Author's Note: Originally this chapter was going to be longer. Like A LOT longer. But my computer decided to eat the opening duel and the arrival of some Hogwarts students and Magicals. So, here we are with sort of a beginning prologue leading into the story itself. I'll do my best to try and fit stuff into the next chapter. I also made this story into a challenge under WhiteTigerWolf's Other Challenge forum. You should check it out, I think.

Some things to keep in mind when reading this story. This isn't the 4Kids version, or even the Manga version. I'm taking liberties with some of the characters clothing and design choices. Like Miss Isis Ishtar, who is my current picture for this site. This story will hopefully swing into Harry/Isis-Ishizu, but its really anything goes at the open. So, I hope you all enjoy the story and don't forget to leave a review.

Oh, before anyone gets upset. This is after OotP for Harry, so he's pissed, filled with grief and because the Order won't let him go after Voldemort with just a duel disk, he's heading for the Pharaoh and the Priest.

The blue sky gleamed like a jewel over the skyscrapers that made up the bulk of downtown Domino City. The windows shining with reflections of the sun as it beat down overhead. The streets were lined with people as they struggled and pushed against each other for entrance into the latest Duel Monsters tournament that had been publicized for the last month; The Battle City Tournament. The contest held by Seto Kaiba was the talk of news media all over the planet and drew in duelists from around the world to claim each others rarest cards.

The new rules set for the tournament held by the owner of Kaibacorp were not that difficult but did stand out against the rules set down by the Industrial Illusionist owner and Duel Monsters creator, Pegasus J. Crawford. First their was the required Duel Disk and a high enough duelist rating to enter. Second was the rules set down that only four star and lower monsters could be played without a tribute, one tribute was required for an up to eight star monster, and the number of tributes increased by each four stars.

One of the teens walking out of one of the many game stores with his new state of the art Duel Disk was a British boy with raven hair and green eyes. A long scar stretched from over top his right eye and descended onto his cheek where it branched off in four different directions. It was harsh and jagged like lightning, a reminder of a cruel twist of fate that the fifteen year old had experienced and bore witness too at a young age.

A crimson cloak hung off his shoulders down over the black shirt held together by gold chains. Black denim jeans were tucked into a pair of Harley Davidson boots while a number of gold chains and bangles hung around his neck and arms. People shuffled their way out of the boy's way as he stepped down the sidewalk, tearing open the white box in his hands and removing the silver duel disk before dumping the cardboard box into a trash bin as he walked by. He clamped the piece of hardware onto his left wrist and slid his deck into the deck holder as he made his way through the streets.

The Battle City Tournament would start that night when Seto Kaiba would officially announce its opening and he still had a few hours to wait. His fists clenched as the memory overwhelmed his mind and not for the first time since he had lost godfather he saw flames and smoke that poured into the night from the village set among the ancient sand dunes. He watched in his minds eye as men, women and children were slaughtered for their blood and flesh before being dragged without care by the Pharaoh's priests to be processed and sacrificed for power. He shuddered at the thought of a small child hiding in the shadows as his family was murdered in order to gain advantage in a war before he saw a flash of green light.

He shook his head, shaking off the memories of long ago. His glasses reflecting the light of the sun as his eyes fell onto a tanned skinned woman whose blue eyes stared back at him. The raven haired boy suddenly felt his mouth go dry as he stared at the rare beauty that stood so tantalizingly in front of him, yet his green eyes narrowed to slits as he spotted the gold necklace hanging around her neck. Her black hair fell down her back where the tips were visible behind her her hourglass figure. Two sections of hair were pulled into braids held in place by golden sleeves that disappeared behind her ears from which a shear veil hung over the lower half of her face just see through enough to make out her ruby lipstick which matched the ruby colored eyeliner that was done in the same fashion of those of ancient Egypt.

A white cloth, rimmed in crimson and gold, was stretched over her ample chest and tied behind the woman's back. A flowing skirt the color of ivory hung from her hips as she watched the British teenager. A set of gold colored sandals were strapped to her feet, ankles and lower legs as she stood with a duel disk of her own. Her sapphire colored eyes were wide in surprise as the eye on her necklace began to shine with an ethereal light that had nothing to do with the sun in the sky. "I see," she whispered in a voice that sent tingles down the duelist's spine, "I had thought you were the spirit of the Ring."

"I could understand the confusion," he said with a hint of malice in his voice. "We were bound before the sealing and it took millennia for me to return. A new body, a new life, but the same fate," the raven haired boy growled as he pointed at the goddess of a woman in front of him. "It seems I was destined for revenge, first on the Pharaoh and his lineage for their atrocities and then I have another who demands my attention back in the United Kingdom. Imagine my shock at spotting the Pharaoh and the Priest on television, all the way out here in Japan. Now the sins of the fathers will be paid by the sons!"

The woman took a deep breath and sighed as her Millennium Necklace let her see the anger inside the teenager's heart. The rage and confusion blazed through his mind and fed on the grief of recent lost. "I am sorry," she said quietly as she turned her head to stare over the nearby buildings to the skyscraper that was home of Kaibacorp. "I truly understand the anger you feel, the sense of loss, but now is not the time for you to try and take your revenge. This tournament is a net in which I plan on trapping another foe. The Gods will rise over this city and I must protect my brothers from what the Necklace has showed me."

"So, the Gods of Egypt are awakening," the teen said as he followed the woman's gaze. "I suspect that you have been using that Necklace to stack the odds in your favor," he said with a glare at the glittering building in the distance. "You know what cost was paid to make that Item and still you would use it? I will cast out the spirits of the Items and put them to rest. The fact I will have to face all seven to do so is not lost on me but I will do what I must for my people."

"What you hope to do is honorable, Harry Potter," the woman said shifting her sapphire eyes back so that they met his startled emerald. "You seek to lay your past to rest and seek justice for the atrocities done upon the people of Kul Elna. I do not know what you must do in lands to the East to calm your soul, but I would say to take care of that before trying to seek your justice here."

"You have me at a disadvantage," Harry said with a frown even as he subtly shifted his right arm, feeling the Holly and Phoenix feather wand strapped to his forearm. "May I know the name of the woman who is peaking into my past and future?"

"I am Isis Ishtar, tomb keeper of the nameless Pharaoh," she answered honestly.

The raven haired teen nodded as he turned from the woman and began to walk away. "Perhaps I will see you around the city, or in the finals, Miss Ishtal," he said over his shoulder. "I don't care what your Millennium Item is telling you, though, I will deal with my business in England soon enough, but now is my chance to defeat the Pharaoh and the Priest and I won't miss my chance."

Turning a corner and leaving the woman out of sight, the teenager looked around to see if anyone was watching before reaching to his crotch to readjust his growing bulge. Sometimes he hated being a teenager, especially around women who made him want to pick his jaw up off the floor. It was easy at Hogwarts were robes and school uniforms made it nearly impossible to see how the girls underneath were developing, but to have an exotic beauty thrown in his face like that was difficult. He rather hoped there were no more women like that in the tournament or he'd have to be dodging into a bathroom for a quick wank after nearly every battle!

Darkness had settled around Domino City and Harry Potter stood in a small square along with hundreds of other duelists staring at the ridiculously big screen hanging above the doors of Kaibacorp. It would seem as the though the games were beginning, according to Seto Kaiba and that while the tournament started now, the bulk of the duelists in town would have to wait for morning to begin dueling. His green eyes watched as the short figure of Yugi Motou and his friends began to make their way homes for the evening.

Deciding to head to bed himself to shake off the jet lag that flying from England to Japan had caused, he began to make his way to his own hotel room. He passed by the excited duelists who hoped to make it into the finals and even a duel or two that random people on the street had picked up to get an advantage on the others. His way was soon blocked however by a man dressed in a heavy black hooded robe with the eye of Anubis stitched across the front of the hood that hid his face in shadows.

"I would ask that you get out of my way but that doesn't seem to be an option," Harry said with a glare at the hulking form that blocked his path up the road. "I take it there is a reason you decided to stop me?"

The large man chuckled as he swept back the loose sleeve of his cloak revealing a duel disk with a deck already slotted. "I was there when you registered for the tournament, Potter. I saw what cards lay within your deck and I will be taking that monster for my Master, Malik!"

"Gee, a guy in a black cloak attacking me in the name of their Master," Harry mocked as he raised his own arm allowing his duel disk to turn on. From both duel disks two projectors launched from their position in the middle of the street to land on the sidewalk before activating displaying their full life points in hard light. "It must be a Tuesday."

"Hmph, so arrogant," the hooded figure sneered reminding Harry of a certain Potions Professor, "but for how long? Since I challenged you I'll begin! I play one card face down and summon Red Eyes Wyvern in attack mode!"

Harry blinked as he watched the black wyvern appear in the air above their heads and release a cry that caused his hair to whip around his head. He stared down at the disk on his arm and smiled at the thought of bringing his deck to life. So far he had only ever played against the other members of Gryffindor house, usually against Ron's Archfiend Deck or Neville's Plants, but they were never able to bring their monsters to life like this.

"You must think your pretty tough, waving around a Red Eyes," Harry said even as his eyes seemed to vanish behind the glare that reflected off his glasses from the moonlight. "However, you are merely a pebble in my path and I will see you removed as quickly as possible," he said as he placed two fingers on his deck and drew his first card a smirk stretching his lips. "Now, you'll face a true monster!"

A scream rent the air as the full moon shined upon the town of Domino. Harry Potter walked away from the downed man whose cards lay scattered across the ground and focused on the two cards in his hand. One was a clear glass card, the man's locator card, and the second gleamed as the image stared up at him. The spellcaster in flowing black robes held a staff aloft with an edged crescent moon at the top. Its eyes seemed to stare up at the wizard, judging him, before he was slid away along with the locator card.

The black haired wizard stopped in front of a large store that was still open. Light poured from its open doors as men, women and children crowded inside looking at the displays of booster packs and themed decks as well as individual cards that were on display. His green eyes traveled up the front of the building to see a black rabbit hanging over the street and was popping out from behind a large 'I2' that was lit up from within.

The teenager smiled sadly as he remembered his first trip to an Industrial Illusions store. He had gone with Sirius and Remus in goofy over sized trench coats and wide brimmed hats to the shop in London after his hearing at the Ministry last year. Chuckling to himself, Harry reached into his back pocket and checked to see just how much currency he still had from visiting Gringotts before he left England. Counting up quite a few bills, he stepped into the shop to see just what last minute changes he could make.

Walking through his hotel lobby Harry ignored the stares at his duel disk and the large bag he carried of trading cards. He was slightly surprised when the elevator opened before he reached it allowing a man dressed in a sharp business suit to step out just as he was stepping in. Pushing the button for his floor he waited, ignoring the music as he rode the confined box to the fifth floor before stepping out and walking to his door.

He was stopped before entering though by a package leaning against the door to his room. The I2 logo brand shining in black ink off the white paper. Picking it up he unlocked his door and stepped inside the small suite he would be staying in for the duration of the tournament. Dropping his bag off on his bed he tore open the wrapping paper on the package and opened the box. A black VCR tape stared up at him with a small envelope taped to it.

Removing the envelope he put the tape in the VCR that came with his room and turned on the television to static. For a long moment nothing happened before a man with long white hair that covered the left side of his face appeared, dressed in an expensive looking red suit and white shirt. The man was sitting behind a desk with his hands intertwined and resting on his knees.

"Well hello there, Harry-boy," the man said with a smile. "My name is Pegasus J. Crawford, owner of Industrial Illusions and the creator of the cards used in the little tournament Kaiba-boy is hosting," he said cheerfully. "Out of everybody in Domino City, I thought this message would be best played for you, the only person who remembers the truth about Duel Monsters."

Emerald eyes blinked as the boy stared at the screen. "How the hell would you know that," he asked, not expecting an answer.

"Its quite simple," the red dressed man said with a flick of his hair showing a gleam of yellow behind the hair that covered half of his face. "While I might be recording this message in the past, my Millennium Eye allows me to see things as if they are happening and I can see everything about you, Harry-boy, and everything moving in the shadows in your time," Pegasus continued happily.

"You see, I hate to be showed up, Harry, and that is exactly what Kaiba is doing with this little tournament of his in the future. He wants the three Egyptian God Cards believing that they will make him all powerful, and forces are at work to see those cards in his tournament, and lets just say, I can upstage with the best of them. So I'm hosting my own little tournament inside of Kaiba-boys. That card you hold is one of three, three cards I created to keep the God Cards in line. Two more have been sent out into Domino City and eventually they'll find their way into the finals one way or the other. Any person who plays those three cards can match those holding the Egyptian Gods, all you have to do is find them."

Harry stared at the television in shock before turning his attention to the envelope in his hand. Tearing off the top he tilted the envelope over and let the card inside fall into his hand. Immediately he felt he pulse of power as the card touched his skin, felt his inner magic flare as it came into contact with such a powerful beast. His fingers clenched around the card, careful not to wrinkle or fold it, as he breathed deeply. With these cards he could have his revenge his soul had sought for over five thousand years, and he might just be able to use them against Voldemort and his Death Eaters as well.

"Ta ta, Harry-boy. Make sure you beat Kaiba for me."