Marinette Dupain-Cheng…. Ladybug

Marinette's heart nearly stopped as her eyes focused on the words, her mouth going dry. There was no way this could happen; as soon as someone saw her behind a mask, they'd surely recognize her to actually be Ladybug. As she read who was to play her partner, a blush crept across her face.

Adrien Agreste…...… Chat Noir

She wasn't surprised, really. Adrien was one of the most talented people Marinette knew, and she could certainly see the resemblance. Blond hair, green eyes, same build. Not to mention that Adrien almost always got the lead in the plays, though Marinette had to admit it was probably more so due to his social status than his actual acting skills. But just imagining Adrien Agreste firing bad cat puns at her and flirting nonstop with her as Ladybug, her blush deepened in color and she jumped in surprise as a hand touched her shoulder. To her dismay, Adrien was standing behind her. He offered her an encouraging smile, but his gaze seemed elsewhere. Marinette couldn't decipher his expression. Adrien looked pleased, but he also seemed a bit...worried? About what? That Marinette had been chosen to be Ladybug? Was he disappointed?

"I look forward to working with you, milady," Adrien teased, leaning down in a bow and sounding so much like Chat Noir that Marinette almost retorted as she normally would, but the words were less certain than when she was Ladybug, as if she were hesitant to say them to Adrien, her friend, rather than her flirtatious partner.

"And I'm stuck with a stray," Marinette groaned in mock dismay. She offered him a sly smile when she saw Adrien's expression of surprise morph into a smirk. "Don't push your luck, kitty cat."

"I wouldn't dream of it," Adrien replied smoothly. He smiled again, looking at Marinette with new interest. "You're pretty good at this. Did you audition for Ladybug?" Marinette's cheeks reddened once more and she shook her head.

"Thanks, I can see why they cast you. You're not a bad Chat Noir yourself. Though you forgot the bad puns." The edge of Adrien's mouth twitched into a wider smile.

"Why, you act as though making puns is a catastrophe." Marinette rolled her eyes. It would be fun acting with Adrien. But she had to be careful not to get too comfortable in her role. She had to make sure not to do it too perfectly. Marinette glanced at the clock on the wall before turning back to Adrien.

"I've got to go, but I'll see you later at rehearsals." She wrinkled her nose. "Surely you can come up with a better pun than that, Chat." Before he could reply, Marinette spun on her heel and walked back to her locker, glancing back once to see Adrien staring at her with the strangest expression on his face. Marinette started when two hands suddenly pulled her backward into a nearby classroom.

"Are you two perfect or what?" Alya asked excitedly, her golden brown eyes wide. Marinette scowled and crossed her arms.

"Alya, I told you that I didn't want to be in the Ladybug play. I'm too busy to-"

"Come on, Marinette, don't even pretend that you're not the perfect person for the role. And you get to lead with Adrien Agreste! This should be a dream come true!"

"I've told you before that Adrien is nothing like Chat Noir. How could you bring him down to Chat's level? Ugh, you know how Chat is always flirting with Ladybug. I do not want to act with Adrien like that. Even though he'" Marinette threw her hands up in the air. "This can't work out, Alya. I've given you my reasons many times and you still cast me as Ladybug."

"Would you rather that Chloe lead with him?" Alya drew out in reply. Marinette disliked the idea completely but couldn't help but weakly protest,

"You did think that Chloe was Ladybug once." Alya rolled her eyes and waved her hand in the air.

"Look around, Marinette! No one could possibly be a better Ladybug than you. Your hair, your eyes, all you really need to do is be more confident!"

"Did you even ask Ladybug and Chat Noir if they wanted a play written about them?" Marinette asked, already knowing the answer. Her frown deepened. "It's practically fanfiction, Alya. And I know you write a lot of it, but this is taking it to a whole other level." Marinette cringed as she thought of all the "LadyNoir" fanfiction Alya had shown her recently with the approach of Valentine's Day. Marinette was no stranger to being part of a fandom and she understood, partly, that people would write stories about their beloved heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir, but it didn't make reading them any less embarrassing. She desperately hoped Chat Noir didn't read them; God forbid he get any ideas from them. It didn't help that last year she'd had to save Chat Noir from an akuma by kissing him, which only fueled the fire of the ship. Even now Marinette's face felt warm remembering it. It had been her first kiss after all...

"Well, I haven't asked them, but I'm sure they would be fine with it." Marinette raised an eyebrow, half tempted to swing by Alya's place later as Ladybug and tell her otherwise. "Plus, I'm going to invite them to come watch the premiere of the play on Valentine's night!" Marinette's face immediately paled.


"Do you think they'd come?" Alya thought aloud, beginning to pace in the classroom. Marinette tried to keep a straight face, frantically searching for a reason why they couldn't.

"Well, they'd p-probably be busy patrolling or something. Besides, you're practically asking them to come watch a romance about them! I-I don't think Ladybug w-would enjoy that very much. You know how she feels about Chat Noir's advances. Oh God, can you even imagine what Chat would do after watching such a thing?" Alya stared at her friend for a moment before she laughed.

"We'll see," she replied mischievously. Marinette did not like the look on Alya's face. "Perhaps it's all part of a greater plan, hm?" Marinette rubbed her temples, stifling a groan.

"I can't believe I put up with this," she muttered to herself. The last thing Chat needed was encouragement to flirt with her. Marinette looked up at Alya, a slight hardness in her gaze. "Just remember that Ladybug and Chat Noir are people too, and you don't know who they really are. What if one of them is already in a relationship or has feelings for someone else? What if someone wrote fanfiction about you and Nino?" Alya raised her hands up in defense.

"Woah, ok girl, I got it. Though I wouldn't mind reading that fanfic," she answered with a wink. "So you'll be at rehearsal tomorrow?" Marinette sighed and stared into Alya's eyes for several seconds before offering a small smile.

"I guess I don't really have a choice, now do I?"

| oOOOo |

"Marinette, what are you going to do if Alya invites Ladybug to the play?" Tikki poked her head out of the purse as Marinette walked down the street.

"Politely decline, I guess. I know it will probably make Alya upset, but I can't watch the play as Ladybug and be in the play at the same time! How did I get myself into this mess? I didn't even audition!" Marinette shook her head, her two pigtails bobbing slightly. "I really want to be in the play with Adrien, but it's too risky. Maybe I should just march back there and-" Several screams erupted from the direction of the school. Marinette immediately whipped around, tensing.

"Do you think it's a akuma?" Tikki asked, now flying out of the purse and hovering by Marinette's shoulder.

"It's definitely a possibility. Should we transform first and investigate or just-" Another set of screams. Marinette's eyes hardened. "I guess transform first." Marinette glanced around her for any unwanted supervisors and ran behind a building, Tikki right behind her. Marinette brushed her hair behind her ear and activated her miraculous.

"Tikki, spots on!" Marinette smiled as the magical energy engulfed her body, a surge of strength, flexibility, and heightened awareness accompanying the indestructible suit. As soon as the glow faded, Marinette, now Ladybug, leaped onto the building and made her way toward the schoolyard. She studied the scene quickly, noticing the figure who stalked the students. The villainess was clothed in a dusty brown knee-length dress, her stone-gray boots matching the belt of rocks upon her waist. Her face was concealed behind a jagged gray mask of the same shade of her hard gray eyes. The girl's sandy blonde hair was pulled back into a braid. Ladybug searched the villain for her akuma and decided it had to be the rock embedded in the pendant of her silver necklace.

The akumatized girl suddenly lifted her hands, a small gem in the rock of her necklace glowing, and a jagged spike of rock erupted from the earth, throwing the students standing in that spot several hundred feet into the air. Ladybug gasped and hurled her yo-yo toward the falling students, slowing their fall so they could safely reach the ground and flee.

The akuma glared at Ladybug and summoned a rock from the ground beneath her, creating a platform and raising herself to the rooftop's height.

"Looks like we're off to a rocky start," Chat Noir greeted, landing in a crouch next to Ladybug, who rolled her eyes.

"I think the akuma is in her necklace," she whispered in reply, purposefully ignoring the pun. Chat Noir studied the villainess for a moment. Ladybug's gaze focused on the girl as Hawk Moth's purple visor lit into existence.

"Chasmatias, the miraculouses!"

"That was fast," Ladybug remarked dryly. Chat let out a purr.

"Well, you are quite a gem, milady. I'm surprised she hadn't tried to catch you earlier." Ladybug glared at him for a second before Chasmatias raised her hands, rock shooting out of the ground and twisting in the air around the two superheroes. Chat Noir leaped out just before the cage was complete, turning to stare at Ladybug with wide eyes. More tendrils curled around Ladybug's feet and hands. Panic fluttered in Ladybug's chest as the akuma drew closer, laughing rather harshly.

"I told you I would get them for you!" She cried to Hawk Moth, leaning down and smiling at Ladybug, their eyes locked. "Sorry to disappoint you, Ladybug, but I shall not be so easily defeated." Chasmatias reached toward Ladybug's earrings as the heroine struggled violently against the rock. Chat Noir growled.

"Keep your dirty hands off of her!" He then leaped toward Chasmatias, tackling the girl off of her platform and sending both of them plummeting to the ground. The villainess screamed and frantically summoned a large pile of dirt to cushion her fall. Chat extended his staff and dug it into the dirt, the momentum throwing him sideways before he tumbled back onto the ground.

On the roof, Ladybug struggled against her rock prison, but she couldn't move her hand enough to reach her yo-yo. Thankfully she hadn't used her Lucky Charm yet; she would have enough power to last for several hours yet. Ladybug blinked as Chat Noir's green eyes peered through the stone bars. He winked at her and summoned his Cataclysm before pressing his hand firmly against the stone.

"Ah, gneiss to see you again," Chat quipped as the cage disintegrated, helping Ladybug stand up again. Chasmatias' figure rose above the roof top, her gem glowing brightly.

"Don't think you'll get away!" She snapped, once more summoning a cage. This time, Chat Noir and Ladybug leaped nimbly out of the way. Ladybug glanced at Chat in concern as his ring beeped once, but his expression remained determined.

"We've got a couple minutes." He swung his staff at some advancing columns of rock, shattering them. "I'm not sure how long I can keep this up, though." Ladybug nodded once in affirmation and prepared to summon her Charm when she was suddenly propelled backwards off the roof. She could only manage a small gasp as the air was knocked from her lungs when she hit the ground rolling. After several seconds, the dust cleared and she could see Chat standing beside her in a fighting stance. Chasmatias stepped closer to them, smirking.

"Think fast." The ground beneath them rippled and the two heroes sank downwards at an alarming rate.

"It's quicksand!" Ladybug called to Chat when he tried to leap out of the pit. "You can't get out that way!" Chat Noir stopped struggling and stared at her.

"Quicksand? In Paris?" He sounded a little doubtful.

"It must be part of Chasmatias' powers!" Ladybug replied, turning her attention to the villainess as Chasmatias laughed, throwing her head back.

"Of course it's my doing. How else was I supposed to ensure that you didn't escape?" Ladybug's eyebrows furrowed as her mind worked frantically. She looked around, trying to steady her breathing and come up with a plan. Ladybug still had her yo-yo in her hand, but it seemed Chat Noir had dropped his staff. It didn't matter; Ladybug could still use her power.

"Lucky Charm!" She cried, throwing the yo-yo up In a flash of bright light, a hammer fell back into Ladybug's hands. "How is this supposed to help us get out of here?" She thought in a moment of frustration. Tikki's small voice filled Ladybug's mind.

I wouldn't give it to you without a reason. You can figure it out, Marinette! Ladybug nodded to herself. Chat Noir gulped as the sand reached the bottom of his chest. Another beep came from his ring.

"I don't know, but please don't pro-cat-stinate!" Ladybug glanced around, observing all of the details around her and creating connections. She abruptly smiled as her plan was complete.

"Got it!" Ladybug turned to Chat Noir. "Start moving your legs, slowly, apart. It will allow the water to go down and will loosen the sand's grip. When I say 'now', grab onto me." Chat nodded before adding slyly,

"Can't say I would mind that." Ladybug pressed her palm to her forehead in exasperation before she concentrated on loosening the sand's grip on her body. All this time, Chasmatias was walking closer.

"Come now, don't get any bright ideas. I'll just take the miraculouses and then we'll be done. How's that sound?" Chasmatias crooned, stepping to kneel by Chat Noir. As soon as Ladybug felt a shift in the quicksand, she hurled her yo-yo toward Chat's staff and caught it in one hand. Her body twisted as she then tossed the staff toward a crevice between two buildings, her yo-yo following shortly after and curling around the staff. Ladybug glanced at Chat questioningly. He nodded in response.

"Now!" With that, Chat grabbed Ladybug's hand and she pulled them up out of the pit with her yo-yo. They came free with a hollow sucking noise. Chat retrieved his staff as Chasmatias let out a cry of frustration.

"What's the hammer for?" Chat Noir asked, shooting a sideways glance at Ladybug. She grinned.

"For this!" Ladybug leaped over the approaching girl. Time seemed to slow down as Ladybug pulled the necklace over the villainess' head, landing in a crouch behind her. Chasmatias screamed and turned toward Ladybug, but Chat Noir intercepted her.

"Earth-shattering news! Chasmatias is history!" Ladybug flung the necklace onto the ground and brought the hammer down hard on the rock, shattering the edges. A dark butterfly fluttered out of the remains. Ladybug opened her yo-yo and began to swing it like a pendulum.

"You're finished, little akuma." The yo-yo increased in speed and arched upwards into a full circle. "I free you from evil!" Ladybug shouted, throwing her yo-yo towards the butterfly and catching it in a white halo. "Gotcha!" Ladybug released the cleansed butterfly and watched it fly away with a small smile on her face.

"Bye-bye, pretty butterfly." She retrieved the hammer from the ground and tossed it into the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!" As the magic reverted everything back to normal, Ladybug and Chat fistbumped, grinning at each other.

"Pound it!" Ladybug's earrings beeped a warning and Chat sighed.

"I guess we better go," he observed reluctantly. "See you around." Ladybug grabbed his arm and offered a tender half-smile, a rarity.

"Thanks for the help, kitty. I'll see you soon." Chat's eyes widened slightly as he considered the implications, but he brushed it off. She meant the next mission, of course.

"Milady," Chat replied, bowing. Ladybug was relieved that he didn't push the moment. And then he was gone, leaping over rooftops. Ladybug watched until he vanished from her sight. She turned to make her own exit, but Alya chose that moment to intercept her.

"Wow, Ladybug! You and Chat Noir did an amazing job taking down Chasmatias! I didn't know if you would escape the quicksand in time! And then you guys-" Ladybug laughed, a bit nervously.

"Yeah, glad that we could help." Her miraculous beeped again.

Marinette, we need to go soon! I don't have much energy left, Tikki warned.

"I should probably go." Alya kept pace with Ladybug as she started to walk away.

"Wait! I needed to ask you something! My school is putting on a play and I was wondering if you and Chat Noir might want to come see it? It's on Valentine's night! It is in your honor, after all." Ladybug almost choked, but refrained from doing so. In her honor? Yeah right, more like Alya fulfilling her headcanons in the closest thing to reality she can get. Ladybug turned to Alya and politely answered,

"I don't think that will be possible, since we're really busy. I'd love to and we'll see, but I really doubt that I can make it. I'm sorry." Alya seemed a little put-off, but she brightened and adjusted her grip on her phone.

"I totally understand! I look forward to seeing you there!" Another beep from the miraculous; Tikki was getting nervous. Ladybug bit her lip.

"I've really got to go." As an afterthought, Ladybug winked at the camera of Alya's phone. "See you later, Ladybloggers!" And with that, Ladybug threw her yo-yo upwards and soared onto the nearest building, running as far as she could before the transformation wore off.

As Marinette walked back home, her thoughts were in a flurry. How was she going to get out of this play mess?