Hey guys! So, I just recently got into Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and I absolutely love it. It's amazing. However, I wasn't really satisfied with the way they glossed over all the undercover stuff, I mean, don't you think someone who spent 6 months being undercover in the mob would have some emotional trauma to deal with? So here's my take on a little more on an in-depth look of Jake's return back to normal life at the nine-nine. Hope you like it! (also, I don't own any part of B99)

Boyle ran into the precinct barely able to contain himself. Amy tried not to roll her eyes as he insisted they go through with the prank he had planned, when she knew he would not be able to carry it out once his best friend was once again in the building. But, she understood his excitement, she was excited too…the precinct had been noticeably calm and boring without Jake around. He was always the one to make people laugh or relieve tension with his lame jokes or shenanigans. Although she was reluctant to admit it, she had missed her partner quite a lot.

But she was also nervous. Right before he left, Jake had dropped a big truth bomb in his typical Peralta fashion, admitting his feelings for her right before disappearing from her life for 6 months. She had stood there in the parking lot for a long time after he left, gaping in stunned silence for quite some time before she even realized that Jake had left and she hadn't said anything. She hadn't even told him to be safe, or not to be stupid, or not to annoy any major crime bosses. Or, she thought, tell him that I felt the same way…She shook her head to clear away those bothersome thoughts. She was with Teddy. And she loved Teddy. Well, at least she had told him she did, when she got home that same day Jake left and he told her that he loved her. She wasn't sure if she had said it back to reassure Teddy, who had been asking her all night if she was alright, or if she said it to reassure herself of her choices.

Either way, she was with Teddy, and Jake was back, and everything would go back to normal. She hoped.

Right about then, Jake swaggered into the bullpen announcing his return, and to no one's surprise, Boyle forgot all about his prank and practically flung himself his best friend. And while everyone else was a little slower to gather around, it was clear that everyone as happy to see him back, even Captain Holt. Amy hung back a little bit, just enough that she wouldn't have to make eye contact with Jake. While Rosa was busy catching him up on the drama he missed, (which wasn't a whole lot, he was always the one causing trouble), she took a good look at her partner. He looked pretty healthy, considering the amount of stress he must have been under. She could tell he was a bit thinner than he was when she last saw him, and she could've sworn she saw him favoring his left side just a bit, as if some old injury was still a bit of a nuisance. Overall, he looked like the same old Jake Peralta, with the same smirk/grin that had been such a thorn in her side since she started at the nine-nine. She wondered what he must have gone through during his time undercover. She had read the arrest reports, and some of the things these guys had been put away for made her shudder. She couldn't even imagine the kinds of things he must have seen.

Suddenly, she realized he was at her desk, and when she looked up at him she could see in his eyes that he was nervous and uncomfortable.

"Could we maybe talk in private?" He asks, gesturing to the evidence locker. She smiled nervously and nodded, following him to what she was sure was going to be an uncomfortable conversation. He shut the door and spun around to face her, and she was sure he could hear her heart beating as he regarded her.

"So, I have to ask…" He began, and she felt her stomach start to twist as he trailed off dramatically. "Did you really arrest a perp named Joe Uterus?"

She breathed out a sigh of relief and forced a laugh. "Yes! Oh my God, I can't believe I didn't tell you…" She tries to focus on the awkward conversation instead of the way he looks with his hair longer. He takes a deep breath and this time, she can tell what's really on his mind.

"But, also, I know we left things kinda weird…you know, we saying that I liked you…"

"I'm still with Teddy," she cut him off in a gentle tone, but didn't miss the hurt flicker through his eyes before he switched into cocky Jake, telling her he didn't mean it and that he was simply nervous about going undercover. For some odd reason, she found herself a little hurt by his words, though she staunchly ignored those feelings and focused on talking about Joe Uterus, which wasn't as whole lot better.

The rest of the day, Jake and Charles were off doing who knows what, and Amy and Rosa were forced to endure the Captain's drills with the Sargent. The frustrating interruptions were enough to distract her from the weirdness she was feeling about her conversation with Jake earlier. She was able to go almost the entire work day without seeing his face in that split second before he hid everything behind his mask of humor and jokes. But when she was getting ready to go home she couldn't help but see in her mind the look of hurt, and rejection, and pain that had been in his eyes. She knew he was dealing with a lot, and that it most likely wasn't all her rejection that would cause such a look, but she still found she couldn't quite believe that he meant it when he said that he didn't actually want something to happen between them, "romantic stylez".

Before she could shake those thoughts from her head, she saw Jake and Charles returning from whatever case they had been working that day. She stopped in her tracks. She had never seen Jake look so…defeated, yet there he was, slumping into his chair and releasing a sigh that was very unlike him. She shot Boyle a worried look, and he waved her on, communicating that he had got it under control, so she slipped out of the bullpen and walked to her car, though she couldn't stop worrying about Jake.

She felt guilty when she met Teddy for dinner before Jake's surprise party, because she was so distracted that after the third time of asking if she was ok, Teddy asked if she would rather just cut dinner short and offered her a ride to the bar. She got there just in time to see Jake's very fake surprised reaction (who was it that put Boyle in charge of getting him there again? I mean, seriously?) and hear the Captain's speech (if you could call it a speech). She noticed that while Jake was mingling and seemed to be having fun, he was also hanging back, and wasn't trying to get all the spotlight, which was uncharacteristic of him, especially considering it was a whole party in his honor. She watched him from her bar stool, and couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't really as ok as he seemed.

Not long after Jake walked up to her and offered her a drink. "Captain said only two drinks, but he didn't put a price limit! Smort!" he pointed to his head in a very Jake-esque fashion. The drink was, of course, disgusting. But Amy could tell that the olive juice aftertaste wasn't the only thing making him grimace.

"Hey, so listen, the thing I said to you before I went undercover, about how I wished something had happened between us romantically, that wasn't nothing. That was real."

Oh. Well, crap. After making sure he knew she was with someone, she couldn't help but wonder if she had just made one of the biggest mistakes of her life. She sat in a corner booth nursing her second beer as she brooded. Most of the people had gone home by now, only a few partiers remained. Terry was crying loudly and talking about yogurt, while Gina was hollering at him to take his shirt off. Rosa had left with Marcus earlier, and Boyle had been taken home by the captain after he tried to go to sleep on the floor of the bathroom. A few other people were straggling in the bar still as well. However, she didn't notice the one who was currently occupying her thoughts until he plopped down next to her on the seat.

"You're sure out late, Santiago," he squinted at her, and she could tell he was definitely drunk. "I'm surprised Teddy hasn't come to pick you up. He should be worried. I'm worried." His demeanor suddenly changed, he slumped over and she could see his eyes take on a far away, haunted look.

"I'm worried," he repeated, and she knew he was no longer talking about her. "What's the matter, Jake? Why are you worried?" she leaned in and peered at him in concern. He really did look terrible. In the dusky bar lighting, the bruises he got from Boyle and the dark circles under his eyes were very pronounced.

"Freddie's still out there. I didn't catch him. I couldn't…I couldn't catch him…" She can tell he feels guilty for not being able to catch the last mafia man, but before she could try to offer words of comfort, he continued.

"He was the worst of them, you know," he said softly. She took his hand as a silent encouragement to continue. "They all were bad, but Freddie? He was the worst…he did things, horrible things, that he should be locked up for, just like the rest of them…" he seemed as if he was trying to make himself smaller now, and his voice got softer as he continued. "I saw things…I did things…" He squeezed his eyes shut, unable to get the words out. Amy grabbed his hand in both of hers, and his head snapped up and he looked up at her suddenly. She saw in his eyes the guilt that was tormenting him.

"Amy…" he whispered, his voice hoarse, "they made me one of them. They said..." his voice broke, and he squeezed his eyes shut again, but this time she could see the tears start to fall. "They said I was one of them. I did so much more than fix a boxing match…" he trailed off again, and she knew that the only reason he was telling her this was because of how drunk he was.

"Come on, Jake," she said softly, tugging on his arm as she stood up. "let's get you home."

"No!" he cried, and yanked her back to the table with almost painful force. "I can't sleep there…I can't sleep anywhere…" his voice sounded so broken, so scared and almost child-like, that it broke Amy's heart. She took his other hand into hers as well, and turned so she was facing him.

"Jake," she said gently, "look at me." He turned his gaze up to meet her eyes, almost guiltily.

"You are not like them. You are not a bad guy, Jake…it's ok…" she spoke evenly, trying to be gentle but forceful enough to get through his inebriated mind. He shook his head.

"No, Amy, you don't understand…I had to prove I was one of them, I had to get them to trust me…" He pulled away from her and turned as if to leave, but she grabbed his arm to stop him.

"You did what you had to do," she reminded him. "You saved a lot of lives." She wasn't sure if he could even hear her, but he just pulled his hand out of hers and started to walk away.

"Jake wait!" She jumped up out of the booth and took his arm gently. "Let me take you home, ok?" He just nodded, and let her guide him outside.

She got a cab and helped him inside. She told the driver Jake's address, and then turned back to watch him while the drove in silence. Once the got to his apartment, she made sure he made it in safely, and was about to leave when she noticed he was wincing.

"What's wrong?" she asked, hurrying over to him to see if he was hurt.

"It's nothing," he waved her hands away. "Just had a few cracked ribs while back. They haven't quite healed yet. Also the booze is starting to wear off."

She frowned in concern. "Cracked ribs? What did you do?"

"S'nothing," he said, waving her away again. "Don't worry about it. You should get home to Teddy. He's probably worried."

She eyed him skeptically, but he gestured to the door as he lowered himself onto the couch. "Go, Santiago. I'm fine, really. Thanks for the ride home."

Reluctantly, she went to the door. She turned around to say one last thing, but it looked as if he was already passed out on the couch. She locked and shut the door behind her, and went home.