Chapter 1:

Rating: M

Disclaimer: I do not know any of the workers of the WWE personally nor am I affiliated with them in any way. This story is a work of fiction and I make no profit whatsoever from it.

Seth Rollins glanced at the watch on his wrist and groaned. He'd been outside of this restaurant for over half an hour waiting for his alleged date to turn up. He'd given them the benefit of the doubt, thinking that maybe they were having car troubles but thirty minutes of waiting was getting a little excessive. His brown orbs scoured the car park, only seeing couples emerging from their cars and making their way into the popular restaurant.

He pulled his phone out of his suit pocket and checked if there was anything there. He felt his stomach drop when there was no text from his date or even a missed phone call. He let out another groan, this one a little louder as he slid the phone back into his pocket and began the short walk from his spot in front of the restaurant to his car that was parked over near the beach on the other side of town. He pushed his hands into his pockets as he walked, the excited smile that was previously on his face falling from being stood up again.

He stopped at a crossing and pushed the button. His eyes wandered and he caught his reflection in one of the shop windows. He was dressed in an impeccably tailored navy blue suit with a crisp white, button up shirt underneath the jacket that was accompanied by a skinny navy tie. His two-toned hair was pulled back into a low ponytail and he'd even trimmed his beard, showcasing his handsome features. A smirk grew on his lips. He knew he certainly wasn't hard on the eyes to look at. He also had an enviable body that was shown off due to the well fitted suit.

He heard the sound from the crossing and dragged himself away from his own reflection for a moment to walk across the busy street. He couldn't help but feel a little self conscious as he walked past the cars, wondering if they could smell the stench of rejection that was currently plaguing him. He let out a sigh. He hadn't even really wanted to go on this date but his friend Wade had almost forced him into it.

This was the second date that Wade had convinced him to go on. He knew that his British friend was only trying to do what was best for him but he really wished he wouldn't. Seth knew that he was good looking and he was only twenty-nine for crying out loud. He wasn't at the desperate stage of his life yet and it certainly didn't consume his every thought. Sure, he had been single for a while but he wasn't lonely. He was happy where he was in life. He knew he'd be happier if there was someone to share it with but he was content for the moment. He only wished that if Wade was going to set him up with random people that they would actually turn up.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and unlocked the screen. His thumb scrolled through his contacts until he settled on that of his friend, wanting to let the older man know just how shit he was at picking him reliable dates. He clicked the call icon on his phone and then held the electronic device up to his ear. He heard it ring through a number of times and he was just about to hang it up when he heard a phone through the other end of the phone.

"Fuck. Hello?" Wade's voice sounded almost annoyed.

"Hey." Seth replied through the phone. "Thanks for setting me up with another no show."

"Uhh." Wade sounded a little uncomfortable. "Now's not the best time."

Seth creased his brow. "Huh? Why not?"

"Shea got back a few days earlier." Wade let out a sigh. "Look. I'm not talking to my friend on the phone while I'm naked and my boyfriend is also trying to get naked. I'll call you later."

Seth didn't even get a chance to say a word before Wade hung up the phone. He rolled his eyes and slid his phone back into his pocket. He needed a drink and definitely sooner rather than later. He walked a little bit further down the street, keeping his eyes open for a nicer establishment to kill a few hours in. He stopped at the last bar at the end of the street that was but a stone's throw from the beach. It was still light outside but the red neon lights that indicated the name of the bar were flashing dramatically already.

He stepped inside of the bar, finding it almost empty but for a few people who looked like definite regulars. The bar was pretty simply decorated. The walls were black with a few mirrors that were placed sporadically along the walls. There were a few booths that sat on either side of the relatively small bar as well as a few smaller, taller tables with black bar stools surrounding it. There was a pool table over in one of the corners and he could see the toilets nearby.

He felt almost instantly out of place there in his suit. This was not the usual bar that he would ordinarily go into and it was on the complete other side of town. Everyone else was dressed relatively casually in plain, dark coloured t-shirts and a pair of jeans. He felt more than a little self conscious when the pretty, bleached blonde man who was wiping down one of the nearby tables was giving him the filthiest look he possibly could. He inwardly sighed, making his way over to the bar where another row of stools lined the mahogany coloured bar top.

He took his seat and glanced around the place. Behind the bar there was already a man standing there with arms folded across his chest. He had shortish, messy, dark blonde hair that was curling on the ends. He had an attractive face with fuller cheeks and thin lips that were already smirking at him in a way that both excited and scared him a little bit. His piercing blue eyes hadn't yet left his own brown orbs, a stand off of sorts occurring as they watched each other.

He'd been able to pull his eyes away from the bartenders for long enough to rake over the rest of his body. The other man had a strong body, his biceps straining against the thin cotton of his plain white t-shirt while the clear outline of his pectoral muscles were pushing against the front of his t-shirt. His eyes moved lower down, admiring the way that the shirt fit the other man absolutely perfectly, like he was made to wear that particular article of clothing. His eyes stopped when they reached the other man's belt buckle, the clear outline of strong thighs through the blue denim was painfully obvious.

"And what's a smart dressed man doing in a dump like this?" The bartender's voice was rough and gravelly. But the sound made Seth's heart skip a little.

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "The same thing everyone else is doing here."

"Everyone comes here for different reasons." The other man replied. "Most come here to drown their sorrows."

"Maybe I have." Seth said.

The bartender watched him carefully. "And what sorrows might someone like you have?"

"I did just get stood up for a date." Seth answered honestly. "I think that's a good enough reason to have a drink."

"I would never have stood you up." The bartender's smirk changed into a grin. "And what sort of drink are you after pretty boy?"

"Pretty boy?" Seth rolled his eyes. "That's original."

"Well I don't know your name, now do I?" The bartender was watching Seth carefully, taking in every inch his greedy blue eyes could absorb.

"Seth." Seth answered almost immediately. There was something about the intense stare that was affecting him more than he'd care to admit. "What's yours?"

"I don't know why you'd want to know my name." The bartender replied. He still hadn't moved, his arms folded across his chest as he leaned against the back bench.

"The same you'd want to know mine." Seth replied.

"I didn't ask for your name though." The other man responded. "You were just so eager for me to know it."

Seth felt a blush rise to his cheeks. It had been a very long time since he'd felt himself blush from this sort of interaction with another man. "I thought you'd want to know mine." He said quietly. "I told you mine so why don't you tell me yours?"

The bartender let out a light laugh. "The old 'I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours' story." He grinned. He uncrossed his arms and deliberately made sure that his hand rubbed across his crotch, grabbing a hold of his cock through his jeans for only the shortest amount of time. "I much prefer showing."

Seth knew he was blushing know. He tried his hardest to suppress the moan that was right there on the tip of his tongue when he saw the other man grab at his junk right in front of him. His very thick cock. God it had been too long since he'd had some action. He was practically salivating at the thought of letting this stranger have his way with him. "How will you show me your name?"

"In so many ways Seth." The other man almost purred. He watched Seth swallow down the lump in his throat and his smirk returned. This was too easy. "But fair's fair. Name's Dean."

"Dean?" Seth almost scoffed. "Sounds like a frat boy's name."

Dean rolled his eyes. "Gee thanks. Cause Seth definitely doesn't."

"Are you gonna do your job Dean and get me a drink?" Seth smirked at the other man. "Or am I going to have to go elsewhere?"

Dean cocked his eyebrow up. "You still haven't told me what you want pretty boy."

"What if what I want isn't on the menu?" Seth's smirk grew a little bit as he tugged his bottom lip in between his teeth.

Dean took a step forward and placed his hands onto the bench top. He leaned forward just slightly so that he and Seth were almost face to face. "Then I can't serve you."

"That would be your loss." Seth responded. "A beer would be a good start to the night though."

"Took you long enough to tell me pretty boy." Dean smirked at Seth. He pushed himself up off the counter and moved a little bit further down the bar, stopping at the taps and grabbing a glass. He could feel Seth's eyes on him as he filled up the glass before bringing it back to where the other man was sitting. He watched Seth's lips press against the glass before he took a long sip from it, draining almost a quarter of the glass. The smirk on his lips grew even larger. "So Seth. Tell me. Do you enjoy the view from the top or like it from the bottom?"

Seth almost choked on the beer that was in his mouth. He swallowed down the large amount in his throat, placing his glass back on the counter top. "What do you think I like?"

"I think you like being at the bottom of the mountain, looking up." Dean smirked. He leaned forward again on the bar, his eyes locking with Seth's once more, an electric spark passing between them. He saw the flicker of desire that washed over Seth's brown orbs and he grinned. "Scratch that. I know what you like. You're one of those guys who struts around like they're the ones in control when really they are the ones who love to be dominated. Am I right?"

Seth swallowed down another lump that was bubbling in his throat. "And what do I get out of telling you the answer?"

Dean shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe you'd get the best night of your life."

Seth grinned. "You think you're that good, do you?"

"No thinking involved." Dean answered instantly. "I know I'm that good."

"Well since you know all the answers, I don't even need to tell you." Seth grinned back. He picked up his glass and drained the rest of his glass. He placed the now empty glass back on the counter top and he looked at Dean. He was embarrassed at how light headed he already felt. He'd only had one drink but it had been a while since he'd eaten anything. "And since you know it all, you'd know that I don't spread my legs for just anyone."

Dean just gave him a look. "No one ever finds their forever in a bar."

Seth just rolled his eyes. He didn't know why he was even getting this upset over a stupid comment. He'd only just met the damn man but of course, his mind was already charging right ahead, contemplating things that weren't even a question as of yet. He needed to get out of here. He knew that there was only one thing that this bartender wanted from him and felt like a fucking idiot for thinking otherwise in that split second. He stood up off the bar stool and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out a $20 bill. He placed the bill on the counter top. "Thanks for the beer. Keep the change."

He turned around and made his way back out the way that he'd come in, the look on the blonde man who'd been previously glaring at him had now changed to a smug one. He rolled his eyes and kept walking, pushing the door open and stepping out into the evening. It was still warm outside but it was always warm where he was and began the short distance to the beach.

"Seth, wait!" He turned around to see Dean chasing him down the footpath. He stopped in his tracks and waited for what the other man was going to say. "Why'd you leave? I thought we were having fun."

"We both don't want the same thing. The look on your face when I told you I don't give it up for free answered my questions." Seth answered simply.

Dean gave him another look. "You don't know what I want."

"What do you-" Seth was cut off by Dean grabbing his wrist and dragging him off the path and down one of the alley's near the bar. "Where are you taking me?"

Dean didn't say a word until he was satisfied with where they were. He turned Seth around and pushed him up against the wall. He ignored the whine of protest that left the younger man's mouth when the back of his suit touched the bare brick. He smirked at the pretty man below him, Seth's brown orbs wide, his lips parted as he tried to protest. He merely grabbed Seth's other hand with his and pushed his arms up high above both of their heads.

Their eyes locked again and he felt an intense chemistry that he'd never experienced before. His hands intertwined with Seth's out of sheer instinct and he pushed his body closer to the slightly smaller man's. He could feel Seth's heart racing through his chest, their bodies pressed tightly against each other. His own heart was thumping away in his chest but he tried to remain calm on the exterior. His lips were curled into a smirk and he was merely centimetres away from pressing their mouths together. He was so close to seeing what Seth tasted like. So damn close.

He moved his face millimetres closer to Seth's, their crotches almost perfectly aligned as he pushed his body weight completely onto the smaller man's frame. Not that he minded much at all. "Do you want to kiss me?"

Seth was thrown by the question. "What?"

"Do you want to kiss me?" Dean repeated the question. He watched Seth carefully, watched the way that his lips pouted just a little bit more. "Cause I wanna kiss you. I've been thinking about it since you walked in the bar."

Seth didn't answer with words. Instead, he let out a light moan.

"Use your words Seth." Dean's voice was so quiet but Seth felt the passion. "How am I supposed to know that you want to kiss me if you don't tell me?" He leaned forward just a little bit closer, their lips practically touching but not quite. He let out a low groan of his own, making sure to push closer with his hips as he did so. "Tell me what you want Seth or you won't get anything."

Seth had his mouth open ready to speak when he heard his phone ring loudly from his pocket. He heard the shrill tone echo in the small alleyway, almost embarrassed at the caller's unfortunate timing. He pushed his hips harder up against Dean's, hoping that that was enough.

Dean clicked his tongue three times. "You're not answering my question Seth. And if you don't want to kiss me, then I can just go."

Seth's eyes widened in absolute panic. "Yes."

Dean's lips changed into a grin. "Yes what?"

"Kiss me." Seth almost pleaded.

Dean leaned forward and finally pressed their lips together. It was nothing more than a close mouthed kiss but the passion that he felt rocket through his body was nothing short of incredible. He pulled back after a moment, ending it rather quickly. "You should probably call back whoever was calling you."

Seth watched in awe as Dean untangled himself from him and took a step back. He gave him a look. "Is that it?"

"Well I've got to earn it, right?" Dean grinned at Seth. "You're welcome in my bar anytime you want pretty boy."


A/N: anndddd I'm back! I've missed writing these two. Let me know what you all think, I always look forward to seeing what you all think. Thanks for reading and reviewing! GatesVengeance x