The moon cast an eerie glow in the night sky on a large city below. Rain fell in a light blanket over the city. It was late and next to no vehicles remained on the road. Silence filled the air with occasional rumbles of thunder from the storm.

A tall crimson hedgehog walked down the street. A black cloak covering host of his body except his eyes and mouth. It was soaking wet from the rain. His emerald eyes shimmered a little when he passed a street light. Lanterns that burned with magic The rain had begun accumulating into small puddles that would splash and disperse when he stepped in them.

It was Rage. He had finally made his way to the center of the kingdom. The city of Atlas in the middle was the castle. Rage was hoping to find a place to stay the night. "Hey you." a voice called to him Rage looked over to the direction of the voice. He saw a dark brown fox looking at him.

"Can I help you?" Rage asked looking at the fox.

"You're Rage right?" it asks.

"Depends." Rage replies. "Why?"

"Well I am with the royal guard. I heard from some of my buddies who were on patrol they came across you. Let's get you out of this rain." he says. Rage walks over to the fox who leads him to the guard's barracks.

"Thank you." Rage mentions as the guard throws him a towel.

"No problem. Name's Rick the Squirrel." The guard introduces himself as the two sit down. "Now tell me is it true what they say? Are you really from before the collapse?"

"Yeah, I am. I was born in an era known as ACE. Or After Chaos' Era as it was known. At this point in would been about 2000-2100 years before the Great War that brought on the collapse. I dunno I kind of like the world as it is now." Rage explains.

"Really? Why is that?" Rick asks.

"Well back just before the collapse there was a lot of large and advanced civilization. What little bit of natural world was left was on Angel Island. My home...Now to see such a beautiful world that has become of it brings joy to my heart." the crimson hedgehog reminisced about a time long forgotten.

"Really, I quite enjoy the thick forests of the kingdom myself. But the land to the North? That place is the worst. The Wasteland as we call it. It's where Dark King Andrew holds domain. One of these days he's bound to attack this kingdom with his wretched horde of monsters. King Genis has trained the guard over and over hoping to ensure we are ready but I fear that no one can be ready for monsters of the likes Andrew can summon..." Rick sighs. "But now that you're here there is yet a flicker of hope once more. If you can prove that those beasts can be killed maybe the other kingdoms will be more likely to join in a attack against The Dark King. Rise up and rebel over his tyrannical rule over the rest of Mobius."

"I don't know." Rage sighs. "It takes a lot to win over people when they're kept in line out of fear. But I know when I kill that bastard Andrew it will be shown that his claims of being some prophet or god were nothing but should turn some heads and help make the other kingdoms independent once more."

"What will you do after?" Rick asks. "Go back into slumber like you did after your battle that ended The Great War?"

"I don't know yet but I won't be going back to sleep that's for sure. A 2500 year nap is more than enough for me. Probably once I find Angel Island get things around there fixed up and stay there." Rage replies.

"Well for the night I am sure Captain Anderson won't mind if you stay here in the guard barracks." Rick says.

"I won't mind if WHO stays in our Barracks?" A deep booming voice echoes as Rick stands up and salutes. "Who's this mangy red hedgehog Rick?"

"This is the one known as Ragis Chaotic the Hedgehog Captain." Rick says.

"You?" Anderson asks looking at Rage closely. "I don't believe it...I thought it was mere rumors some guy started to rally hope...but here you are. You're the real deal. Ragis Chaotic the Hedgehog, the Legendary Guardian of Chaos!" he exclaims astonished.

"How do you know?" Rage asks skeptically.

"I can sense the Chaos Energy in you. Only other place I have ever senses it is in the old ruins of Angel Island." Captain Anderson replies.

"Ruins of Angel Island?" Rage asks. "It fell?"

"Aye but nobody can get too close there is some barrier that prevents anyone from passing. Not even our greatest scholars or mages could break it." Captain Anderson responds.

"Well at least my barrier is still up. That means the Chaos Emeralds are safe."

"Wait the Chaos Emeralds are there?!" Captain Anderson exclaims.

"Yeah the safest place for them to be." Rage answers.

"So that barrier was yours...makes sense now that I think about it." Captain Anderson thinks "Anyways, Guardian Rage, feel free to stay the night here. I'll take you to King Genis in the morning."

"Thank you." Rage says gratefully.

"It's the least we can do if you're going after Andrew. Even if you are one of the mythical Chaos Guardians you've got guts going after him." Captain Andrew says shaking Rage's hand. Rage then goes to one of the beds and crawls in for the night.

The next morning Rage was up by walks out to find Captain Andrew with his sword drawn looking at a cloked figure. "How can I believe that?!" he yells.

"Andrew what's going on?" Rage asks.

"Rage get back!" He shouts. "This fool is after you!"

"Me?" Rage exclaims.

"You are the one who claims to be Rage Chaotic?" one of the cloaked figure asks.

"So what if I am?" Rage asks.

"I see..." the figure scoffs. "You tarnish my name then."

"What are you talking about?" Rage asks as the cloaked figure removes the cloak to reveal a dark blue hedgehog with a scar under his left eye. He was wearing iron armor and his long brown hair flowed over the large shoulder plates.

"You are a faker I am the real Rage!" he shouts.

"You're serious?" Rage chuckles. "I've had my fair share of impersonators but you're by far one of the worst. Normally they're some preteens or kids but you? You're a grown-ass man!" he laughs.

"You dare mock me?!" The blue hedgehog shouts. "Then to defend my namesake I challenge you to a duel to the death!"

"Sorry but no." Rage denies "I am not going to kill you to prove a point."

"You...!" the blue hedgehog shouts drawing a sword and charging at Rage. Rage scowls and grabs the attacker's sword by the blade didn't even wound him. "Wh-wha-" the hedgehog exclaims.

"There's the proof you're full of crap. I am the real Ragis Chaotic. I am the Chaos Guardian. My Chaos Aura prevents a petty blade like that from harming me." Rage scoffs ripping the blade out of the hedgehog's hands and burning it with fire. "Now be gone." he shouts aggressively.

The hedgehog scurries out of the door and runs off. "Shall we be going?" Rage asks Captain Andrews.

"Oh yeah." He says still bewildered by what had happened.

Andrew leads Rage through the busy castle town. As he went some people muttered and whispered looking at him. "What is with everyone?" Rage asks.

"They know you're in town. They probably don't know what to think." Andrew answers as they reach the gate of the castle after Anderson passed Rage was stopped by two guards.

"Halt none are to pass beyond here unless you have business in the castle." they say in unison.

"Guards lower your spears." Anderson "He's with me."

"Captain letting some commoner in the castle is a major crime!" one of the guards exclaims.

"He's no commoner." Anderson says. "That is Rage Chaotic, the Chaos Guardian."

"How do we know he's not some fake that has deceived you captain?!" they shout together.

"If you don't believe me then thrust your spears at him. If he is the real Rage they won't be able to harm him." Anderson sighs. The guards nod and thrust their spears at Rage only for a barrier of energy to automatically block them. They look in shock before moving to allow Rage inside. "Sorry about that. Gray and Ken are bullheaded."

"It's alright." Rage shrugs as they walk into the castle. Ahead was an older looking yellow fox adorned in a cape and a golden set of armor with a crown of gold and various precious jewels. Anderson walks in a kneels,

"Anderson, captain of my royal guard who is this outlander you bring to me?" he asks rudely.

"King Genis this is Rage Chaotic. The REAL Rage Chaotic." he says. The king looks at Rage and grunts.

"Hmph you may look like him but how do I know you really are him?" King Genis aks Rage.

"Observe." Rage says extending his arm. Then out of a flash of fire and light energy his sword appears. "Bureiingukaosu or Blazing Chaos. The Blade of Chaos one of the ancient and legendary blades only Chaos Guardians are chosen to use." Rage explains.

"It really is." King Genis exclaims "I didn't think it to be true. Yet, here you are in front of me. It is an honor Master Rage Chaotic, Guardian of Chaos." he says kneeling to Rage. The guards in the room do so as well. Rage looks slightly confused.

"It's a sign of respect Rage." Anderson says as they all stand. "If the king kneels to you then it means you are above even he.

"Fifteen years ago I was given a prophecy from our Oracle. That around this time when Andrew attacks I will perish and the Flame of Chaos would return and succeed my kingdom for are the Chaos Guardian and your red fur makes it obvious...Rage my ancestor...this throne would be rightfully yours if I perish." King Genis explains

"'re of my bloodline?" Rage asks. "Don't you have a successor already?"

"I am or your bloodline and no. A suitable queen has not shown up." King Genis says.

"Well I am going to make sure you won't die this battle. Fate isn't absolute. If I succeed you one day then let it be that way. I will not let Dark King Andrew harm you. Besides we Chaotics look after our own." Rage smiles.

"Your words are of your heart." King Genis smiles. "Thank you Rage." he sighs.

"So King Genis tell me what am I doing?" Rage asks.

"We have an offensive planned. A march to Dark King Andrew's castle. I want you to join in the assault. From there you can get to the castle and kill him. I want him alive if possible...bring me him and he will be shamed before killed. If you must though, kill him. All that matters is that he is removed from power. Once that is done make sure he can't summon more of his horde."

"As you wish King Genis." Rage agrees.

"Then go with Anderson and begin the assault. It is time we put that fool in his place!"

"Yes, sir!" Anderson says loudly as he and Rage run out of the castle and to the stables where a stable hand had two horses ready. Both were strong. One in golden armor and one in a crimson red.

"Your horse Captain Anderson." he says giving the lead to the golden armored one to Anderson. "And for you Rage King Genis has requested one of our best war horses for you." he says handing the lead to the red armored one to him. Rage thanks him as they both mount the horses and Rage glows before a pair or red armor covers him.

"Woah what's that?" Anderson ask looking impressed at Rage's armor. The dark red color was complimented by the spiked plating on the shoulders, knees and elbows. His helmet fitted his head and a visor showed his eyes with a small opening for his mouth.

"My Chaos Armor. It fits to my form and adds an extra layer of defense." Rage replies. "Shall we?" he asks. Captain Anderson nods as they command their horses to full speed and rush to the encampment of the Altean Army. As they rode it the soldiers saluted.

"Brothers in arms today is a glorious day! We are joined by the Legendary Chaos Guardian Rage Chaotic! King Genis has given the order! We begin siege against the Dark King Andrew! We are the Army of King Genis! The Atlan Army! The Knights of the Kingdom of Atlas! His iron clad shield and swift sword of justice! We are the light and we will return victorious. Those who do not will be honored at their seats in The Eather as the Knights who Slayed the Tyrannical King Andrew! We ride swift and we ride fierce!" Anderson shouts as loud as he could. The army cheers in response rearing up to join him.

Rage road up next to Captain Anderson in the front of the army of tens of thousands of me. "I know we just me Captain Anderson but...make it back okay?" Rage asks.

"Do not concern yourself with my fate Rage. Focus on the battle ahead." he says before putting his helmet on. "Atlan Army CHARGE!" He roars leading the charge with Rage not far behind and the army not far behind him.

Meanwhile, Andrew stood on his balcony as a small goblin runs in. "My lord! My lord!" he shouts in a panic.

"What is it?" Andrew scowls.

"To the south the Atlan Army! They're attacking!" he says.

"What?!" Andrew exclaims. "Send a defense force!"

"We did!" the goblin says. "The scouts that returned reported they're all dead! And...Rage Chaotic is with them!"

"What?!" Andrew exclaims before storming by the goblin.

"Rat problems?" a voice chuckles.

"Nix..." Andrew grunts. "Yeah..."

"I told you. Let me take care of him." Nix smiles with a grin.

"Fine but I want him alive." Andrew orders. "Got that?!"

"Yes, sir." Nix smirks before vanishing into the wall through a portal he made.

"Come to me Rage that I can take your power and use it to dominate the world!" Andrew laughs.