Written for the Triwizard Tournament on the Hogwarts Houses Forum


What if Albus Dumbledore had died before 1991?

Your story needs to include these three points:

1st point: Effect on the political side of the Wizarding World

2nd point: Fight against Voldemort

3rd point: Hogwarts

A/N - Please read.

This story was written on a points based system. The most points I could get was by writing a 3 chapter fic, with 5000 words per chapter.

This was the highest word-count I was allowed, and I found it quite restrictive, as there was so much more I wanted to put into this fic, yet I had to skip so much and take so much out to keep to the word count required for the challenge.

Please remember that this is an AU. The events are different to canon.

A Different Life

Harry Potter clutched his letter tightly as he ran to his father. "Dad, Dad! Look. It's here!"

James Potter looked up from his newspaper, and set down his cup of tea. "What's here?"

"My letter!" Harry exclaimed, pushing the letter in front of the newspaper so James had no choice but to look. "I can go to Hogwarts!"

James grinned and reached for the parchment, his eyes quickly skimming over the words. "You're acting like Minerva would ever forget about you. We both knew this letter was due and that you'd be going."

He handed the letter back to Harry. "Yeah, I know, but this means I finally get my wand," Harry replied. "I can't wait to start learning magic!"

"What do you mean start?" James replied, amused by his son's enthusiasm. "You already know loads of magic: Remus has been teaching you since you were five."

"Yeah, but that's book stuff," Harry replied. "It's different. I haven't actually done any magic, only watched Remus perform it. With potions, he won't even let me chop, only showing me ingredients and letting me do things like grind and count and stuff."

"Remus is an excellent tutor, and he's also aware of your age. I'd be shocked if he handed you a knife when you were eight and asked you to chop ingredients."

"Neville said the same thing," Harry muttered.

"Neville's a smart boy. You're both lucky to have private lessons," James explained. "Remus is the best tutor around. Other children simply are missing out, because of their parents' outdated views on Werewolves."

Harry nodded, having heard James and especially Sirius rant often about how Werewolves should be treated more fairly. He also knew that they had managed to both stop a legislation that would have stopped Remus from working in certain places, and more recently, pass one that allowed him equal rights.

"Well, since you won't be using your wand for another four days, we can wait before getting it," James said, knowing exactly how to wind his son up.

Harry looked appalled at the suggestion. "But Dad, you promised!."

"I have to go to the Wizengamot - me and Sirius have a meeting there and I don't know how long it'll take. Maybe we could ask Remus to take you, and you could do lessons when you get back?"

Harry rushed out of the room and James turned back to the newspaper and the cup of cooling tea. He tapped the tea with his wand, heating it up once more.


Harry waited impatiently, pacing and muttering about them hopefully turning up early. James told Harry that they weren't due for a while, as he knew how much time Sirius spend doing his hair, and any other time left would result in Sirius and Remus snogging at the very least. He knew there was no chance they'd be early.

James suggested Harry head into the garden on a broom, but Harry just shook his head.

Finally the floo lit up. Remus was the first through, with Sirius following quickly, reaching to ruffle Harry's hair.

"Dad said to ask you if you'd take me to Diagon Alley today."

"Did he?" Remus asked, setting the books down on the coffee table. "Where's your dad?"

"Kitchen. He's on his third cup of tea." He turned to Sirius. "What took you so long?"

"Long?" Sirius replied, raising his eyebrows. "We're on time - you just need to learn to be patient. What's the rush anyway?"

"My letter came." He passed the letter to Sirius and Remus.

"Brilliant," Sirius said, grinning and clapping Harry on the back. "It'll be quiet here without you."

"I know. I'll miss all of you when I go to Hogwarts," Harry replied. "But when I have my wand, you can teach me to duel!"

"I won't be able to teach until you're seventeen since you can't use magic outside of Hogwarts."

"But you may get a chance to learn duelling in school if Flitwick starts the duelling club up again," Remus added.

Harry nodded his head, sad at the idea that he'd have to wait to duel Sirius.

Remus headed to the kitchen where James was still sitting at the table. "Alright Moony, Padfoot?" James asked.

"Morning, Prongs. Did you want me to take Harry to Diagon Alley? I just want to make sure it's not like when he tried to talk me into taking him last month."

"If you don't mind," James replied. "Do you want to cup of tea first?"

Remus nodded as James got up to make him and Sirius a drink.

"Anything of interest?" Sirius asked, reaching for the newspaper.

"Nothing," James replied, shaking his head.

Harry pulled out the last chair and sat down.. He knew that there was no prising Remus away from a cup of tea. He would just have to wait a little bit longer.


Finally the three men got up from the table. "If the meeting is quick, we'll contact you through the mirror," James said.

Remus nodded his head, accepting the mirror and the pouch of coins from James.

"Thanks, Moony. I knew I could rely on you."

"Don't worry. I'm still charging you for a day's tutoring," Remus grinned. "Me and Harry can hit the books when we're finished."

"Wouldn't have it any other way," James said, with a smile.

Harry headed into the hall to get his cloak. James grabbed his own and pulled it on.

"The formal robes today?"

"Yup, laws to fight, laws to pass," Sirius said.

Harry pulled a face. "Sounds boring."

"It is," Sirius admitted. "I'd rather be going to Diagon Alley with you and Moonpie, that'd be much more fun." James nodded in agreement.

"But you're trying to make the world a better place," Harry replied.

"Yeah," James grimaced. "If Lucius Malfoy backed off, it would be a lot easier to do."

They headed to the fireplace. Remus stepped into the floo first, Harry quickly following, before Sirius and James floo'd to the ministry.


Remus looked over Harry's letter, trying to decide the best place to start, as Harry looked around the Leaky Cauldron. His gaze fell on a family near the door, looking around nervously.

"Where do we go from here?" the man said, glancing down at the letter that looked just like his own. Harry's eyes met those of the girl standing with them.

"I'm not sure - we wouldn't have found this place had Hermione not noticed it."

Harry tapped Remus' arm, drawing his attention to the family.

"The Headmistress said that people couldn't see Diagon Alley," Hermione said. "Let's talk to the man at the bar about where it is?"

"Are you going into Diagon Alley?" Remus asked, walking over. "We're going into there too. I can show you the way in?"

The couple looked relieved. "Thank you. That would be helpful."

"Have you not been before?" Harry asked.

"We don't have magic, just our daughter," the mother said, smiling at Harry.

Remus smiled. "I'm Remus Lupin, this is my nephew, Harry."

"I'm David, and this is my wife, Helena," the man said, shaking Remus' hand. "I must admit, we're quite nervous about our visit."

"It can be quite daunting," Remus admitted. "Harry is getting his Hogwarts supplies today."

"That's what we are getting for Hermione," Helena said.

"Well, if you need someone to show you around, you are welcome to accompany me and Harry, since we'll be going to the same shops," Remus offered.

"That would be wonderful," Helena said, looking quite relieved at the offer.


"I'm Hermione Granger," the girl said, as they began walking.

"Harry Potter," Harry replied.

Harry noticed that she didn't recognise his name. It was nice for someone to not recognise the Potter name. "Do you live with your Uncle?" she asked.

Harry shook his head. "No. My dad couldn't come today. He's at the Ministry with my Uncle Sirius, trying to pass a law. Uncle Remus is also my tutor, so he was able to bring me. Were you excited to get your letter?"

"I hadn't expected it, though I did wonder why I was doing strange things. I wondered if I was like Matilda - have you ever read that book? I love that book, it's one of my favourites as I really relate to the girl. Not with the horrible parents because mine are nice, but because she could do strange things too."

"I haven't read that," Harry admitted. "I don't read much - only for assignments that Uncle Remus sets and during lessons."

"Do you read lots of books on magic?" Hermione asked, eagerly. "I saw the list with quite a few books and they sound fascinating. I can't wait - I've brought my pocket-money so hopefully mum and dad let me get extra books, because there are actual bookshops full of books on magic!"

"You sound like Remus. He always drags me into the bookshop and spends ages in there, but he's addicted to chocolate so we get to spend ages picking chocolate afterwards, so it's not so bad. He's always telling me to read more."

Remus turned around. "If you like reading, Hermione, the Hogwarts library is bigger than any muggle library that you'll ever go to. There are thousands of books in there."

"It sounds wonderful," Hermione admitted, looking excited at the prospect. "So, what's it like having a Wizard family?"

"Well, it's just me and my dad. But Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus live nearby, and they stop over all the time."

"Oh, do they live together?" Hermione asked.

Harry nodded. "It's all they can do, though Dad says they act like a married couple. The law won't let them get married yet, but they are fighting the law to get married."

"How do they fight?" Hermione asked, after a moment of shock as her brain processed what Harry had said.

"The Wizengamot," Harry explained. "The heirs to certain families hold seats. My dad has the Potter seat, Uncle Sirius has the Black seat as he's his family's heir, even if they did disown him when he ran away when he was seventeen. His first family were nuts!"

Hermione nodded, feeling slightly overwhelmed with information. "My parents are muggle dentists," she offered instead.

"Cool. I've seen those in movies," Harry said.

Remus stopped outside of the bank. "I imagine you only have your own currency on you," he began. "The shops will only take wizarding money, but the Goblins will exchange for you."

"Goblins?" Helena whispered, looking quite nervous.

"Don't worry, they are harmless unless you're breaking in or stealing," Remus explained, hoping to calm Helena.


Once the money was exchanged, Remus led the way to Madam Malkin's, holding the door open for the Grangers.

"It's best we go here first, as we'll have to return to collect the uniforms in a couple of hours. I suggest buying shirts and skirts, even though they aren't on the list. Some classes get hot, especially in summer, and the students may want to take the robes off. Though my partner, Sirius, would sometimes wear his pyjamas to class."

Harry laughed. "I bet Dad did too."

"They were trying to start a trend," Remus replied.

Hermione was first up, watching the measuring tape in fascination as it moved by itself, measuring her. Once done, Harry had his turn, used to being fitted for new clothes. They left, planning to return later that afternoon to collect the robes.

After a few more stops, Remus pulled out the mirror which was vibrating.


"My darling Moonpie, we're still in here and it's boring as hell. Malfoy has a stick up his arse. You want to know what I think he does with that cane when he's -"

"There are kids here," Remus replied, dryly.

"Kids? Anyone we know?"

"A muggleborn girl called Hermione and her parents. I've been explaining things to them."

"Oh, have you explained about the platform?"

"I will. Do you think you're going to make it for the wand? We're about to eat, but we don't have many stops left."

Sirius sighed. "Not a chance. James is angry. I think he's going to hex Malfoy soon."

"I'll see you when you get back."

"Love you, Moonpie."

"Love you, Padfoot."

He put the mirror away. "Now, before I forget, let me explain how to get onto the platform. It can be quite daunting too, if you're not used to it."


They quickly ate, before heading to get the rest of the supplies. Flourish and Blotts took a while, as both Remus and Hermione browsed the bookshelves eagerly, with Hermione buying 'A History of Hogwarts'. A quick stop into Sugarplum's Sweets Shop, and finally it was time to go to Ollivanders.


Harry glanced down at the box holding his new wand. Ollivander had been very strange, calling his wand 'curious'. Remus had snapped at him, which told Harry something was wrong. Remus never snapped at people.

"Remus, why is it curious? What was he talking about that this is the brother wand to someone else's - someone who has done bad but great things?"

"I'm sorry, Harry. It's not my place. You'll have to speak to your father."

"Mr Lupin, what does it mean - the wood and the core?" Hermione asked, opening her wand box.

"As Ollivander said, the wand chooses the witch or wizard," Remus began, reaching for her box and examining the slip of parchment inside. "Your wand is Vine, which is usually paired with wizards and witches with hidden depths, who seek a greater purpose - who have a vision beyond the ordinary. They are quite sensitive wands when looking for a suitable match. I wouldn't be surprised if Ollivander sensed the magic emitting from the wand the moment you walked into the shop."

Hermione looked fascinated. "And the Dragon Heartstring?"

Remus smiled. "Dragon Heartstring is known to produce wands with the most power. They are capable of the most flamboyant spells. It sounds like you are going to be a very powerful witch, Hermione."

She beamed at him, taking the box back and putting it back into her bag.

"And mine?" Harry asked.

"Yours… Holly which is quite a protective wood. It's not usually paired with phoenix feather, as they are difficult to bond. It's rare for a wand like that to exist."

"Yet there were two?"

"There were," Remus confirmed, hesitantly. "Holly wands often choose owners who are engaged in some dangerous and often spiritual quest."

"Do you think I'd -"

"No, nothing dangerous is going to happen," Remus interrupted. "I think it's more for protection. As for the phoenix feather: this is one of the rarest core types and they are capable of some of the greatest range of magic. These wands are the hardest to tame, like the bird that the feathers come from. Very independant but a very loyal wand once you've won it over."

"You talk like the wands are alive?" Hermione observed.

"Not alive, but aware," Remus explained. "Wands are quasi-sentient, though I must admit that my knowledge on the subject of wands is quite limited. I'm sure there's more about them in the Hogwarts library."


"Dad, Mr Ollivander said some strange things about my wand," Harry said, as his father returned.

"Oh, did he?"

"Yeah. He angered Remus," Harry continued. "He said that it was the brother wand to someone who has done powerful and great things, but bad things."

James looked at Remus, and Harry noticed Remus giving him a strange look.

"Harry, sometimes that happens," James said, leaning down. "It doesn't mean that you're going to be bad too, it just shows that you have a great potential and great power. The wand recognises your power, the fact that the wand is brother to yours in a coincidence."

Sirius grabbed James' arm, dragging him from the room.

"Harry, finish the chapter we were going through, I'll be back in a moment," Remus said, following the others.

Harry nodded, waiting for the kitchen door to shut before heading to listen at the door. He sighed as he realised silencing charms were up.

"James, he's going to find out you're lying to him," Sirius hissed. "You can't fob him off. You always said you'd tell him the truth when he's starting Hogwarts. Do you want to keep lying to him?"

"And tell him what? That an insane man wanted to kill him when he was a baby, and killed his mother? That he's marked by a man who disappeared without leaving a body, that we don't even know is dead? Is that something we can put on an eleven year old?"

"Is that something you can lie to him about?" Remus snapped. "When Ollivander said those things, Harry was suspicious. Lucius Malfoy was a Death Eater and what if his son says something? What about Nott's boy? Crabbe's boy? Goyle's boy?"

"Exactly! Any of them could overhear something at home and tell Harry. He'd be upset if he knew that his father had lied to him. I think it's best you explain to him now. We don't know what happened to Voldemort - we killed him and he came back, then Dumbledore killed him. He could come back again."

"And we agreed that Harry shouldn't deal with that. I don't care at all what the prophecy said, my son isn't going to be the one to kill him," James stated.

"He won't be, but he needs to know the truth."


Harry, Neville and their families waited on the platform for the Grangers, Remus had arranged to meet them there. They turned, looking around nervously until they spotted Remus and Harry.

Remus greeted the Grangers, introducing them, and Harry introduced Hermione to Neville.

"Ready to go through?" Harry asked.

"Shouldn't we wait for the adults?" Hermione asked.

"They'll follow us, don't worry," Harry said, turning to look. Sirius nodded, nudging James' arm.

Harry grabbed his cart and turned it. "Hold on, both of you."

He began to run, the others running too, Hermione let out a whimper as they reached the wall, before looking around in shock as they appeared on the other side.

"It worked?" She whispered.

Harry nodded. "That was fun."

They moved as the adults began to come through in pairs, with Remus escorted Helena who looked completely terrified, Sirius was the last through.

"We just went through a wall," Helena whispered in shock.


"Have fun you lot, don't do anything I wouldn't do," James offered.

"Wait, you mean there's something that we didn't do at Hogwarts?" Sirius asked.

"There was nothing you didn't do," Frank muttered. "The amount of times I took points from you and gave detention… yet you never learned."

"Neither did Frank. It was Remus that came up with how to execute all our pranks. He was the brains behind the operations," Sirius said.

"And I was taking points from the wrong person clearly," Frank laughed.

"It's disgusting, we have to share a platform with… muggles and creatures." Came a cold voice from behind them.

James and Sirius turned around, their gazes on Lucius Malfoy and his family, though Narcissa held back, not looking at her cousin and head of house.

"And yet they are all still better company than you, Malfoy," James replied, coolly.

"I'm shocked they let the animal onto the platform. People are concerned with the safety of their children," Lucius continued, with a pointed look at Remus.

"He's not an animal," Sirius snapped, stalking forward until he was face to face with Lucius.

"A werewolf is an animal," Lucius began.

"Ignore what he's saying," Harry murmured, noticing Hermione's concerned look. "Remus is just like everyone else, except once a month. He's just as human as us."

Alice and Remus ushered the Grangers and kids away from the Malfoys.

"Are you really a Werewolf?" Hermione asked.

Remus nodded. "I assure you all that I'm not dangerous," he insisted.

"It's true," Alice said. "I've known Remus since we were eleven. He's the most mild-mannered person I've ever met. He'd never hurt anyone."

"Well, you've been the friendliest person we've met so far, so you can't be that bad," David offered. "Are there any other magical…"

"Creatures?" Remus finished, noticing David's hesitation on the word. "Yes, quite a few -"

"Uncle Remus, we need to get on the train," Harry interrupted.

Remus turned to where Sirius was being held back by Frank from hitting Lucius, and sighed. "He's going to end up getting arrested. Malfoy calls me an animal just to wind him up. Sirius will never learn."

"I think it's sweet that he's looking out for you," Hermione offered. "If someone insulted my dad, my mum would get angry too!"

"Do you hear that, Remus? Even Hermione thinks that Sirius is the woman in the relationship," Alice teased.

"I didn't… I didn't mean - my parents, it works the other way around. If someone was nasty to my mum…" Hermione babbled, reddening.

"Hermione, she was just teasing you," Helena, laughed. She hugged her daughter. "Send me a letter as soon as possible! Don't forget!"

"Harry, you have the mirror, don't you?" Remus asked.

Harry nodded.

James, Sirius and Frank walked over, and the group began to say their goodbyes. "Have a good time," James said. "I'll miss you!"

"I'll miss you all too," Harry said, hugging his family in turn. "I bet none of the Professors are as good as Remus."

"Have a wonderful time in Hogwarts. Use the mirror, I want to know what house you're in!" James added, walking them to the door of the train, and casting some lightweight charms on the trunks, before lifting them on.

The three of them found an empty compartment near where their families stood on the platform, and waved at them until they finally left.

"I'm so excited," Hermione admitted. "I've read Hogwarts, a History. It's fascinating. I think I might end up in Ravenclaw, though Gryffindor sounds good too."

"My parents said it doesn't matter where I end up," Neville offered.

"So did Dad, Sirius, and Remus. But I know Dad and Sirius would be upset if I ended up in Slytherin," Harry told them.


James sat in his chair at the Ministry, listening to the Chief Warlock read out the notices. He was only there to ensure that Lucius wasn't trying to pass a ridiculous bill… again, and to make sure that Lucius didn't try and take down the law they were trying to change.

Lucius was too far stuck in the past, and Sirius and James were trying to get the Wizarding world to move forward. Muggles had a lot of things right - equal rights for a start, that and same-sex marriages.

And that was what they were fighting for - so Sirius could finally tie the knot with Remus, though Lucius was fighting hard against it. The Wizengamot were dragging their feet in making a choice. Too much discussion and not enough action.

"I don't see why we should change our ways," Lucius drawled, and James' head fell forward, hitting the table. It was a fragile line that Lucius trod, trying to prevent the law change. James suspected that the only reason Lucius was fighting it was because of him and Sirius fighting hard against Lucius' own laws.

Lucius was going to end up getting hexed by Sirius, or getting the whole Auror department searching his estate for dark artefacts… again, at this rate.

It had taken everything they had - every favour that members of the Wizengamot owed them, to get the votes for equal rights for magical creatures such as Werewolves, Veela and Vampires.

Now the law stated that all companies had to hire someone with creature or beast status. It meant that Remus would finally be able to get a job, now that Harry was at Hogwarts and no longer in need of a private tutor.

If the law hadn't gone though, Remus would have gone through all the disappointment he had in his younger days of being hired and fired too many times, and falling into depression. This wouldn't happen again.


Hermione told the pair, in great detail, all she had read about Hogwarts in the book. Neville was listening intently, but Harry's attention had drifted to the window.

It wasn't long before a red-headed boy came into the carriage, asking to sit with them. Harry nodded, and the boy took a seat next to Hermione on the other side.

"I'm Ron. Ron Weasley," the boy offered, looking between the three of them.

"I'm Hermione Granger," Hermione replied.

"Neville Longbottom."

"Harry Potter," Harry said. "I think I've met your brother… Charlie? I think he babysat me a couple of times."

Ron nodded his head. "He's in Romania now, studying dragons," he replied, before reaching into his pocket and withdrawing a fat rat that was fast asleep.

Harry turned to Hermione. "How were your parents after Diagon Alley?"

"It was a lot for them to take in - we were coming to terms with the fact that magic existed, then to find out that there are magical beings like Goblins, was quite the shock," Hermione replied. "Though I wasn't expecting to meet a Werewolf! I bet they are just as shocked at your Uncle being a Werewolf, though he's very nice. Could you ask him what books he would recommend in the library, if it's as big as he says, I don't think I'd know where to start."

"Your uncle is a Werewolf?" Ron asked, and Harry frowned slightly at Ron's tone.

"Yeah, he is," Harry replied. "He's been one since before I was even born and he's just the same as everybody else."

Ron had the sense to look abashed at Harry's words.

Silence fell over the compartment for a bit, and Hermione pulled out one of her books to read.

Harry passed the time by looking out of the window.

It wasn't long before the sweet-cart made its rounds.

Harry jumped up and rushed over. His dad and Sirius had both given him a lot of money for sweets. He looked back at Ron who was pulling out soggy sandwiches and Hermione who was looking at her Wizarding coins in confusion. He knew that the Weasleys weren't well off, so quickly decided to treat everyone, grabbing four of everything, and a large stack of chocolate frogs, and handing over the money.

He dropped it onto the chair. "I got something for all of us," he said. Ron looked embarrassed for a moment, before realising Harry was treating them all and not singling him out because he was poor.

After explaining to Hermione about the Bertie Botts Beans, he divided everything up. The other three thanked him, and Ron opened a chocolate frog, shoving the chocolate in his mouth before examining the card.

"I have over 500 cards," he told the others. "Do any of you lot collect?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, but I've only got around 250."

Neville shook his head.

"I've never had a chocolate frog before," Hermione said. "But I used to collect some cards back home. They were interesting, they came with a magazine each week and were about famous people -"

"Well, there are some I'm missing, so if you get them, we can swap," Ron interrupted.

"Chocolate frog cards are similar, with famous people in the wizarding world," Neville explained to Hermione, who eagerly reached for one of the frogs.

"I have Dumbledore, she announced, holding the card in one hand and the chocolate frog tightly in the other. She glanced at it nervously. "It can't… feel me bite it, can it?"

"It's not alive, it's just a bit of magic to make the chocolate able to move," Harry explained, reaching for one of the frogs on his own pile.

There was a period of silence as the chocolate frogs were opened and the cards examined. Ron frowned. "I have all of these," he said, tossing them aside onto the seat, before reaching for the box of Bertie Bott's Beans. Hermione was pouring over her cards, eagerly reading the information on them.

"These are fascinating," she said. "I think I'll start collecting these." Ron glanced at the cards she had. She gasped as the picture moved, and Harry explained about Wizarding pictures.

Harry pocketed a couple of cards he didn't have, before passing the rest to Hermione to start her collection. Neville did the same, and Hermione thanked them, before sifting through the cards.

"Anne Boleyn?" she said, her eyes widened. "I didn't know she was a witch. I've always found Henry the Eighth to be a fascinating character study, and his wives of course. I even did a project about them in school - I got full marks due to all the research and information on each of his wives, but I never found anything that showed she was really a witch."

"I need that card," Ron said, staring at it.

Hermione frowned slightly. "I'm really sorry, but I have always been fascinated by King Henry the Eighth's wives, I'm going to keep this card. Maybe you would like to swap for a different one?"

Ron shook his head. "I need that card for me collection. You can swap for one of these?" he grabbed his cards from the seat next to him, thrusting them in her direction, but Hermione shook her head too

Ron looked annoyed when he realised that Hermione wasn't going to swap with him. There was a brief awkward silence, before Hermione grabbed her bag, putting her cards away.

"We should be there soon, so I'm going to go to the toilet and change into my robes now. I suggest you lot make use of the compartment whilst I'm not here and do the same?" she said, bossily, before disappearing.

The three boys quickly changed.. "Nightmare that one," Ron offered. "I hope she's not in the same house as me!"

Harry glared at Ron. Hermione may have been a bit bossy, and talked about books more than anyone (except Remus of course), but she was his friend and he enjoyed her company.

5000 words

Review please :)