TAT - Pose!

Monkey - Pose!

TAT - Pose!

Monkey - Pose!

TAT & Monkey - Pose! *poses*

Yuki - *sighs & shakes head* Sorry for that... But I can't say anything more or else an insult will come out.

Shingai - You must have it hard...

Yuki - You too.

Senshi - *looking up* By the way, I have been wondering how those three are like that right now.

Toby, Maya & Hyuse - *hanging from ceiling & sleeping*

Yuki - We had decided to do that so they aren't flailing around constantly. Toby more so than the other two. That being said... Where is the third one?

Senshi - Most likely up there. *points up*

Sthénos - *climbing down rope*

Shingai - Get down from there!

Sthénos - I'll be fine! I just wanna wake them up!

TAT - And she can't even shoot her down... Anyways. *snaps* Monkey is here, everybody! And he brought his characters!

Senshi - *catches Sthénos*

Monkey - Yup, yup. I am here.

Sthénos - So are we! And we are here to have fuuuuuuun!

Shingai - We are here to assist in this session. That is what we have been told.

Monkey - Yeah, I guess you can look at it that way. Really, we're here to see around. Not much else besides that seems to happen around here after all.

TAT - So, so true... Anyways! Glad to have you guys and girls here! Now let's get started! The first one is from Koto.

Suzu what do you do if you see a person being unkind to their romantic partner. Kotowari squad would you do training with other squads. Mei what is a thing you don't like to eat.

TAT - Well this one is pretty easy. *snaps*

Suzume & Mei - *lands on feet*

Suzume - *looks over & sees Senzai Squad* Heh heh heh. This will be fun.

Shingai - *rolls eyes* Do not expect much from us. We have been told that our Side Effects will not be active while in this space.

TAT - About that... Something maaaaaaaaay have been messed up around here and...

Mei - Side Effect are active. I am still calculating at my usual rate, so it is clear that we can still use our Side Effect. Rather, it is better to say that we have no choice but to have them active.

Senshi - *bows* Sorry. That is most likely due to my own Side Effect.

Shingai - In that case... *looks at Monkey*

Monkey - I want to be against it, but if TAT doesn't stop it, I have no problem.

Shingai - *brings out bow & arrow*

Suzume - *waves hand* Silly archer girl, I am not a fan of underaged stories. They are honestly in bad taste. Besides... *grins* Do you honestly think you can shoot this flower?

Mei - *flicks Suzume* I am sorry about her. Just know that she is not trying to be antagonizing. It is just the way she is.

Senshi - Likewise. Ite just likes to be careful.

TAT - *claps* Anyways! Let's get to this now! Suzume, then Mei. Then either one of you can answer!

Suzume - *points up* Why can't our dog answer for us?

TAT - We need to keep him asleep for a bit. Besides, these aren't even hard questions.

Suzume - *shrugs* Whatever. As for my question... *turns to readers* If I know one of the people in question, I would honestly see what was going on first before doing anything major. If it was something major from the start, I would step in and intervene. If it concerned people I honestly did not know, I would simply stay out of it. Unless it escalated. I would not know their situation, so it would be very unbecoming to just get involved when it could be just a small fight between the two.

Sthénos - But what if it was just someone you met a few times!?

Suzume - It would honestly be the same as the latter part of my answer. I would not know them well enough to determine if I should get involved or not.

Shingai - ...

Senshi - I know.

Sthénos - Hm? What!? What's going on?

Shingai - Nothing. It is just comments like those are what makes it hard for me to dislike her.

Suzume - Oh!? Does that honestly mean I opened up the Shingai Ite Route!? Can I finally grab an arrow and pick the choice, "Use arrow lewdly"!? Wait, wait, I honestly want to see if this ends with you becoming an Archer Shrine Maiden! I am sure that Shintai would loooooove the help! Especially to use the arrows for-

Shingai - And it is comments like those that makes it easy to dislike her.

Sthénos - Hahaha! But that sounds like a fun situation!

Shingai - Never!

Senshi - We should go to Takato now.

Monkey - But this seems like a fun conversation.

Mei - *nods* Ignoring Suzume-

Suzume - Hey!

Mei - I have not found anything that I dislike eating yet.

Senshi - Not even Minoru's cooking?

Yuki - Nope. She's even brought some over before.

Mei - It has an interesting flavor to it.

Yuki & Senshi - Even though it's been seen moving...

TAT - To be fair, she eats her own curry. Her taste buds must be burned up by now.

Mei - They are not. My taste buds are in perfect condition. I even had some of Kako-san fried rice that Tsutsumi disliked before coming here.

TAT - By "dislikes" do you mean...

Mei - He fainted on the spot.

Everyone - *takes step back*

Monkey - Mei's abnormal body aside... There's the question for Kotowari Squad.

Shingai - Does this not mean she is beyond abnormal...?

Mei - About the question-

Suzume - We honestly do training with other teams all the time. Tsukiko Squad and Shor Squad join us a lot of the time and Ikoma Squad tried to join us. Our dog boy is against it since Iko-san always tries to let him.

Mei - Suzunari-1 and Kako Squad join us when I ask them. Once Yuki left, Ōji Squad has also asked for some joint training with us. Yuba Squad is a rare one, but Yuba-kun likes to try firing at Toby.

Yuki - That damn prince... He's refraining from giving Sensei an answer because of me.

Suzume - It is safe to say that we joint training with other teams quite frequently. Oh, but some of them honestly refuse to train with us. Miwa Squad, Ninomiya Squad and Katori Squad, to name a few.

Monkey - Those guys make sense. But I would think that Ninomiya Squad would also be fine after Yuki left your team.

Senshi - Inukai has told us before that it is because Ninomiya thinks the real challenge is gone without Yuki there.

Shingai - Such arrogance.

Monkey - Hm. Considering what happened in the last chapter...

TAT - Oh yeah. We have stuff for that later on. That's going to be a fun time. For now we should just get to the next one.

Yuki - The next one is from Ame.

Nasu and Akane do have someone who you like. Is the Fujin Kougetsu trio going to be a thing in SSR. Kuruma what is your worst subject. Suzunari-1 do you have a person you like.

TAT - Okay! At this point! *takes deep breath* Anyways... *snaps*

Nasu & Akane - *lands on feet*

Suzunari-1 - *lands on butt*

Yuki - Yeah,yeah, I get it. But don't go tossing people around because of it.

Monkey - Are you guys talking about how the same question is asked, just with different characters? And that like the-

Sthénos - Hahaha! I don't think you were suppose to say anything!

Monkey - Is that so.

Shingai - At least try to sound a bit apologetic.

Monkey - I did. Mentally. It failed.

TAT - Ah~ I know that feeling. ...Anyways! Let's get to this! We'll go first to last. So Nasu and Akane first.

Nasu - So it is just asking if we like anyone?

TAT - Yup. Easy and relatively painless.

Nasu - You say that... *looks over*

Suzume - *wiggling around* Ah! If you move your hips like this then you can really get moving! Like this, like this! Weeeeeeee! Good job, Sthé-chama!

Sthénos - *wiggling* Weeeeeeee!

Shingai - Someone please stop her before she reaches the point of me firing.

TAT - *shrugs* I said relatively. Anyways. Go ahead and answer.

Nasu - *sigh* I can't say for sure. I get the fee,one that I might, but it might change.

Akane - I like someone!

Others - So quick!

Yuki - *pats Akane's head* It's good to be honest.

Others - Go die!

TAT - Oof.

Monkey - Yikes. That one hurts, doesn't it?

Yuki - Not really. I've dealt with worse before.

Monkey - I didn't mean you. I meant you.

Yuki - ...

Senshi - We don't get him at times either.

TAT - I do. And once again... Oof.

Kuruma - Why do I feel like this topic came up before? The one about people we like.

Murakami - I don't remember anything like that.

Suzume - If Kō-senpai honestly doesn't remember then it really never happeeeeeeened! *twirls*

TAT - *looks to side* Yeah... Yeah... Never happened.

Monkey - *whsipers* You changed things when you had to reboot for Yuki, didn't you?

TAT - Maaaaaaaaaaybe... A-anyways! About the FKT, yes, they will make an appearance! Please just wait. Remember that SSR is currently just having Hoshi join KotoSqua. I still need time to even have her interact with others.

Suzume - Anyone honestly pushing too hard for something will be getting a nice slap from me.

TAT - Anyways. Suzunari, you're up.

Kuruma - Oh, right! So I should be answering first then. My worst subject... I don't think I really had any. Everything seemed fine enough to understand for me.

Sthénos - It's because he's rich, right!? Rich people get better education over here, right!?

Shingai - That is not necessarily true, Sthénos. It is rather rude to assume something like that. Some people simply understand things better than others.

Sthénos - *salutes* Right! I'm sorry, Tatsu-yan!

Senshi - *has Taichi on shoulders* Sthénos, that nickname is also kind of rude.

Kuruma - It's fine, Shingai, Senzai. She doesn't mean any harm by it, I'm sure. But, um... *looks up*

Taichi - SenSen-san, your shoulders are really wide, aren't they!?

Senshi - Thank you.

Suzume - *recording* Heh heh heh~

Nasu - *looks over* Oh, are you planning on the usual "big tops small", Suzume-chan?

Suzume - I had thought about it. But then I honestly had a different thought.

Shingai - Why do I feel like this will end badly...?

Suzume - What if I had small Tachi-chan top Senzai-san? Having the bara as the uke, especially someone like Senzai-san, would give a good look at either a power bottom. Or even having Taichi-chan honestly being forward would be nice. And having Senzai-san's bad luck is an easy way for it to happen!

Yuki - I can't say that is a nice thought since I am really fond of both of them. Even so, there is a hole in that, Suzu.

Suzume - Huh? What is it?

Murakami - It is actually a proven fact that Senshi's lucks gets better with Taichi around him. We don't really get why, but it just happens.

Suzume - What!? Are you honestly sure that it isn't just because Shingai is around them!?

Shingai - My good luck only effected me. There has never been a time when my good luck has directly effected someone else.

Suzume - Hm...

Nasu - That means you can't use his bad luck for an easy out.

Suzume - This is... Perfect! It is honestly a challenge! And it brings some good upsides as well! That means I honestly don't have to worry about writing his bad luck to do something to mess up the sex that would come from it!

Sthénos - Oh, I know that word!

Shingai - ...

Taichi - *raises hand* Suzume-san, I want to use my ticket to get out of the sex scene!

Suzume - Eh!? You still had that!? I honestly thought you used it already!

Kuruma - What is this now?

Suzume - Tch. I honestly don't want to talk about it. Can we move on now?

TAT - *shrugs* Was waiting for you. Anyways. Next one is from Kiri.

I'm back~ Hopefully everyone is alright despite COVID-19!

What does your name mean Sthénos?

Favorite monster movie Senshi, Ite?

And where are your Side Effects ranking in the system?

Are you proud of yourself Osamu? You did it!

Do you think Trion Bodies are immun against a virus?

In these times we need more fun so! Mei, Ninomiya, Kako, Suwa, Kuruma and Yuba: Time to get drunk!

That's it for now! Stay healthy everyone~

TAT - Same to you, Kiri! Try to stay healthy!

Monkey - Is it bad that my lifestyle has only slightly changed from before this all went down?

TAT - Not really. Mine hasn't changed much either. I just can't go to locals anymore. Not that it really matters since I'm giving up ygo. Want the money for the gacha and necessities. Even though Dioscuri eluded me...

Monkey - You too, huh.

TAT - Np6 Caenis, Np2 Sanzo, multiple nps on some four stars - one being Prince of Lanling, mind you - and worst of all! Gold! Saber! Spook! Alteraaaaaa!

Monkey - Big oof. That must have hurt.

TAT - It did... It really did...

Yuki - *claps* Hey. Hey! Off topic! Way off topic! This is World Trigger ToD, not FGO discussion!

TAT - Right, right. Sorry. My bad... Uh, right. The first few are for your character, Monkey, so I'll back up a bit for you guys.

Monkey - Sure. Now then. *claps* ...They can take care of this.

Shingai - Some time I wonder...

Sthénos - Oh, oh! So I'm first then! Yay! My name on Miden would translate to "fiendess" or "demoness"! It's really, really, really cool, isn't it!?

Kuruma - Maybe better to say it is interesting...

Sthénos - It waaaaaay better than my old name! I can't say what that was though since Ite said I'm not allow to say!

Shingai - It is for the best.

Senshi - So we should answer our question now then.

Taichi - I can answer for SenSen-san! He invites us over to watch monster movies at times!

Kuruma - I feel like they go easy on us when we watch them though.

Shingai - We do. Some of the ones we have seen may end up scaring you too much.

Kuruma - Thank you for holding back then.

Senshi - Saying Godzilla would be a bit much, right?

Taichi - Both SenSen-san and Shingai-san love the same movie! I can't remember the name, but it's about a bunch of monster living underground and a big city that needs protection from them!

Shingai - Come to think of it... I cannot seem to remember the name of it either. I do remember seeing something akin to that, but that is all.

Senshi - *nods* I am the same way. It's hard to remember the name, or even the cover of it, but I do remember watching it.

TAT - *looks at Monkey* You... Anyways. Next question. About your Side Effects.

Suzume - How do you honestly figure that out?

Nasu - I would assume they are considered S rank when it comes to Side Effects. Considering they are luck based.

Kuruma - But that means it isn't really something they can do or something they have.

Senshi - *raises hand* In all actuality, we don't really know. We have not kept up with that kind of thing before.

Shingai - If anyone would know, it would be our maker.

Monkey - *shrugs* Dunno. Didn't really think if that when making them.

Sthénos - So you just wanted to have luck based Side Effects! Doesn't that mean you didn't really think too hard about it!?

Monkey - Probably.

TAT - To be fair, I didn't think of that when making my characters and their Side Effects.

Murakami - But they have Side Effects that are easy to categorize. Especially since, besides Senpai, they are all body based and rely on movements.

TAT - Hm... That's true. Oh, minus Akasora's too. But his is also easy compared to theirs.

Suzume - So what will you honestly answer, luck based duo?

Shingai - We have no definite answer for that seeing as how our own creator is unsure. We are unable to properly answer.

Suzume - Foolish maker, how do you plan on dealing with this? Since they technically did not answer, they should honestly be sent through the Door.

Kuruma - I forgot that was here...

TAT - Hm... You say that, but remember that we also gave some leeway when it comes to unanswerable questions. We just have to view it like that. So that means we just move on to the next question here. Oh, that's for Osamu. Yeah. Let's do the one under that first, then get to Osamu.

Yuki - Hey... About that last one...

TAT - So about trion bodies!

Kuruma - Wouldn't the best answer come from Takato? So you can just bring her in to answer since she has to be here anyway.

Shingai - You are awfully calm for having to get drunk in a moment,

Kuruma - That is more because I know Yuki will be trying his best to prevent that from happening.

Kuruma & Shingai - *looks over*

Yuki - You already know how Mei is after Wandering! Isn't that enough!? Kō and Suzume are here! That will end up being hell for everyone!

TAT - But don't you want to see Ninomiya drunk? To make fun of him.

Yuki - Yes, but not at the cost of Mei getting drunk!

TAT - She wasn't really that drunk during Wandering, now that I think about it.

Yuki - That's even worse!

TAT - Anyways. *snaps*

Mei & Kako - *lands on feet*

Osamu, Nino, Yuba, Suwa - *lands on butt*

Yuki - *groans*

Suwa - Thanks for the warm welcome, jerk.

Yuki - I'm not groaning about you. It's because if that airhead and for what I am going to have to deal with in a bit.

Kako - Oh ho? That sounds interesting.

Sthénos - Hey, can I get drunk too!? I heard that it's really fun getting drunk!

Shingai - And where did you hear that?

Sthénos - Uh... I was told not to tell!

Senshi - It was Motoharu, right?

Sthénos - Yeah!

Shingai - ...Can we have him brought in?

Monkey - Not unless he has something here. But that's off topic again. We're here for Osamu and an answer.

Osamu - Me?

TAT - Well we might as well get to you first then. Are you proud of yourself for your win against that airhead over there?

Yuki - I am proud of him! He got a good one on that idiot!

Ninomiya - Says the one who has not even been fighting. I really don't want to hear that from someone like you.

Yuki - That may be because I am busy doing things here and there. The directors actually need me to be doing stuff, unlike idiots like you. When have they asked you to do something? I guess it doesn't matter since I'm sure none of us can remember it.

Murakami & Mei - *opens mouth*

Yuki - It's still nothing compared to how many times they ask for my assistance.

Murakami - That goes against you though.

Yuki - That's not the point.

Ninomiya - I am not the one who needs to go around to find a reason to be useful. I already know my use. You have fake uses. Befitting for a faker like yourself.

Kako - I really wish I could add my own comments toward this, but I can't find a good place to do so...

Kuruma - And you would be on Yuki's side...

Kako - But of course.

Shingai - *sighs & shakes head* And they are suppose to be adults...

Senshi - *sways & looks at Yuba* I'm a bit surprised that you aren't firing at Yuki yet.

Taichi - *swinging* Wheee!

Yuba - *pushes up glasses* I already did. He dodged them while he was arguing... While he is arguing.

TAT - *claps* Alright, alright! Get over it, you two idiots! Still need to do stuff here! So Osamu, your answer.

Osamu - Uh, yes... I guess I am a bit proud of that match. But it wasn't just because if we that we won. Chika, Kuga and Hyuse out in a lot of work while I just made sure everything went well.

Suwa - Giving yourself little credit there. Doing that much against top B-Rank teams is amazing enough. Ninomiya also had his whole team there while you were missing a guy.

Ninomiya - ...

Yuki - *smug look*

Osamu - I suppose.

Suzume - You should honestly just take it, Osamu-kun. Be proud and lift your head high. Yes, like this. It gives me a good few for my next doujinshi.

Others - And now you can just ignore her.

TAT - Anyways... Mei, can you answer that last question while the drinks are brought in?

Mei - *nods & turns to readers* Trion bodies are indeed immune to viruses. At least ones from our world. For more specifics, go to our website at-

Yuki - Ah... Don't turn into Kimura. Please. Your jokes actually land at times, but that one was a bit much...

Mei - Right. That was my bad.

TAT - Now then! *snaps*

*containers appear*

TAT - Everyone listed there, go ahead and have a drink. In the meantime, we will be moving on. Monkey, do you want the next one?

Monkey - Sure. Let's see, let's see. Oh, the next one is from Yujo.


What would you do when are stuck at home?

Kimura, what is your 'best' joke and your 'worst'?

Sthénos, favorite activity on Meeden?

Senshi, were there a moment in your life where you received good luck?

Ite, what about you? Were there a moment where you received bad luck?

Monkey, what is going to be different in your timeline?

Everyone, who would be your Digimon Partner?


Geez, my creativity for dares truly declined with my age...

Two random people have to paint a Bob Ross canvas using their whole body.

For the next 5 session someone is getting randomly hit by a snowball

TAT & Monkey - *snaps & points* Don't know anything about Digimon!

Yuki, Murakami & Senshi - *snaps & points* Kimura has no good jokes!

Shingai - The lot of you...

Yuki - Well I guess you can say that all of her jokes are "good" since all of them are "bad"...

TAT - *snaps* Anyways. First question still.

Kimura - *lands on feet*

Yuki - Seeing as how I am stuck at home e a good amount of times... I cough. A lot. That's what I do when stuck at home.

Suzume - *shrugs* I honestly work on some songs or doujinshi.

Osamu - I just try to find something to do while I have to stay in. Unless it's because I am sick. Then I try to just get over it.

Suwa - *takes drink* Nothing much.

Kako - *pouring Mei a drink* I try to make new recipes for my fried rice.

Senshi & Shingai - Watch movies.

Sthénos - They invite me over when they do!

Kimura - What's going on now?

Yuki - Nothing important. But Yujo-san wants to know what your best and worst jokes have been.

Kimura - Oh, that's a hard one to answer. I have so many good ones that it's hard to say any of them are bad.

All - She's in denial!

Kimura - What! When have I ever made a bad joke!?

Yuki - You know exactly when! It's every time you tell one!

Kimura - Is this about that times my eggs turned out poorly? You stopped eating my ford after that. Yeah. That's eggs-actly the reason, isn't it!?

Others - ...

Senshi - Okay, okay, she at least prepared us for that one.

Murakami - It still hurt. But that is true. Thank you for the warning, Kimura.

Kimura - You guys are the worst!

Yuki - And yet we are still better than your jokes.

Kimura - Do you want me to tell them about what happened after the Wanderers left?

Yuki - ...

Yuba - *red faced* Hey! You idiots need to quite your crap already! *throws bottle* We're busy over here and don't wanna hear ya!

Monkey - Well isn't this something? Have to give props for them having lasted as long as they did. That looks like some strong stuff.

TAT - They are still fools... Anyways. More stuff for Monkey and his characters! Go ahead.

Sthénos - That means I'm first!

Shingai - Yes, yes. So what do you enjoy?

Sthénos - Eating! Drinking! Sex!

Suzume - She honestly sounds like a perverted old man...

Shingai - No! Sthénos, no! I already sound no to that last one! You misunderstood!

Yuki - Same as Kanzaki?

Senshi - Pretty much.

Monkey - Before she triggers any more flags... Senshi, go ahead and answer.

Senshi - Huh? Oh, sure. A moment in life where I had good luck... I feel like there was a moment like that, but I can't really remember. And I'm assuming the simple things in life don't count and this is more directed toward major events.

Taichi - *on Senshi's shoulders* There has to be something you remember.

Senshi - I just get the feeling that there was something extremely amazing that happened before. Something that would outclass all else. But like I said, I can't really remember. I guess the feeling I get when I think about it would be... "Escape".

Monkey - ...

TAT - Hm... I'm sure your maker knows the answer to that. But it's up to him to tell.

Suzume - So then Shingai needs to gave an opposite response to that now.

Kimura - But hearing that from Senzai, wouldn't it be best to assume that the same would apply to her as well?

Monkey - ...

Shingai - *nods* That seems to be the same way for me. I know there was a time where I felt like I had the worst luck, but cannot remember such a time.

Kuruma - *pink cheeks* Do you have anything that can explain it?

Monkey - How is he still not drunk...?

Shingai - If I were to think about it... Yes. That would be it. "Being here"...probably. That seems to fit how I feel about that moment.

Monkey - I should probably write some more, huh. Oh, and stuff like that is also what is different in my timeline. More stuff will appear as we get closer to the Aftokrator invasion. Until then, it will be small stuff. Like that Trion Soldiers coming through.

Sthénos - They taste yummy!

Monkey - So getting passed that- *gets hit by snowball* ...

TAT - Well then... Anyways. As Monkey was saying, we need two people for that painting. *pulls out hat* Let's see... *puts hand in hat*

Yuki - *slowly inching toward TAT*

TAT - *pulls out two slips* Aha! So the two people are... Eh?

Suzume - Hm? *looks over* Oh my.

TAT - Uh, they are Yuba and Mei.

Mei - *slowly looks over* Did someone call me? Oh, Yuki, was it you? In that case, what do you need?

Murakami - ...

Yuki - It's creepy, right!? Mei asking questions is just weird and creepy!

Kimura - Is that anything to say about her while she is drunk!? But I have to agree. Hearing that is giving me a bad feeling.

Yuba - *red* The fuck your say about Mays!? And what do you want from me!? I ain't getting up for you shits!

Osamu - Meanwhile he becomes a raging drunk...

TAT - Mei, I am the one who said your name. You and Yuba need to paint using your whole body.

Mei - Oh. But from now on, Yuki is the only person allow to see my body. *puts hand in cheeks* Yes, he is the only one who can make the both of us happy.

Others - *turns to Yuki*

Yuki - *sweating*

Yuba - *slams bottle on table* Hey, shithead! Fight me! Fight me here and now for Mays!

Suzume - *looks up from notepad* I honestly didn't know Yuba-san felt that way for Mei-san.

Yuki - *rubs forehead* He doesn't. It's just the way he is. He looks out for her for some reason.

Ninomiya - *lazily looks over* Maybe - hiccup - because yer an idiot.

Others - And he still insults Yuki while drunk...

TAT - Anyways. You two, go get to the painting.

Mei - But-

Yuki - For me!

Mei - Oh! Um, for Yuki. I suppose I can do that.

Yuba - *walks away with raised middle fingers*

Monkey - Never a dull moment here, huh.

Shingai - For someone like you, that just be great.

Monkey - *shrugs* I'm dull and it comes off with you guys too. What can I say?

Senshi - So what's next?

TAT - One more named. Then the guest ones.

Suzume - The next one is honestly from Lvl7.

Senshi & Shingai - What do your parents think about your Side Effects?

Kurauchi - How did you feel when Senshi told you everything?

Shingai - What is the best thing that has happened to you? How many people have you shot before?

Senshi - What is the worst thing that has happened to you?

Ninomiya - How do you feel about your loss?

Yuki - How do you feel about his loss?

Monkey & TAT - I am pretty sure I know the answer to this already, but I will ask anyway. What could we expect from any collab with you two?


Shingai - With my limited Fate knowledge... Use Phoebus Catastrophe

It's not the best, so I apologize for that

TAT & Monkey - *snaps & points* Lots of Fate references!

Senshi - What parents?

Suwa - *drinking* Well damn! Bring down the whole mood why don't you!

Senshi - Hm? I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that I don't have parents, so that question really doesn't apply to me.

Shingai - Meanwhile I...

Senshi - No need to push yourself.

Shingai - It is fine. They have been nice, so I have no issue with speaking. My...parents are just happy that good things are happening for me. They prefer the luck to be directed toward me than them.

Sthénos - Isn't that a good thing!? Why do you look so sad, Ite?

Shingai - They...

Suzume - Because she understands both a parent's point of view as well as a child's. Right?

Shingai - ...

Suzume - Yes, my mother was like that as well. Rather, she still is like that. She wishes more for Mitsu and myself than she does for herself. The difference is that Shingai's good luck may also bring misfortune for those around her, correct? I am on an equal level with my mother when it comes to helping out, so we can communicate rather well. Shingai apparently does not have that kind of relationship.

Shingai - There is more to it, but that is the basics of it. They are good people, so I always feel bad when something good happens to me and not them. That is why I try to help them whenever my good luck comes into play.

Suzume - Silly girl. You need to think about how your parents honestly feel when you give thoughts like those. You are only being selfish to think like that. But I suppose that is as far as I will go here. You are still free to do things the way you want. Just remember that a family loves each other no matter what happens.

Shingai - ...

Monkey - ...

TAT - This guy... Anyways. Let's get to the next thing. Well, at least with the people still here. ...Oh. Still for Senshi and Shingai.

Yuki - You id... Almost said it. I held back this time!

Senshi - So it is the opposite of Yujo's questions.

Taichi - Yup! The worst thing that has happened to you!

Senshi - I guess that would be every time my bad luck gets to other people. I hate that it isn't directed at me only. That really is the worst.

Kimura - But you have no control over that. Is it really something to feel that way about?

Yuki - Kimura, it's not really your place to say something like that. Side Effects are a part of us, so it really hits us when it starts effecting others since it feels like we are the cause for it.

Suzume - Some of us honestly have it worse than others, so try not to assume that we are all like that.

Osamu - ...

Yuki - You get it, don't you? Even though you don't have a Side Effect, you have people like Jin, Yūma and Amatori to go off of.

Osamu - Yes.

Kimura - I see. Sorry for being insensitive, Senzai-san.

Senshi - That's fine. While I can't really say I understand how you feel, I can understand that my Side Effect is hard to really get.

Taichi - But that's why I'm here! To hold it back!

Senshi - Yeah. Thanks for that, Taichi.

Sthénos - What about me!?

Senshi - Of course you help too.

Shingai - Now it would be my questions. The one concerning my shots is hard to answer. I do not count the amount of people I shoot. But I do not do so regularly. I only fire my arrows when I need to.

Monkey - You say that, but I know for a fact that-

Shingai - That is neither here nor there. Besides, I need to answer my other question.

Monkey - *shrugs*

Shingai - As childish as it sounds, the best thing that has happened to me was being accosted by my captain. He truly did not care about my good luck, personality and he does not mock me for wanting to protect children. I am grateful for him and will do what I can to help him.

Senshi - You don't really need to go that far. But thank you. I look forward to continue working with you too.

TAT - Now then.

Yuki - I'm happy that idiot airhead lost! He deserved it! Osamu, if there is anything you need, anything at all, just go ahead and ask. I'll always be on your side now since you took that asshole down!

Ninomiya - *sleeping on table*

Yuki - Well damn. I can't continue.

Kako - *smiling* Aw~ He won't attack if this fool is asleep.

Yuki - Attacking someone when they sleep is both boring and the act of a coward. I can't say I'm all for the honor thing, but even I have standards.

Murakami - The first I've heard of those.

Yuki - Shut up.

TAT - Anyways. *snaps*

Kurauchi - *lands on butt*

TAT - We get this guy!

Yuki - Hey, remember not to spill anything here.

Kurauchi - I am well aware of that. So why am I here?

Murakami - Hiw did you feel when Senshi told you?

Kurauchi - *looks at Senshi*

Senshi - ...

Kurauchi - I was...shocked. I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or not. After confirming that what he had said was true, I will admit that I became more distant to him. But he is still a friend. I just want to make sure he is fine.

Senshi - There is no reason I would not be fine. After all, I am considered-

Yuki - Hey.

Suzume - Akright. Now can we please know what you are talking about?

Yuki, Kō, Kura & Sen - No.

Suzume - ...

TAT - Well there was that. It was our last named one. Next up are the guest ones.

Monkey - There seems to be a good amount. Do you want to go top to bottom?

Shingai - That would still take a good amount of time.

TAT - Let's go with who we have here first. That way I can bring in who I need to bring in after. Which means these ones are first.

TAT do you plan on writing romance.

Who is Maki again?

Tamakoma-2, how do you feel after round 8?

Senshi and Shingai, how do you think your Side Effect works?

Yuki, did you beat up Ninomiya because he broke up with Minoru? If yes, how did Minoru and Mei reacted? You're not allowed to use the door or dodge the question.

Ninomiya, how did feel about being beaten up?

TAT - Right! Let's go! *looks at Screen* Oh. Uh, I suck at writing romance. But there will still be stuff here and there like with Yuki and Mei in Wandering. But hard romantic stuff probably not.

Yuki - Why was I the first victim?

TAT - Technically you weren't. Other ones were in at the start of SSR. You and Mei were using the most obvious.

Yuki - Clearly! Now we are moving in together!

Others - *starts whispering*

Yuki - Shiro is going to be there too! And Krümel!

Kimura - *raises arm* No need. We don't want to hear about how you will be spending your time with others.

Yuki - -!

TAT - Oh, and Maki is a member of Hatohara Squad. And a character from Yujo-san. Anyways. Osamu, you can answer for your team, right?

Osamu - Um, basically, we're happy we won.

Murakami - That's a fair response given what has been said already. *looks over*

Kuruma & Kako - *waves*

Murakami - Oh, Suwa-san fell asleep too. I wonder what-

Yuba - Screw this shit!

Senshi & Taichi - *gets hit by canvas*

Suzume - I guess it couldn't honestly last until the end without something bad happening...

Yuba - *stomping in* I! I! I've had it! No! Yes! I've had it! This is pissing me ooooooooooff! If this goes...on...I will... *falls back* ...

All - ...

Yuki - What happened to Mei?

Sthénos - *flies in carrying Mei* I got her!

Shingai - When did you leave?

Sthénos - A bit ago! I got bored and wanted to see how they were doing! I saw Baba getting more mad while Mei was asleep on the canvas!

Yuki - *sighs & walks forward* I guess I'll take-

Murakami - *moves forward & grabs Mei* You answer your question. I will take care of Senpai.

Kako - Aw~ What a cute underclassman! I wish I had someone like that.

Kuruma - Heh heh. You do, Kako-san. You do, you really do.

Kako - That's right! Futaba is so cute~ And she always finishes the fried rice I give her. I should treat her to some of my best.

Ninomiya - *groans*

Kimura - He recognizes that terror even when asleep.

TAT - Alright, alright. We've gotten off track again! Yuki, answer your question! Actually, forget you for a moment. Senshi and Shingai still have their question.

Yuki - You a- Safe! Safe! I didn't finish again! That means I still have been ride to you!

TAT - *rolls eyes* Anyways.

Monkey - Is there really anything to answer for them though?

Shingai - That is right. Our Side Effects are simply based on luck. My good luck is focused solely on me while Senshi's bad luck effects both him and anyone around him.

Senshi - Our luck cancels each other out when it comes to Ite though.

Monkey - Easy. Not much else besides that. ...Or is there?

TAT - *turns to readers* I actually don't know either, so there's that. Anyways. Yuki, you can answer now.

Yuki - *clicks tongue* Why would I use the Door for this? I'll gladly say I beat that airhea duo because of how he treated Mino. Mino deserves better, and it gave me a reason to actually beat the idiot up. I won't say I'm fine with them getting back together, but I won't be going against what Mino wants since they knew I'll do it again.

Murakami - When she heard, Senpai was both pleased with him as well as annoyed. When I asked her about it, she said that it was because she had been holding back herself and because it caused some unnecessary problems.

Yuki - I'll do it again. I really will. Anyways. Mino was shocked that I beat him. Went so far as to ask why I did it in the first place.

Murakami - And then he scolded Yuki for doing that. Although Ninomiya also got scolded. Senpai joined in.

Monkey - Just shows how much he cares.

Senshi - *nods*

Monkey - How much he cares about fighting Ninomiya.

Shingai - *nods*

Yuki - I did that (mostly) for Minoru.

Murakami - And yet he would not do the same for me.

Yuki - You shut up. You already know what I would do and what I would give for you.

Murakami - I do. Sadly.

Suzume - Yes, yes! Keep going! I honestly needed this!

Yuki - ...We should stop now.

Murakami - Yeah.

Yuki - Hey you, get on with it!

TAT - That counts as being rude to me! But I'll let it slide since we do need to move on.

Monkey - On to the next the guest ones.

Svantje, what do you mean with reading people?

Jinsei, Minoru and Ketsueki, did you always knew that you're gay?

TAT - *snaps*

Svantje - *lands on feet*

Jinsei, Minoru & Ketsu - *lands on butt*

Ketsueki - Oh? It's been awhile since I have been here.

Monkey - There really hasn't been much for you, has there? Well with how things are going here, you'll probably be brought back in later with SS.

Shingai - That should not ge considered a good thing.

Senshi - Not too many bad things have happened so far.

Shingai - That is because Betsuyaki-kun and I around around.

Taichi - Me?

Minoru - Are you guys talking about how Magnet's luck gets better with Taichi around?

Shingai - Correct.

Jinsei - So if we want to have some fun, we should get Taichi-chan away from SenSen?

Kimura - Don't even try.

Jinsei - Boo! C'mon Kawa, there won't be a problem.

Kimura - There will be a lot of problems.

TAT - Anyways. Svantje, you can start with your question. I'm assuming you remember what they are talking about.

Svantje - Yeah, I remember. *turns to readers* What is meant by "reading people" is just observing them and how they act. Expressions, reactions, the way they speak. All of that. It's helps get a better understanding of people.

Suzume - Just think of it as what a normal person does in place of my Side Effect. Remember that Nikko-chan is a great detective, so she can figure these things out.

Svantje - I wouldn't-

Suzume - No, no, no! No arguing with me!

Svantje - *sigh*

Suzume - Heh heh heh.

Minoru - *smiles* By the way, why do I get the feeling that you guys were talking about me before I got here?

Murakami - Because we were. Rather, we were talking about how Yuki beat up Ninomiya for you.

Minoru - *groans* That was not something I was expecting.

Jinsei - *wiggles* Aw~ He cares about you! Alright, now it's time to tell everyone about how Kawa went out of her way to crossdress for my sake!

Kimura - I did no such thing! Stop telling stupid lies!

Osamu - That sounds familiar...

TAT - Anyways. Minoru, Jinsei and Ketsu have the same question.

Jinsei - But I'm not gaaaaay! I am just a flamboyant nudist!

Suzume - Heh heh heh! Silly nudist! You need to be honest! We are one and the same here! Great entertainers with great breasts!

Jinsei - Oh yeah! How could I forget!?

Monkey - Notice the difference between him, the calm Ketsueki and the kind Minoru.

Senshi - We have learned to just ignore him at this point. Kon is sometimes called in to rein him back in.

Minoru - So about the question...

TAT - Yeah, go ahead and answer at your leisure.

Minoru - Right... Well for me it was in middle school. I wasn't too interested in girls at the time, but I didn't think too much about it. It was near the end of middle school that I pretty much solidified to myself that I was gay.

Yuki - And now he is with an idiot...

Murakami - Please be quiet during this time.

Yuki - *waves* That was more of a gripe with the airhead than Mino.

Ketsueki - I suppose I shall go next then. Ahem. It was really after having some girlfriends that didn't work out that I realized it. I had the thought of, "If girls aren't working out, why not just try guys". After that I came to terms with it. Although...

Jinsei - Yeah, Ketsu-san sounds like an asshole. At least younger Ketsu-san. Going around and having flings with everyone he could.

Ketsueki - It was a time I would rather not speak about. I was a terrible person. Which is probably why Reiji-san... I am just going to go over there and drink for a bit... *walks away*

Kako - *swaying* Welcome, welcome~!

Minoru - I was going to ask about them...

Monkey - It was a dare. No need to think about it too much.

Senshi - So last is Jinsei then.

Shingai - Why do I feel like this will be the worst one?

Sthénos - It might be.

Monkey - Ah, you're getting tired, aren't you? This is the last one, so you can go rest a bit.

Sthénos - My core is sleepy...

TAT - Anyways. Jinsei, you're up.

Jinsei - Okay~ Although there isn't much to say. Just figured it out when I was young. Well, my parents got it before I fully understood. They told me that it was fine and that I just liked guys more. They were really cool about it.

Shingai - ...

Suzume - You were wrong~

Shingai - I realize that...

TAT - Well alright then. That is the last official one. Monkey, anything you won't done here before we go?

Monkey - Nah, I'm fine.

Senshi - You just want to go, don't you?

Monkey - It's more like I don't want TAT to get behind on his writing.

TAT - You say that as if I'm not already.

Monkey - Oh.

TAT - Anyways! *claps* When this session comes out, Monkey will have a new chapter out! So go check out The Ground They Walk On!

Yuki - And send us some stuff. Next time is just a solo session again. And we'll get the drunkards to answer their questions at the start of the next session.

TAT - So until next time...

All - See ya!