A/N: The final chapter! Expect lemon zesty goodness! Thank you again and again and again for all your kind words and wonderfully forthcoming reviews. I appreciate it immensely. Once again this chapter is not edited. So any mistakes are mine. And to the guest who said several grammar and spelling mistakes put them off reading this story, sorry, I write for fun not perfection. Please enjoy the last chapter you wonderful readers you. And sorry this took so long to post. I had huge issues writing this scene because unlike my other story bestial urges I tried to keep this more in character. Love you!

Molly's Favorite Movie

Sherlock strode into the Watson residence just after nine in the morning. He had picked the lock, despite the fact that he had been granted a key, and marched straight through the foyer and into the kitchen. He plopped down in the third chair, specifically purchased for him, and reached forward taking a piece of toast from the holder. Two heaping smears of marmalade jam and a scoop of eggs later left Sherlock munching happily and Mary and John staring in outraged silence.

Completely oblivious to their frustration Sherlock poured himself some coffee from the shining white carafe perched on the corner of the table and then added cream and two sugars, all the while his toast hanging from his teeth, jam dripping with plops onto his plate.

Finally, John stiffly wiped his face with a napkin before throwing it down on the table and planting his hand on his thigh, he cleared his throat and waited.

Mary, whose brow had furrowed in question as her eyes narrowed and lips pursed, took a breath and cocked her head to the side, "Sooooo-" she started.

John cleared his throat again and slid further forward on his chair, though this did not grab Sherlock's attention as he texted wildly on his phone.

In the end it was Baby Elizabeth who had grabbed his attention, her sudden outburst of rapid giggles drawing sharp blue eyes up and away from the vibrant screen, a small smirk spreading across his face as he reached his arm across the table to gently take one of Elizabeth's flailing hands.

In that second both Mary and John smacked his hand away and Sherlock jerked in shock before his eyes scanned back and forth between the two.

"Judging by the glare I am receiving from not just your father but also your mother, I would say I have done something a bit not-good and that mummy and daddy would like to have a word with me Lizzy-"

"You're damn right." John snapped before he crossed his arms over his chest, Mary returned to feeding Lizzy but her cool eyes stayed on Sherlock who was finishing the last of his toast with a very relaxed air.

Sighing, Sherlock set down his fork and took a gulp of his coffee before he wiped his mouth and then leaned back in his chair, "Alright, ask-"

"What in blue blazes happened last night!" John barked.

"And what happened last night after we left!" Mary asked with excitement.

"Uh, no! I don't want to know- Just, what happened with Adler. Mycroft and I were both under the impression she was dead-"

"Are you really so surprised that Miss. Adler is alive and well?" Sherlock asked.

"Yes! Last I heard from Mycroft she had been killed in Karachi- or something-"

"So you lied to me?" Sherlock asked, though his tone was anything but contemptuous.

This seemed to make John hesitated before he tried to backpedal, "I- no- well I did but it wasn't-"

"Don't worry John, I was well aware of Mycroft's decision to lie to me about Miss. Adler's death as well as his decision to try and wrangle you into it. I've not held you accountable for my brother's atrocious nature for secret keeping. I've known her to be alive this whole time, as I was the one to rescue her in Karachi and help her escape to America. Her recent visit to the homeland was business related not pleasure, though I am sure-"

"Shut it." John snapped.

Sherlock complied before his eyes jumped to Mary who was listening for more intently than John, "So, what happened?" Mary asked.

Another deep breath and then Sherlock dove in, "I received a text from Miss. Adler telling me it would be to my advantage to meet her at her country home as she had some valuable information that could help me with a case I was working on for Mycroft. The nuances of the case are rather boring and I only took the case to keep my mind off the recent events that had transpired between Miss. Hooper and myself. I went to meet Miss. Adler and found myself in a double cross-"

John snorted, "no surprise there."

Sherlock nodded, "I half expected as much, but I also know how resourceful she can be- "

"Yes, we all know she's the perfect example of womanly cleverness and you adore her powers of persuasion, how did Molly get involved?" John asked, his patience growing thin.

"Rude." Sherlock murmured before he took another sip of coffee and continued giving Mary, who was smirking, a secret smile over the rim of his coffee mug.

"Miss. Adler wanted some information on my brother. When I refused to give her the information she wanted she threatened to bring Molly in. Obviously logic would dictate I not say a word, and allow Molly to be pulled in and most likely tortured and killed in an attempt to get me to aqueous. I knew eventually someone would notice my absence and come looking, but I also knew Molly would be involved long before anyone could get me out of that garish house. So, I did the only thing I could-"

"You told Adler everything she wanted to know-" Mary said as she started to clean Lizzy up.

"Yes, but I left a few very important details out, hoping Miss. Adler would take what I gave her and move on. To my utter annoyance she still pulled Molly in, either because she wanted a new play thing or because she thought she could hurt me."

"Why would Adler be so petty, she doesn't seem the type, not to mention the history you two share- I wouldn't think she would want to get on your bad side. Why hurt you, what would she gain at that point when she had the information?"

"I believe Miss. Adler came to be aware of Molly's rather ardent infatuation with me. She was curious, more so than anything else, of my own feelings for Molly. After our brief stint in Karachi Adler was still under the impression I was disinclined to have any form of dalyence with sentiment. This opinion changed on the night right before we left for American-"

It took John a second but Mary was right on top if it, "So you two-"

"No. I tried, she refused. The next day we parted ways and she went to America. When she gained her knowledge of Molly and my seemingly strong attachment to her Irene became determined to bring her in and figure out what the true nature of our relationship was."

"That seems- so petty for someone like Adler, so emotional and-"

"Strange." Mary finished and agreed as she nodded to her husband.

"I agree. Needless to say Molly showed up on the second day of my absence, decked out with surgical tools from the morgue and an outfit more becoming of a prostitute than anything my pathologist would actually wear. Suffice-it-to-say, she got me out but not before Miss. Adler's true plan was revealed."

"And what was her true plan in all this?" Mary asked skeptically.

"I believe, for saving her life in Karachi and her subsequent dismissal of my advances, Miss. Adler was attempting to play match maker."

John at that moment, spit his coffee out over the rim of his cup and onto his pant leg, "Blood hell she was-" he gasped as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked to Sherlock in shock.

"It all made sense. She wanted to pay me back for Karachi, but all Miss. Adler knows about paying men back involves money or-"

"Ahem, yes we know her preference Sherlock." Mary said rather prudently, the tone strange coming from someone so very much NOT a prude.

"I suppose, as I had no interest in money and Adler's preference in lovers laid with the more feminine sex, she thought bringing me and Molly together, the woman in question being steadfast, loyal and intelligent would be a proper thank you. Unfortunately, that also meant she gave Molly a taste for blood, showed her the very world I've been trying to keep her away from for seven years and forced me to show my hand."

"Show your hand?" John asked for clarification, though he was sure he knew what Sherlock meant.

"My- preference towards Molly. My- fondness of her." Sherlock said, looking woefully uncomfortable for the first time since his arrival, resentment for having to 'clarify' written all over his stiff back and balled up fists.

A superior smirk spread across John's face as he chewed at some sausage and then he licked his lips and said, "Fondness. Hmm. Not sure that cuts it mate, judging from what Mary and I saw last night. What happened after Adler tried to hook you up with our infamous pathologist?"

Sherlock looked away and John pulled back his snarky attitude a bit, he could see this was not easy and the last thing he wanted was Sherlock shutting down, Mary would kill him, this was far better then the day time telly she'd been stuck with and John could tell the woman was hooked.

"Adler had given me a truth serum a few hours prior to Molly showing up. Though, thanks to my excessive drug use in my youth and some samples of truth serum used for MI6 from Mycroft, I am mostly immune. As long as I can focus I can negate most of the effects. I was able to give Adler mostly truth and leave out the important bits. By the time Molly got me out of there and we were on our way to the car my focus on controling the drugs effects was compromised. With in minutes I felt the over powering urge to tell her all about my- feelings. Needless to say I acted rather ungentlemanly towards her, told her I was in love with her and then left her standing in the woods alone."

"Oh god!" Mary exclaimed, biting her bottom lip and wiggling slightly in her seat.

"Jesus." John whispered.

"Needless to say- it was a bit not good and Molly became distraught."

"A bit? You utterly cocked it up." John snapped.

"I left for Baker street and Molly followed. I should think you can piece together everything after that as you decided to sit and watch our interaction as if we were one of those daytime dramas John favors-"

"You favor." John said under his breath.

"So, after we left?" Mary asked.

Sherlock gave her a tiresome look, almost as if to ask, Really? You're really going to make me talk about it?

Mary nodded for Sherlock to continue and he rolled his eyes before he looked to his nails and pretended to appraise them.

"I am sure you can imagine the domestic that took place after you all left-"

"Pah! Not really." Mary said with a breathy laugh.

"Well, there was a domestic, you can text Mrs. Hudson if you want the details. She was listening through the vents as is her M.O. whenever she's had her herbal soothers but can't get her channels to come through."

"So, you two had a domestic, but what was the end result? Is Molly leaving?" John asked, placing his elbow on the table and leaning forward a bit.

"Leave? Why should she leave? She got what she wanted. If she were to leave now I'd imagine she'd be more of a masochist then I thought."

"Wait- wait- so you and Molly Hooper are-"

"Together. Yes. All part of the plan." Sherlock confirmed, his fingers tapping rapidly on the table.

John leaned back, a breathy whistle escaping past his lips before he realized what Sherlock said and then leaned forward, "Plan? What plan? You planned all this? You and Molly-"

"No, of course not. As I've said before I am married to my work. I do not DO sentiment. But Molly was most persistent. And it occurred to me that if Adler knew of her interest in me others might know as well. For now, it would be best to keep Molly close, make sure Adler was the only one aware of Molly's importance to me. I shall give her what she wants. Me. I will be her- boyfriend, but I will not be feeding into her more than unrealistic fantasies of me, I shall be myself and spare her no illusions. She will tire of me in a few weeks and break it off. Thus, getting what she's always wanted. A chance. When that chance doesn't work due to her inability to cope with my idiosyncrasies there will be an amicable break up because she will have come to her senses, I will still have my pathologist and all of Molly's desires for an opportunity to try dating me will have been answered. It will all go back to normal and we can ALL put this behind us."

Silence filled the room, both Mary and John staring at him in shock, eyes wide and mouth agape. Sherlock sipped up the rest of his coffee, "Now, I have some business to attend to before I'm to meet Molly this evening for a- date night." The T's coming out sharp as he said it in a most distasteful fashion before rolling his eyes, "so I will be off. And now that you are all caught up I do hope these facts I've given you will be kept between us. I want this plan to go off without a hitch, by the end of the month I want my bachelorhood, and my flat, back."

"You flat?" Mary asked in surprise.

"The wretched woman hasn't left yet, she called into work today and has been at my flat since then. What is it about women and their need to stay under foot? We've not even been dating 24 hours and she is like my shadow. It was all I could do to keep her from coming with to share the good news. Thanks for breakfast Mary, John. Laters." Sherlock had crossed to Mary and kissed her on the cheek before false saluting to John and striding from the house.

Lizzy let off a squeal and a giggle, clapping her fat little hands together, seemingly overjoyed at the current predicament. But Mary looked to John as she heard Sherlock shut the front door and an image of terror came across her face, "He is in utter and total denial-"

"Oh my god yes." John said as he continued to stare after his friend, a look of worry etched so deeply into his features he thought perhaps it may never slip from him. Sherlock had just gotten himself hooked, and no matter what he claimed or how he lied to himself, he was absolutely infatuated with Molly Hooper.

Across town Molly was stepping out of the shower at Baker street, having just woken up and had not at all been aware of Sherlock's departure to 'share the good news.' She was surprised he had not woken her as she was about to be late to work. As she stepped out of the bathroom with a towel tightly secured around her waist, a kink in her neck from sleeping on the couch (at her own request, as she was not wanting to pressure Sherlock at all after such an emotional night) she saw a note and a pile of clothes on the kitchen table.

She walked forward and glanced at the note which was in Sherlock's long spidery writing.


Called you into work due to exhaustion from late night, you snored. I fetched some clothes from your flat as you make a terrible cat woman, also fed your cat, which you should have destroyed immediately, he is evil! Took your keys and your car. Do whatever you wish but stay out of my room. Be back after noon, possibly with food. If you must eat due to the well documented 'woman munchies' avoid second and fifth shelf of fridge as the parts you gave me last month may have molded. Also, don't drink my Horlicks.


P.S. I should tell you to have a good day right? I believe I should, good day.

Molly was smiling so hard by the end of the letter she nearly started to laugh. She retrieved her phone from her purse and took a picture of the letter, "Absolutely adorable." Molly murmured.

She thanked Sherlock and all the god's known to man for the comfy outfit the detective had picked out for her and changed in the bathroom before putting her makeshift spy outfit into a plastic bag, no love lost, and shoved it into the bin. She opened the fridge and scanned through, trying to find anything to tide her over until Sherlock returned, 'possibly with food'.

That's when a rather nasty looking plastic container on the fifth shelf caught her eye. She reached in and tentatively pulled it out before lifting the corner up and peeking in, "Oh my, Mr. Sander's kidney- it looks gelatinous-" and that's when Molly realized, she had the day off, body parts at her disposal and a full blown chemistry set resting not even five feet behind her all set up.

A smile creeped across her face as she started to pull out containers and search through to see what Sherlock had left of all the things she had been getting him. She felt like a mad scientist but she couldn't help it, this was a rare opportunity to have some fun without worrying about protocols, paper work or clearance.

She'd always wanted to see what would happen to an eyeball that was lit on fire- but would Sherlock care? He did this stuff all the time. And he did say it was all moldy and that she could do whatever she wanted- she could bring him new parts later. He had taken her keys and car and she was stuck here unless she wanted to walk about London all day, cabs being much to expensive and the tub just made her feel tired even thinking about it.

"Alright, Mr. Sanders, let's see what happens when your moldy kidney meets a solution of-" Molly picked up a nearby phile and read the label, "Oh! Hydrochloric acid, lovely."

Meanwhile, Sherlock spent the rest of the morning running down the events that had occured the previous night with Mycroft, assuring him he was able to avoid spilling the more sensitive bits of information and that his brother had nothing to worry about. Mycroft seemed more than a little interested in Molly's performance she well as her psycological response to the situations that had occured. As well as reminding Sherlock that caring was not an advantage. Sherlock did not fail to notice Anthea in the corner, making notes and sherlock felt several foreign feelings well up in his chest, the most prominent being the desire to strengle his brother for even talking about her as if she was some newby field agent. Upon his departure he felt the need, though it was strange, to warn his brother off persuing anything else regarding his pathologist and future missions.

Afterwards he went to Lestrade in search of a case, the man only had a five but Sherlock took it up anyway and had it solved in less than two hours. Then he spent thirty minutes tracking down Billy and checking up on his homeless network, something he rarely felt the need to do, but none the less found several members of his network had gone missing. That took up another few hours of his time only coming to find the small group had saved all the money they had received from Sherlock over the years and had pooled it together to purchase a very small studio flat which they had been using as a home base to get their lives back on the right track. Sherlock had been rather pleased with the outcome and wished them luck, hoping their endeavour to leave the homeless world behind was sucessful.

Every single one offered him thanks and their help in the future if he should ever need it. Sherlock tucked a note away in the back of his mind to keep track of where each ended up, as any jobs they managed to get could be useful in the future for a case.

He finally ended up on a bench in Regent's park, pulling from his pocket a pack he had acquired from Billy and lighting a cigarette, taking a drag and savouring the nicotine rush.

Closing his eyes he started the arduous process of organizing all the new data and events of the day, deleting what wasn't important and filling the rest under the proper category before tucking them into whatever room was appropriate. In all his sorting and organizing he continued to avoid the door at the end of the hall, a set of swinging ones that led to a place with dead bodies, chemicals and a petite woman who had braided hair and a lab coat. The piles and stacks of information remained outside her door in a state of perpetual disarray.

When he was finally done with the rest of it he turned his eye towards the morgue doors and very slowly started to approach. He heard whispers in the back of his mind, John and Mary-

Jesus, she loves you you know- your only going to crush her-

Why not give her a chance, give loving her and being loved a chance-

Sherlock placed his hand on the doors, side stepping the piles carefully, he pushed through and found the morgue and lab from Bart's merged into one large space, a cat sitting on one of the slabs, his tail moving languidly.

His eyes scanned the space taking in the small splashes of pink coloring and flower print thay were new to the room. The cat hissed at him amd he made a face, he would have deleted the beast by now if not for the displeasure it would have caused his mind Molly.

At the sudden thought of her Sherlock felt a ripple in his subconscious and then a small hand was resting on his chest, he looked down to see her standing there and gazing up at him with a stoic calm that made his stomach clench.

"Why has your room changed, I told you to stop trying to decorate." His tone was stern but held traces of indifference.

"I don't take orders from you, not out there, or in here. Coffee?"

"Why won't you listen to me, I've warned you off. Your just being stubborn."

"Why should I listen? You've not given me reason to anyway. Coffee?"

"No, no coffee! Just tell me how to sway you away from me- how to remove you with out actually getting rid of you from my life. How do I destroy your love for me."

Molly, whose hand was still resting solidly on his chest, leaned forward and placed her head over his heart, "Funny thing about love, you can't really ever destroy it. It can be transformed, manipulated or lessened over time, but it can't truly be destroyed or removed. Once it's roots take hold it becomes too invasive to dig up. It buries deep, holding hard and firm in the Earth. You'll not destroy my love for you, but you could transform it into hate- maybe even resentment."

"That would be less then ideal- both of those emotions would cause an interruption in our daily routines. And I need you close." Sherlock's hand came up to cover her own, his jaw using the crown of her head as a resting place.

"Then maybe you shouldn't destroy it, maybe you should nurture it, turn it into something that could benefit you in the long run. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone to hold onto now that John is gone? To always have someone on your side, someone who cares- cares enough for the both of you. And to kiss someone, wouldn't that be grand- kissing and touching- your skin has been neglected you know, your body too."

"The body is just transport."

"Mmm- pity, I'd like to touch you, all the time, not just for sentiment, but because I can tell, that after all these years- you want to be touched. Perhaps you should pay a visit to door number 10, down in Basic Information. Check movie reel triple XM. It could prove enlightening."

Mind Molly seemed to be done with him and she went back to doing whatever she was doing prior to Sherlock's impromptu visit.

He stared after her before he turned his head and glanced to where the doors to Molly's room had been, in their place was an elevator, apparently his mind was complying with out his concent.

He moved slowly but stepped in and took the elevator down, aiming for the second floor which held basic information that had never been revisited after he turned sixteen.

After he had built his mind palace all the basic information he had obtained prior to its construction was boxed up and placed down here, left to collect dust, take up space and rot.

He stepped from the elevator to see a hall that was dimly lit, filled with chaos, cobwebs and peeling paint. He definitely needed to renovate this section of his palace soon or the foundation could rot out from under him. Puddles of greasy water and muck washed around the floor, doors were badly damaged but still firmly shut. He came to room ten and felt anxiety build in his chest, he opened the door and stepped in to see an ancient looking home style theatre.

To the side were mountains of boxes with no organization whatsoever and it took him quite a bit of time to find the right box. He opened it, found the reel labeled Triple XM which looked nearly new compaired to the others which looked rusted and burnt up and brought the film to the player. He hooked it up, fed the film through and then hovered his finger over the on switch. He debated, unsure of what he was going to see, but finally flicked the switch and the room lit up with screens that surrounded him.

The images that played sent a surge of intense panic and arousal through him. Every possible way he could take Molly Hooper was flashing before his eyes. Their moans, gasps and groans swirling to create a soundtrack of sheer ecstacy. His eyes took it all in and he realized in that moment why the film reel had appeared new. These were all recent scenarios his mind had concocted that he had instantly placed as far away from his conscious mind as possible. Images of them in the lab, at her flat, the stairwell of his home, against the green Range Rover outside Irene's country home, his bedroom and hers, the floor, the couch, his table- the number of locations was daunting, staggering actually.

The styles of sex varied, some slow and passionate while other were rough and aggressive, some even borderline disturbing. One involved ropes, chains and a rather scary looking version of himself complete with a whip. Another seemed to involve different sweets like chocolate, cake and icing.

The one that really caught his attention though was directly to his left. Molly sat upon one of the lab benches, Sherlock pressed between her thighs and his hand down her trousers. Her head was thrust back in utter oblivion as his hand stroked her and his mouth bit into her neck. Something so powerful yet gentle about the coupling that Sherlock didn't even notice his breathing increase.

"Silly isn't it?" the detective jumped at the voice and turned to see mind Molly standing in the corner, her lab coat was buttoned all the way down, but her feet and legs were bare.

"What?" Sherlock asked with breathless anticipation.

"You say the body is just transport- as if the body is what controls the flow of sexual desire and therefor ignoring it also allows you to ignore your baser instincts. But the truth of the matter is, the sex drive is all in the mind. The body is just how you are able to act upon it, bring your minds desires to the surface and make it palpable."

Mind Molly's fingers went to her buttons and started to undo her lab coat. Sherlock watched, his gaze intense, his lips parted as she undid them all and then slid the coat from her body, revealing her naked flesh.

"In all reality Sherlock, you can't ever really deny or escape your own desires, you can only delay them. Eventually- no matter how long it takes, your mind will find a way to make it happen. It's not impossible to ignore or resist your bestial urges, but it is impossible to get rid of the desire completely."

She was pressing herself against him now, rubbing her hands across his chest and then up his neck to thread her fingers through his hair.

"Monks can do it-" Sherlock started but Molly only smiled, "Even Ghandi had a wife-"

Her lips grazed his own and Sherlock's eyes fluttered closed as his breathing came in short puffs, "All I'm saying Sherlock is that even when you deny yourself, the proof that your desires are only on hold is all around you. If you ever want to endulge- you know I can help, and unlike Miss Adler I won't make you regret it later."

"It's all rubbish-" Sherlock murmured.

"It's your mind Sherlock, I didn't put any of these thoughts in here, nor did I save them and hide them away, you did."

Her lips pressed onto his and he was about to open his mouth to her when something shocked him from his palace. He was sucked from the room and down a hall, Molly was left standing in the dark looking after him with a loving smile.

Sherlock jerked in his seat on the bench and swung around madly looking around to see it was pitch black out, his phone pinged and he realized it was nearly eleven o'clock in the evening, "Shite." he hissed. But instead of jumping up from his bench in Regent's park he simply stared at the text from Molly.

Hey, I ordered take-away so no worries about being home with food if you're busy. Take your time. I got some for you too. Also, it's okay you took the car but I will need to go home tonight as I do work tomorrow and should probably make sure Toby is alright. If I am asleep when you come in just wake me up. No worries about movie night, as I am sure I don't have a single movie at my flat you would actually like. Hope you had a productive day, I know I did. -MH

He read it over and over, she wasn't mad he had practically stolen her car, she wasn't mad he had forgotten to bring food and had actually forgotten their movie night. She'd somehow managed to keep busy in the flat all day by herself- no need for Sherlock to babysit.

In all reality, Sherlock hadn't planned to forget about the REAL Molly. He hadn't planned to spent over two hours in his mind palace or get distracted by a case or spend four hours of the morning with his brother. He hadn't even meant to forget to feed his girlfriend. He had simply forgotten, replaced Molly with other things that seemed more important and in that moment guilt flared in Sherlock. It wasn't a foreign feeling persay, but it was rare.

Standing stiffly he made his way back to Molly's car and headed for her flat, trying to ignore the cascading images of them in various modes of coupling, cursing as he tried to shut the door to room ten. He didn't notice that the only thing keeping it from shutting was his own hand.

When he strode into Baker street, his arms laden with frivolous items and a rather nasty scratch on his cheek, he turned to look into the kitchen and all the things in his arms toppled free. There stood Molly, goggles on her face, hair up and holding a human eye that was being incinerated by a torch.

"Come on! BLOW UP! Zach said you would blow-" And then the eye exploded and small bits and pieces flew across the kitchen and Molly jerked so violently back that she fell from her stool, Sherlock jumping towards her instinctively until he heard the laughter spilling from her throat.

"Yes!" She cried as she tumbled across the floor, "EYEBALL ZERO, MOLLY ONE!" She stood and instantly started to scribble furiously on a notepad.

Sherlock was beside himself with shock, which for Sherlock, was a very hard task to accomplish. When he realized Molly was not aware of his presence he cleared his throat and the woman looked up through the thick lenses of the goggles.

"Oh! Sherlock! You just missed the most wonderful- I blew up an eye!" she said with such excitement that Sherlock wasn't sure how to respond, he settled with a small smirk and an "Mmm."

"I hope you don't mind, I may have gotten into some of the organs and such- I just couldn't help myself. I couldn't do any of this at Bart's, and since you were busy all day with a case I didn't think you'd mind that I took some liberties."

And image of himself taking his own liberties with her flew to the front of his mind and he instantly waved his hand before his face and if batting away an irritating fly.

When he refocused on her Molly had removed the goggles and was looking up at him with such an open and happy face Sherlock just continued to stare, he looked on across the table and saw all the different little pieces of liver, kidney, heart and eye that Molly had professionally cut up and started to experiment with.

"If you're upset about the eye I can get you a new one, or five. And don't worry, I am sure the pieces of eyeball will come off the wall. I mean, I will clean it before Mrs. Hudson- what happened to your face?"

Sherlock crossed to her, his eyes boring into her so intensely that Molly lost her breath mid-sentence and shut her mouth. As he looked down at her his eye glanced to the microscope on the table and he saw the slide under it, he leaned down and looked through, "That is one nasty kidney Miss. Hooper." his voice was just above a whisper, a deep throated purr.

"Wha- oh yes, Mr. Sander's kidney, it was lovely, I've not seen one with that level of decay in a long time. Just thought I'd see what kind of bacteria-"

"What other things have you elected to fry, blow up or slice apart?" Sherlock asked with interest, his eyes still scanning through the scope.

"Uhm, nothing of real scientific value. Just some old kid friendly experiments that I've always wanted to try on actual organs. You know, dying things different colors with Rebina or soaking an eye in soda to see how quickly the acid can dissolve it. No real scientific stuff. I did use some of your hydrochloric acid though- kind of went over board, I can replace your-"

"All experiments scientific, even if they are meant for children. I tried to blow up an eye too but I only ever managed to get it to disintegrate, how did you manage?"

Molly smiled sheepishly, "I had the same problem, went through a few before I did a lower level of heat-"

"Ah! A slow build of pressure from the inside of the eye- tried that, still just burnt it-"

"I soaked it in water first, after adding a small puncture to make sure it retained the water and-"

"You boiled it from the inside until-"

"Pop!" Molly said with a smack of her lips.

"Mmm, Interesting."

"I can clean up if you'd like- is that- is that Toby?" Molly asked looking past Sherlock to see the cat crate on the floor as well as a pile of movies and a large overnight bag.

"Hum? Oh yes, I picked stuff up, your stuff, I picked up some of your stuff, including that reincarnation of satan that you call a cat."

Molly rushed over and knelt before the cage, the cat letting out a mew that was so indignant Molly had to laugh, "Serves you right for scratching that handsome face. I should have you on my slab you know?"

"I'd be more then happy to help you strap the little monster down if you are serious, I've never experimented on a live animal before, but in this case, I'd happily make an exception."

"Another time perhaps, maybe if he eats all my cookies again, this cat is, in fact, on thin ice."

"Wonderful." Sherlock said with an evil smile, eyeing his new nemesis with cruel intent.

Molly stilled a moment and looked up at him, "Um, Sherlock- this is very thoughtful of you, but an overnight bag and my cat would imply I will be staying here longer than expected- is that alright with you? I mean, are you sure you are comfortable with-"

"Perfectly." was all he said in a very matter-of-fact way.

Molly gave him a warm smile before she knelt down and opened the cage to let Toby out. He sprinted from his carried and disappeared up the stairs in record time, "Won't see him for a bit I expect, until then I got some take away. I hope you like Chinese. It's on the counter for you. I already ate mine, though in hindsight not the best idea to eat and experiment, dropped an eye into my fried rice."

Sherlock chuckled, "I dropped an eye into my tea once, at least you could simply pick yours out. I had to use a fork to get the eye out of the mug and it ended up releasing persevering fluid into my drink. Rather nasty surprise, even after being reheated in the microwave."

"Uck." Molly said with a smile as she started to dig through the mess on the floor. Sherlock continued to stand in the kitchen and stare at her, a neutral expression on his face, his eyes taking in everything she did during the day by simply looking her up and down.

Molly bent forward, her shorts riding up a she started to pick up the dvds and Sherlock's eyes came to rest on her rather round bum.


"What?" Molly asked looking up to him, Sherlock jumped forward and started to spit out words so fast even he couldn't understand himself, "MOVIES! I retrieved movies from your flat as well as your insufferable cat and clean work clothes, though if I were you I'd recommend switching up as some of those outfits are rather atrocious and don't flatter your figure at all, not that I care but people at work expect professionalism and I hardly think your outfits qualify as they seem to belong to a little girl who elected to dress herself-"

Molly had placed a finger on his lips and gave a soft understanding smile, "Thank you Sherlock, that was very logical of you. Why don't you take some time to eat and relax yourself and then, if you want to, we can watch a movie? Alright?"

Sherlock felt his cheeks start to heat up and he spun away from her quickly, "As you wish-" he said before disappearing into the bathroom, the weight of those three little words on Molly flying completely under his radar, she stood staring after him in shock before she looked down at the dvds on the floor and noticed that Princess Bride was among them.

When Sherlock emerged he was wearing pajama pants, a plain gray t-shirt and a blue robe. His hair hung in damp curls around his face and he was freshly shaved.

Swinging into the kitchen he scooped up the take away bag and then strutted out into the living room as if he was on a mission. Setting the bag on the coffee table he turned and walked over to his violin, which he expertly picked up and prepared to play before he stopped suddenly and turned.

His eyes came to rest on Molly who was scrunched up on the couch, an egg roll in one hand and a half-full glass of wine in the other, staring intently at a laptop, earbuds in her ears. She took another bite from the roll and absentmindedly wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

Sherlock hesitated as he realized he had already forgotten she had offered to watch a movie with him.

Want to watch a movie- a voice sounding suspicially like his mind palace Molly whispered, more images flew before his minds eye and he had to shake it clear before he cool again focus on Molly.

He slowly crossed to her and leaned over her laptop, the back of his head effectively blocking her view as he studied the screen. A pretty blonde woman was handing a brown water jug to a young farm hand, she obviously expected him to get her water, though he wasn't sure why the young man was complying.


Sherlock craned his neck and looked up at her, her eyes were sparkling and a funny smile was on her face, "I can't see through your head, Sherlock."

"Oh, right, pardon- am I supposed to want to watch this with you?" he asked with genuine curiosity.

"Not necessarily. I put in earbuds in case you wanted to play your violin instead or visit your mind palace. I can watch this alone-"

"I assumed date night meant we do something together-" Sherlock snapped standing up stiffly, pulling his violin close, he wasn't sure why he suddenly felt so offended. But he did and he gave her a look of hawty derision. At least he thought he had until Molly smiled and continued, "Normally, that's true, but you're not a normal guy Sherlock. I can't expect you to just conform to what is expected within the realms of average people. I don't want to change you Sherlock, I want to be with you, who ever you are. Which means, if a date night or movie night means you play violin while I watch a movie or I read while you experiment then that's what we do. I'll never make you do something you don't want to do- unless it really needs to be done, like cleaning the soap scum out of your shower, that's pretty gross and I work in a morgue."

Once again Sherlock stood still, shocked, his eyes were looking at the wall above Molly's head, his mind so deep in thought he didn't hear her calling to him.

Molly just sighed and went back to her movie, wine and egg roll. It was about forty-five minutes into the movie when he came out of his mind palace and he put down his violin before he walked over and sat down next to her. He took up his food and started to eat, pulling her headphone plug from the port. The sound came from the speakers and Molly looked to him, "Decided to join me then?"

"Mmm." was his only response as he shoved the remains of his cold dinner into his mouth.

"I'll restart it then-"

"No need, I am sure I can grasp- what is that?"

"It's an R.O.U.S, they're- well- rodents of unusual size- they are in the fire swap and Wesley is trying to- sod it, I am restarting it, I have to or you won't understand. He's a pirate so he goes on all these crazy adventures for Buttercup-"

"He's a pirate?" Sherlock asked perking up considerably.

"Yes, The Dread Pirate Roberts. Here, if you can, try to pay attention, or you will get confused, there is some identity switching that goes on-"

"Bait and switch? Sword fighting?"

"Oh yes, here-"

So, Molly restarted the movie and surprisingly Sherlock's eyes did not leave the screen. When the man with the six fingers was revealed Sherlock raved. The puzzles of the movie coming together as quickly for him as any other mystery would, but this did not deter him and Molly found Sherlock had a thing for pirates, and adventure stories.

As the movie progressed Sherlock slowly relaxed more and more and soon Molly found herself with his head in her lap as he stretched out, she heard his knees pop from being squished on the couch so long, "This position makes logical sense as I am tall and you are not-" he had said with out tearing his eyes from the screen.

Molly said nothing but dove right back into the movie herself, she did not realize her fingers were running absentmindedly through his curls, nor did she catch his little sigh of approval.


"Shh, don't worry, Indigo get's him." Molly whispered.

"Good." Sherlock replied with vigor.

As the movie came to a close Molly didn't realize what scene was coming until it was too late. There was Wesley and Buttercup, upon their white steeds and the narrator spoke with conviction, "Since the invention of the kiss, there have only been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind."

She felt Sherlock stiffen, and only seconds too late realized why. He sat up quickly but continued to stare at the screen. Molly felt her face get red, her heart beat rapidly.

"Eh-it's my favorite movie. I've watched it ever since I was young. When you kissed me- it reminded me of this scene- I wasn't trying to- to live out some strange fantasy-"

Sherlock looked down at his hands which were on his knees and spoke softly, "You've fabricated a false Romeo, Molly. I am not a Wesley nor a prince charming. Why you've pressed so hard to be with me, why you've coveted me for so long is foolhardy and borderline masochistic. I've done nothing but put you off, I've never been nice to you and only used you to achieve my own ends."

"Sherlock, that's not true-"

"How do you know I am not using you now?" Sherlock looked to her then, his eyes holding a storm deep within them that Molly understood for what it was. Fear, anger and uncertainty. He could not see his own value therefor thought Molly was an idiot. He stood then and crossed the room to his violin. Molly reached out and shut her laptop, she watched him, eyes trained on his long slender fingers which gently touched the handle of his instrument.

His back was to her but he turned his head just enough to see her over his shoulder, "I do not believe, even with your purest heart and the best of intentions, you will still love me like you do in a week's time, let alone the rest of your life. I'd very much like to spare you the heart ach Molly Hooper, and ask that you seriously consider not continuing this thing we've started."

Molly stood slowly and approached him with deliberately cautious steps, she came up behind him and very tentatively wrapped her arms around his lean torso, resting her head on his back between his shoulder blades.

"Not to be over dramatic- but I'd rather have a week to love you then go a life time without ever trying."

She felt him take a slow deep breath, as he let it out he seemed to sag into himself a moment before he turned in her arms and looked down at her.

"I- I-" he closed his eyes and let more air flow out through his nose as he tried again, his frustration evident, "I. Love. You." he said it so harshly and with so much disdain Molly couldn't help the small prickle of disappointment, but it only lasted a moment and she was over it quickly as she realized how absolutely painful and humiliating that must have been for someone like him to admit.

"You've wormed your way into my heart like a parasite, you've invaded my mind in the most unwelcome way, you've striped me of my cold indifference and made me weak and I hate you for it." the venom in his voice made Molly stiffen, "Your obsessed, clingy, you push me to acknowledge your thoughts and feelings and worst of all you make me feel guilty. The fact that you are capable of making me feel anything at all disgusts me. And I find your infatuation with me far more comparative to that of a scientist with a magnifying glass then that of a woman truly in love. Your pathetic for loving me considering how abhorrently I've treated you and I think you are borderline insane."

Molly felt the tears well up in her eyes about halfway through his little rant, her heart breaking with each violent and hateful word he uttered. But she did not release him, continued to hold on to him and nuzzled her face into his chest.

"I love you too, Sherlock." she murmured softly, she refused to speak to his last verbal assault, refused to admit out loud that she agreed with him, that she must be insane to love him so desperately considering everything he'd put her through. But still she clung to him, nuzzled his chest and took in his scent through her nose, savouring it like a fine wine.

"Why won't you just- just leave." came his soft nearly achy reply.

Molly said nothing because in all honesty she didn't have an answer for that question. She had asked herself many times over the years and she'd never been able to figure out why she couldnt pry him from her heart, why she couldnt turn her back on him or refuse him anything.

So she remained silent.

Suddenly Sherlock's vice like grip was on either arm, wrenching her from his body and yet somehow dragging her towards the door leading to the stairs. He slammed her against it, though to Molly's surprise there was no pain. The heel of Sherlock's hands smashed into the door right by her head and Molly jumped a little before looking up into his face with confusion, "Why won't you leave!" he nearly yelled, "Are you stupid! Are you so blinded by the chemicals that are drugging your brain you can't see the danger your in, you can't see how badly I am going to cripple you, destroy you- I'd jump you right now and walk away if it meant getting you out of my hair! Out of my space, out of my mind and heart your wretched little creature, you vile-"

"I'll not be intimidated by you Sherlock Holmes and your false insults to try and detour me away from you won't work either. I've known you long enough to know when your panicking, when your scared but don't want anyone to know or see it. Your terrified that loving me back, giving in to sentiment is going to ruin you, will make people laugh at you. Well, you need an update Mr. Holmes because people aren't going to care one way or another! Just like I don't care if you call me every vile name under the sun, slam me against every door in London or leave me alone at your flat unattended for weeks at a time. I am ready for you- all of you- so stop it- just stop it!"

He stared at her, his face pale and his breaths coming in pants, sharp eyes twitching back and forth as he looked with such utter doubt. Hunched over her, his hands resting in fists on either side of her face he just stared and searched. Finally, as Molly was about to start saying something else his lips craned down into a frown and twitched in displeasure as he leaned in and took up her mouth with his.

Sherlock didn't waste any time in his kissing of her either. Soon his hands took up her jaw and his teeth bit into her bottom lip, nearly begging for entry. Molly complied with little resistance and soon his mouth was smoothly lapping into hers as his hands slid around her waist, his nimble fingers grazing her skin as they worked to get her shirt off. They broke the kiss long enough to remove the article over her head and then they were lost again in fevered brutal kisses and small moans of need.

When his hands slid over her exposed skin to come and firmly grip her arse Molly gasped into his mouth and Sherlock's response was instant. He gave a jerk, and Molly was wrapping her legs around his waist.

She felt him moving with her though she wasn't sure where they were going as her eyes were closed and her fingers were threading into his damp hair. Her lack of focus on her surroundings caused another little gasp of surprise when Sherlock tipped them over onto his bed and pinned her down.

He continued to kiss her though the blistering heat from before was slowly leaking away and Molly was starting to feel like they were coming down from some sort of mysterious tension that had been hanging in the air around them for a long time.

After several minutes, the kissing having mellowed to something akin to a languid snogging session between two teenagers, Sherlock pulled away and looked down on her. She peered up at him, her eyes under heavy lids, her head feeling intoxicated and bleary, he kissed her forehead and his lips lingered there, he murmured against her skin, "Damn you-" But there was no venom or spite. All signs of aggression, distrust and nervous anxiety having faded into something that sounded strangly like adoration.

"You should know I've never- I've never really-" But finishing seemed impossible for him, just one more humiliating thing he was trying to tell her that Molly picked up on right away.

He moved from her forehead to her cheek and then down to her neck, more light kisses being peppered along the way, "It's fine." Molly said softly, "We go as quick or slow as you want, we can learn what you like together- and we don't have to do anything that makes your any more uncomfortable then you already are." she cooed softly as her fingers gently continued through his hair and then down to his stiff back.

"So much to take in, I am being over loaded with data. Your smell and taste, sounds and textures- it irritates me to even try cataloging everything, to much data and it gets so tedious. I can't turn it off Molly." he said as he kissed between her breasts, his hand coming to caress the fabric of her bra.

"Then we go slow. Take it one piece at a time, catalog as you go and if it gets to be to much we stop."

"Mmm- I'm not sure slow and steady will win the race in this case Miss. Hooper."
Molly groaned as his hand slid up under her bra and came to stop at her nipple, he gently pinched it between two fingers and when her back arched Molly swore she heard him murmur the word 'Interesting-'

He repeated this action several times, each time pinching a little harder, the last time adding a very light twist to the now thuroughly abused bud.

Molly was panting by now, gasping and wreathing under him and Sherlock couldn't help but notice his own often wayward thoughts were honing in on the woman beneath him. Slowly, the extra input that his eyes usually noticed faded and all he was was a woman below him with swollen lips, ruddy cheeks and a look of utter oblivion on her face.

"Now that truly is interesting-" he murmured as he reached a hand under her and unclasped her bra with a rather impressive flick of his wrist.

Grabbing the material at it's connection point between her silky mounds he pulled it away to reveal her perky breasts. He looked upon them a moment but saw nothing within his minds eye besides the possibilities of what he could do to them. No words, no images and no deductions.

"Finally-" he whispered as he leaned down and took a firm bud into his mouth. Molly really seemed to come undone then and her nails dug into his shoulders and he nipped, sucked and licked at her breasts with a vigor that could rival any man.

Molly started to slid his robe off his shoulders, Sherlock helping as well as continuing the process onto his shirt. They were both bare from the waist up now and as soon as Molly's hands touched his chest, a pair of fingers dragging to one of his own nipples which was then very tentatively pinched Sherlock gasped I against her breast and instantly took up her wrist, holding it still and silently bidding her to pause.

"I'm sorry-" Molly said as she looked to him with worry.

"It's fine- just- just give me a moment." Molly nodded and after a few seconds, Sherlock seemingly focusing on the strong sensation and trying to register and absorbed it into his mind, he released her hand and urged her to continue.

From there it was a little more fast paced, he removed her pants and her lace panties, which Molly noticed he tucked into the pocket of his pajama pants. Then she slid down his pants, gently tracing her fingers over the contours of his arse, which Sherlock also had to freeze to momentarily absorbed and catalog. At least, that's what she assumed he was doing, his eyes would close, his body would still and he would be gone from their current situation for several seconds.

At this point they were both naked, pressed skin to skin and kissing with deadly heat. Molly was still on her back, Sherlock pinning her down and resting against her, his hips pressing between her legs.

"Are you ready-" he asked softly against her lips, "For what?" Molly asked, but she got no reply as she felt his hand start to skin down. Her breathing instantly intensified and she closed her eyes and bit her lips and his fingers came to her soft mound of hair. Slowly, his fingers slid down, her slick little nub electrified and hot. As his finger finally connected with his she let out a high pitched whine and her shaking hands fisted the bed sheets.

Sherlock watched her hands as they dug in, watched her body quake with intimidation and her mouth morph into some expressive form of ecstacy. His fingers moved achingly slow as they gently rubbed and stroked her little bundle of nerves and Molly's hips bucked against him instinctively.

"Oh god, please Sherlock- please-" It was the first time he had ever heard her beg, the first time she ever sounded truly desperate for him. Something inside Sherlock seemed to snap then, a feeling close to euphoria shot into his brain and in that moment, with Molly's little utterances floating across her lips and into his ears, nothing else mattered at all.

He started to message her clit in earnest and she started to truly buck below him, begging him for more, to go faster to let her cup and Sherlock Holmes came undone.

His fingers left her clit and slid down to her entrance where he pressed all three digits in at once, Molly's back arched off the bed at such an angle her hip bones stuck out like horns. Sherlock felt a heat pool deep in his belly and as he hooked his fingers to press and rub against her steaming flesh he leaned down and bit into her neck, "Oh my god! Oh Sherlock! Yes, god yes!"

The positive feedback spurred him on and he felt an intensely strong feeling of satisfaction, possessive need and hard earned pride. He continued to do the things that she responded the most positively too and before long he felt her muscles clamp down around his fingers.

Sherlock jumped a little and felt his cock twitch and his balls tighten as he felt Molly orgasim on his fingers, juices and new smells assaulting his senses but in no way turning him off.

When Molly lay back and her body finally relaxed he looked upon her, leaving his fingers in her swollen cavity to continue to feel the minor after shocks and twitches of her body as she came down.

Her entire appearance was so far gone from the well groom immaculate Molly he knew from Bart's that he almost worried he broke her. But he drank it all in, from her ruddy skin, to her peaceful yet smile filled face, her eyes which were nearly sparkling with delight as she stared at the ceiling, seemingly looking at nothing. Her whole body seemed to vibrate, hum and glow in the most interesting way. He was noticing everything, including the feelings of her soft interior both before and after a climax.

When she looked to him and sighed he felt his heartbeat increase, "Your turn." she murmured and an excitement he hadn't even realized he'd been experiencing exploded in his belly.

Sherlock felt himself move into a slightly different position, he felt his hands take up her hips and saw the way she was looking at him with intoxicated eyes and a sultry smile and even though his mind was trying to decipher the look she was giving him his body seemed to be on autopilot and before he was even aware of what his body had elected to do on its own the sensation of sliding his member into a wet, tight heat swarmed into his mind and the ability to focus on anything but the imminent future of his release came crashing to a halt. Any stray thoughts, deductions or notes fell away and Sherlock jerked in shock before his body pressed further and he was lost to sensation.

He pressed deep, holding hard to her hips and burrowing into her neck. Something about disappearing into her neck, hair and scent filled him with more of the emotions from before, want, need, possession and comfort- and a word started to circle behind his closed eyes, shinning in bright white and flashing with each thrust he gave against her, MINE.

Sherlock had heard stories of the male condition, ancient instincts to claim a mate, reproduce and let no other male touch her. But this moment put things in prospective, logically, no male should want his mate to reproduce with another as it lessens his chance of passing on his DNA through offspring.

But this feeling he was having, it was more unanimous with the idea of not wanting to let another man touch her because she belong to him now. It had nothing to do with DNA, offspring or dominance and all about wanting her to focus on him, want him, need him. To be dedicated and in tune with his touches and kisses and smells. Sherlock suddenly realized that Molly's body, while hers, was now also his. She was sharing her body with him, they were connected and she was allowing him to use her body to reach a peak of utter oblivion. She was trusting him to not abuse her, to not get carried away and hurt her and to essentially be able to remove himself from her when done without any pain, physical or otherwise.

"Sherlock! Oh please do that again! Harder please harder!" There was the begging again, pushing him on and stroking his already inflated ego. He smiled into her neck and started to suck on the tender skin. One hand strayed from her hip to come up and pinch a nipple.

She jerked beneath him and before Sherlock knew what he was saying he was pressing his lips to her ear and a beast had taken over his mouth, "I'd take you every day Molly Hooper. I could listen to you beg all night long. When I cum inside you I want you to take every drop and savour the feeling knowing it won't be the last time my seed will be filling your-"

Molly's head flew back then and Sherlock gritted his teeth as he realized he had complied to her wishes with out figuring out why she had asked in the first place and as a second orgasim rippled through her Sherlock grunted and moaned himself due to the tightening around his member.

He continued to thrust against her and that's when he spilled over, Molly's tightness becoming to much. Light exploded before his eyes as he pinched them tightly closed, his nails dug into whatever skin they could find and his back muscles strained to keep him up as he felt a ungodly pleasure sweep through him, filling his body with such ecstacy and intoxicated bliss he wasn't sure whether he was in a drug den with Billy or his bed with Molly Hooper.

He stilled pressed into her, small twitches emanating from his body as goosebumps erupted over his skin, small less blunt pleasure continuing to make his cock jerk and empty into her.

That had to be the most satisfying feeling of all, though there was little data to explain why. But the more he came and filled her with his seed the more accomplished and intoxicated he felt. This was likely the most neanderthal he had ever felt his he really couldn't deny the satisfaction and accomplishment he felt about it.

He sling down onto her, once again his body moving with out his mind being attached and he was suddenly holding Molly against him and gently kissing her shoulder.

"That was amazing Sherlock. Thank you." she whispered.

His felt his ego bristle with pride again and grunted as he started to come back to himself and realize how quickly that had got out of hand.

"I thank you for consenting to share your body with me." Sherlock spouted before he could even think about trying to say something more important.

"It's yours now too. If you want it." Molly said sheepishly.

Sherlock pulled her closer despite his discomfort on the matter of cuddling and whispered into her ear, "I have collected an absorbadent amount of data which I would like to share with you. I think as a scientist you will find it most interesting, especially in regards to ancient man and the evolution of mating rituals and their meaning."

Molly giggled, "Sounds wonderful actually, I can't wait to see what you've come up with."

"Mmm." Sherlock responded. They lay that way in silent for several minutes before Sherlock leaned up to look at Molly's face, "How long is the appropriate amount of time to spend cuddling after copulation?"

Molly looked at him and then sighed, "Alright, go start your blog and I will shower and join you shortly."

"Excellent!" Sherlock said hopping up from the bed and rushing to get dressed.

Molly watched him from the bed with a smile on her lips and rolled her eyes as he rushed out of the room with excitement in his steps and his rob tangled about his arms and head.

She sighed and looked down at her hands, "Right." glancing to the bedside table she realized it was three in the morning.

"Oh god-" she plopped back down onto the bed only to jerk her head up as Sherlock rushed back in, he placed his hands on the edge of the bed and leaned in and kissed her on the nose.

"Change of plans, Lestrade just texted, I've got a case, hurry up with the shower we need to be out the door in less then fifteen minutes."

"Wha- uh Sherlock- no I have to work in less then six hours."

"Nope, already called you in. Now hurry up woman- we've got things to do!"

He was already stripping from his pajamas and changing into his signature suit, Molly's favorite purple shirt sliding up his arms and getting buttoned.

Sherlock turned to her and paused, "Why are you still naked, you should hurry if you want to shower."

"Sherlock-" Molly started to protest but Sherlock instantly crossed to her and sat next to her, "We have little time so please allow me to say this quickly, don't ask a bunch of questions and please try to understand. I just had sex with the only woman I think I have ever loved, it was also my first time- I've not had time to catalog anything nor sort through my thoughts on it. I know little about proper dating procedure but I do know I shouldn't rush off after our first time together. However this case proves to be a 8 and I'd really like to go. Since I do not feel comfortable leaving you so soon after our intimate joining but I can't pass up on the case I am- asking that you accompany me so that I may rest easy in knowing I have not handled this inappropriately. "

"Oh Sherlock-" Her smile spread like a wild fire across her face as she stared at him, "No, no crying, stop, just say yes and get dressed." he looked at her petulantly and then waited.

"Alright. Let's go."

Sherlock gave her another quick peck before he shot up, dragging a naked Molly to the bathroom before pushing her in, "Your on the clock Hooper! Hurry up!"

He heard her scoff and then start the shower, Sherlock hesitated before he leaned against the door and crossed his arms over his chest, a vary rare full smile etching onto his face as he heard Molly stumbling about.

He righted himself instantly as she cracked the door, "You've no hit water-"

"I know, I turned off the boiler in hopes of expediting your shower."

"I- what? SHERLOCK!"

He leaned down and locked her lips with his, sliding his tongue I to her mouth and humming with delight when she kissed him back, "Hurry up love, we've got dragon's to slay."

"Okay-" Molly said breathlessly shutting the door quickly, Sherlock chuckled exuberantly when he heard her hiss and curse through the door.

"Excellent." he said heading to grab his coat, everything was going according to plan.

The End