Several days passed without Eddie hearing from Danny. Jamie had mentioned last night at work that Danny had been staying at his dad's because Linda and him weren't doing good. Eddie tried to act like this was news to her. She still wasn't sure about letting Jamie know about his brother and her new found friendship, if you would even call it that. She felt things were already awkward and Jamie didn't even know.

It was Friday night. Eddie's first night off since the night of the tournament and planned on staying in.

She was on the couch under a blanket watching re runs of CSI when she heard the knock at the door. It was almost midnight. She hadn't been expecting anyone she only was wearing an NYPD t-shirt and pajama shorts. She grabbed her gun that was sitting on the coffee table, ever since she had been attacked she kept it in arms reach. She quietly walked to the door. There was another knock.

"Who is it?" She said looking through the peep hole and seeing Danny.

"Detective Reagan." He replied as she opened the door.

He stood in her door way wearing his usual suit and tie. The smell of alcohol radiated off of him.

"Shit Danny what are you doing here?" She asked stunned that he had showed up at her house.

"I told you I would see you later." He laughed. "Is now a bad time?" He asked his eyes wondering in to see if she already had company.

She laughed. "Well when you said see you later I didn't think it would be now." She finally pushed the door opened and allowed him in sitting the gun back on the table.

"Sorry if I scared you. I just figured you would be awake seeing you are on 3rd shift this rotation."

"It's fine.. I should change into something else." She gestured for him to have a seat. "Do you want a drink?"

"Sure and you look fine." His eyes scanned over her body. Linda would never wear something like that.. Even though it was just a t-shirt she looked entirely too sexy in it. Then he remember she was much younger than Linda by more than 10 years.

"Is beer okay?" She asked walking back with the bottle already hand.

"Yeah it's fine thanks." He grabbed it slightly brushing his hand against hers in the process.

"You worked tonight?" She asked sitting down beside him knowing the answer was yes. He always worked. That was his and Linda's big problem.

"Yeah just got off." Which wasn't true he had been off several hours sitting at the bar debating on whether or not to come see her. All week he thought about her when his mind wasn't on the divorce.

"I'm staying at my dads for right now." He sighed. "Next week I'll meet with her lawyers and sign the papers." He had given up. He had tried everything to make it work with Linda. After a long talk with his dad he knew this was for the best. He couldn't make her happy anymore.

"I'm sorry it couldn't be worked out." She lied. After the night they shared deep inside she had hoped for the worst. She hated herself for it. In her mind she wondered if the night hadn't happened would Danny had fought harder to keep Linda.

"What is this?" She looked up at him. She needed to know. After their short conversation and at crime scene she had thought their status was just a going to be a mistake.. a one night stand. Then he went and kissed her at the station. He hadn't been drunk. She was even more confused when he said she was the only thing that made him feel better.

At that moment he leaned in and kissed her. She felt like she had butterfly's in her stomach and she had no idea why he made her feel this way. She kissed him back him.

"I don't know... I wish I could tell you." He brushed the hair out of her face. "I don't think the other night was a mistake." He smiled and tugged at her needing her to be closer.

"Can we just see where this leads?"

Up until then Eddie had been letting him do most of the talking. It never been easy for her to talk about her feelings not even with her own family.

" I would like that Danny. I've never felt like this before.. I just don't want to ruin my relationship with Jamie. He is like a brother to me." She spoke placing her hand on the top of his that was currently rubbing her leg. "What would he think of me if he knew I was was screwing his brother."

"I know.. I know.. We don't have to tell anyone anything until we know ourselves what this is." Danny knew they couldn't tell anyone about this. He needed to wait until the divorce was over. He couldn't have something Linda could hang over his head.

Here was Danny Reagan sitting on her couch telling saying he wanted her. Never in a million she would she have imagined this would be happening to her. All she could think about at the moment was his hand on her leg. Within seconds she hadn't know what took over she grabbed his hand and was on top of him straddling him. She kissed him hard on the mouth taking away his breath. He reached around grabbing her ass with both hands as she attacked his neck.

"I need this more than you know. " Danny's hands moved up under her shirt and lifted it over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra, his pants bulged even harder to be released. This couldn't be real life at that moment he felt as any man would. She had every women he had ever been with beat. He moaned as she bounced on top of him sliding her tongue back in his mouth.

Hours passed. Eddie and Danny had just had the best sex they had both ever had. Danny lay with Eddie's head on his chest as he stroked her hair.

"That was amazing. You are amazing Eddie."