Wicked Game

Rated M for mature audiences, contains scenes of a graphic sexual nature. Turn back now, underages. Otherwise, enjoy the erotica…

Chapter One :: The World Is So Cold

You wake up to the feeling of ice pricking at the skin of your back. The air is thin and dense, and you can feel your breath leave your lips as you find it all the more difficult to breathe. You can feel your soul slipping away. A bright light in the sky beckons you closer as it tempts you to embrace the afterlife that awaits you. But before you let yourself fall deeper into the temptation of death, a sharp pain suddenly rings through your body and reminds you that you are mortal. Fear envelopes you. You're on the edge of life. And suddenly on instinct, you resist.

No! You inwardly scream. I… I can't die yet! I… I can't…

You take a sharp intake of breath as you desperately hold on to your life, and the blinding light quickly dissipates into the darkness. Your eyes fly open as wide as they could go, and you draw a breath so deep that you could practically taste the dampness of the air in your throat. For a few confusing seconds, you stare vacantly into the dark sky as the firm grip of death unfurls its claws from around your neck. And you feel yourself returning to your body once more. With a relieving sigh, you realise…

I'm alive.

You find yourself lying on a deep mound of snow. Your bare arms are numb as the coldness claims them. Your legs are cemented to the ground as they refuse to move. And your entire body is heavy, stiff, and comatose.

Yet, determination fills you as you push yourself to anchor your elbows against your sides, and you struggle to lift the weight of your torso against the unyielding gravity that refuses to let you go. It relentlessly pulls you back to the icy ground, and you almost break into a sweat as you fight to inch yourself upwards. Finally, you can feel the nerves in your body return to you. But the pain that you experienced moments ago struck like lightning down the muscles of your right leg.

"Aaahhn…" you groan as the sharp sting rips through your nerves towards your inner thighs, and you throw your head back as you fall back to the ground, defeated. The feeling makes your shudder for a moment, and you bite down on your lower lip as you suck air in through your teeth. This seems to ease the pain a little.

Slowly, you try once more as you push yourself harder this time. You battle through the aching pain. It licks your innards mercilessly, and your breathing becomes heavier. As you grit your teeth harder, every inch of you shakes as you finally manage to sit upright with your arms propped up behind you. With a deep sigh of relief, you can rest for a moment.

A large slab of ice beside you quickly catches your attention. It's crystal clear, completely untouched, and your eyes widen in surprise as you glimpse at your reflection staring back at you. You look like a stranger, an outsider looking in, but as you manage to lift your elongated fingers to your cheek, you flinch in shock as you watched the stranger in the reflection mimic your actions. The icy tinge of your fingertips bite your skin and you winch.

Your hair is unkempt with messy strands sticking out in all directions. It delicately frames the shape of your face and draws attention to the brightness in your heavy-lidded eyes. Your fingers follow the curve of your cheekbone towards your full lips. Then as your mouth forms a perfect oval, you ran your tongue over the shape and delight in its softness. Your fingertips touch over the liquid trail.

Then your eyes follow the contours of your figure, and your wandering hands follow suit. Your curious exploration of your own body feels strangely familiar and new all at the same time. As you move your fingers over your exposed neck, over your collarbone and lightly across your shoulder blades, you suddenly feel strangely uneasy about the clothing you wear.

A blue dress.

You tuck your thumbs under the thin black straps of the dress, and continue to trace the hem as it curves just below your cleavage. A small blush quickly flourishes over your features as you suddenly notice how you aren't wearing a bra underneath, and your breasts are noticeably accentuated by the design of the tight cinch around your waist. The ocean-coloured material wraps snugly around your torso, and despite the tight fitting bodice exaggerating your cinched waist, it feels easy to move around in. The skirt flaring over your hipbones lies in a crumbled pool all around you, and its length reaches a little above your knees.

Your blush deepens as your curiosity goes further. Your fingers pinch the material of the skirt, and you slowly bring it over your thighs. You suddenly grow a little hot, despite the snow still pricking at your skin, and you almost choke at the sight at the patterned hem of your stockings. You dread that you might find a distinctive lack of underwear beneath your dress, and your fingers tremble in anticipation as they move reluctantly over your hipbone.

A sigh of relief escapes your lips. You feel the fabric of your panties completely cover your sensitive skin. But as you shoot a glance at your reflection in the ice, your lips form an unsteady thin line as you notice how thin the material stretches at the back, until it becomes barely a thread covering your behind. You drop the skirt back down and dismiss it altogether, for the sake of your sanity.

You decide to turn your attention to your front and continue your exploration. Your eyes drop to the stockings thinly covering over your legs. It was dark enough to exaggerate the shapely elongated muscles, which still stings with light touches of pain every once in a while. Your shoes are black high heels with straps tightened over your ankles, and you wonder how this choice of footwear fit the environment at all.

The dress… the stockings… the heels… why would I wear this when it's so cold and snowy outside? And… wh-what's this?

A thin black arm band suddenly catches your attention on your upper arm. You squint your eyes quizzically at it for a moment as you scan the patterned swirl stretching elegantly around your arm. You can't find any other jewellery other than the band that wrapped so perfectly around your skin. And, without warning, it strikes a nostalgic chord in the very depths of you.

Pain. It flares inside your mind like a sudden burst of fire. You double forward as you clutch on to your temples, and you grit your teeth as you ride through the pulsating aches torturing every inch of you.

And suddenly, you remember…

You see yourself with your toes edging over the side of a cliff. You recognise this place. It's the one place that has been told in folktales for centuries. It's the one place that no one should ever dare to tread. Its legend has terrified and fascinated human beings for as long as many can remember. The legend… that anyone who climbs to the summit… will never return.

Mount Ebott.

You feel tears streaking down your face. You violently tremble as the harsh winds shake your nerves to the core. You vacantly stare towards the misty distance. It's hard to see farther than the snowstorm clouding and encircling your figure. Even so, you know that you're at the peak of the summit. You're at the centre of the legend. You're fearless and terrified at the same time.

The wind threatens to push you back, as if the very nature of this mountain begs that you turn back. But you refuse. Instead, you inch yourself forward until your toes hang off the edge. You can feel it now. The adrenaline shoots like a rocket deep within your bones. You want this more than anything else. You feel a maddening grin struggle to light up your face, despite the falling tears flowing like rivers down your warm cheeks. This is it. You lean forward as your blurred eyes look towards the misty abyss. This is it.

In a moment, everything will end. You're fine with that. The whistling wind rushing past you suddenly mutes. And as you close your eyes, thoughts cross your mind one final time.

I'm so… very tired… of this world.

You spread your arms out with an elegant stretch, and fall.

This is your only memory. You sit in the snow with your eyes stretching wide. You're panting heavy breaths and grabbing fistfuls of hair in your hands from the harsh comedown. The pain of remembering this singular moment was almost too much. The pain that it wrought was even greater.

Why would I do something like that?

You quickly lift your gaze to the skies. You wonder if that's where you fell, and if you landed here with the snow to break your fall. It's plausible. You glance at your injured leg and figured this must have taken most of the damage. It's very plausible.

You wonder why you're still alive. You remember the sinking feeling in your stomach as you stood on the mouth of the cliff, you remember the sudden rush of adrenaline as you plummeted towards the Earth, you remember bracing yourself for all of this to end… for your next life to take you… you remember… you remember wanting to die.

And yet, here you are. At the last possible stretch of life, you fought to keep it. Why?

You fan out your crumbled skirt and steadily manage to balance yourself on your feet. You wince from the sharp pain stabbing at your leg, but you refuse to give it attention. You push yourself up from the ground, shake off the lingering snow clinging to your behind, and stand tall upon the mound as your heels sink deeply into the snow. You lightly touch over the arm band wrapped around your skin, and your eyes glaze.

It doesn't matter why I did that. I'm alive now. That's all that matters.

No use clinging to the past that you lost, because you believe something within you refused to die. There's a deeply ingrained strength within you that forces you to keep going. And it is that strength that you hold on to. You have no recollection of who you are. All you have that you claim your own is your will to live. Determination.

So… this is what it feels like to be reborn.

You stumble down the snowy mound and almost fall backwards as a heel slipped from under you. Quickly, your instincts kick in as you skilfully catch your balance once again. You blink in disbelief for a moment. You have good motor skills. In your previous life, you must have been very physically fit. You nonchalantly straighten your skirt as you find flat ground.

Your eyes scan the area. There was a long stretch of a path that disappeared into the distance, no doubt covered by the misty snow that lightly began to shower the air. The path was lined with snow-covered pines and dying trees, and the darkness that emanated from the density was almost terrifying. You can't tell if its day or night here as the indistinguishable light source came from directly above you, but it was too faint to brighten the place.

You walk a few paces along the path and search for any signs of life. The snow on the ground looks untouched, but the pathways looks as if they had been cleared away. Your heels crunch against the icy gravel beneath your feet, and you walk in stride as your full strength has returned to you at last. You gently massage the back of your neck as you stretch. It feels good. You accidentally let out a small moan as you roll your head to the side. You feel like your entire body is finally unhinging.

Suddenly, you freeze as an unpleasant shiver runs down your spine. You could swear you heard something snap behind you in the distance. It echoed to terrifying volumes and made its presence known. You tremble slightly as you realise you're not alone. You feel something is with you. You feel their eyes tracing every inch of you. A shudder rings through your entire figure, and you quickly pick up the pace of your steps.

It's no use. No matter how fast you walk, no matter how you try to ignore it, you can feel something intensely watching your every move. You pray that you knew how to defend yourself in your past life.

Soon you approach a tall wooden fence barely blocking your path with a bridge stretching over a dark abyss. It wouldn't be much of an obstacle for you, but the fence and the bridge were so shoddily made. The planks look unsafe, the wood had splintered like a cactus, and you're hesitant to touch an inch of it.

Before you could even attempt to pick up your nerves, you feel something warm tinge the back of your neck. It feels like a moistened breath panting heavily against you. The feeling shoots several shivers up and down your back, but you're too stiff with terror to shudder. You don't want to move in the slightest. Then you quietly whimper as you feel the presence move closer towards you, until its hot breath brushes wayward strands over your spine. You take a slow intake of breath at the feeling.

"Human." Its voice is low and gruff. Your ears prick into a hot flush at the sound. "Don't you know how to greet a new pal?"

You feel a single bead of sweat crawling down the back of your neck over the bumps of your spine. And you hear faint ruffling of clothes move directly behind you.

"Turn around. Take my hand." It speaks so low that you barely recognise it to be human. It… can't be human…

Gradually, as your nerves finally pick up, you slightly turn your head to the side. You pause for a moment to take a deep breath. C'mon, girl, you can do this. Then, you turn all the way.

Your bright eyes widen as far as they can go. You're met with two black voids. Your mind spins at the possibility. Somehow you know that this is completely implausible… somehow you know this is totally and utterly absurd… but you find yourself in disbelief… staring into the darkened eyes of a grinning skeleton.

He's holding his hand out for you, presumably for you to shake it. You go against our common sense and stretch out your hand, and your elongated fingers tremble as they edge towards the bony structure of his hand. Your fingertips barely brush across the bumpy texture when he suddenly pulls it away in complete surprise.

"Y… you're not the kid…"

His smile looks incredibly shaken. For a moment, you wonder how a skeleton's smile could ever falter, but you watch as he takes a second to regain his composure. It didn't take long.

"I mean… sorry about that. I was… expecting someone else."

You brush a few stray strands of hair behind your ear as you watch him curiously. You don't know if you've ever seen a fully dressed living skeleton before, but something within you tells you that you haven't. You're entranced in aw-stricken wonder as the skeleton changes his expressions so easily on his face, despite his head being entirely made of solid bone. You could see clear drops of sweat forming over his temples, and the bone of his eyebrows shaping the emotion in his empty eyes. There's even slight traces of blue-tinted heat highlighting his flustered expression. His grin still looks slightly shaken, and you wonder why…

Then, a light flush appears scattered over your nose as you realise you've been staring in wordless wonderment for too long. You hope that you have the ability to speak.

"Oh! Um! Sorry, yeah…, th-that's okay. But you scared me a little…" Your voice is hoarse as you decide to be truthful, and you press your hand to your heartbeat. You feel it pumping hard against your palm.

"Heh, sorry. Although you scared me too for a sec' there." Then, you're startled the second you caught a glimpse of a glowing blue iris flash in the centre of his left eye, "We don't often get humans wandering the underground."

"Is… is that right? And is this where we are right now? The underground?" You ask as your heavy eyes flicker around the darkened skies.

"You got it. I don't know if you're aware or not, but even so… I'll be blunt with you." He heavily steps forward, keeps you in his sights as his resilient grin becomes intimidating and his vacant eyes become empty, "Down here, no one's looking for trouble. We got peaceful lives that we intend to keep. Monsters like me have been trapped in the underground by the human's will for far too long, so I doubt anyone is going to take too kindly if one more human pushes it. You get what I'm saying?"

You quickly wave your hands in front of you in defeat as you take an unsteady step backwards to the mouth of the bridge. The skeleton's face draws so close that you can feel his heavy breath on your skin again, and you grow hotter uncontrollably. Your nerves are shot, but you somehow manage to find your voice again.

"Yeah… trust me, I don't want to cause any trouble here. I just want… um, I just…"

I just want to live.

The skeleton notices how you are lost for words. For a second, you notice an intimidating gleam in his eyes as the pinprick whites of his irises fiercely stares at you, as if for a brief moment he debates on whether or not to kill you right then and there. But as he continues to look at you, he assesses you intently as you feel your entire figure heat up in response. The skeleton is not afraid to look over every single inch of you. And as he does so, you notice his mouth open slightly, as if he had to take a breath. You can feel his intense gaze burning deep into your skin, you can hear his breathing hitch in his throat, and you can feel the growing warmth radiating from his bones.

You momentarily wonder how skeletons can produce this much heat, and why he's suddenly looking so hot and bothered…

Your eyes widen a little as you curiously notice a glowing light illuminating between his lips. As you look closer, you can make out an elongated tongue edging itself to the corner of his mouth. You aren't sure if he's noticing the saliva slowly dripping wantonly off the tip of his tongue, or that his drooling is making his hungry gaze become filled with animalistic desire. But you notice. You notice, and you think… you kind of like it.

"Hey… listen…" He speaks between breaths as if he's trying to rip away from a trance, "I'm… supposed to be on guard for humans right now, and I'm actually supposed to capture you and take you to the authorities… but, y'see, I don't really care about any of that…"

"No?" Your head is slightly spinning. There is too much heat filling up your face as you continue to feel his warm breath lightly tinge your bare skin.

"Nah. I tend to keep myself as distant from human beings as possible. Especially considering this one kid…" His voice suddenly trails off, and you wonder if he meant the kid he mentioned earlier. He shakes his head dismissively, "Well, anyway, I don't really care about turning anyone in. But, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in a human's motives."

He steps aside but keeps his steady gaze on you at all times. You feel as if his eyes alone locks you in place. He has an overwhelming presence that he hides behind his carefree grin, and you can see through it. He doesn't trust you at all. And his suspicious tone of voice proves it,

"I don't normally do this, but I'll be upfront with you." The small blue spark of light in his eye flashes for a second once again as he stares you down, "What are you doing in the underground? I mean, what do you really intend to do here?"

You're lost for words. You're not sure what kind of answer he's expecting, or if you know the right answer that will spare your life. You only know that if you give the wrong kind of response, then the initial purpose of falling into the underground will be fulfilled. You will be killed. Simple as that.

You wonder about being completely honest, and you decide that is the better option. Maybe the will to live is waning, but you feel as if you have practically nothing to lose…

"I don't know why I'm here." You say calmly, and the skeleton's face suddenly fell along with his grin. "I fell into the underground with no memory. I don't know why I did or how I lost my memories, but… I really don't care. I don't know where to go or what to do with myself, and I feel… really indifferent about it. It's a little scary. Right now everything feels a lot like a never-ending dream, and everything feels so strangely new and familiar. Do you know the feeling?"

The skeleton's eyes grows distant for a moment as a sarcastic smile graces his lips.

"You have no idea…"

You give a light shrug as you feel yourself calming down at last.

"So you see… I don't really have an answer for you. I'm sure once I figure it out myself, you'll be the first person to know."

"I'll make sure of that." He promises in a low tone as he moves closer to you once again. He gives one last longing look over your entire figure, as if to check for certain that this is the right choice, before his expression seems to soften into a friendly grin, and he idly rests his hands in his pockets as he winks, "Well I hope you figure out what you're going to do with yourself soon. I'd hate to see anything bad happen to you if things turn too sour."

You notice in an instant how this was obviously a thinly-veiled threat to you, and you gulp hard. He laughs to himself as he notices.

"So, now that's out the way, I can finally introduce myself. I'm Sans. Sans the skeleton." He smiles without an ounce of sarcasm, and you find he's finally being genuinely friendly with you. Slowly, you let down your guard. "I'll be honest, usually I'm a pretty good judge of character. But with you and your, uh… erased memories, it's hard to tell what kind of person you are, or the kind of person you will become. But if I've learnt anything from my compassionate brother, it's that everyone has the capacity to be a good person if they try."

"You think so?" You wonder about that for a moment as the thought slowly grows on you, "I… think that's possible too. Right now, I feel a little… blank. I don't have any memories that I can use as a reference. It's almost like I'm walking a thin line between good and evil. But, I suppose I just need to figure out what feels right… or what feels good…"

"Hey, I'm not one to judge. You do what you have to do. It's no skin off my bones." Once again, a tiny flicker of illuminating blue light sparkles in his eye for quick second as his voice becomes lower, "As long as you always remember that you'll have to deal with me sooner or later."

A small shudder runs through you as he says this, and you don't question why. Either way, you find that his constant suspicion of you is turning into a repetitive game that you find yourself being quickly immune to. Your quaking fear of this skeleton had you hesitant at first, but as he draws closer to you, you start to notice a significant detail in his behaviour. The way he drags his predatory gaze along the contours of your figure, the way his wanton tongue edges absent-mindedly at the corner of his mouth, and the way his body heat grows warmer and warmer the closer he gets…

Sans… for someone who dissociates themselves from human beings… you sure seem hot for one…

A sinister grin brightens your expression as you like this discovery. You play around with the idea in your mind, and a light flashes behind your eyes as an idea suddenly pops up into your head. Your liquid lips curl into a cruel smile as you swing your hips to the side. You rest your hand on it and you suddenly surprise yourself with how deliciously curvy your own body feels. You laugh to yourself as you felt Sans intently follow your movement with his eyes, as much as he tried not to show it.

"I suppose it might be ideal if you keep a close eye out for me from now on. If humans are as dangerous as you're implying, then who knows just how unpredictable I'll be." You slowly thread your long fingers through your hair, your irises are barely visible under your heavy-lidded gaze, and your voice grows into a low purr, "And… who knows… one day, I may give in to the urge to be naughty…"

The corner of your smile curls deeper as you see Sans' face completely blank over, with clear tinges of blue-tinted blushes flourishing over his face. You see his smile become a little shaken as his breathing becomes uneven, and his devilish tongue disappears behind his clenching teeth. You laugh under your breath. He's trying so hard not to be affected by you.

"Ah… you… might be right, there…" He tries to begin his response, but his voice was trembling. You find this may be too easy.

But, to your surprise, you feel your breath leave through your lips as Sans suddenly brings himself closer to you. His breath was on your neck now. He leans so close to you that you feel your mind almost cloud over. You try not to let your senses overwhelm you, but the sight of Sans tongue snaking over his lips as he looks longingly at your untouched skin makes every bit of you feel sensitive. You suddenly feel stiff as you imagine what he might do… you imagine his mouth pressing against your neck… you think of his wandering tongue tracing the curve of your jaw… you feel a pleasant warmth pooling deep within yourself…

But you're left disappointed as Sans simply stated in your ear,

"Try to keep those urges to yourself, alright? Or you might find yourself with my hands around your neck…"

You stifle a moan quickly before it could escape past your lips, and you're grateful that he didn't notice.

Slowly, and somewhat reluctantly, Sans stepped back to distance himself from you, and his cheeky smile returned. You internally scold yourself for letting your guard down, and you take a moment to let your heartbeat slow down. The air cools down around you and the sensitivity that pricked at your nerves slowly numbs. You refuse to let Sans get under your skin. You decide to keep things light as to defuse the thick tension in the atmosphere, and you smile nonchalantly.

"So, are there any other sentries I should be looking out for? You can't be the only human-hunting monster in the entire underground, right?"

"Funny you should mention it. My brother, Papyrus, is a human-hunting fanatic. And I'm guessing that's him coming up overhead."

Suddenly, your alarm rings loud bells in your head. You turn over your shoulder and you see a small skeleton figure approaching in the distance. This figure is still too far away to notice you as you awkwardly duck behind a wooden pillar, and Sans laughs as it barely even covers you.

"Follow me. I know a place you can hide." Sans tells you with a light-hearted shrug, and you follow close behind as you try to keep your head down behind him. The both of you walk across the wooden planks and thankfully come out unharmed, despite the hundreds of splinters sticking outwardly at you, and he leads you to a larger clearing a little up ahead.

"Quick, behind this conveniently-shaped lamp… um…"

Sans' plan quickly fell on deaf ears as you noticed how the lamp was too small, and the rounded body did not at all fit yours. In fact, it was a little plumper once you inspected it closely. You shoot Sans an accusing glare and he sweats nervously under your furious gaze.

"S-sorry… here, hide under my desk instead." He points towards the structure standing beside the lamp, and shows you the open space underneath it, "This little hut thing is supposed to be my sentry post, but I like to use it more as a hot dog stand. So mind the ketchup bottles."

You wince at the thought of having to crawl and hide amongst a shelf of condiments stacked messily inside. But you had no choice as you suddenly heard the sound of snow crunching beneath heavy boots from the distance. Without a moment to spare, you quickly crouch and drag yourself underneath the desk. You fold your legs as you sit on your feet with your hand keeping you steady on the sides of the post. And as you hear the boots shuffling through the snow getting closer and closer, you stifled a surprised shout as Sans suddenly pushed himself against the desk. He leans over his post with his elbows resting against the desk. Without any warning, his legs traps you inside and you find yourself caged. With Sans in the way, you couldn't escape.

Sans sits down on his stool and lazily greets his brother.

"Sup, bro?"

"You know what "sup", brother!" Papyrus angrily scolds him about his human-capturing puzzles, and Sans shuffles about on his stool as if to draw his brother's attention to it. Your eyebrows knit together as you realise this is exactly what he is trying to do. You had to act quickly, or Papyrus may be tempted to peak over and catch a glimpse of you. You don't know much about Papyrus, but the way he affirmed his intention to capture humans as he spoke to Sans was a little frightening. You would rather not take the chance.

Your eyes blink once or twice as you suddenly notice Sans' legs. Every now and again, the fact escapes you that Sans is a skeleton, and everything you know about anatomy at this point is… pretty limited to only you. And as your gaze switches from your legs to his, you wonder how it all works… you wonder how it all feels…

The skeleton brothers voices become a dull dial tone in the background as your face grows intensely warm. And your curious eyes follow the trace of your fingertips as they stroke along the sensitive skin along your thigh. You feel warm and smooth, even with the stockings on, and your hand slowly lifts away from yours… to his.

You hear Sans' voice stop in mid-sentence. He felt your fingers lightly touch over his ankle. You hear Papyrus continue his rant, and you hear Sans' breath suddenly hitch in his throat. And he stops moving altogether. Unfortunately for him, as your wicked grin grows larger, the more adventurous your touch goes.

His bones feel strangely warm as you stroke over his fibula, and you feel their callous structure running smooth over your fingertips. You're slow-moving, and so delicately gradual with your movements as you tease the touch of your fingers by letting them fall and lift over the texture of his bones. You wanted to take your time to explore every part of him, you wanted to let him know that you were there to explore him and figure out how he worked… how he functioned… you wanted to know Sans' physical nature as much as you could…

And he knows it. You quietly laugh as you hear rapid breathing falling from his lips as he struggles to follow his conversation with Papyrus. He's mostly quiet, he answers questions with simplistic short and sweet answers, and his voice is unnaturally shaken. You're slowly getting to him. And you were only beginning.

Your curious fingers slowly move up towards his kneecap, and lightly stroke over it with your palm as your adventurous wandering crossed further over his femur. You remember how sensitive your thighs are when you brush your fingers across them, so you had to wonder… how does it feel for a skeleton to have a human move slowly and lightly over theirs?

Your hand dares to invade beneath the hem of his shorts, and your fingers gently pinch the material as you push it out the way, and make room for your touch to stretch beneath it. And finally, you have your answer in a matter of seconds. It feels just as sensitive. You hear Sans suddenly take a firm grasp of the side of the desk, and the post sounds an apparent shudder beneath the pressure of his grip. You can feel his femur lightly trembling beneath your caresses, your movements are smoother as you feel his sweat building over his bones, and you slow down your movements all the more as you carefully approach his pelvis. The desk shudders involuntarily once again as your fingertips are dangerously high up his inner femur.

"Sans… are you alright, brother? You're shaking!" Papyrus sounds concerned, and you withhold a cruel smile.

"Y-yeah, bro… I'm a-alright…" Sans' face is contorted with ecstasy as he fights to keep his tongue from shamelessly dangling out of his mouth, and he doubles forward as he leans his head against the desk with his hands clenching into fists against the post. He struggles through his shivers, "C-can you… d-do me a favour, though?"

"Of course, brother! What do you need?"

Before you could let him speak any further, your eyes suddenly fly open as you notice something strain against the material of his shorts, only inches away from your fingers. You could feel it stretch and extend against his clothes, and you stare in endless wonder as your reckless curiosity begs you to go further… go further…

The tips of your fingers move over his femur, until you could feel something lightly twitching near your grasp. You hold your breath as you realise what this is, and waste no time in wondering how he has one… and you press your lips together into an uncontrollable smirk as you smooth your fingers slowly over the base of his cock.

"Oh Christ…" Sans let out a low moan as he couldn't take it anymore. He shakes more and more as his fingers digs into the table top in order to keep himself from completely bursting. Desperately, he struggles to keep stone-faced as his shaky smile withdraws his wayward tongue, "Papyrus, my p-puzzles n-need reca… ahh… r-recalibrating… c-can you q-quickly ch-check on… nnh… check on th-them for me?"

"Why, of course, brother! You're such a lazy bones! You have to get me to do all your puzzles for you! You're lucky you have such a kind and caring brother willing to go to such lengths for you! Stay right here, and I will check them for you! Wouldn't want to slip right into a human's hands now, would we?"

"Y-you're r-right there…" Sans chokes out a laugh.

The second that Papyrus rounds the corner and disappears from sight, Sans immediately snaps his back up and lifts himself from the stool. Your hand instantly falls through his shorts as you shout in surprise and shuffle back against the shelf behind you. A bottle of ketchup falls against your hair and spurts a small glob of sauce beneath your jawline and you whimper in disgust.

As you crawl from beneath the desk and pat down the spilt condiments from your dress, you watch with bemused eyes as Sans shivers and backs away to desperately keep his distance. His face is completely covered in a deep blue blush that furiously lit up his flustered skull, and his hand grips a tight hold of his shirt, as if he had to grip on to his fast-beating heart… if he had one.

"Wh-what… what are you playing at, huh?" He asks desperately.

"I've never met a skeleton before. I wanted to know what living skeletons are made of... and if all the appendages are there. I guess they still are." The innocence in your voice is played on thick and Sans looks too flustered to see through you. He runs his bony hand over his skull and sighs as he waits for the heated blush over his face to calm down a little.

"L-look, I know you've lost your memory and everything, so I'll just chalk this up to ignorance… but you can't just do th-that to anyone. Alright?"

"Alright, I won't do it to anyone." You tell him obediently as you lean back against the desk, before a sly smile draws on your pouted lips, "I'll just do it to you."

"What?" He arches his eyebrow bone and sweat pours from his temples.

"You seemed like you were enjoying it…"

"That's… not the point…" Sans tries to defend himself but he's having too much of a hard time trying to keep focus. "Just… listen. No more funny business, alright? That's my gig."

You resist rolling your eyes and simply sigh in defeat as you cross your arms over your chest.

"Fine. I'll behave. But just so you know, I'm not seeing a whole lot of disciplinary action here. If you don't do something, I might not listen to you anymore…"

You freeze up as your voice trails away. Suddenly, the look in his vacant eyes seem to take that up as a challenge, and the blue tinge in his left eye flashes for a moment as his carefree smile immediately becomes sinister the closer he gets. You gulp, hard. You realise that you're in unknown territory, you have no idea what this monster is truly capable of, and your teasing may have pushed it a little too far. Your grip on your life wanes as fear takes over you, as well as the shadow of Sans' silhouette as he stands overhead of you. He's only inches away from pressing against you as he grabs hold of the desk behind you and creates a cage with his arms. You're trapped. And you're forced to look wide-eyed at his devilish grin as you can see the intent clearly in his gaze now.

A shining blue pupil stares deep within you, exuberating his extreme hunger for you as he traces the gentle curve of your lips. He leans over you, and you feel hot… too hot… your skin suddenly becomes sensitive as you feel his warm breath biting at your skin in a delicious sensation. And finally, you see his tongue snake out his mouth and glide over his lips, before he flashes you a side glance. You see in his eyes now. His lust, his insatiable desire… everything within the illuminating glow of his eye emanated his predatory hunger as he traces your jawline.

You breathe out slowly as he gently tilts your head to the side with his fingers, and the world around you simply melts as you feel his tongue gradually graze along your jaw. You audibly whimper in pleasure as your sensitive skin sends feelings of absolute ecstasy throughout your entire body, and endorphins set off like fireworks in your mind. The feel of his saliva running down the nape of your neck makes your eyes roll back and your liquid lips hang agape as you gasp for air. You quietly breathe his name as he brings his tongue away from you, and you notice a small glob of ketchup tinged over the tip of his tongue.

Suddenly, you remember. The ketchup bottle that spilt on you earlier…

A trail of saliva forms between your jawline and his mouth, and he draws his tongue back as he licks the ketchup away. Then he looks at you with a carefree smile, with a knowing glint in his white pinprick eyes, and jokes,

"Missed a bit."

You fall back against the desk. It takes you a moment to get over the high. You can't believe how affected you were by that small lick of his tongue. But, you remember the way he looked at you, the way he wanted you, and his almost animalistic grip against the desk told you that it took a lot of effort to hold himself back. He could have gone further, so much further… and you know it.

He wants me… and he wants to kill me…

It's clear to you now. Sans is your opponent in your new life. He will be your greatest friend, your greatest lover or greatest enemy.

It all depends who gives up the game first.

Chapter One End. Chapter Two coming soon…

Thanks for reading! This was my first Undertale fiction, so please let me know what you think!