building with sight for the sea, a single man stood in a haughty posture. Bertrand, the white-haired wolf had the city reflected on his ambitious eyes. A smirk played on his lips as he watched the flux of people and cars, human were trifling, and very ephemeral creatures it was even funny they dedicated their short lives to work.

"The Union is falling apart… The Reign of the powerful werewolves is also crumbling, and the nobles had become weaker with the ages… Now… It's the time to prove that only the strongest can survive in this savage world… The centuries have changed and now it's time for the rising of a new leader…"

"Should I join the Union seek Kentas and Lunark for retaliation…? Well, it doesn't matter… That idiotic future-Lord gave me the knowledge of enrapturing facts before dying like a mongrel… And I can make a good use of it…" his smirk turned into a grin, and then, into laugh while he dreamed insanely about the incoming future.

Now that he was strong and knew many things about the future, how would he use it by his favor to become a new villain to that time?




Crombell's lair

The old scientist was seating savoring a cup of whisky. He played with the drink on his hands, and his eyes averted to the green screen that opened in front of him indicating he was receiving a call. He pressed a button on his seat and the image of his most loyal servant, Yuri, appeared in the middle of the screen.

"Oh, Yuri…" a smirk played on the doctor's lips "What are you calling for?"

[I've inspected the area once more, Doctor, but there's no vestige of that boy… I'm sorry. We know how much you longed to have a test subject like him… But he simply disappeared.]

"No one can hide forever, we have many examples like the noblesse and Muzaka, everyone thought they were dead, and suddenly they appear right under our noses…" he asserted in a soothing tone, but his next sentence was harsh "One day our paths will cross again, and this time, I wish you will bring me without fails, Yuri."

[Understood, Crombell-nim.] his tone was polite.

"Moreover, I'm not totally bored since you've brought an interesting guinea pig last time…" his smirk broadened in pleasure

[I don't like to boast about myself, but I'm a specialist in concealing evidences, that's how I could deceive them and make it look like this pitiful man was dead.]

"Yes. It was an excellent idea to infiltrate on the island and take this body before those werewolves noticed… It was risky, but worthwhile…I'm sure my researches will evolve remarkably and surpass the data the Union possess…"

[I'm pleased you're elated I brought it to you, Doctor.]

"Sure. You can go now… I've just remembered I have important tests to perform…"

[I'll take my leave then.]

The display on the screen closed and the 13th elder stood up immediately, he wore his lab coat and walked in firm steps towards a huge and thick metal door, typing a code to open the door on the translucent panel on the wall.

After opening it, he entered, it was an elevator which leaded him underground. He left the elevator and walked towards a new door, which was sealed by another security mechanism, and a light scanned his eyes. A muffled sound echoed as the gigantic metal door moved and he entered the vague, dark room in which there was only one experimental tube.

Inside the green liquid filling the tube, there was a single individual: the future Maduke, slumbering, exactly like Muzaka once was.

"You're an interesting subject…" Crombell grinned viciously touching the glass as if his dearest data was sealed inside that tube "I never thought I'd get hold of such valuable and high quality material… You look exactly like the 2nd elder, the deceased lord of werewolves, but I can tell you're not a simple werewolf… I'm certain you have loads of information to teach me, unnamed werewolf… Are you a clone? Perhaps, a twin brother…? I'm eager to see what I can learn from you…"

His eyes were transfixed on that man floating in the tube. Now that he had acquired a subject from the future, it would ensue a terrible consequence for the present age. Doctor Crombell would become a more powerful villain and learn things about the experiments conducted on ages ahead the present time.

What would be of the present now that the things had started to change due to external influences…?





Frankenstein's household

"Master, Regis and Seira are accompanying the children to their homes." He bowed as he announced to his master.

The vampire nodded once and landed his gaze on the servant who seemed calm. The blonde was concentrated on what his master was trying to say with that stare, but he flinched when his cellphone ranged, vibrating on his pocket, he picked it and answered:

"Tao, what's the matter?"

[Boss… The KSA contacted us and said they detected some movement here in the city, near the downtown.]

"Who is it? The union… or is it another enemy?"

[Actually, I don't know if we could call 'enemy', but… It seems it's the former fifth elder.]

"The former fifth elder?" he was perplexed "What is she doing here?"

[We don't know, but isn't she a fugitive from Union? She'll get into trouble if the Union spots her hanging around here, and it could bring trouble for us too.]

"Give me the location, I'll intercept her and inquire about her objectives here. She's not an easy opponent."

[Ah… Personally?] he chuckled restlessly [F-fine, but treat her well, boss, Sir Victor respected both her and that sturdy werewolf called Kentas.]

"You don't need to teach me how to behave, Tao."

[Gulp… Y-yes, Understood, I'll give the coordinates of the area in which she was last seen…]

After receiving the information he hanged up the phone and instantly looked at his master, with a serious, penetrating gaze.

"Master, there's something I must settle now… Tao reported that werewolf lady is here in the city right now, I'd like to ask some questions and fathom her purposes by coming… Victor trusted both her and the other werewolf, but I cannot blindly follow his beliefs. If she means any harm to the people in the city, I'll not be inclined to avoid a confrontation."

Raizel frowned slightly and nodded once staring colorlessly at his butler who seemed confused.

"Is there anything wrong master?"

"Inquire her politely."

"Ah…" he fidgeted "R-right… I'll be educated…"

Raizel's gaze followed the servant until he was out if sight, and he sighed worriedly, wondering if Frankenstein would really listen to his commands.




Under the night

Somewhere in the city

Lunark stood at the top of an immense building. She looked at the lights and people below, with a scowl.

"Sheesh… Couldn't Kentas wait just a bit to meet Muzaka-nim…? Why did he come running right after he found out Muzaka-nim was alive…? Can't he ponder more before acting…? This place is flooded with enemies from many sides… If we get caught, I'm not sure if we will be able to avoid a clash…"

She was startled and became warned when she felt a presence drawing near, it came from the left side, she immediately turned and prepared for the worst. Lunark knew that place was watched by Union and the noblesse lived there, besides, Muzaka hanged around frequently, yet…

A drop of sweat rolled down her face, but soon her expression changed into astonishment when she saw the figure landing on that building:


"Good night, Milady." He answered with a perfectly educated smile.

Her eyes darkened, now she was even more wary, why was he being educated all of sudden? His smile was very suspicious, what did he want? Was he planning a sneaky attack? Surely he wasn't crazy enough to initiate a clash right on the middle of the city.

"Why are you here?"

"I'd ask the very same question." He kept the smile. "What is a werewolf doing here in South Korea?"

"Why is he still smiling like that…? He's creeping me out." she thought sweating more "Well, you're clever, so I thought you would figure out the reason…"

"Muzaka…?" his guess was right and his eyes narrowed.

"My companion came here looking after Muzaka. Do you by any chance have seen him? I'm sure you must have heard something, you always keep an eye on this city…"

His brows furrowed menacingly, she wouldn't be dazed if his dark aura started leaking at any moment. Why was her companion looking for Muzaka? It could be very troublesome if they brought their families issues for that place. They'd destroy the city like they did with their own Kingdom.

While he dwelled on his inner thoughts, his gaze was concentrated on her expression, she was almost getting impatient with his silence.

"If you want to meet you colleague so badly, you should ask KSA, not me." His defiant tone almost stole the last bit of her patience.

"… Ah, right…" she answered forcing a smile. "I'm sure you know I can't ask KSA because they're frequently visited by union and I don't want to inform my whereabouts to them yet…"

"And what makes you think I should treat you friendly when your intentions are not clear?"

"I already said." She spelled between her teeth "I'm not here to fight."

He put a hand on chin, should he tell everything right away or inquire her more? She didn't look like she was intending to cause a ruckus, neither her companion; If they wanted, they could've destroyed some buildings or harmed humans to call their attention. While he pondered about the matter staring at her face, it was an habit to scrutinize his enemy's reactions and take the best course of action.

Her brows almost met and some sort of rage swelled up inside her orbs, it was when he came to realization, like something had enlightened on his mind. Something so obvious and he never noticed until then…

"Huh…? Her eyes are… pink…?"

His eyes widened in wonder and he remembered his last conversation with Victor in the room of his house, before the boy parted to his timeline. An annoyed smirk was draw on his face with his next thought:

"Victor that brat… the photograph was a souvenir, huh? That little deceitful liar… He deliberately invades our world, tells a ton of lies, and simply goes with the wind… That kid has planned everything thoroughly… to think he would deceive me with such bad lie…"

"If you don't have the intention in answering me, then, would you mind getting out of my way?" her voice irrupted his thoughts.

"Ah, sorry, I was distracted with your beautiful eyes." Hs smile was filled with a sour irony.

"What?" she frowned even more and forced a concerned smile on her face "Ah, thanks… If you don't mind I have business, since you're not going to help me…"

She wanted to avoid a conflict, even more if her opponent was Frankenstein, however, the circumstances weren't helping.

"Geez… And my master told to be polite …" he sighed heavily, preparing for a fight.

Which consequences would this meet unravel in the future? And what would happen now that future-Maduke and Victor's influence had written a brand-new timeline? Some things of the future may have changed, but there are some happenings that will never change, perhaps, not the way they expected to, their only certainty was that they could make their own history.



Well, I thought that Maduke ending as Crombell's subject was worse than him dying, I wanted to give him a destiny worse than death (psycho mode ON). –giggles- just kidding.

By the way, if you're a bit lost on the part of the "pink eyes", take a peek at chapter 27 when Frankenstein finds the pic Victor left home.

Thanks to "dragongodslayer7" for creating Luke and giving an older brother to Victor! Thanks to "EYKFAN", "Etvia-chan" and "Bla" for your comments! Thanks to "chiyan-puranae" for the review and PMs! Thanks to "bibliophile030" for your accurate reviews!

Thank you my dear readers for accompanying this fic until the end! I hope you enjoyed! I know there are some unanswered questions, but I'd like you to imagine what will happen on the present timeline he changed from now on!

I'm thinking about doing a second of MFF, but I'll still thinking, tell me your opinions!