Alright! I had inspiration for this from one of my friends who is now obsessed with this ship. I give you the past, an AU that is pretty much from within my soul and a product of watching and reading too much stuff concerning RWBY. Now, I know what you're thinking. This can't have happened, but I am here to say that it is developing within my imagination as you read this. Summer and Raven are a very interesting duo, and I wanted to take full advantage of their uniqueness. I think I'm going to love this ship by the end of this story.
Chapter 1: An Inexplicable Feeling
"Summer!" I look around frantically. She just walked away from us, in the middle of a mission. "What the hell, Summer!" The team split up to find her. She's always doing this, being impulsive, trying to do everything on her own. That's when I hear it. It's a distinctive growl, one that even a Huntress-in-training knows: Grimm. I race in that direction. I keep quiet. I'm sure it's Summer, trying to take down one alone. I can't alert it to my presence if I'm going to get in a hit. I wait until the last second to even click my weapon. I pull the blade slowly as I approach the creature. It's too focused on whatever's in front of it to pay me any mind, so I take this opportunity to go for its throat. A few seconds later, the head falls straight off of its body, and I place my blade back in its correct sheath. I take a deep breath and turn around to see a glaring Summer.
She sheaths her blade and starts walking toward me, indignant. "Why'd you have to do that, Ray?"
I roll my eyes. "I'm sorry that you just had to go off on your own, forcing us to split up to look for you. I saw a threat and took care of it." I walk over to her, pull down her hood and spin her around, inspecting her for any injuries. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt at all?"
Summer just spins back around and rolls her eyes. "I'm perfectly capable of pulling myself out situations that may or may not come up. I don't have to have you babysitting me."
I pinch the bridge of my nose in annoyance. "It's not babysitting, Sum. It's teamwork. We are a team, or have you forgotten that? We're supposed to have each other's back, but I can't do that if you decide to go and take on Ursas on all on your own."
She puffs out her cheeks in frustration. She's so adorable when she does that. Wait, did I just think that? Ugh, I seriously need to get sleep after this mission. It's putting things in my head. She pulls her hood back on her head, hiding. "I know we're on a team, but I just feel like I should be doing something, you know?"
I place my hand on top of her head. "You do do something, Sum. You're a Huntress-in-training, and soon we'll be full Huntresses. We're put on a team for a reason. We have to work with each other, fill the gaps in both our styles and personalities. Now, come on, we have to find the two nitwits before they get themselves lost in this deathtrap they call a forest." I put my arm around her and start walking to our rendezvous point, hoping that the boys have made it back.
When we get there, I sigh. No one is around. "What the hell?" I check my pocket watch that I keep on me at all times. "It's over thirty minutes past the time that they should be here." I Take a deep breath in and let out a low, grow-like noise.
Summer just leans on the tree to my left, rolling her eyes. "When have they ever been on time, Ray?"
I sigh. "Point."
I lean on the tree almost opposite of Summer and just look at her. She usually uses her cloak to hide in, to shelter her from looks she might receive, but right now, it's open, like she's gaining confidence. I smile a little as she stares off into the distance. She's so whimsical and optimistic that, sometimes, I just want to strangle in out of her, but right now, it just adds a strange glow to her. It's like I'm standing in the middle of darkness, and I can always count on her to be the light that pulls me out. Well, that is, unless I'm having to pull her out. She's just got this way about her. She's a trouble magnet, not to mention a huge klutz. I don't even know how she survived to get into Beacon to begin with. I sigh heavily, making her turn toward me. "What's wrong?"
I smile at her and shake my head. "Nothing to concern yourself with."
Summer rolls her eyes. "Right, so I can't be concerned about you?"
My smile grows wider. "This is coming from the girl I just saved from an Ursa because she wanted to be impulsive and run off. Did you ever think that I, we, might have been concerned when I realized that you had disappeared?"
"That's not fair. I could have totally taken it, even without your help."
I frown, imagining what could have happened if I hadn't gotten there sooner. SHe could have died. A heavy feeling envelops my heart. It feels like it's being squeezed to death, and it takes effort to maintain my composure. I shake my head. "You didn't answer my question. Did you think that we wouldn't be worried?"
She looks at the ground and starts to move her foot around, moving the leaves at the base of the tree. "I… I didn't think." She gulps. "I wasn't going to be gone long, maybe thirty minutes at most. I just wanted to find a Grimm. We haven't seen one this entire trek, and I just wanted to bag one."
I take a deep breath. It wouldn't do right to get angry right now. I have to keep my composure for now. "That's right. You didn't think. You left, and I didn't find you for two whole hours. Do you know what that did to me? I was so worried. I didn't know if you had died or just left us." I feel my control breaking slowly. Tears start to make my eyes itch. I force them down and take a deep breath.
I hear her sniffle, bringing my full attention back to her. "I'm so sorry, Raven. I didn't mean to."
I walk over to her and pull her into a hug. "It's okay, Summer. You're here now, and that's really what matters."
I hear her sniffle again, and I pull down her hood to stroke her hair, making shushing noise. "Thanks, Ray, and thanks for saving me."
I hug her tighter, feeling a pressure lift off my chest at being so close to her. "Just promise me that you won't run off again without me."
She pulls back and gives me a teary smile. "I promise."
I smile back and let her go. "Good. Now, dry those tears before the boys get back. You don't want to be teased forever, do you?"
She laughs and wipes her cheeks with the heel of her palm. "Nope."
That pressure is back, and I can't figure out why. She's safe, so that's not it. I can't be worried about her. The boys, I'm not worried about the boys. I know they'll be fine. They went off in similar directions, and they're probably going to be back any second. If it's not worry, then what the hell could it be? It was gone just a few seconds ago. There's no logical explanation for it. I feel like banging my head on a tree, but I can't just leave myself unconscious with Summer. There it is, that tightening in my chest. What made it do it this time? I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear the brush behind me rattle. I put my hand on the pommel of my sword, listening for whatever it is to emerge. When It stops, I turn around and pull my sword, only for the tip to be pressed to Qrow's nose.
He holds up his hands. "Whoa, whoa. What's with the hostility? It's just us, sis."
I sheath my blade. "You could have called, you idiot. You could have died!"
He scoffs. "It's going to take a lot more than that to off me, sis."
"Don't be so arrogant. I could have impaled you just then, and you think it's a joke."
He rolls his eyes. "Oh, yeah. Pssh. You totally can't beat me." He lifts his arms in a pose, like he's trying to show off his muscles. "Nothing can get past these babies."
"Now, you're just acting like Tai. I thought he was supposed to be the vain one." I roll my eyes and turn around to see Tai really close to Summer. I clench my teeth. Anger surges inside me, and I can't understand why. What the hell is happening to me? I need to get back to the dorm fast. Maybe some sleep will be good. "Where were you guys? We were supposed to meet here almost an hour ago."
Tai just shrugs. "We got lost."
"Wait, why are you together, anyway? We were supposed to split up to look for her." I raise my eyebrow at them. Qrow had come around to be on the other side of Tai.
Tai shrugs again. "We met up on the way back. We weren't all that far apart, really."
"We canvassed the area as best we could from the ground, but we gave up on finding her without an airship." He shrugs and pulls a juice box out of his jacket. He pokes the straw in and starts drinking it.
"You could have called me." I cross my arms over my chest.
Tai rolls his eyes. "Can't. My com's busted."
"Mine, too."
"What the hell were you doing that made you break the only source of communication that you have?" I throw my hands into the air.
Qrow shrugs. "Just got busted, sis. I don't know how it happened."
I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Fine. What's the mission objective, Tai?"
He pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket. "It says here that we have to gather sap for something." He shrugs.
I rub my temples. "We're out here to collect sap? We have been out here for four hours just to collect sap!?" I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
Tai looks confused for a second. "I didn't tell you that that was the mission?"
I grit my teeth in anger. "All you told us was that we had to come to Forever Fall at the insistence of Ozpin." I ball my fists up, ready to pound his face in.
He just shrugs, shrugs! Goddamn his fucking attitude. "I seriously thought I told you."
Qrow steps in between us. "Whoa. Calm down, now. I knew. How didn't you?"
I growl a bit. "That's because he tells you fucking everything! You're his partner!"
I feel someone put their hand on my armor, and I look down to see Summer. Just like that, my anger's gone. Staring into her silver eyes is like being pulled into a vortex of calming energy. I sigh heavily and look back at Tai. "Fine, whatever. Let's just get this done."
As I walk off, I hear Qrow go, "Damn. I've never seen her calm down like that before." I haven't, ever. I've always been the more aggressive of us. We may be twins, but we're hardly anything alike. He's more laid back, a go with the flow kind of person. I anger easily, storm off, and am usually caustic or bitchy. Summer, though, I could never be mad at her or anything. She's the single person in this world besides my own mother that I have never truly gotten mad at. I've even beaten Qrow into the ground a few times for some trivial crap that he pulled, some kind of prank or something. Then, I look into Summer's eyes or just at her, and I can feel myself calm down. I'd swear that was her semblance if I didn't know better. Her kind heart can melt even the most avid of cynic. I smile at that as an unfamiliar feeling engulfs me. I clutch my chest as I continue walking. This is going to need more than a night's sleep to figure out.
A/N: For those of you who are regular readers of mine, I must tell you that I am NOT discontinuing The Dawn of a White Sun. I will truly try to write for both of them. That fic is almost done, anyway. So, no worries on that. Anyway, as you might have seen, there is no true title for this fic, and I would love your help with that. I will take requests for three days. At the end of those three days, I will PM the reviewer who has the best suggestion, and make that the new title of this fic. Thank you in advance for participating in this contest of sorts and reading this fic. Follow, Favorite, Review, my friends.