Warning :

1. This is my first time, so please be kind.

2. I like this paring. If you don't like it, it's time to go back.

3. The grammar is bad. (I'm sorry)

Disclaimer : Not mine.

Chapter 1

It was winter. Everything looked perfect for Hinata. She was always enjoy this season. It was beautiful and sad at the same time. Just like her life. She was sitting in her room thinking about relationship with her father. She thought that since her mother had passed away 10 years ago, everything had changed. Her father became so crumpy. She lived a lonely life. Her father thought she was a failure. She was always trying to impress him so hard but she had failed. Good thing she had her sister, Hanabi and her cousin, Neji as companies. They had always been by her side. At the moment, she was a college student of art and design and Hanabi was in high school. Neji was helping her father at the company.

Suddenly her phone rang. She looked down to it and saw that it was her father.

"H-hello father..."

"Hinata, come to my office immediately."

"Y-yes father. I'll be t-there soon."

She hurried her way out of her house. She knew her father was impatient and she wondered what was it that he wanted her to achieve this time. But whatever it was, she would try to impress him as possible.

Knock knock


She walks toward her father and sit down. Hiashi look at her in the eyes and said slowly

"Hinata, our company is dying. We are in so many debts."

She was shock. She had heard it before and thought that everything would be ok because she believed in her father and her cousin, Neji. She never thought that it would come to this.

Then her father continue

"But then I received a request from an Uchiha company. They agreed to help us but in one condition"

Her father suppressed the words "one condition".She has no idea because both companies have never been closed to each other but they were not rivals either. It's just that her father and the CEO of Uchiha company were friend back during their high school day.

"W-what is it, f-father?" She said

"Listen carefully, Hinata."

She nodded. She had a feeling that whatever about to come next was no good.

"They want you to marry their son."

She kind of didn't get the news at first then it hit her hard. She wanted to question her father that it was real or not but her father's face said it all. It was not a joke. Her father never joked.

"Hinata, do you get it?" Hiashi demanded.

"Y-yes f-father, b-but"

"No but, Hinata. I already agreed with them." He interrupted.

She was shocked again. How could he not ask for her opinion? How could he agree?

"This company will depend on you now. Don't you failed me this time, Hinata." he continued.

She faced down the floor of the office and just nodded. She couldn't look her father in the eyes. She wanted to refuse, but knowing her father, it would be useless. It was the battle that she'd never win. Once he made a decision, he would never go back.

"One more thing" he added.

"You have one year to impress their son. Don't screw up or the debt will increase twice with the Uchiha. Am I clear, Hinata?"

"Y-yes, f-father." She whispered.

"Great, now you can leave."

She sat up and bowed down to her father then exit his office.

She decided to walk under the snow on her way home. She didn't care anymore that she'd get sick. She just thought about what had happened a moment ago. She knew that all her future plans were gone. She wanted to be a great designer for her father's company, made him proud. She wanted to know what it felt like to have a boyfriend, a proposal and a married with someone you loved. All was gone. Fate wasn't kind to her. Even right now, she could not get angry with her father. She just could not. Angry was not in her nature.

She tried to think positive. Maybe it would not be so bad. This would help her company and her father. She would try her best. She'd try to be a good wife. She would not fail her father.

Everything is gonna be ok. Don't lose hope. She tried to convince herself.

She looked up to the sky. She saw the snow falling down. It was just so beautiful to her. It calmed her down. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment. She loved it.

There was a man standing tall near the window. He gazed down below to the dormant garden of the Uchiha mansion. He just came back from the talking with the Hyuuga. It has been successful. He had offered them the deal that they couldn't help but to agree.
He turned back and saw a figure walking toward him. She smiled softly to him.
"How was the talking, my dear?" She began.
"Have I ever failed, Mikoto?" He smirked.
She laughed and replied "I'm glad. We have been thinking about this for a long time. I used to see Hinata twice during the parties. She catches my eyes."

Mikoto really likes the girl. The first time she saw her she knew that she had that kindness and calmness aura around her. Those things she likes about woman. And when Fugaku told her that she was his friend's daughter then she started thinking about her son. Maybe she could be her son's company. Now she could have her as a daughter in law but she could not help but felt sorry for the girl. She knew about the deal. The girl was a victim. She just prayed that it would turn out better.

"Hmm anyone is better than the red hair girl our son is dating. It's about time for him to get married and leave that girl already. I don't like her attitude. She seems fake to me." Fukagu said after a long pause.
"I don't like that young girl too. I wonder why Sasuke failed to see that she's not good."
"I don't know, Mikoto. Now we have to break the news to Sasuke."
"You know he won't take the news easily." Mikoto said.
"He will. There's no choice for him, unless he wants to be homeless for the rest of his life."
"Don't we look a bit of evil here, Fugaku?"
"No. Serve him right for all the problems he put us through and we help find him a wife, a wise one for him. He should thank us."
"Let us hope that everything will go as plan. I'll call Sasuke to meet us."

"You must be joking" Sasuke stared furiously at his father.

"No, I'm not" Fukagu looked straight into his son's eyes. He had known this would come. This stubborn kid would not go down easily.

Mikoto saw the raise of tension between father and son and started to participate before anything worse would happen.

"Sasuke, just calm down"

"Mother, tell me, did you actually agree with this ridiculous idea?" Sasuke calmly said that to his mother.

"Sasuke, listen to us. It's the best way for you and it's not ridiculous just like you said. We meant every single word we said" Mikoto firmly explain her son.

"Just because you both don't like Karin then you plan something to fuck my life!"Sasuke busted out angrily in front of his parents.

"That's enough! You will do as I say." Fugaku literally shouted to his son's face.

Before her son had time to shot back, Mikoto quickly grabbed both side of his face and said with pleading voice "One year Sasuke. After that you can do whatever you like, divorce or something but please give it a try."

Mikoto saw her son close his eyes for a while, trying to calm himself down. He gave no reply but quickly walked upstairs to his room.

Fugaku turned to his wife and said "finally"

"Yes, I just hope it will be the best year for him...and the girl."