~Monday Morning

Ritsu woke, as he had the morning before, in a very good mood. "Morning Cassie, how you feeling?" he crooned to the dog, who raised his head and wagged his tail. "Let's check you out." He knelt and unwound the bandages, soothing Cassie when he whimpered. "That's a good boy, Cassie, I know it hurts. Come on, let me see your leg so we can try walking." He tested the leg, having Cassie stand and try a few steps, watching for any sign of discomfort. Well, he did seem to be favoring it a little, but a short walk after breakfast could be good. Clipping a lead to his harness, Ritsu led Cassie to breakfast, where he hid under the table, waiting for scraps. The guys seemed to like him, slipping a few pieces of surreptitious bacon under the table.

"You guys," Ritsu grumbled, "He's still healing at this point, but when I start training him, he's only allowed to eat out of his bowl. You know the drill, only the handlers feed the dogs, so no one can slip them anything. Cassie's going to be a special case, but I won't have him endangered. Quit it with the bacon."

"Yes, young master!" they chorused around the table. He nodded gruffly and coaxed Cassie from under the table. After their brief walk, they went back to his room, where he rinsed Cassie's wounds and rewrapped them, talking softly the whole time. Making sure someone would look in on him, Ritsu left with Tetsuya to walk to school, hopefully meeting Haruhi on the way.


Haruhi stood where she had left Ritsu on Saturday, fiddling nervously with her tie. Sunday had been strange, with her dad trying to subtly question her about her relationship with Ritsu and making his disapproval really obvious. She was kind of disappointed that her dad was being so instantly judgmental, because his father was Yakuza, he was immediately a bad guy.

Haruhi really wasn't stupid, a bit of quiet investigation on her part had determined that the current head of the Kasanoda syndicate ran it as a largely legitimate business, trappings and manners aside. She suspected that Kyoya's father was into far darker things, though she was never planning on mentioning it. At this point it was all old prejudice, as far as she was concerned, and she had more than enough of that at school. Would she have to downplay their relationship for both their sakes? Shaking her head, she looked up and waved to Ritsu and Tetsuya. She had hoped they would come.

Smiling and chatting, they walked to Ouran, Tetsuya leaving them by the gates, as Haruhi and Ritsu parted for their separate classes.


Ritsu Kasanoda was headed to lunch, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Haruhi. A hand fell on his shoulder and he looked up to see Mori's face, more serious than usual. "What's up Mori-Senpai?" He shook his head and gestured to follow. Ritsu shrugged, may as well.

As they turned down an empty hallway, Mori tapped his shoulder, and he paused. "They will ask you about Haruhi's friendship. Do not hint at anything more." Mori said, and resumed walking.

Ritsu stood for a moment in shock, before hurrying to catch up. "Why would you warn me?"

Mori kept walking and said softly, "They rule her life enough already, she deserves a chance to decide on her own. I only wish her happiness."

Ritsu met his eyes and nodded firmly in agreement.

They soon reached Music Room #3, where Mori knocked twice and held the door for him, before crossing to a chair on the right of the dais. Most of the lights were off, except a few directly above the dais. Tamaki was in his throne, no wait, was tied to his throne and gagged. To his left, acting as if there was no one struggling and attempting to scream next to him, was Kyoya. He looked smooth and unruffled as always, seeming to ignore the room as he looked through his notebook. On Kyoya's left was Honey, holding his bunny and seemingly unconcerned with the table of cake and tea placed at his side. Mori watched impassively from the right. Directly in front of Kyoya and Tamaki stood a single folding chair, illuminated by a spotlight. Ritsu looked at the setup, everyone was in cushioned chairs but him, and Tamaki and Honey were showing outward animosity. Kyoya was pretending to ignore him, in an attempt to make him nervous. Yes, definitely an interrogation, and a subtle attempt to drive home his inferior station.

Ritsu turned the folding chair around and leaned across the back. "Hey guys, what's up?" he asked nonchalantly. He reached down without looking and pulled a sandwich from his bag. Biting into it, he said "I'd have brought enough for everyone if I knew I was coming. If you wanted me to spend lunch with you guys, you only had to ask."

Kyoya wrote something in his book and snapped it shut. "Indeed, Kasanoda, I will make a note of it. I asked you here for a different reason, however. It has been brought to my attention that you managed a rescue of our dear Haruhi on Saturday?"

"Yeah, some guys were bothering her, so me and my guys scared them off. Hey, did you know Tamaki is bound and gagged?" Ritsu replied innocently.

"Of course, I'm the one who did so. We needed to have a serious conversation, for which he needed to be present, but we also needed to avoid his usual histrionics. If he has anything of worth to impart, I'll relay it." The muffled voice of Tamaki grew briefly louder, and the struggles more violent. Kyoya spared him a sideways glance, "Insults and threats against my person do not count as such, Tamaki, I suggest you calm yourself." The muttering grew softer, "And of course I can understand you, but I still won't let you out."

He refocused his attention to Kasanoda, one hand dismissing the spectacle that was Tamaki. "I hope you are aware of the value Haruhi holds to us? We wouldn't wish anything untoward to happen to her person or her reputation. After all, the only reason she even wished to come to this school was to further her ambition to become a lawyer, as her mother was before her."

"Haru-chan is too good for you," muttered Honey, his hands balled into fists. Kasanoda had fallen in his estimation, ever since he had peeked in on her. Even Mori had been unable to convince him it was unintentional.

Kasanoda nodded solemnly and sighed, "I know she is." He leaned his head on his arms, "She talked about you all, when us and the guys were having lunch. Have you seen her bag? It's like watching a magic trick." He allowed himself a brief smile that faded to a frown before continuing, "She mentioned wanting to do things on her own, but that Kyoya would hold some debt over her head if she didn't do whatever you all wanted." He glared in Kyoya and Tamaki's direction, "She said she feels more like a servant than a friend, sometimes. What the hell are you doing to her? If you're hurting her, I swear!-"

Kyoya interrupted, his eyes hidden in his glasses, "That's my line, Kasanoda." He held his chin with one hand, "We don't intentionally try to make her feel like a servant, we just wish to spend time in her charming company. Admittedly, Tamaki's outings do tend to go a little over the top, but all in good fun, which is why I allow it." Muffled noises drew his attention, briefly, "Ah, he says 'Daddy does not approve', which is true in this instance. I have spoken to her actual father, and he expressed some concerns about his daughter being a lawyer and associating with a Yakuza member. She seemed to have spoken of you in glowing terms and I reassured him that you two were just friends. Was I correct?" He leaned forward intently, gripping the arms of his chair.

Glowing terms? Surprise and joy are not allowed on the face, stick with resignation. Kasanoda consciously drew his eyebrows down, "Of course, you all were there, she 'friended' me twice, in front of a room full of overexcited girls." He winced at the memory and continued, "She also mentioned how much she values my friendship, as I don't try to force her into anything and actually listen to her." Glowering at Kyoya and Tamaki, he stood, "As her friends, you should do the same. We done here?"

Kyoya looked up from writing in his notebook, "For the moment, yes. But do try to remember your place, which is not at her side. Haruhi is destined for greater things, and we can't allow you to drag her down. She really is too good for you, Kasanoda, no insult intended."

Ritsu had turned for the door, and paused before opening it, "I know. But if you can't start treating her like the wonderful person that she is, none of you are good enough for her either." He tightened his fingers on the door handle, and said softly, "She deserves to have whatever she wants, she gives up so much for others. How can she have what she wants when no one will listen? She doesn't care about money or gifts, you know, she's not like that." He leaned his head against the door and whispered, "I wish I could be enough." Shaking his head, he allowed the door to click shut behind him.


Eyes downcast, Ritsu walked to his next class, completely unaware of the other students scurrying away. He heard his name and looked up, causing a nearby student to drop his books. "Ritsu, quick, the twins are certain to be looking for me soon," Haruhi rushed up to him. His confused glare cleared the hallway.

She took his arm and hustled him into a nearby classroom. A growled "Out!" made the couple in the corner rush out, straightening their clothing. When the door closed behind them, he felt her small arms around his waist. Enfolding her in a strong hug, he whispered into her hair, "Just friends at school, I'm sure Kyoya watches the tapes. When in doubt, be angry at me." He felt a tiny nod under his chin. "They interrogated me at lunch, and I know the twins will show up soon." Another miniscule nod and she made a show of pushing him away and stepping back.

"How are your classes going?" she asked.

He shrugged, "Good enough, I'm getting a D in math."

She glared at him, "And how's Cassie getting along?"

He smiled a little, "We took him to the vet the first day, it seems like he was neutered and had his shots as a pup, but he's been living rough –someone's outside the door- for at least 6 months. We got him another set of shots, nothing's broken, but he's pretty beat up." He flicked his eyes to the door, "Maybe you should hold off visiting him so quick, you know, give him time to heal. He's sure to be more fun when he's feeling better."

She put her hands on her hips and leveled her best death glare at him, "Oh no, Casanova, I will be visiting MY DOG this afternoon, you don't get to weasel out of it so easily. You will meet me after Host Club this afternoon so I can check in on Cassie."

A show of reluctance with a hint of whine, "But I have a free period next."

Her eyes flashed at him as the door opened quietly, two redheads peeked in as she proclaimed, "Don't start with me, Casanova, you will bring me with you, even if I have to set minders on you. As for your free period, sounds like a perfect opportunity for you to study." Her face brightened suddenly, striking fear into the hearts of the boys, "Ah, I know! I'll check your notes after I look in on Cassie." She dusted her hands and flounced out, "That way I'll be sure you pass. See you after club."

The twins smirked and patted his shoulder, "Good luck, Bossanova!"


Host Club went as normally as could be expected, after the lecture Hikaru and Kaoru earned themselves by asking "So you're going to Bossanova's house today?" After enduring a 20 minute lecture about how friends don't spy on each other, Tamaki tried to use his "puppy dog eyes" to come along. Haruhi was unmoved, though she did suggest letting Cassie and Antoinette meet, once he was feeling better and properly trained. She named a few books, recommending he begin to train Antoinette to not jump on people so much. Kyoya agreed, Tamaki's exuberance was all he could take, without enduring a dog-clone as well.

Ritsu was slouched against a wall when she came out after club.

She waved, "Casanova! Do you have your homework?"

He shrugged, "Yeah. I called home for a car to pick us up, so you can check it over sooner. We can't waste time where schoolwork is concerned." The note of bitterness in his voice was very convincing, though false. Secretly, he was all but cheering at the prospect of time alone with Haruhi.

He waved her over to a town car with dark tinted windows in the back that completely obscured the interior. Holding the door, he handed her in and nodded to Ryu, who was grinning. "Good afternoon, Lady Haruhi."

She looked up from fastening her seatbelt, "Hi, Ryu, nice to see you again." Tapping her chin, she continued, "I give us about a 70% chance of being tailed, probably by Kyoya's people. I would not suggest any overtly evasive actions, but no rush. I expect a backup tail as well, either Honey or Mori's people."

Ritsu looked at her in admiration, "I didn't think you knew about this sort of thing."

She blushed slightly as the car began moving, "I watch a lot of action movies, and I've noticed being followed. It was established in my mind when I kept seeing Tachibana and the same three guys everywhere I went. I lost them in the library on Saturday before I met you."

He nodded and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Any sign of them yet, Ryu?"

The driver met his eyes in the rearview mirror, "About four cars behind us, they're being pretty subtle, but I see them. Hold on." He made an unnecessarily sharp turn, causing Haruhi to tip half into Ritsu's lap. "Sorry, but they would have expected some form of evasive action."

Ritsu glared and raised the divider.

Haruhi raised an eyebrow, "Well, since I'm here…" She straightened up enough to meet his lips.

He froze for a moment before turning towards her and taking her in his arms. He smoothed her hair before placing his fingers at the back of her head and deepening the kiss. With her curves pressed against him, he could feel her trying to unbuckle her seatbelt to get closer. He reluctantly ended the kiss and stopped her. "No, we have to stop now, keep your seatbelt on, we should be there soon." He took a deep breath to calm himself, and she did the same, fixing her clothing and smoothing her blazer.

A short drive later and they stopped in front of the Kasanoda Syndicate's gate. Two guards checked Ryu before opening the door and bowing. "Young lord, your dog has been walked and is waiting in your rooms. We have the dining room prepared with snacks for you and your guest. Tetsuya is waiting inside if you need anything else."

Ritsu nodded and stepped out before turning and offering Haruhi his hand, which she took. When he tried to let go, she smiled and squeezed his hand. They walked through the doors hand in hand.

"Welcome back, Young Lord!" chorused the waiting Syndicate members. Haruhi squeaked and clutched Ritsu's arm. Ritsu face palmed and shook his head, "Just keep walking, Haruhi."

"Welcome, Lady Haruhi" They chorused again. "Um, hi?" She replied hesitantly.

As they passed inside, a few quiet conversations started up. "Are you sure that's a chick? Looks a bit like a guy." "A couple of the fellas met her in town over the weekend, she's a chick."

Ryu spoke up from behind them, "I was there, she really is a girl, and they seem to like each other a lot. We gotta be careful with them, I'd hate for us to scare her away. The Young Lord would be mad for ages!" He pushed his hair back and continued, "Remember when they met in school and we thought she was a dude? You want to go through that again?" The guys shuddered and went back to work.


Ritsu gave Haruhi a brief tour before bringing her to his rooms, where Cassie was waiting. He lifted his head and thumped his tail. "Cassie! Are you being a good boy for Ritsu? Of course you are, you're such a good boy!" Haruhi was petting him, rubbing his ears and talking baby talk for a good five minutes. Ritsu fought a grin at her behavior, he hadn't figured her for baby talk.

He knelt next to her, gently petting Cassie as she continued to talk softly to him. After awhile, she stopped and turned to him, "Do you want to do your homework in here?" Cassie wuffed beside them and got to his feet, the petting had stopped, that was not acceptable.

Ritsu shook his head and tilted his head at the desk in the corner, "There's not enough room for two at my desk, I thought we would do our work in the dining- oof!" Cassie, since they had stopped paying attention to him, jumped on Ritsu's back, knocking him onto Haruhi. Fortunately, his reflexes had cushioned her fall with his arms, so she didn't hit her head, but left them tangled together on the floor. With one arm cradling her head, and the other tucked behind her waist, they were so close he could feel each curve and rise of her breath. His body began to react, his libido calling up a few secret fantasies very similar to this, and his face reddened. She smiled softly at him, pulling his face down for a kiss. His mind stopped working for a moment, so he didn't hear Cassie barking behind him, or the sound of the door sliding open. Two shiny black shoes appeared in his field of vision, and someone cleared their throat.

Ritsu powered to his feet, crouching protectively in front of Haruhi, before he realized who had come in. Standing and helping Haruhi to her feet, he said, "Hey Pops, you're home early."

His father scowled, "The meeting at Daydream was quick and I wanted to meet your girl. Who's this boy?"

Haruhi muttered, "Right, uniform." She shook her head and bowed to Ritsu's father, "Kasanoda–Sama, I really am a girl, here, let me show you." And she began to take of her jacket.

"Haruhi, you can't strip in front of my dad, what are you doing?" Ritsu whispered forcefully, holding her arm. She looked quizzically at him before she shrugged and twisted, leaving him holding her Ouran blazer. Once out of its concealing folds, her cream colored shirt made it quite clear that she was a girl in trousers, rather than a slightly effeminate boy.

She gathered up their school bags and asked Kasanoda-Sama, "Can we have this discussion in the dining room? We still have homework to do and one of the guys at the gate said there were snacks laid on."

He inclined his head toward her, "Of course, miss. My son and I will lead the way." As they walked down the hall, he hissed to his boy, "Yeah, I could see how you were studying, what the hell is going on here?"

Ritsu shook his head, "Sorry, Pops, I hafta keep her secrets, but if you ask, she'll probably tell you everything. She won't directly lie."

"She was dressed as a boy, very convincingly!"

"Talk to her, I guess." Ritsu shrugged.

Behind them, Haruhi pointed to a half opened door, "Kasanoda-Sama, Ritsu, isn't the dining room in there?" They stopped, realizing she was correct, and trudged back up the hallway.

Kasanoda took the head of the table, with Ritsu and Haruhi sitting on either side. He cleared his throat once they were all seated, with tea close to hand, "So, why wear the boy's uniform?"

Haruhi sighed and played with her cup, "The first things you need to understand are that the Host Club is certifiably insane, and most of the girls at Ouran are apparently idiots, okay? So, my first day was hell, my contacts were lost, so I had my spare glasses, which were hideous, and the neighbor's brat had got gum in my hair the day before, so I hacked it all off. I couldn't afford the uniform, so I was just wearing comfortable clothes. I wanted to study after school, but every single library was full of chattering students. So finally I found what I thought was an abandoned music room. The host club were there. I was trying to avoid Tamaki and accidentally broke an 8 million yen vase. I ended up being conscripted to being their dog, and promoted to host after the first session. They gave me the boys uniform first, so I wore it, I really wasn't bothered by that. When it got wet after an incident with a bully, they gave me the girl's uniform, and finally figured out I was a girl. Since then, it was one crazy adventure after another, with the debt hanging over my head. They put me in dresses at every opportunity, and the girls still think I'm a boy. At the end of last year, Tamaki was required to spend time with a crazy French girl, who made him disband the Host club and paid the last of my debt."

Ritsu spoke up, "But then why-?"

Haruhi shook her head and continued, "When she tried to force him to go with her, Kyoya arranged a high speed chase with a Renaissance horse and carriage, with Hikaru and Kaoru driving and me along for the ride to convince Tamaki to come back. He's crazy, but we don't abandon our friends. The carriage hit a rock, throwing Hikaru out and breaking his arm. Kaoru stayed with him and I went on. I made it to the road they were on and tried to talk Tamaki into coming back, but the carriage hit something else, and I flew into the water. Tamaki came after me, fortunately. That night we all danced, with me in a dress, again. Since then, Kyoya reestablished my debt for the destruction of the carriage, charging Hikaru and Kaoru as well, so it's not as much, but it never seems to go down. As to the uniform itself, the Hitachiin brothers retailored my clothes when I hit a growth spurt this year, because I refused to bind. With the addition of a spare sock, voila, I'm a boy."

Kasanoda put his head in his hands and massaged his temples, "Your story is insane."

Haruhi shook her head, "No, I left most of the crazy out of it. For example, we went to a waterpark Kyoya owned, where we lost Honey and were chased by alligators. Mori and I went to look for him, but were stopped by guards before Honey rescued us. I didn't know about the ties between Haninozuka and Morinozuka before then."

"Hold on, Hitachiin, Haninozuka, Morinozuka, who are the other two, Kyoya and Tamaki?" Kasanoda asked.

"Ootori and Suoh. Suoh founded the Host Club, but Ootori runs everything." Haruhi replied with a shrug.

"So with five of the top families, why are you here? Feel like adding Yakuza to your network? What are you aiming for?" Kasanoda rubbed his greying moustache.

Ritsu glared at him, which he ignored, before Haruhi replied, "Honestly, I really don't care about money or connections. I make friends, not conquests. The only reason I'm here is that I genuinely like Ritsu and want to spend time with him. I know your family is Yakuza, and I also know that Ootori is darker than you. He employs his band of mercenaries wherever he feels it will bring the most profit, and is physically and emotionally abusive to his family. I worry about actual harm, and you treat your employees and clients much better than he does. There are laws being discussed to help families like yours take their place with the rest of society, and I hope to help establish more when I become a lawyer. There's enough old prejudice in the world already, we should be better than that."

"Too many Godfather movies?"

Haruhi laughed and shook her head, "No, but I do believe that a person should matter on their own, regardless of money or station." She looked to Kasanoda, "Do you own Lotus, as well as Daydream? My father works at Lotus, you may know him as Ranka."

Kasanoda began laughing, "Your father – crossdresser, you dress as a boy, ha! Yakuza lawyer! *snort*" He put his head on his arms and continued laughing for awhile.

Ritsu spoke up, "Pops, she's telling the truth, but the Host club considers her to be theirs. We can't let them know she associates with us. As far as they're concerned, she's only here for the dog. We can't tangle with all of them. Please, Dad."

"Right, right. So we have to keep your association quiet. What do the fellas know, and would they tell? You two are safe in the complex, but Ritsu, I don't want to see any more of what happened earlier. You know the Code, and I'll not have that sort of thing."

"It was the dog!"

"Sure, boy, sure it was. No matter, I believe you two have homework to complete?" Kasanoda smiled.


That night, after Haruhi had been driven home, Ritsu and his father met in his study. Kasanoda sat in his chair, "She's a civilian, Ritsu, you know the dangers. Keep that in mind."

"Yes, Father." He bowed and left for his rooms.

Kasanoda mused, "Interesting girl, hope they last."