Okay. Just know that I'm crazy (wildly waving hands around) and crazy about this kind of storylines involving players and bad boys. So thought I should try it out. :)

"Just get out!" My mother's furious voice echoed around our small house followed by a the loud clatter of door being forcefully slammed making the walls rattle. Great. They were at it again.

I, who lay in a burrito with my blanket finally peeked my head and breathed a sigh of relief. Another hectic morning I see. The small skinny numbers on my alarm clock barely visible by the seeping sunlight shone 7:45 which meant I had time.

Silently I slid out of my bed and fixed my duvet before walking into my bathroom. I'm not like the girls at our school who look an embodiment of those La La Loopsies so it doesn't take me long to brush my teeth, and try to tame my wild bed hair. Keyword being try.

I pulled on pair of plain jeans and a nice baggy top before counting the steps down my small staircase. My mom sat on the floor of the living room, hair flown over her face, cleaning up the mess of glass shattered on the carpet. That was the loud noise I had woken up to this morning. Poor vase.

"Hey mom, let me get that," I offered kneeling to pick up a few shards and placing it of the dust pad. She smiled and wiped her puffy red eyes, breathing a quiet sigh. "Everything okay?" I asked pretending like i didn't hear my parents screaming at each other and stuff being thrown everywhere.

"Hmm, yeah. Sorry, there's pancakes in the kitchen honey," She smiled meekly once again and picked up the remaining pieces before staggering a little to the kitchen and discarding the broken glass vase.

A pregnant silence washed over us as I slid into the dining table with my plate of pancakes and maple syrup. I didn't say a word through my breakfast neither did mom. I kinda wanted to ask what my dad had done this time but I knew better than to question her at this state, it was like provoking a sleeping tiger.

"How're your grades?" She asked out of the blues as I got up to wash my plates.

"Good. All good," I mumbled with a mouthful and she nodded silently. Truth be told. I was failing Maths like an emu trying to fly. It just wasn't working out. I was an english major and numbers haunt me. I really wanted to tell my mother but it would worry her more and she already has enough on her plate.

"Do you need me to drop you off or…?" She question smiling a little and I mimicked.

"It's okay, I'll manage," I told her and she nodded and went back to doing the rest of the dishes. "Bye mom," I pecked her cheek and grabbed my bag and my converse shoes before piling into the car. It was my mom's but she barely used it so i do, it's the only mode of transport we've got right now.

The ride to school took about 10 minutes and I pulled into the parking lot the notorious Kings High School. Thing with our school is it's like a team of Zombie Apocalypse fighters, all split into categories. There were the jocks with athletic builds who usually date the cheerleaders. Then come the geeks, the computer game geniuses, followed by the nerds and then the outcasts.

In between the Cheerleaders and Geeks stood Sluts. Clingy, annoying and spreads things more than Excel does. Then above the jocks stood the popular gang. Yes the popular gang. They were made up of bad boys and players, breaking rules and getting girls, worse than the jocks but highly respected around here it was creepy.

Where do I fit?

Absolutely nowhere.

Sure I was devoted to my work but I still wasn't considered a nerd. Since freshman years I've kept myself low and heads down no thumbs up. I don't like the spotlight and rather just stick to my friends rather than popularity.

I entered the gates with half an hour to class. Which wasn't a problem because this is my usual arrival time and every odd day when things happen I always go to the one place I feel an ease. The library. Yes, the library. I'd just grab a random book and find myself a nice dark deserted corner and read away my worries. It's nerdy but I started doing it since problems occurred at home. It'd get my mind off things.

Once my feet reached the library threshold I felt relaxed already. It was quiet with not a peep to be heard compared to hollering and thundering footsteps of the school hallways. I shuffled in and already found myself roaming the shelves for my types of books. My eyes landed upon a book that made me smile. The Fault In Our Stars.

I'd read it several times but I still enjoy it. Grasping the book I sauntered to the farther side of the library with all the fiction crap is. The books that the school wasted bundles on since no one even touches them. I opened the book as I walked to find myself a spot and already started reading as well as moving.

My eyes wander across the lines and I was already getting sucked into the book.

"Oh baby," A high-pitched shrill voice moaned, snapping me out of my growing fantasies of Hazel and Gus. I stopped in my tracks, my eyebrows furrowed, maybe I misheard something?

"That's it babe," The sound of kisses faintly reached my audible surroundings. Ew. Gross. Who'd kiss in a library?

They're just some horny teens Stell.

I shook my head and continued walking to my little hiding corner I had made for myself a few months back. There were some abandoned racks in the back which i cornered together to make myself a nice cosy spot way from everything. Our library was huge and barely anyone came out this far.

Oddly the moaning and kissing sounds were getting louder and closer as I sauntered to my spot. Once I had reached my little cubby, I was in full view of two teen figures pressed up against each other, eating each other's faces in my little area. I see why they chose that spot, it was pretty closed off and no one could see, but it was my place. Mine.

Curious I slipped between the book shelves beside the couple in make-out mode and couched, gazing through a few parted books.

Surprise. Surprise.

One of our school's major Queen Bs, Kimberly Flores, had herself draped over a guy. Her hands roaming what seemed to be his muscular body figure and releasing trumpet like sounds from her mouth as he kissed down her neck.


Who ever this guy was, definitely had his body carved with time but God forgot to give him good hearing because he must be deaf not to hear Kimberly's moans and groans that sound like a whale in labor.

A whale in labor.

My comparison made a small laugh-like noise tumbled from my mouth unarmed before I could hold it in and it definitely reached their hearing. The guy stopped kissing and pulled away as I quickly slammed myself back against the wall to avoid their gazes. But through the books I could see who it was…

Brandon West.

Ha. What a surprise.

Note the sarcasm.

You could say Brandon West, was the king of the school, head of the populars. His name is known by everyone, why? Because he's hot. I won't rain on his little parade and say he's not. It's his persona that ruins him. Brandon is cocky, self-centred and can sometimes be a bully. He gets the girls kneeling at his feet, and yet he uses them and throws them away like Kleenex tissues. It's as if there is a sigh above his he'd that reads "PLAYER! PLAYER! HE'LL BREAK YOUR HEART!" But only the more mindful of us can see it, therefore many of the slutty girls have slept with him...at least 3 or 4 times. I'd mostly avoid them and keep my head down.

"Class is gonna start in a few minutes," Brandon's deep gruff tone rang out followed by a whine from Kimberly.

"But Brandy, we haven't even gotten to the best part yet," She tapped her inch long heels on the floor and pouted. A small clipped contained chuckled came from Brandon's mouth and he shook his head.

"If I'm late to English again I'm gonna get another fucking detention,"

Over the years I had come to know Brandon was in my English class, when did I find out? In 3rd term when the teacher forced him to attend at least one class because he never shows up. Apparently he hates English, total opposite of me, and he's hasn't attended a single class since 6th grade, surprised he knows how to speak the language.

"Okay, but I'll wait for you at lunch," She pouted and leaned his kiss him again before turning on her heels and sashaying off. I breathed out a relieved sighed and placed my hand on the ground in an attempted to stand from my curled position.

"There is such a thing as privacy you know?"

I screamed and bounded up in abrupt fright coming back down on my ass. Frantically I gazed up to see Brandon leaning over above the shelf. Of course. He's pretty tall.

"I know," I mumbled.

"Then why were you eavesdropping?" He questioned with a much rather stoned facial expression.

"I wasn't," I shook my head and a loud sarcastic laugh erupted from his mouth.

"Your meaning to tell me you always hide yourself in the shelves?"

"Yes, you two were eating each other's faces in my usual seating spot," I murmured looking him in the eyes. I haven't gotten this close to him in years. I'd avoid these kind of guys anywhere and here one was leaning over a shelf, bound to trip it over talking to me.

"That's too bad. I seem to like this place. It a lot better than the janitor closet," He looked up thoughtfully, "I might use this spot everyday,"

"Whatever, I'm still gonna come here whether you like it or not,"

"I don't give a fuck sweetheart, it's your choice whether you want to watch me or not," He chuckled to himself "Now excuse me, I have a gang to meet up with,"

"I'm not gonna-" I began but he had already removed himself from the shelf and sauntered by. "Wait! Don't you have English next?" I shouted peeking out from the shelf.

"Psh. As if I'd ever show up at English,"

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