Chapter 1

"And there was this huge crash and I looked around, my heart was thumping," Iain could feel himself losing his breath as got more excited about his story. He flung his arms into the air as he was describing how big this crash was.

Rita, Robyn and Cal all watched on in amazement, their eyes were wide and they were eager to find out what happened next. Cal and Robyn noticed how Iain's eyes were fixed on Rita more so than them but they decided to ignore it as they were more interested in the words spilling out of his mouth.

"So, I turned round and I was making my way over to the sound and then…" Iain stopped when he heard his name. It was Dixie, telling him that he was needed on a shout. He sighed knowing that the story would have to wait until later.

The others groaned in disappointment too. Cal and Robyn sloped off leaving Rita and Iain alone for a couple of seconds. Iain smirked and gave her a cheeky wink before pushing himself off the counter and sauntering over to Dixie who had a stern look on her face. Rita could feel herself blushing as she watched him walk away.

At the end of their shift, the team started to make their way over to the pub. As they were walking – or rather skipping, for some of them – they joined the ambulance crew. Cal and Robyn immediately made their way over to Iain ready to find out the ending. Rita slowly made her way over as she too was interested, although she had completely forgotten what the plot was due to the fact she was too busy thinking about his soft, luscious lips. She cursed herself under her breath.

"So, what happened?" Robyn asked; her voice filled with excitement.

"What?" Iain replied, bemused as to what the small ginger was flapping about.

"The story," Robyn moaned. "What happened in the end?"

"Oh," Iain squinted his eyes trying to think back to the day it happened, he laughed as he remembered. "It turned out to be a cat."

Cal and Robyn looked at each other, their faces filled with disgust.

"You made us wait all day for that?" Cal shook his head. "You can buy our drinks now."

"Well, what can I say? Man full of surprises me," Iain joked, he watched the pair push their way through the door to the pub. He stopped remembering that Rita was still behind him. He held the door open and let the small blonde woman pass. "Ladies first," he winked causing Rita to blush for the second time that day.

"Well thank you," she smiled back. She slipped through the small gap between Iain and the door frame, her shoulder brushed against and she could feel the hairs on the back of her neck standing up.

The pub was warm and cosy compared to the harsh chill outside. Rita shivered as her body got used to the drastic change in temperature. She made herself comfortable in the seat next to Dixie. She watched Iain as he walked around the table and sat down directly opposite her.

Throughout the whole evening Rita could feel his gaze burning into her. She tried not to catch his eye but sometimes she couldn't help it. As she was speaking to Dixie she felt something brush against her leg, her head snapped up and she could see Iain smirking at her. Feeling herself turning a dark shade of red, she stood up.

"I'm going to get a drink," she mumbled before making her way over to the bar. When she got there she leaned on the wooden frame and ran her fingers through her short hair. She was trying to make sense of everything. Was he flirting with me? Was I just imagining it?

"What can I get for you love?" the gruff voice in front of her asked.

Blinking out of her daze she replied, "I'll have lime and soda please."

A shiver was sent across her whole body as she felt a hand press into her lower back. Her gaze followed him as he leaned on the bar, his pint held tightly in his free hand.

"I hope I didn't scare you off," he grinned.

"No," she answered him much quicker than she expected. "Just took me by surprise that's all."

Rita caught his bright green eye as they twinkled in the light. She stared deeply into them; it was like she was falling into some kind of trance. The pounding in her chest was becoming more apparent and the hand on her back was moving further down her body, ever so slightly.

"That'll be £2.50," the barman interrupted their moment. He held the glass out to Rita.

"Thank you," she handed him the money and took a sip of her drink. The cold liquid trickled down her burning throat.

Iain watched her with a goofy grin spread across his face. He nudged her to try and get her attention once again.

"What do you say, you know, we take this somewhere else?" he voice was now hushed and had a deeper tone to it. A tone in which Rita had never heard him speak in before.

Her eyes widened as she finally processed what he was suggesting, "Uh, well…" she paused. "I'd love to. I really would love to. But, the thing is I've got to get up early for the new nurse that's coming tomorrow."

Iain's face dropped slightly.

"I'm sorry," she went on. "Another time?"

"Sounds like a plan," he nodded, a smile returning to his face again.

Rita looked up at the clock. It read 11:21pm. She turned to Iain.

"I best be off then," she leaned over and placed her soft lips on his now very hot cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Rita didn't give him chance to reply before she grabbed her bag and made her way outside. She flashed a smile to him then allowed the door to shut behind her.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Iain chucked to himself.