No Honor Among Thieves

Zoinks! A new story!

Once upon a time, some 9 months ago, I proposed a story idea where Gwen wanted to rob Chris after she was cheated out of her prize. Applauze, a good friend of mine from the TD Writer's Forum, liked it a lot and we agreed to co-write the story!

While Gwen is pretty much the main character, the focus will sometimes shift to others who'll help her plan and perform the heists!

I'd love to tell you more, but that would spoil the surprise wouldn't it?

Anyway, by the way things look right now, Applauze and I will co-write this story. He will do half of the chapter while I do the other! And I'm sure it'll lead to nice things!

This story will be rated T for violence and coarse language.

Chapter 1: Dirty Dealings And Peculiar Proposals.

A blistering heat scorched the badlands of Drumheller. But that didn't stop a girl, dressed in black and teal clothing with a gothic air from running through the land. Gwen had just pulled off what so far no contestant of the show could do, make the finals twice. She'd ended up as the graceful runner-up in her first finale, but this time, she was about to win 1 million dollars by participating in Total Drama Get-Together, a season where she was pitted against many contestants from different casts -or 'generations' as they were commonly called- and with the massive lead she had against the other finalist, life had to throw her a massive curveball would she miss out on the money now.

It couldn't be said with full certainty, but Gwen being 25 years and having much more experience as opposed to many of the other, quite green, generations still being in their teens could've helped her a lot in achieving this. Evidence supporting this theory was that the other finalist was Noah, another contestant of the first hour.

Finally, as the finish came into view, Gwen felt like she was going to be rewarded for all the hardships she had to endure on the show, but most certainly outside the show as well, as several of her actions weren't very well received to say the least, such as the infamous 'Gwuncan scandal'; where she cheated on her friend Courtney, who she'd grown close to at the time, by willingly kissing her boyfriend. This earned her the ire of many Total Drama fans, especially the ones that were fans of Courtney and Duncan as a couple.

Gwen could never fathom that people seriously supported Total Drama contestants being together as a couple, but also that these people could lash out to her so severely. The scandal would follow Gwen for quite some years, and people wouldn't stop indentifying her as 'the boyfriend stealer'. Though Gwen was convinced that having Duncan as her boyfriend would be worth it, their relationship turned rocky and they eventually broke up. If Gwen knew that she'd end up with nothing but trouble for kissing Duncan, she would've thought it over a second time. After all, she did a lot of things, but people looked down on her for that particular sin the most. And something else that irked her about their relationship was how little Duncan was held accountable for it and how lax he dealt with it.

But soon, she'd find out if the million was a worthy reimbursement for the tough years she had to endure as she crossed the finish line and walked onto a wide circle drawn onto the ground, guided by the applause of the other eliminated contestants.

She wasn't really sure whether the contestants applauded for her because they were genuinely happy, but Gwen took satisfaction out of the acknowledgement that she had just won the finale which consisted of a run half the length of a marathon riddled with challenges based on Olympic sports. Gwen didn't think it was the most original finale, exhausting? Definitely, Gwen was drenched in sweat and was panting like a dog that had ran half the continents length to fetch a ball, but original? Not really.

''Chris, it were 2 long months, I was in it from the very beginning to the very end, and I'd like to see it being worth my while.'' Gwen demanded from Chris when he appeared, holding the armored case containing a million dollars in cash. Despite the intention of looking angry, she couldn't help but smile as well as she enjoyed the moment she waited for so long.

''Let's wait for Noah first shall we? After all, he probably doesn't want to miss out on the final part of the finale!'' Chris announced, dropping a bomb on Gwen as her face went blank while deep inside, she began to fear the worst.

''What.'' Gwen deadpanned.

''Gwen, for the last part of the finale, you have to wrestle Chef Hatchet!'' Chris excitedly explained, bearing that fake, wide grin that Gwen grew to despise so badly.

Practically every Olympic event was represented in the finale, from horse riding to arching and from swimming to ping pong but realized that wrestling was not represented in any way. She should've known that it was saved for one final trick by Chris. As there was no chance that she could beat a hulking man as Chef Hatchet, especially with her being this tired from the challenges.

Soon after, Noah reached the finish. He was in a even worse shape than Gwen. After all, Noah had the fitness of a elderly turtle. He knew that he was doomed from the start, as he famously quoted 'Sports aren't my forte', but he tried anyways. It's something short of a miracle that he even managed to finish this shortly after Gwen, or even finish at all.

Chef Hatchet appeared in a classic wrestling singlet while Gwen noted that Chris was probably informing Noah on the current events, and he seemed to give the same flat reaction as Gwen, though that could've been because of his usual demeanor.

''Here's the deal, 2 out of 3 wins. If Gwen wins, she wins her money, but if Chef wins, then he gets the million!'' Chris started to explain.

''Hold on hold on!'' Gwen angrily interrupted Chris as she stomped closer to him. ''You didn't say a thing about this at all before the finale!'' she protested.

''I do believe I did!'' Chris sneakily replied, scratching his chin and smiling impishly, which confused Gwen a tiny bit.

Gwen was absolutely certain that Chris never mentioned this part of the finale beforehand. But without solid proof, it would be pointless to argue with him. She breathed deeply and walked into the ring, aware that she'd almost certainly lose the main prize to a staff member of the show, even when she was so close to it… again.

''We'll play civilized. No tickling, groping, biting, spitting and choking! Okay?'' Chris finished.

''What about punching and kicking?'' Gwen cynically asked.

''That's allowed, but only if necessary!'' Chris uninterestedly answered as he backed up and left Chef and Gwen alone in the ring.

Chris held an air horn high up in the air and sounded it. Immediately, Chef dove onto Gwen. She fought valiantly and managed to hold Chef off for a small time.

''If it was for me, you'd have gotten your money.'' Chef quietly muttered at Gwen during their struggle. This caught Gwen off-guard.


Despite the second that Gwen dropped her guard, the hulking man made use of it by overpowering Gwen and pinned her to the ground.

''And the first win goes to Chef Hatchet!'' Chris announced as Chef humbly smiled and the crowd calmly cheered, even some of the allies Gwen made she was sure were rooting for her, and it angered her a little more as to how they could be such sellouts. Though something that surprised her a little was seeing how Noah was doing, sitting by himself. He looked concerned, but also as if he was calculating something.

Then there was the thing Chef told her, was he serious? Or was it just to throw Gwen off her game? Knowing that she couldn't know for sure now, she resolutely got on her feet and prepared for the second round. Chris held the air horn up in the air for a moment before he sounded it.

Before Gwen could even move a muscle, Chef had lunged toward her, lifted her up and had casually thrown her out of the ring. The crowd mostly gasped in shock as Gwen was starting to boil in anger.

''So close, and still the million dollar slips out of Gwen's grasp!'' Chris sympathetically announced, though Gwen was well aware that he didn't mean any of the sympathy, nor has he seemingly ever done so.

''This is a sham!'' Gwen snarled, the built-up fury reaching its climax as she shot up as Chris ignored her and made sure that she wasn't in the picture of the camera. Gwen sauntered off and cursed the host under her breath, who was interviewing Chef, the 'winner' of the season.

At dusk, as the contestants were holding a small, post-season party, Chris was walking to his car as he casually whistled a tune and held the million dollar briefcase. He opened the car door, but before he could enter, he was greatly startled when Gwen appeared behind him and slammed it shut.

''What, the fuck was that about?!'' She angrily asked, jerking a finger under his chin. ''You never said anything about a wrestling match against Chef!''

''But m'dear, you must be a little confused, because I really did!'' Chris charmingly replied.

''Cut that crap out Chris! I am absolutely positive you did not and there's no way to prove me wrong!'' Gwen snapped back, very assured of her own view of how it happened.

''Well, shall we check the montage ourselves?'' Chris suggested, stretching an arm out to the tent housing said equipment.

''Kindly!'' Gwen irritably agreed before they walked off.

They entered the tent and Chris took a seat behind 1 of the present computers, searching for the right footage while Gwen looking over Chris with a doubtful expression, Chris's carefree demeanor worrying her.

''Here, See for yourself, I really said it!'' Chris pointed out after clicking on a certain file and playing it, which was footage of Chris explaining the challenge.

The footage started at the beginning of the track, which was far away from where the spectating contestants sat.

Gwen realized the lack of spectators now that she was watching the footage and grew suspicious. Though there have been 2 exceptions, Total Drama finales always had the eliminated contestants watch the finale, either in attempt to stir up drama or as punishment for the losers, but now there were none. Despite the conflicts both the finalists had built up over the season, and Gwen thought as if it was meant for the supporters not to be present during the explanation.

''The finale is simple, follow the course and partake and pass every Olympic event there is and reach the finish first!'' Chris explained with the camera having both the host and the finalists in the picture. Plain and simple, just as Gwen remembered it.

''Gee Chris, you really cut corners on originality, haven't you?'' Noah sarcastically remarked, which Gwen remembered as well.

''But that's not all! The winner of the run has to face off and win against Chef Hatchet in a final event in order for the winner to actually earn your money!'' Chris added as the camera focused solely on him, and Gwen raised an eyebrow.

''But y-you never said that!'' Gwen protested as she now began to doubt her own sanity a little.

''That there is evidence on the contrary!'' Chris smugly replied, nodding his head to the screen as the footage kept on playing.

''Let me see!'' Gwen demanded as she shoved Chris's chair aside and rewind the clip several times while Chris idly lounged back and let Gwen inspect.

''I knew it!'' She eventually shouted in realization after carefully checking the footage.

''You did?'' He lazily responded.

''Look at this!'' Gwen ordered Chris, excited at the prospect of being right after all. She played the clip in slow-motion, where it was eventually clear that the footage was doctored, as Gwen pointed at a cut that appeared right before Chris was to explain the final part of the challenge. One that could not be seen if the clip was played on its regular speed.

''You've added a scene of you telling about Chef in-between starting the challenge and explaining it!'' Gwen accused, jerking a finger at Chris, who remained oddly calm and kept on smiling.

Eventually, he chuckled darkly, unnerving Gwen a little. ''Sure we have to brush it up a little, but it's great what a bit of editing can do right?'' He stated just as dark.

''But why? Why did you do all this?!''

''Maybe because I didn't want to fork over 1 million dollar, that's why!'' Chris replied, beginning to sound snappy as well. ''There are a lot of lucrative investment opportunities for Total Drama Inc. and I'm going to exploit them gratuitously!'' He explained before he retrieved a checkbook from inside his shirt.

''But seeing how angry you are, I'm willing to reach a middle ground.'' Chris begrudgingly proposed.

''That is?'' Gwen grumbled, folding her arms. She was sure that whatever Chris was going to offer her, it wouldn't please her.

''I'll give you 50.000 dollars if you keep your mouth shut about all of this, forever!'' Chris offered as he signed the check and flashed it to Gwen, showing her that it was genuine with signature and all.

Contrary to what she expected, Gwen did consider to accept the offer. But her anger with the entire situation and her pride not allowing her to settle for so little after everything she had to endure, this season and all she partook in before, she quickly made up her mind.

''No. I'll only settle for a million!'' Gwen demanded before she ejected the disk containing the footage. ''And if you don't, I'll sue you! This footage will be great evidence!'' She boldly told Chris in a smug mood, something she probably was better off not doing.

Chris's smile faded instantly and a frown took its place. ''Do you think it's smart to blackmail me?!'' He threateningly growled before he cupped a hand around his mouth. ''Security!'' He hollered, and very quickly, 2 burly guards appeared in the tent and grabbed Gwen by her shoulders.

''Let me go!'' Gwen demanded, sounding strained as she tried to wrestle out of the grasp of the guards, clearly to no avail, while Chris pried the disk from Gwen's grasp. When he got it, Chris made a simple gesture, and the guards escorted Gwen to the exit of the tent and rudely threw her out in the dust of the Albertan badlands.

''Thanks guys, I'll take it from here!'' Chris quietly thanked the guards as he patted them on their shoulders before they left. ''I offer you a consolation price and you threaten me? You shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you, you know!'' Chris stated, crossing his arms and smiling brightly as he looked down to Gwen, feeling superiorly.

''I don't want your consolation price, I want the main one! I won it fair and square! I've let you use me for 10 years!'' Gwen called out between hackling coughs as she slowly got back on her feet. ''I'll still sue you! This isn't over!'' She gravely assured him as she backed away.

''Face it Gwen, it is! A starving artist like you doesn't have the money to sue a multimillion company like mine!'' Chris smugly told her. ''And neither does your mother.'' He quietly added with a rather snide undertone.

''Leave my mom out of this-'' Gwen venomously muttered. She stomped towards Chris with a balled fist, but quickly backed away when she had realized it was no use. She turned her back on Chris and left to prepare to go home, bitter and defeated.

Several months later, Gwen had mostly put the whole ordeal behind her. During some idle moments she'd think it over and almost get worked up about it, but would also settle down with the conclusion that she was a fool for joining the newest season altogether.

Right now, Gwen was at a small gallery as she once again tried to sell one of her paintings and hoping to get a new customer.

''Good day miss. What do you have for us?'' The curator asked, not recognizing Gwen.

''I call this piece, 'A sonnet of somber'! A depiction of hopelessness!'' Gwen proudly stated when she showed the curator her latest art, a painting bearing a stylistic depiction of what on first glance looked like a bard singing a ballad to a sad woman on a balcony above him, everything in a dominant blue color scheme.

True to Chris's words, Gwen was a typical starving artist, she painted a lot of paintings, but they didn't sell all that well to private customers and so far, she had little luck trying to sell them to galleries too. This inconsistent income commonly landed her in financial troubles… not that Gwen wasn't used to that, her mother raised both her and her brother by herself and she learned well from said experience.

The curator eyed the painting rather uninterested. ''It's not like the painting is subpar, the colors blend in rather well with the general mood and the composition is of a splendid quality. But the thing is, I don't think if it will earn back its money.''

Gwen sighed. ''Does your average visitor like to watch TV?''

''I don't know. Why?''

''Because I am Gwen Detweiler and I made this painting.'' Gwen stated, trying desperately not to sound pretentious or arrogant.

''Who?'' The curator confusedly asked as she genuinely tried to recognize Gwen.

''The moody Goth girl from Total Drama.'' Gwen explained after a quick scoff.

''Oh, now I recognize you! My daughters love it!'' The Curator stated, rather surprised.

''I bet they are.'' Gwen moodily replied as she crossed her arms, but forced herself to put up a small smile as well.

''On second thought, I think I'd be very happy to display your painting and perhaps any of your future works!'' The curator eagerly expressed before she gestured Gwen to come along, who wasn't as happy as someone would be in a similar situation.

There were certain customers that were more willing to buy her art after she had reminded them that it was 'A genuine Gwen Detweiler painting', but when she had to fall back on using her Total Drama fame as a selling point, she'd feel as absolutely cheap as much as she despised the 'sheep' who got more excited by the prospect of buying the painting solely because it came from her hand instead of them liking it or understanding the meaning she gave the painting. It were moments like these where she hated to admit that her involvement with the series was good for something.

Hours later, Gwen was sipping on a coffee in a nearby coffeehouse after selling her painting for the right price. Again, Gwen was always glad when her paintings sold, but she wasn't proud of how she had achieved it.

She was indulging on the caffeinated beverage when she felt her phone vibrate. She took it out of her pocket and was alerted that someone had sent her a text message, but the sender's number wasn't displayed.

Expecting it to be bothersome advertising of sorts, she was about to delete the text. But for some reason, she wanted to be sure she wasn't deleting something important, so instead of deleting it, she read the text.

'Gwen, like you, I'm not happy with the way how Total Drama Get-Together went down. And for that, I want to offer you a chance to get even. Interested? Go the Presley hotel in Sudbury tonight and ask for Mr. Hart. Come disguised and tell no one.'

A little spooked by the mysterious nature of the message at first, Gwen wondered who could've sent it to her and if it was an authentic offer. However, she quickly grew to suspect that Chef sent it to her due to his off-placed 'apology' during the wrestling match made him the prime suspect she and wondered whether he really was sorry for helping cheat Gwen out of her million after all. The similar surname could easily be a alias, and a poor one with that, also contributed to the suspicion.

Despite that she should know much better than to following shady instructions off of a mysterious text sent by an unknown, Gwen was curious whether this would lead to something important and set her mind.

That evening, Gwen made it to the aforementioned hotel, an upper-class one with that, dressed in a raincoat and having her hair wrapped up in a headscarf and went straight to the front desk.

''Good evening, in what room does Mr. Hart stay? He's expecting me.'' She asked the receptionist.

''He has told me as well. He resides at room 55 on the 3rd floor.'' The receptionist informed her, after which Gwen gave an grateful nod and left for the stairs.

After locating the 55th room, Gwen breathed in deeply before knocking on the door. She didn't know if she was going to be pulled into something big or that this was all just part of some prank, but she was ready.

''Come in'' A muffled voice, though distantly familiar to Gwen asked from the other side of the door some seconds after Gwen had knocked. She slowly opened the door and entered just as slowly.

''Took you some time huh? Was it the disguise?'' The owner of the voice asked before Gwen could see to who it belonged to.

''Noah?'' Gwen gasped in surprise as she finally saw him, sitting in a fauteuil and looking the same as the last time Gwen saw him, with the sole notable difference being that Noah has grown a beard.

''That's me.'' He smugly replied before he stood up.

It was a mystery to Gwen why a guy like Noah never enrolled in any posh college or sorts, because what she knew of Noah was that he commonly made guest appearances in TV shows and partook in other reality TV competitions, often with Owen, something that was strange too because this only helped increase Noah's fame, of which Gwen suspected he rather wished to avoid increasing like she did. Gwen had absolutely no clue why he wanted to meet her here under these circumstances.

''What do you want from me- How did you get my number- And what's with all the secrecy?!'' Gwen defensively asked multiple questions at once as she backed away from Noah, though with so many questions for him, she didn't consider to leave before having some of them answered.

''Easy Gwen, all in due time!'' Noah calmed her down, making a soothing gesture before he sat down again. ''But first, were you followed?'' He insistently asked.

''No, and against better judgment, no one even knows I'm here.'' Gwen cynically responded. ''What about you?'' She huffed indignantly.

''I made sure we're untraceable for the paparazzi by growing a beard, getting a fake ID and checking in at this hotel under a false name. As far as the hotel staff knows, we're just people having an affair. Trust me, I've done my homework.'' Noah assured her in his usual lazy tone.

''But why all this secrecy?'' Gwen confusedly asked.

''I'll tell you, sit down.'' He calmly ordered as he sat back in his own chair, and Gwen followed suit by sitting down in the fauteuil opposite of Noah's, but not before removing the uncomfortable headscarf.

''So, we still remember the disaster that was the Total Drama Get-Together finale, right?''

''I'm afraid so.'' Gwen grumbled as she crossed her arms.

''And though there's not a single trace of it to be found in the aired episode, we both know that Chris never told us about the wrestling part.''

''I tried to convince people on my blog that it was a complete snow job, but they wouldn't listen and call me a sore loser or even attention whore.'' Gwen explained before she snorted indignantly.

''It has become a strange world where you out of all people is being accused of being an attention whore.'' Noah sarcastically chuckled.

''Ugh, don't get me started.'' She muttered, crossing her arms and shaking her head.

''Anyway, it's obvious that you're still very angry at the way thing went.'' Noah guessed.

''More than I care to admit, yes.'' Gwen agreed.

''And I found a perfect way to get revenge on him.'' Noah confidently stated. ''But before I tell you what it consists of, you have to agree to break laws and risk serious jail time!'' He cautioned her.

''Hey, I'm all about setting his car on fire or trashing his house if that's what you're aiming at!'' Gwen laughingly responded, though an ominous feeling crept on to her after Noah's warning.

''I aim for something bigger, Gwen.'' Noah responded, unfazed by Gwen's attempt at humor. ''Because I want you to help me commit a heist on Chris's headquarters!''

Noah's announcement slowly sunk in on Gwen. She chuckled as she thought Noah was somewhat joking at first, his serious expression made Gwen realize his proposal was as serious as his looks. ''You're serious?'' She nervously asked for confirmation.

''Dead.'' Noah flatly replied.

''No way. Count me out! I hate Chris, I hate what he pulled on me but I will not risk years in prison to get back at him!'' Gwen declared, sounding progressively more vehement as she stood up and paced through the room while speaking. ''Isn't there something else we can do to him? Something smaller?''

''Gwen, Chris will laugh off any petty act of revenge we try to get on him. And even if we do something that remotely irks him, he'll get his lawyer-legion and sue us for everything we have, up until the clothes we're wearing.'' Noah carefully explained.

''No, we need to get revenge by committing something grand against him, something that will leave a lasting impression and makes him regret that he pulled this crap against us.'' He continued with increasing, though controlled, anger. Finishing with pounding the armrest of his fauteuil once.

''Why would you care so much?'' Gwen suspiciously asked, having calmed down significantly during Noah's explanation.

Noah cocked his head and shrugged briefly. ''Well, in the highly unlikely event that I won that finale, it would've been me who'd be cheated out of a million dollar, that's one of several reasons.'' He humbly explained before he stood up and stretched his arms out. ''So Gwen, what do you say, are you in?'' He warmly, at least as warmly Gwen thought Noah could, offered as he stretched his hand out to her.

''Hold on, I want details on what we're actually robbing him off.'' Gwen coldly demanded.

''It's not that I don't trust you, but for my own safety I can't go into them yet. I can tell you though, that we're going to be stabbing Chris right in the heart… metaphorically speaking.''

''I'm all in favor of stabbing him whatsoever.'' Gwen casually remarked. ''But still…'' She added, sounding much more thoughtful as she started to mull over Noah's offer, once again pacing around the room.

Gwen was seriously in favor of getting revenge on Chris, but she wasn't sure if she was cut out to commit crimes. Of course, she had her rebellious phase during puberty and dated a juvenile delinquent for several years, but she never committed any heinous acts during that phase, nor did she really approve of Duncan's felonious actions, which persisted when they were dating and went on into adulthood.

She was also reluctant to risk having to spend years in jail, not just because she didn't think could bear years of prison life, but she was also afraid of losing the last shed of dignity she had after years of appearing repeatedly humiliating herself on Total Drama in every feasible way possible.

But on top of that, Gwen was also afraid of what her mother would think of her. She has always looked up to her mom and have never wanted to wrong her. How would her mother's life change if her only daughter would disappear behind bars for getting revenge on her nemesis? Gwen was sure it would be a blow to her dignity.

With the drawbacks seriously outweighing the benefits, Gwen had set her mind.

''Sorry Noah, I'd love to get revenge, but I can't risk my life as it is for this.'' Gwen apologetically answered, gently pushing Noah's hand away.

''Your life as it is now? Being a starving artist selling paintings to stupid people who'll never understand them and only buy them because of the kick of buying them from you?'' Noah indignantly huffed, an argument which took Gwen by surprise.

''How do you know that?'' Gwen gasped in surprise.

''You post more emotions on your blog than you let on at first glance.'' Noah smugly told her.

''Stalker.'' Gwen sniped before she was about to leave.

''Gwen, don't forget that only we're doing this only for revenge, but for the take as well.'' Noah reminded her, which made her stop in her tracks right before she was to leave the room.

''The… 'take'?'' Gwen confusedly repeated, slowly turning her head to Noah.

''Of course. It's not a proper heist if you don't take any loot! You didn't win the million dollar, but if you join in on this, and considering everything goes right, you'll get tenfold! At least!'' Noah suavely assured her. ''Isn't that reason enough to reconsider?''

Having completely forgotten about the financial gain, Gwen began to reconsider her choice. She didn't know if it was the result of Noah's manipulation -something he was known to be skilled at if he found it necessary- or not, but Gwen slowly began to realize that she loathed the life she was stuck in, where she'd constantly have to beg to get by and have her art sold for reasons she didn't want to sell it for. She was still well aware of the risks and the drawbacks, but her greed and the wish to improve her life greatly tipped the scales in favor of accepting.

''Noah…'' Gwen said as she turned to him. ''Count me in!'' She confidently answered before she shook Noah's hand.

''Excellent!'' Noah contently replied, looking genuinely happy that Gwen had taken up on his offer. ''Go home and act as if this meeting has never taken place. Don't come back to this hotel and especially don't talk about it with others!'' Noah instructed her as they let go off of each other's hands.

''You got it!'' Gwen casually replied.

''I'll message you in a few days about where to meet up with me and what to do next!'' Noah added before she opened the door and left.

Only after leaving the hotel did Gwen fully begin to feel the rush of what she agreed to. She had accepted a chance to get back at Chris, not just for what he did to her during the Total Drama Get-Together finale, but for everything he pulled against her over her entire run on Total Drama. She was so thrilled at this, that she completely forgot to ask how Noah got her phone number, but that was a question to be asked for another time.

Whew! That felt good!

I don't know what took me 8 months to write this chapter! Really, I needed 7 and a half months for the first 800 words, while I pretty much wrote the rest over the past week! My productivity sure is all over the place, but I made it a goal to improve that (As always)!

But enough about me, did you readers like this new story? I hope you do because Applauze and I had a great time conceptualizing and planning it!

Until next update!

