
Don't know what's down this road

I'm just walking

"A Place in this World", Taylor Swift


Prince Liam Illea was waiting outside the oak doors of his father's office when he smelt the mixture of cologne and alcohol. Not even a few seconds later, his brother came around the hallway corner. Noah's brown hair was wild and unruly, showing that he had just rolled out of bed, or that he had hair products that were wasted to create the effect. His fraternal twin gave him a once over before asking, "Did somebody die, Liam?" He came closer and mimicked his serious stance. Liam took a look at Noah before their father's butler opened the door. He had shadows under his eyes, and a light scruff where he had not shaved. All together, he looked like a hot mess. Just as Liam wanted to comment, Noah said, "Don't", and the doors swung open.

Inside was a sight that was not that strange nowadays in the palace. Their father was staring at the portrait of their mother, and the deceased Queen Kathleen, while his second wife, Queen Eleanor, was at his side discussing a matter in a quiet voice. What seemed not right this time, however, was that Eleanor seemed agitated. She was making large hand gestures as their father continued looking ahead. Only snippets carried across the room, "not old enough... beloved tradition... the ruler...". Liam tightened his hands behind his back as Noah smirked. It was easy to guess that their father and stepmother were discussing having a Selection for the Crown Prince of Illea. Maybe it was time they would learn which twin was born first, a piece of information that had never been released to them. After all, the two had been brought up as equals, both fit to rule their beloved country.

Nervous of their father finding out that they had eavesdropped, Liam cleared his throat. King Andrew Illea turned around and looked at his eldest children. He looked tired, this sharpened by his dark hair with lines of gray and the wrinkles on his otherwise rough face. Even though he looked this way, he smiled at them and motioned with an envelope in his hands for them to enter. They took their seats on the opposite side of him and his desk. Liam noted in the back of his mind that Eleanor had stayed where she was. If it had upset their stepmother this much, Liam had a feeling that he wouldn't like what was coming next. Dread built in his stomach as he thought of their father leaning his teepeed hand in front of him as he announced that Noah was the heir. He would dismiss Liam as his twin and father started discussing details of Noah's Selection. That had to be the only thing that could stress their father this much- the Playboy Prince Noah as the next king.

Whatever he had been thinking of occurring went away as his father said, "This is not about who inherits the throne." Liam slowly released a breath of relief. Though it was cruel, and he cared for his brother, Noah would be the worst King Illea had ever had. The nickname from the press was wildly accurate as Noah cared more for which girl he would take advantage of than the fact that there was a 21% homeless rate in their province of Angeles. He had always slept during their lessons, something that irked Liam. How could he not care that he could be the King? To prove his point, Noah laughed and told their father, "You mean it doesn't go to me by default?"

King Andrew shot his son a silencing glance as he picked up the latest family photo on his desk. There was him, flanked on each side by Noah and Liam, with Eleanor, Poppy in her lap, and the twin princesses, Sidney and Willow, sitting on a couch in front of them. On the ground in front of the Queen and Princesses was the to-be British Crown Princess and their oldest sister Adelaide sat with the younger princes Mason and Ethan. The King smiled as his finger brushed over Adelaide, as she would be leaving after her eighteenth birthday to fulfill the engagement to the British Crown Prince Aaron. When Eleanor spoke from the back about continuing, the King set it down.

"Sons, I know you want to know who the Heir is. However, I am not sure yet if that is wisest. You both are just over nineteen, neither one ready for the responsibilities of a king. So here is what will happen. We as the Royal Family of Illea are hosting a double Selection of sorts. There will be 40 girls chosen- 35 from a single province, and then five girls at random. Now, you will not talk to any of them until after the first Report, on which they will draw a name- either yours, Liam, or yours, Noah. Whoever that girl draws will be who she is competing for, and if one, for example, draws Noah but pursues Liam, she will automatically sent home and tried for treason, depending on the severity of it." The twins took a moment to breathe and looked at each other. So they wouldn't find out who would get the crown, but they would have to pick their wife?

Before the King could continue, Liam surprised him by asking, "When will the forms be sent out and collected?"

The King gave them a smile as he stood up. "Thank you for asking, Liam. I knew I could count on you to do what was needed. As for your question, the forms were sent to every province yesterday. After tonight's special Report, they will be distributed to every girl between the ages of 16-19 and in a caste above a 5. They drawings will be on the Tuesday after next. Now, if you'll please leave, me and Eleanor have preparations to discuss." Before Liam could respond, Noah had him by the arm in the hallway. He dragged Liam to an old secret room the two had used as a hideout as children. He released Liam and then started pacing.

"Liam, this cannot happen. There cannot be a Selection." As he paced, Noah loosened his tie. Liam relaxed onto the couch where he was as his carefree brother freaked out. "I mean, how does he expect me to find my lifetime wife from a group of twenty girls? I have gone through twenty girls within one week! This cannot end well." Liam snorted at his twin and waited for the rant to be over. He needed to get to his room to think this through, or better, talk to Addie. His little sister knew how to help him sort through his thoughts. However, it seemed that Noah felt that way about Liam as he opened up his shriveled heart. "I'm not ready for marriage! As he pointed out, I'm nineteen!"

Liam tried to be helpful after that, but even he grew tired of his brother. He stood, gave Noah parting advice of, "Who knows, Noah. You might find a girl who doesn't mind a promiscuous husband so long as she has a crown," and he went to his little sister. He knocked on her door and one of her handmaids opened up to him. Behind the maid was absolute chaos. Adelaide and the other two maids were pulling clothes out as well as makeups and accessories. He leaned against the wall and watched as Addie tripped over the dress she had been moving and fell into a pile of fluff. Liam laughed at her before moving to help her up. "Addie, Addie, Addie. What are you doing?"

Addie looked at him before going back to her mess. "I'm packing, Liam," she told him from around a stack of heels. "Aaron has invited me to spend a month there so that I may grow accustomed to British court before the wedding. And I have accepted. I'm leaving early tomorrow morning." Liam sighed as he picked up a stray necklace. He loved his sister, yet he couldn't understand how she had accepted the engagement to the British Prince so well. Before she was told who it was to, she had protested loudly that she did not want to be wed. Then, low and behold, she accepted it upon hearing Aaron's name. Liam knew that Aaron had been to the Illean palace before, but he could not place the man who would be taking Addie away from home.

Feeling even more down when he realized she would be gone for the beginning of the Selection, he tried smiling as he said, "Is that why you're accepting? To see the British court or to spend alone time with the British Prince?"

Addie blushed pink s she realized what he had implied. "Liam James Illea, I am almost a grown woman. My motives are none of your business. Now, will you help me close this suitcase?" She pointed at an overstuffed suitcase sitting on the edge of her bed, and he obliged. Once it was closed, he told her, "Adelaide Charlotte Illea, I am your big brother. I am always going to be questioning your motives and defending your honor. So, tell me why you have decided to leave your big brother in his time of need?"

His sister gave him a look as her maids packed the glittering jewels Addie would be taking. "What do you mean your time of need?" After he recounted the visit to their father's office, Addie whacked him upside the head. "You big baby! It's nothing more than dating multiple girls at the same time, not planning a war. Plus, those poor Selected will be begging to draw your name after seeing Noah in real life and not on screen." Liam smiled as his sister exaggerated. She knew just as well as him that Noah was considered the more handsome twin, the Playboy Prince, whereas Liam was simply the People's Prince. He would be lucky if just one of the forty girls liked him.

He kissed the top of his sister's head as he thought about the upcoming future. In less than a fortnight, he would see the face of his future wife, and possibly his Queen. In less than four months, his sister would be the Crown Princess of the British Empire and married. Within the near years, he would either ascend to the throne or forever be the spare. Around the same time, Mason and the twins would probably be securing their own engagements to foreign countries. Not long after them, it would be Ethan and precious little Poppy would be a woman. Liam looked out Addie's windows, but it wasn't the view he sighed at. It was the future.
