Again, thanks so very much for all the nice comments, favs, and follows! You are all too nice! I love writing this story, and I hope I continue to help in your reading enjoyment.

(Also, sorry for the long wait. My computer was pretty much a piece of crap, so just a few days ago I got a new one and had to retype part of this chapter!)

Seriously, though, you guys, writer's block hit hard during this chapter! This is also coming from an author (me) who used to release new chapters only once every month or two. So, as this fanfic goes, I think I'm doing alright with updating this go-round. I had to look up a lot of plot information I wasn't sure about, so bear with me. I'm trying to do my best and be close to accurate with facts. Please continue to support me as I try to create a good story for everyone!

This is my reviewers' response corner!

Paul Cousins Very good points! Here is their experience in Tatooine during this chapter.
StarWarsKid14 HECK YES! Their mission begins!
Jhutch10 I am replying to your review as I am starting to write Chapter 4, but I think I might reveal the reason for Finn's expedition soon hehee...Maybe Chapter 5?
tsk91 Sand people! I must write about them, no doubt!
kazzyshah I hope this update was worth the wait and I hope you like it!
disneybrony AGH! RIGHT IN MY FEELS! (how I feel as I write it as well...)
DarkFay Tatooine, here they come! Yes, the friends must say goodbye again. Now it's time to see what they are up to going their separate ways.

Chapter 4- Sand and Space

The morning before the start of Finn's mission, he met together with Poe and the other two who would be accompanying them.

"Finn, I'd like you to meet a pilot I've known for a while now," Poe pointed out the female pilot standing on his right, "This is Jessika Pava."

Finn shook her hand, "Nice to meet you."

"Same here. I'd also like you to meet my gunner, who I am currently training, Logan Tomgra," Jessika nodded to the man by her side.

As Logan shook Finn's hand next, Finn couldn't help but reply, "Nice to meet someone else who's in training, too."

Logan laughed, "Oh, so Poe is showing you the ropes?"

Poe shrugged, "Finn's a natural."

"That's what I tell Logan," Jessika chimed in, "He's really good, but he doesn't always admit it."

They all continued some casual talk for a few minutes, but then they all sat to discuss specific operations.

Finn spoke for the most part, since the rest had all the questions.

How will we know where to go after we dock in the landing area?

What will be the best time for us to escape after our mission?

How do we respond when certain officers address us?

There were questions such as that, along with many others. Finn did his best to explain as much as he could, promising that he'd have them follow his lead the majority of the mission.

After more conclusions on their plans, Jessika and Logan bid farewell, saying they'd see them in the evening for takeoff.

Poe decided to be blunt with the truth as he talked to his friend, "You need to stop that, Finn."

"Stop what?"

"Thinking you have to do everything yourself. Look, I know..." he exhaled, "I know you have a lot of confusion going into this, but..."

Finn interrupted at once, "Poe, I can handle it."

"Are you sure about that?" he was not convinced, "Without you we can't do this, that much is true. But, you need to be absolutely positive you'll be able to focus. You also need to remember..." his tone of voice changed from concerned to encouraging, "...we all have your back."

Finn nodded, "I-I know."

"Then let us. Give us some credit," Poe smiled to lighten the atmosphere, "Logan and Jessika know what they're doing. We'll do whatever you need, so don't be so nervous. Alright?"

"Thanks..." he said it lightly, but then repeated himself. This time he truly meant it, "Thanks, Poe."

"Just trust us, ok?"

"I think I can do that."



A land full of sand, various species, troublemakers...

...and more sand.

Rey looked out at her surroundings. As she let it all sink in, it felt like Jakku and didn't. She hoped she could still help with the mission despite all that. At least the weather was similar.

She breathed in the desert air.

Yep. Still the same dry, coarse heat she was familiar with.

"Doing alright?" Luke woke her from her daze.

"Y-Yes. I'm fine."

The few hours before that had been spent flying around the planet, searching for a suitable area. Luke mentioned it was highly important they find a place for moisture farming. That was the only way to get water on the desolate planet.

They had eventually decided on a location near Mos Osnoe, the city and spaceport that was now almost empty with very few inhabitants. The moisture farm the Falcon had landed near had since long been abandoned, so Luke thought it to be a perfect spot.

"All we'll need to do is fix what needs fixing. It's better than starting from scratch," he added.

The closer the two walked to the place, the more wary Luke was being.

"What is it?" Rey noticed his careful steps.

"Sand people," he paused his walking to explain, "They could be near. They're always looking for water."

"Have you seen them in person before?"

Luke couldn't help emitting a small laugh, "Yeah. Ask the droids who came with us. They experienced some history with Tusken Raiders along with me."

He continued to remind Rey to be on her guard as they went inside and underground, checking everything out before clearing it. Once all the nooks and crannies were safely looked through, Luke used an intercom.

"Chewie, you can all head over. We're good to go."

In response, he heard a low growl of understanding.

Back at the ship, Chewbacca and the droids exited, getting onto the sand.

"R2, we haven't been here in a long time," C-3PO said.

A few beeps emitted from R2-D2.

"Yes, you're right, since Master Luke and the others went against Jabba the Hut. Oh, how dreadful that was. It gave me quite a fright."

More beeps came from the blue and white machine.

"Don't remind me about being stuck in the sand. I still haven't forgiven you about that, you know."

Once quickly reunited with Luke and Rey, they all decided where to go from there. Luke would continue to look around the farm inside to see what preparations needed to be made once the Resistance arrived. Rey would go to the ship and contact Leia. Chewie made sure to keep watch for any sand people while they went along their business.

"Master Luke, may I inquire how we will make due with all of this?" C-3PO remarked.

"Well..." he wiped the sweat lingering on his forehead, "Most of the ships will have to land around on the sand. From what I heard from Leia, many people are prepared to start any kind of construction continuing around and underground our location as well. It won't be easy and it may take a while, but I can understand why she chose this planet for us."

"I see your point, sir. Tatooine is not a likely place for anyone to start looking for us since it's part of the Outer Rim Territories."

While the two had been talking, Rey spoke with the general. It didn't take long, for she only needed to tell of their location and then let Leia be on her way to help navigate everyone.

"Rey, please be safe," she said before connections cut out.

"Thanks, you, too," Rey ended contact and started leaving the cockpit.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of Chewie's weapon firing.

Oh, no! Could it be...?

She grabbed her staff from another of the ship's rooms where she had left it and ran out as fast as she could.

Sure enough, some sand people were closing in on Chewie as he kept firing.

She came up behind one of them and swung her staff ferociously at the back of its head, making it collapse. The others turned to face her in an opposing manner.

Luke, I hope you come up soon. We could really use your help right now.


Even before hearing back from Rey later in the day, General Leia had already announced for everyone to get ready to move out at any moment.

As soon as communications came for them to start travel, the many members of the Resistance were starting up their ships to leave their now, former base.

Finn's team also started getting ready to leave as well.

"Man, this reeks," Logan remarked disgustingly as he stepped into his TIE fighter outfit, putting his helmet on last, "Whoever wore this last really needed a bath."

Everyone else laughed.

"That's the least of our problems," Poe reminded, "This is important, so let's hurry so we can take off in a few minutes."

The four of them headed into their fighter vessels, closing hatches and pressing many devices for preparation.

Not even five minutes had passed and everyone was heading out. The Resistance cargo ships and other transports, along with various other aircraft, were the first. The two mission-ready TIE fighters headed out in the next minute.

"Testing communication device," Jessika spoke into her headset, "Testing."

"I can hear you loud and clear, Jessika," Poe replied.

"Mine's good, too," Logan continued the conversations.

Finn also answered, "Same here."

Poe gave the quick pep talk, "We're all about to head into lightspeed, but it's still almost an hour for travel. Everyone, make sure you stay calm and collect yourself during the journey. Once we turn off hyperdrive, we'll be right in enemy territory."

"Copy that," Jessika said in a very relaxed way. She didn't seem too nervous. Many who met her for the first time could always tell she had been on many expeditions in her piloting history.

For the next thirty to forty minutes, no one really spoke a word. They were all transfixed to the thoughts in their minds.

The silence eventually broke when Logan and Finn decided to get to know each other a little better.

"So..." Logan brought up, "Former storm trooper, huh?"

Finn sighed, "Yeah."

"Sounds rough. That's the life you always knew before you left there?"

"Pretty much. I never knew my family. I was trained very young."

A pause.

And then...

"How about you?" Finn asked Logan, "What's your story?"

"Well, it's not a pretty one, either. I was in my older childhood when they attacked."

Finn waited a while before simply stating, "The First Order."

"My parents...they didn't make it."

"I'm sorry."

Logan chuckled, "Don't worry. It's in the past. I've made a commitment to keep them in my memory and fight against The First Order as revenge for my folks, you know?"

"Makes sense."

"You'll have that chance soon," Poe stated, "We're almost there."

It suddenly hit Finn like a bolt of lightning.

He was going back.

Back to the place he had tried so hard to run away from. Back to the life he didn't want to live anymore.

And for what?

No! he told himself, Don't think like that! The team needs you. friends need me. This mission is too important. I can't let them down.


Rey had lost count of the number of sand people she had smacked with her staff at that point, and they just kept on coming.

Chewie wasn't doing any better, trying to blast as many as possible before they could get in reach.

Well...this is as good of a time as any to practice what I've been taught. She held her staff in only one hand and stretched out the other. She closed her eyes.


Rey tried to clear her mind as best she could.


A Tuskan Raider was running straight for her with a sharp spear. Her eyes flew open and the power of The Force made the incoming creature fly backwards in the air. He landed with a thud, sprawled on the ground.

"I..." Rey breathed contently, "I did it."

"Well done!" Luke said from a short distance, "By the way," he continued talking as he now stood beside her, "You weren't going to leave me out of this, were you?"

She smirked, "Not a chance."

"Let's just use this as an opportunity to do some more training. Sound good?"

Rey held her staff in a combat-ready position, "I couldn't think of a better excuse."
