Author's Note: Hey guys. So I'm still working on Goodbye Love but this idea came to me and I didn't want to lose it. I've seen other A-Z Jamie whump collections and I thought I would try it myself. But instead of making it a 26 chapter story where each story was rushed, I thought I would make 26 separate stories, one for each letter so that I could develop each of them a bit and show multiple perspectives. I am not planning on killing him off in any of these, but keep in mind that it is possible. Some of them will be multi-chapter others may be one-shots, I'll get there when I get there. Alright guys so here this goes, I hope you enjoy this. Also, this will feature things from both pre and during the series.

Disclaimer: I don't own Blue Bloods or any of the characters. I do have a few OC's though that will be making appearances. If I did own Blue Bloods, Jamie would get more storylines.

A is for Appendicitis

Fifteen year old Jamie Reagan sat at a circular table in his high school cafeteria, trying to study. Next to him was his girlfriend of a year, Sarah. On the other side was his best friend Lucas, and across from him was Lucas's sister Mary-Anne. He hadn't felt good all day, he had a dull throb in his abdomen that had started to get worse. He felt nauseous, and he had a headache. Sarah noticed and gently rubbed his back.

"Jamie, you look terrible. You're not eating, your face is pale, you're all sweaty and you clearly have a fever. I know you want a 100 one very test you take but really baby, you need to eat."

Jamie sighed and rested his chin on his girlfriend's shoulder "I feel like crap. I have an ache…oh god it's getting worse. I think I'm fine just need to walk a bit." He tried to stand, but promptly vomited all over the floor, causing many heads to turn in their direction.

Jamie cried out as sudden extreme pain spread from his lower side throughout his entire body, making him collapse into a heap on the floor.

"JAMIE!" Both Lucas and Sarah screamed at the same time, dropping to each of his sides. Jamie was moaning in pain, dry heaving on the floor. His face was getting paler and paler by the second, and suddenly the light was too much for him to bear, and he was engulfed in darkness.


Fifteen year-old Sarah Carpenter panicked as her boyfriend blacked out on the floor in front of her. His face was white as a sheet, and tears of pain stained his face. She heard someone scream for someone to call an ambulance, but her mind was lost. It seemed like hours before the ambulance got there, but in reality it was only about ten minutes.

The paramedics tried to pull her off of him when they arrived, but she wouldn't budge. Since he had no family there and Lucas needed to stay with his diabetic sister, she asked to go in the ambulance with him, and after explaining to them what happened they eventually gave into the girl.

Sarah realized as she was sitting in the ambulance, holding Jamie's hand with hers and stroking his hair with the other that she needed to call his family, so she pulled Jamie's phone out of his pocket and dialled his first speed dial.


Twenty year-old Joe Reagan had been having a fairly uneventful day. He had just gotten off of tour with Renzulli, in which they only had one collar that day, a man peeing in a public park. He was just leaving the precinct when his phone rang. He saw the caller ID said Jamie, and was instantly confused. He knew his little brother was at school and that he wasn't supposed to use his phone during school hours. But he answered anyway.

"Hello? Jamers you should be in school-"

"Joe….I-it's Sarah. Something's happened"

Joe's heart sank "Sarah what's wrong?"

"I- I don't know, it's Jamie. I'm in the ambulance with him. He just… all of the sudden got really sick at lunch and he passed out. I begged them to let me come with I think they're taking him to St. Victor's. Is Ms. Linda working?"

"I believe she is Sarah. When you get there see if you can find her. I'm on my way now. Don't worry I'll call the rest of the family. Stay calm okay? Jamie will be fine." Joe tried to keep himself calm and collected for Sarah, but inside he was worried sick about his baby brother. He hung up the phone and proceeded to call the rest of his family members, driving to the hospital.


Sarah paced in the waiting room. After they had arrived at the hospital, the paramedics shooed her away and left her a distraught mess. They didn't tell her what was going on. Just then, a pregnant Linda came up to her and hugged her gently.

Linda asked what happened, and Sarah began to explain everything, from the beginning of the day up until Jamie's falling unconscious. "Hmm. To me it sounds like appendicitis, you know what that means I presume?" Sarah nodded.

Linda couldn't help but feel bad for the girl. Sarah was practically family, she was at all family events, except of course, Sunday dinner because Jamie couldn't work up the courage to ask his dad permission to invite her. But other than that, Sarah was a regular every day after school, at Jamie's basketball games, even coming to church with them on Sundays that she was staying at her dad's. She knew how much the two teens meant to each other. Jamie had helped Sarah through her parents' divorce, and Sarah had been the only one able to calm him down after an intense argument between him and Danny last July.

A few minutes later, both Joe and Danny rushed into the ER with worried looks on their faces. Sarah promptly collapsed and started sobbing on the floor. Danny and Joe both knelt beside her and held her. "I-I told him to go to the nurse this morning but he wouldn't listen. I should've pushed harder-"

"No Sarah, you did just fine. I'm glad you were with him in the ambulance. I know how much you mean to him and he would've loved it knowing you were there for him." Danny said, trying to comfort the girl who had won his baby brother's heart.


An hour later, the entire Reagan family, along with Sarah, Lucas and Mary-Anne (who had been picked up from school early), were sitting in the hospital awaiting news. Finally a doctor came out "Family of Jamison Reagan?" Everyone stood up, much to the doctor's amazement.

"Well it seems that Jamison-"

"Jamie" Joe interrupted.

"Yes… well it seems that Jamie had appendicitis, which for those of you who don't know, it is an inflammation of the appendix, a small organ attached to the intestine. If left too long, the appendix can burst, causing an infection, so we have to remove it. The bad news is that his appendix did burst, about thirty minutes before his arrival at the hospital. The infection has not spread very far. The good news is that we removed it successfully and the surgery went well. The infection is fairly mild we we'll keep him for 24 hours and release him with antibiotics unless the infection gets worse. He should take a week off of school, and about a month before he tries anything too extraneous like sports. He'll have trouble standing after sitting and climbing up stairs so he may need a bit of help. First two days I'd say fluids only, and until he goes back to school give him things that are very light and after that work your way back up to normal foods. He's in recovery right now and had just woken up, you can all go see him.

The group nearly trampled each other trying to get to Jamie's room first.


Jamie looked up at the ceiling wearily. The lights of the hospital nearly blinded him, and he heard the beep of his heart monitor. He had an IV in his arm, dripping into his bloodstream. His abdomen hurt from where he had been cut into, but it wasn't near as bad he had experienced earlier. He felt drowsy but relieved. He heard a scuffle outside his room and looked up to see Sarah entering, followed by Lucas, Mary-Anne and his whole family.

Mary rushed over to her youngest son and kissed his face enthusiastically "Oh my poor baby boy, I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried"

"Ma… ma stop! My friends are here" Jamie said, to which Mary swatted him gently "Oh hush, everyone in this room was worried about you.

Sarah stepped forward "You scared me. You just got really p-pale and collapsed. I didn't know what to do."

The doctor stepped in "It's a good think you were there Ms. Carpenter. You being in the ambulance seemed to slow his heart rate, and therefore slow the rate of the spread of the infection. It could've been far worse. You're lucky Jamie."

Jamie smiled up at Sarah "I know I am" To which Sarah bent down and pecked him on the lips, drawing snickers from Danny and Joe. Jamie's face became a tomato.


Four days later Jamie was sitting on his couch, Sarah next to him. She had stopped by after school to give him his assignments and her video tapes of the lessons he had missed, as she had done every day since he had been home from the hospital. She was helping him with his math when she noticed he seemed tired. "Baby what's wrong?"

Jamie sighed "My medicine makes me drowsy." He closed his textbook and frowned.

Sarah began playing with his hair "I'm sorry. Let me get you up to bed alright, we have a half day tomorrow so I'll be over earlier anyway. Maybe if you're good I'll bring you some ice cream or something."

Jamie nodded. Sarah stood and pulled him to a standing position. He winced and took a labored breath, making her heart shatter into pieces. She hated seeing him in so much pain. She helped him climb the stairs, going up one by one until they reached the second floor.

Sarah led him to his room and he nearly collapsed on the bed. Sighing, she took off his shoes, pants and shirt, leaving him in his underwear. His parents trusted them enough to let her, as they knew they wouldn't go any farther than kissing on the couch. She tucked him in and kissed him gently.

"Will you stay?" Jamie asked weakly "At least until I fall asleep?"

Sarah smiled "Of course I will." She whispered, sitting in the bed next to him. She put her hand in his hair and began stroking it gently. Sarah started to sing a lullaby to him

"Hush now my baby

Hush now my love

The angels are watching

From heaven above

They know that I love you

They know that it's true

I'll stay here beside you

Whatever you do

When I wake beside you

I feel like I shine

I wish you forever

And ever be mine

A new day tomorrow

When you open your eyes

You let in the sunshine

And all darkness dies"

By the time she was finished, Jamie was fast asleep. She placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and turned, seeing his sister Erin standing in the doorway.

"You're good to him" She whispered "I hope he keeps you." Sarah smiled and nodded. The two girls left together, leaving Jamie to rest and heal.


Author's Note: Wasn't that adorable? I enjoy hurt and angst but everybody needs a little bit of fluff in their life too. How'd you like it? Read and review! If you have any suggestions for other letters let me know and I will consider my options. I am still working on Goodbye Love so do not fear my children. I hope you enjoyed this cute little thing and yeah. Until next time my lovelies.