It was unnaturally quiet in the Forbidden Forest. It felt like something could jump out and grab you at any second. It was now sunset, the sun's final rays just lightly touching the trees. The grand Hogwarts tower's windows were reflecting the light. If you were to look inside, you would probably see students in their common rooms, not wandering around in the halls. Sadly, not all students follow these rules. A boy with black hair and glasses along with a girl with bushy hair were wandering around the ancient Hogwart's halls, Occasionally looking out windows. They arrived outside the building, hiding behind a stone wall. Just in front of them were themselves (past form) A boy with red hair, a boy with blonde hair and 2 other boys. We'll come back to these guys later.
Meanwhile, back in the forbidden forest, the menacing silence had continued. Something definitely was going to happen. And it did. There was a bright flash, some wind and a colourful portal appeared. Out of this portal came a purple unicorn with wings, with a dark purple and pink mane and a blue Pegasus with a rainbow coloured mane. These 2 ponies' names were Twilight Sparkle (The alicorn) and Rainbow Dash (the Pegasus). These 2 ponies were not from this world. They were from somewhere completely different. Why were they here? It was all an accident. It was just a harmless little book, it didn't look like it was actually a portal…
The 2 ponies observed the surroundings. The thick, dark trees. The cries of creatures in the distance. The strange dark plants trapped in the tangled weeds. This place was not exactly different to these ponies, it reminded them of a forest back home. Anyways, there needed to get out this place. It was obviously an accident that sent them here. It shouldn't be to hard to send them back.. Shouldn't it?
"Just cast a spell, Twilight. We'll be outta here in a jiffy." Said Rainbow Dash, her magenta eyes glowing under her mane. The purple alicorn sighed.
"I'm not sure it's going to be that easy, Rainbow. I'm still learning about portal magics. I think we'll need help. Luckily I think I might know where we are." Said Twilight Sparkle, flying through the scratching branches. She looked up and saw the castle. A large grin spread on her face.
"Yes! Yes! Rainbow Dash, welcome to Hogwarts!" Cheered Twilight.
The dark haired boy and girl had just finished saving an innocent hippogriff.
"Come on, Hermione, let's follow ourselves. Secretly." Said the boy to the girl. Hermione nodded and the 2 ran off after their past selves, who were now chasing after their red hair friend who was being dragged by a dog. The past versions eventually went down a trapdoor in the forest. The future versions and their hippogriff hid in the bushes nearby.
"Well done Harry. Looks like we are going to be waiting here for a few hours." Said Hermione, staring at her friend. Harry nodded and the 2 sat down. Hermione feed Buckbeak a otter. Little did they know what was coming for them.
Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle were walking through the Forbidden Forest.
"How much further?" Asked Rainbow Dash.
"A bit longer. Another hour." Said Twilight.
"WHAT? Twilight?! Why can't you teleport us there?" Exclaimed Dash. Twilight groaned.
"It's too risky Rainbow. This world is different and dangerous, and I've never been in it before." Replied Twilight vaguely. Rainbow Dash whined.
"Can we at least fly there?" Asked Dash.
"No. There are so many things wrong with that idea I could make a 300 page essay on it. Let's name the main reasons. First of all, it's far too dan-"
"Bye Twilight!" Called Dash, zooming off into the sky.
"NOOO! Rainbow Dash!" Yelled Twilight, flying after her.
"Wow, we spent a awful lot of time in there." Said Harry, looking at the trapdoor. Hermione nodded. Buckbeak was sitting down on some soft green moss.
"We should be coming out in a few minutes." Said Hermione, glancing at the setting sun. Suddenly the 2 heard a strange noise.
"What the heck is that?" Asked Harry, looking around. The noise was getting louder. It was screaming! Then, through his mucky glasses, Harry saw something. It was quick. It looked like a rainbow. Suddenly out of nowhere, something charged right at him, faster than his broomstick and he was being pushed through the ground. There was mud everywhere, screaming, and a awful pain in his butt. When everything finally stopped, he was laying next to a tree, his clothes covered in mud and leaves. What just happened? He looked and saw the most astonishing thing. A light blue pegasus with a rainbow mane and magenta eyes. On it's tosh, there was a colourful lightning bolt.
"Uhh.. Sorry about that." Said the pegasus, with a rusty female voice. Harry was shocked. Did the pegasus just talk? Harry got to his feet, staring nervously at the blue pegasus. She held out her hoof.
"I'm Rainbow Dash. What's your name?" She asked, grinning.
"I'm Harry Potter." Said Harry, expecting her to coo over him, but she didn't. She smiled warmly.
"Don't worry kid, I'll get you back to your lady friend." Said Rainbow Dash, looking around. "Once I find out where we are." Dash looked around nervously, then took flight and looked at the sky. "Hmm, I think we are smack bang in the middle of this creepy forest. Shouldn't be too hard to get out of here." Said Dash, flying back down and walking on. Harry followed nervously, still confused of what had happened.