Chapter 1

Author's Note- Another story! Yay! A forewarning; there will be 2p! characters in this tale. If you do not know, in fighting video games, when players select the same character, player two gets a differently colored version...if that offers any explanation. Anyway, I have grown too weary of them being protrayed as ruthless murderers and having no emotions other than anger and sadness. I feel as if they still are our beloved characters, but they were raised differently...sort of like the old debate of nature vs. nurture. So what better way of coping with this than writing a story?!

Edit as of Jan. 2016- I cleaned up the sentence structure of this story, and made it a bit more flowy with deleting repeated verbs, stupid sounding phrases, yadda yadda. However, the plot line is still the same. Also, there is now a companion fic to this one on my profile called 'The Boy With a Fairy on His Head,' which follows Oliver's point of view from childhood up to this story and beyond. You do not have to read that one to understand what is going on with this one.

" not available at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep." Beep.

"Good morning, Gilbert! Oh, it's afternoon now. Silly me. I was just wondering if you would like to hang out today, unless you're busy, but that's fine. I am going to call your brother again, but don't tell him! It will be a surprise! Have a nice day, whatever you are doing!"

Feliciano took his phone away from his ear and scrolled down his contact list. He smiled and pushed a button to call the highlighted name. He hummed and his fingers drummed on the love seat's arm as he listened to the rings.

He called out a high greeting before the other line picked up. "Hello, Luddy! It's me!"

There was something that sounded like a strained sigh from the other line. "Greetings, Feliciano. You sound like you just woke up."

"That's because I just did!"

"Don't sound proud of that! It is almost one-" the other man cut himself off with a huff. "Is there something you wanted?"

Feliciano pondered for a moment. "Let's go get something to eat later! Or I can come over and we can have something at your place!"

"Err, that would be great and all, but I am going to the bar with my brother this evening."

"Can I tag along?"

"I rather you stay away from Gilbert when he is drunk."

Feliciano sank into his seat. "T-that's fine. We all get a little scary when we're drinking. I'm going to call Kiku to see what he is doing."

"If I remember correctly, he said he is staying the night at one of his friend's places."

"I'll call him to make sure!"

"You do that."

"Goodbye, Luddy!" He hung up and dialed his other friend's number, still hopeful.

There was a slur of unfamiliar words before a clear greeting on the other line. "Hello, Feliciano-kun. Are you all right?"

"I am fine, but everyone is busy, Kiku! Let's go out somewhere!"

"Ah, this is the most unfortunate timing. I am at Arthur-san's place for the weekend. I am sorry, Feli-kun-"

"No, no! Don't worry about it!" Feliciano swished a hand in front of his face and sniffled. "Have fun!"

"Perhaps Ludwig-san is available."

"I already called him. He's going out with his brother tonight."

"We will need to schedule a free day for all of us."

"I have been hearing that for weeks now," Feliciano mumbled.

"I know, Feli-kun. We all have been busy lately," Kiku announced sullenly.

The front door slammed, and Feliciano almost leaped out of his seat. "My brother is home!"

"Tell him I said hello."

"Sure will! Talk to you later!"

Feliciano shut of his phone's screen and scrambled off of the couch. "Lovino! You're home!"

His brother shuffled into the living room. He was sporting terrible bags under his eyes and hardly reacted when Feliciano threw his arms around him. "Hnng, I'm going to bed."

Feliciano took a step back. "But you just walked in the door."

Lovino shrugged and yawned. "So what? I'm tired."

"I wanted to go somewhere together! I heard that there are specials going on at the restaurant in the town square tonight and-" Feliciano gasped. "Is that a bruise?!"

His brother flinched and smacked Feliciano's hand away when it brushed by his cheek. "Don't you have friends you can bother? Why don't you let me go to bed? I am dead on my feet," Lovino turned to the grand stair case.

Feliciano stepped in front of him. "You're not dead!"

"I will be if you won't let me go to bed!" Lovino snarled, and his face fell into one of guilt for a quick moment. ""

This time Feliciano let his brother pass. "Sweet dreams, Lovi. I'll have something yummy made for you when you wake up! If I remember."

The only reply was a distant slam of one of the upstairs doors. A small whine escaped Feliciano's throat as he looked around the spacious home. "Maybe I should go look for new friends. There could be pretty ladies around!" Cheered up with the thought, Feliciano skipped to the front door.

The center of the bustling town was a few blocks down the road, so he decided to walk. It was a warm day, and a lot of people were walking around chattering with friends and family. He smiled at the pleasant sounds, and started to sing along to the street bands that filled the town's square with their waltzed into one of his favorite restaurants that faced the grand stone fountain. The hostess turned to him and smiled at the sight of a familiar customer. "Party of one?"

"For now!" Feliciano winked, and she giggled, showing him a small booth by the front windows. One of the bussers snatched the empty water glass and filled it, leaving behind a menu with a quick hello before whisking back to work.

Feliciano held up the menu as if he was reading it, but his amber eyes swept the small yet bustling café. Most people were with their friends, cackling away, while others were leaning over the tables to be close to their beloved ones. He pursed his lips and twisted in all directions, letting out a gasp when he saw someone sitting alone in another booth across the restaurant.

A small tick slipped out of his mouth as he slid out of his seat and sauntered over to the figure. "Ve, ciao, bella!"

The lady snapped her head up, a purple ribbon in her pale hair bouncing with the movement. She replied with a shy greeting.

Feliciano hesitated, glancing at the empty seat across from her. She seemed alarmingly young, but any company was appreciated. "Would you mind if I took this seat for a little while?"

The girl shook her head, so he flopped into the booth and wiggled around excitedly. "Did you order yet?" He pointedly looked at the menu closed on the table.

"Not yet," she replied with a voice that was absolutely adorable. "There is so much to choose from."

"Is this your first time eating here?"

"It is my first time eating in Italy."

Feliciano perked up. "You should try some of the calamari, if you are into exotic things."

"What is that?"

"Fried squid."

The girl looked horrified.

"O-or if you are more for simple things, any spaghetti special is delicious."

She giggled, and Feliciano smiled at the sound. A rough hand seized his shoulder and he yelped. The girl gasped.

"There better be a good reason for why you are bothering my sister," the voice hissed behind him.

Feliciano leaped up and spun around. The speaker was the spitting image of the girl, but he glared at him with hostility in his green eyes. "I-I was just helping her decide what to eat!"

The man settled into the seat with a huff. "I'm sure she is capable in making those decisions on her own."

Feliciano was too frightened to say anything. He turned around to see the busser that filled his glass. "Are you still planning on eating?"

"O-of course!" He squeaked and scurried over to his seat. He threw the siblings a wistful glance. The girl brought a tiny fist over her brother's head. Feliciano made a mental note to avoid overly protective brothers. If only his was like that.




The sun was starting to dip into the horizon when Feliciano gave up for the day. He settled on the thick rim of the central fountain with a sigh. Plenty of small talk filled him with temporary warmth, but the one thing he yearned for managed to slip out of his grasp for another day. Just the thought of not being able to find a friend was enough for his eyes to start watering.

"You're going to put that fountain to shame."

Feliciano twisted to face the voice. He gasped and jumped up from his spot. "Lovino!"

"No hugs! You'll crinkle my suit!"

"You look so nice!" Feliciano bounced on his toes. "Are you going on a date?"

"No," Lovino scoffed. "I am going to work soon, but you weren't home and you left your cell phone at the house. S-So I decided to look for you, just in case you got into trouble!"

Feliciano beamed at his brother's subtle worry. "Everything is okay now!"

"It won't be if you don't get home! It is getting late!"

Feliciano tipped his head. "What's wrong with that? Everything looks pretty when the lights are on."

"Everyone else is gone. You shouldn't wander the streets alone." Lovino gestured around him. He was right; even the usual bands have packed up and deserted the town square. He sighed, "Come on, I'll drive you home."

"But it's still so early..." Feliciano murmured, looking around at the desolate walkways.

"Let's go!" Lovino barked. His brother yelped and jogged after him. He tossed Feliciano a helmet that was perched on the back seat of his moped, which his brother fumbled with and almost dropped. "Put that on."

"I don't like helmets!"

"Too bad! You are going to be shorter anyway when you are sitting down!" Lovino sat and revved the bike to life. "If we crash, you better not bawl your eyes out when your head is cracked open like an egg!"

"I'll put it on!" Feliciano sputtered and threw the helmet onto his head, grimacing at the pressing feeling as he settled behind his brother. "What about you?"

The wind started to whip their clothes from their bodies like flags as Lovino took off from the sidewalk. "Shut up, Feli. I can't concentrate."




"Thanks, Lovino," Feliciano chirped and peeled off the helmet with a sigh of relief once they arrived back at their place. He itched the spots where it rubbed against his face.

Lovino snipped when his brother lingered on the rear seat, "Get off my bike. I got to leave."

"Where are you going?"

"Work. You know this."

Feliciano whined, "You're gone for such a long while, and then you sleep the rest of the time!"

Lovino lightly snorted. "We can't live off of grandpa's will forever. Someone has to get some money somewhere before we're living in a ditch alongside of the road!"

"Wah! That'd be awful!"

"Exactly. So, if you don't mind..." Lovino pointedly stared at the ground next to his vehicle.

"Oh, o-okay, but you should take care of yourself," Feliciano hesitated for a little moment before sliding away from the moped, and leaving the helmet and his brother behind. "Make sure you get plenty to eat and a nap before heading out, Lovino!"

He pointedly looked away.

"Ve, please be careful, Lovi."

Lovino huffed and sped away almost as soon as Feliciano stepped away from the moped vehicle. He turned to their very large, and very empty house.