Disclaimer: Don't own Bakugan. TT_TT That is all...

AN: Well, response was decent, considering Bakugan isn't the most popular of fan-bases, so here goes! Gotta' get that word count up!

Ch 2: Your Inner Darkus

Reaper turned to Alice seriously, really only managing to look vaguely amusing with his tiny ball form, and said, "Please tell me you have someone you want me to butcher into tiny bloody chunks."

"Ugh," deadpanned Alice, turning her head away with a roll of her eyes and rubbing both sides of her temple with two fingers. Reaper's tiny head instantly sported a tick-mark.

"Don't toy with me, girl!" Reaper screeched in his scratchy, deep voice unhappily. "I need to fight something! I've been freaking sleeping -me: sleeping- in order to deal with your ridiculous foolishness, but now I have far too much energy to do even that! I'll go stir crazy if I don't get some action! Please, I'm actually begging you right now! YOU, of all pathetic humans!"

And there went her chances of acting like none of the events from earlier ever happened.

Alice huffed and rolled her eyes towards the ceiling, muttering venomously, "Well, if you've got a beat on a Bakugan called Naga, then we can start from there..."

"Naga? Who's that?" Reaper asked, yellow eyes glimmering in anticipation.

"Never mind," Alice sighed in disappointment, clucking her tongue. "If you haven't even heard of him, then, no offense, but I don't think you're quite up to his level." She finished that statement off with a patronizing eye-roll, that Reaper chose to ignore for now. She had his interest.

Reaper blinked (metaphorically, of course, considering his current form) and then whistled lowly. "Oh, this guy is dead." He laughed -a deep, scratchy sound. "Someone actually managed to get right down to the nitty-gritty center of the real you, didn't they, brat?" If he could have, Reaper would have grinned at the clenching of her fists. "This must have something to do with the power rush I felt moments ago. I may be sealed in this pathetic form, but even now, I can feel something strange within your body; it seems like the Darkus attributes of your being have been enhanced somehow."

Oh no. No way was she letting him use this against her!

Alice's eyes narrowed, and her irritation suddenly reached near critical mass, negative energy beginning to seep out through the seal of the mask within her into a menacing, oozing, black aura, which caused the very air of the room to darken and caused the colors of the world around them to dull.

In that moment, Reaper, merciless, bloodthirsty, battle-and-death-hardened soldier of the Darkus realm, felt for the first time in years something akin to true, unfettered terror slide down his spine like the most figid of soul-rending ice, gripping him like the solid-iron vice of a Centipoid, swallowing him whole like the gaping maw of a Wormquake. For a moment, the Darkus poster-boy of death felt like he was being glared-down by Death embodied.

Reaper made a very wise decision right then, and he very humbly -if he did say so himself- shut the hell up.

The newly-made Doom Being brought all of her force of will to bear on Reaper within her glare in that moment and stated to him then in the coldest, most utterly-dangerous tone to have ever escaped her mouth, "For your own safety, Darkus Reaper, I would advise you to not speak of such things under any circumstances, till they become necessary as deemed by me. Any such action to the contrary will be met with my best attempts to send you to wherever it is your kind deems the lowest form of despair and hell. I hear Hydranoid was birthed there."

Reaper unconsciously cringed. Alice never called anyone by their whole title -especially Bakugan- unless she was really pissed. Still though, Reaper had never been one to back down entirely to anyone. He scowled at her and grumbled, "Whatever, brat. If you're that serious, I won't say a word, but we're still going brawling." Alice scoffed and gave him a last glare, turning away and flopping down onto her bed, too mentally and physically drained to deal with him further.

Mentally, Reaper grinned, broadly and menacingly, even as lingering chills still leapt up and down his spine. It was in moments like these -though, certainly not as intense, when he could see the side of Alice that could be truly great. When that side came out, all -even him- were forced to bend to her absolute will, and this new dark power of hers practically made that literal. This was the Alice, who Reaper wanted for a master, and he would do just about anything to break her out of the weak shell she clung to as a disguise.

He was a soldier -a warrior even, and no commander of his would dare even entertain the idea to others that they were weak and submissive. Reaper would see the ultimate brawler within Alice Gehabich released or bust!

Her computer beeped, and Alice groaned into her pillow. The Battle Brawlers were calling another meeting; she couldn't take much more of this, not after Naga, Hal-G, and Reaper. Today was just turning out to be longer and longer, and Alice could feel a small headache beginning to build.

Huffing, the orange-haired girl popped up, stomped over to Reaper, and quickly snatched him off her desk, ignoring his outraged protests, as she stuffed him into her pocket once more. "Be quiet!" she hissed. "I am really not feeling well enough to deal with this from you right now, Reaper, and you know I don't want them knowing about you."

"Oh, what, are you embarrassed of me or something? Such cowardice from my lady; I'm appalled -shocked really. Truly," Reaper taunted. Alice responded with a smack through the fabric of her pocket, and he shut up... for now, at least.

With a sigh of relief, Alice began the process of firing up the webcam and entering the chat room, where Marucho, Runo and Julie were already logged in. Alice took a deep breath, schooled her features, and smiled warmly but tiredly, "Hey, guys."

"Hey, Alice!" Runo piped up with a grin. "We're just waiting on Da- Woah, guess you weren't joking about feeling under the weather! You look terrible- err... No, offense."

Alice waved her off with a sigh, realizing she likely had not cleaned up from her venture. Her clothes were clearly severely ruffled, and her long hair was a mess. "I-It's... been a seriously long day. I just really need some rest right now."

"Gosh, sorry to disturb you, then, Alice," Marucho murmured apologetically.

"There's no need to apologize. Really," Alice replied with a forced smile. Marucho could be rather adorable at times due to his age and size, but he was almost often more mature than any of the older Battle Brawlers due to his status and the subsequent responsibilities drilled into him by his parents. The others gave her looks of pity.

"We're just waiting on Danny, now," Julie said. "When he-" She paused and grinned widely. "Oh, there he is now!"

Dan's chat screen flashed into existence, as the boy in question sat at his desk.

"Dan, you're finally there," Marucho grinned.

"Hey, guys, you're not going to believe this, but...!" Dan suddenly started with a face-splitting grin, getting the others' attention. "I was brawling with this guy named Shuji, when I thought I heard my Bakugan talk."

The others gaped, Alice for once also looking visibly shell-shocked. And she was. She didn't even have to fake surprise and interest for once.

"No way," Runo gasped. "You too?"

'Even more of them?!' Alice baffled mentally, glancing at Runo.

Dan blinked, perplexed. "What do you mean, Runo? You sayin' someone else heard them too?"

"You should log-on to the Bakugan site!" Julie trilled, unusually condescending for a moment. "It's what everyone's talking about, Dan."

'This must have something to do with Naga's foolishness! The chances of it just being a coincidence are far too low,' Alice thought, as they watched Dan's face go through a variety of expressions. 'It must not have been just Reaper that felt so energized.' She harrumphed mentally.

"So, It did talk! Maybe the Bakugan world has more to it than we thought," Dan gasped in surprise.

'No shit, Sherlock,' Alice deadpanned mentally. Suddenly, a most unwelcome voice interjected from behind Alice's point of view, causing her to stiffen sharply.

"So, the rest of the Bakugan are finally growing into their spines, then?! It's about damn time!"

The other Battle brawlers gave Alice's screen an odd look.

"Uh, Alice," Julie asked cautiously. "You got something in your throat?"

Alice just sighed and blushed, shoulders slumping. "Oh no." Her forehead thumped down onto her desk. Why did the fates hate her so much today? This was looking to go so many different kinds of wrong.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Runo asked with a frown.

The other Brawlers were surprised, when a black sphere bounced on-screen onto the desk by Alice's head and snapped open. "What's up, meat-bags? Your lord and master has arrived, and now the bloodbath can begin!"

The other Brawlers blanched simultaneously at his proclamation, and then blanched even more-so when the still face-down Alice responded blandly, "I thought I stuck you in the drawer."

"Nope. Pocket," Reaper retorted proudly.

Alice's eye twitched, as she looked up at him. "My mistake. Must have been the lack of sleep. I'll be sure not to let it happen ever again."

Reaper scoffed. "The sheer awesome of my might is too much for a puny human mind such as yours to comprehend, and it could not possibly be contained by a mere drawer! This outcome was always inevitable, human! And now that it has come to pass, there is nothing stopping us from utterly crushing all who dare to stand in our way into dust particles!"

"That's not how it works!" snapped Alice with a huff, a vein bulging slightly on her forehead from a spike in blood pressure. "No way! This doesn't change anything."

"Hah, you're just a coward!" Reaper accused. "You're always like this! Just get over yourself already, brat! There are your Bakugan's feelings to think about and not just your aversion to conflict!"

Alice's cheeks puffed-up in indignation, and she snatched Reaper off the desk, trapping him inside both her cupped hands, as he shouted profanities. "Ooohh~ you! You know it's not like that, Reaper!"

The other brawlers blinked in surprise. They'd never seen Alice get quite so flustered and visibly frustrated, and since when did she have a Bakugan -and a talking one at that?!

"Err... Alice?" Runo ventured. "Are you going to introduce us?"

"Not the time!" snapped Alice, hands struggling to stay closed around the Darkus Bakugan, who was turning out to be surprisingly strong even in his sealed state. When they flinched, she blanched and took a deep breath, sighing and calming down significantly. In a moment, the innocent mask was back in place completely. "Oh~, I'm so sorry, guys, but he just gets on my nerves like nothing else. I have the oddest lapses of judgment and temperament when he's about. S-So needless to say, I prefer to keep him out of sight."

Dan blinked with eyes narrowed, being unusually and rather scarily perceptive for once. "What? So, you're saying you've had him for a while then, and he talked back then too? How come you never said anything?"

Alice realized her slip and blushed hotly at the other Battle Brawlers' sudden scrutiny. 'Damn it, why did I say that?! I'm screwed!' She gave herself a mental slap. 'Don't talk like that, Alice! You've got this! You can pull through with the power of half-truths!'

"W-Well, it's just..." She ducked her head in embarrassment. "I-I didn't know w-what you'd guys would say. I-I've said it before," she straitened up, "but I don't brawl. I-It's just not my thing, b-but all these Bakugan just seem to find me."

"You have more?!" Runo yelled in surprise. "What kinds?" Alice ducked her head and murmured something unintelligible to the group.

"Err... What was that?" Dan squinted at the screen. "I didn't quite catch it."

"Oh lay off, Dan," Runo snapped, before returning her attention to the matter at hand. "Alice?"

Alice sighed and looked away. "T-They're all Darkus."

"Darkus!" Dan exclaimed.

"No way!" declared Runo.

"Aren't those sort of uncommon?" asked Marucho.

"How many do you have?" Julie asked.

"W-Well, enough to have lost count. Though, t-that's not really saying much," Alice murmured. "I-It's not like I really try to keep track, b-but there's enough to fill a lunch box." She sighed and actually grumbled a little for show. "Ugh, I don't even try, and they seem to be drawn to me like moths to a bug-zapper."

"I resent that! I'm not some pathetic insect!" Reaper declared through her fingers. Alice simply clamped her hands tighter.

"Your words, not mine," she retorted smugly.

"Don't put sentences in my mouth!" snapped Reaper.

"So~," Julie trilled, "you're going to introduce us to the little cutie, right?"

"Yeah, don't leave us hangin'!" Dan demanded.

"Hah! Told you!" Reaper piped-up victoriously.

'Damn it. Damn you, Reaper. I will find some way to punish you severely for this; you can count on it!' Alice winced and sighed in resignation. She opened her hands and held the ebony Bakugan up to the screen. "E-Everyone, m-meet Darkus Reaper."

"Hah-hah!" Reaper crowed, even as he winced at her usage of his full title. Oh, he was in so much trouble. There was no mistaking that. No matter how well she fooled the other children, Reaper knew Alice was very angry.

"Oh wow, he looks tough," Julie said with stars in her eyes. "You're so lucky, Alice!"

"Wicked," Dan muttered. "Man, you're awesome, Alice."

"Good for you, Alice," Runo smiled. Alice blushed at the lack of a negative reaction.

It was kind of funny, Alice decided, that she could fuel her fake blushes with ones of anger, whilst schooling her face into her usual mask. Her fingers twitched dangerously with the desire to crush the sealed creature in her hand into dust. Alice shook off the feeling. Calm was required here; she could be angry when she didn't have an audience.

Marucho was frowning at something off-screen and then adjusted his glasses in surprise. "Interesting." The others gave him their attention. "Darkus Reaper's not in the data-base. The one you hold in your hand would be the first encountered to date. He's a one-of-a-kind you've got there, Alice."

Reaper scoffed. "Well, obviously!"

Alice rolled her eyes mentally.

"Man, this blows," Dan grumbled after a moment. "Wish Drago would talk to me again. I swear, I heard him."

"Can it, jerk, this is Alice's moment," Runo snapped.

Reaper snorted. "That hard-ass, Drago -as you say, is as stubborn as they come. He won't talk to you unless he feels like it."

Dan sat back in his seat and sulked with his arms crossed.

"Ah well," sighed Dan; a moment later, he suddenly perked up. "Hey, Alice, you've gotta' let me brawl you sometime; I'll bet it would be awesome to put my Drago against your Reaper!"

"Hah, now that sounds like a plan, human!" Reaper agreed. "I've been looking forward to a rematch between myself and that overgrown lava lizard!"

"I-I d-don't think so," Alice mumbled, glaring briefly at Reaper.

"What?!" Reaper yelled. "Still?!"

"Huh? Why not?" Dan asked cluelessly. "It's, like, the best game ever! Your Bakugan seems excited enough."

Alice's eyes suddenly narrowed dangerously at him, and the other Brawlers inched away from their screens in apprehension. Alice fixed Dan with a steady gaze that bordered on evolving into a frigid one. "You know what? It's that exact attitude that lets me know just how useless an explanation would be." She let out a deep exhale and glared outright. "You could never understand. No-one who willingly plays Bakugan could ever understand."


With that, she logged-out, leaving the chat room in stunned silence at the girl's sudden snap.

"Intense," muttered Marucho, licking his suddenly dry lips nervously, as Julie let off a low whistle.

Dan frowned. "I don't know what her problem is. I mean, it's just a game, right?"

"Maybe it's just stress," Julie pointed out. "She's been very tired lately, poor thing. It's probably all catching up with her. Lack of sleep can turn anyone's smile upside-down, even someone as nice as Alice."

"I sure hope that's all that's the case," Marucho said, shaking his head.

"I never really noticed before, but..." Runo trailed off for a moment with furrowed brows. "Alice... She was never happy being with the Brawlers."

"Huh? What?" Julie prodded.

"What do you mean by that?" demanded Dan. "She was always smiling, and she's always been the best strategist, even if she doesn't play. She always seemed so alive when handling Bakugan! She was practically born to brawl!"

"I should have expected as much from you, Dan," Runo snapped. "Ugh, boys."

"Hey!" Dan yelped.

"No offense, Marucho."

"None taken," Marucho said dismissively.

"Hey!" Dan interjected indignantly.

"Danny," Julie said gently. "You can smile without being happy."

"It was always an inconvenience for her to come to our meetings," Runo said. "She almost always had 'somewhere important to be' or 'groceries to buy'. I always figured she was busy, but she lives alone with her grandfather. It not like the house gets all that dirty with only two residents. There's not really much for her to be busy actually doing, and it was never any extra trouble for Marucho to fly by to pick her up. I never really thought about it before."

"Eh?" Dan blinked. "What are you guys trying to say, that she doesn't like Bakugan?!" he accused loudly as though it were the most unspeakable crime in the world or otherwise.

"Dan!" Marucho interjected before Dan could jump to any loud conclusions that might accidently stick with the other Battle Brawlers. "That's not necessarily the case! We're all really just making a mountain out of a mole-hill here!" The others quieted down. "From the beginning, we always respected her decision not to brawl. She has her reasons, and they are obviously no business of ours! Just because she has Bakugan now, it should not change anything!"

"But you heard her Bakugan," Dan protested. "It want's to-"

"Dan, just drop it!" yelled Runo, cutting him off. The bluenette sighed. "Well said, Marucho." The small Aquos Brawler nodded. "It's no business of ours, and it is likely we hurt her feelings." She scratched the back of her head. "I'm going to have to apologize. You all should do the same, especially you, Dan."

The Pyrus Brawler huffed and turned away, as the others logged-out, no longer in the mood for conversation in the current atmosphere.

"Years... Years, I tell you. I have been crafting my persona before others for years. All that work... Do you realize, Reaper, just what exactly you have jeopardized?"

Alone in the center of her room, Alice stood trembling with anger, teeth clenched, left hand stiffly clenching and unclenching, and right tightly squeezing a silent Reaper. After a moment of dead silence, a sound started low in her throat, slowly and menacingly like shriek in the dead of night, and gradually clawed its way out...

"GgrRrraaaaagghhHH!" Alice screamed in a fit of uncontrollable fury, hurling Reaper's form against the wall with all her might and imbedding his spherical form into the plaster with a solid crack.

Reaper baffled at the brain-rattling force; he was glad to be fully-closed at the moment. Normal people did not have the physical strength to imbed things smaller than a golf ball and nearly as light as a dart into walls just by throwing them. Alice's delicate frame definitely didn't suggest that kind of strength. There was definitely more to that odd power of hers than he had at first thought.

Reaper flinched near-unnoticeably, when Alice continued to glare at him wordlessly, saying everything with nothing at all, shaking in completely apoplectic fury, her brown eyes seeming to glow with a slight red tinge, as the room darkened with her aura.

At the moment, Alice could only continue to glare with all her malice, trying to understand the infuriating creature before her. She paid no mind to the fact that she had stuck him solidly into the plaster with her throw; there were other matters to consider, like what exactly she was supposed to do with him.

This could not be allowed to go on, Alice decided. Reaper was only getting more and more stir crazy and even more rebellious and violent. There had to be something she could do to make him just stop! And that would not be brawling with him! After a stunt like this, there was no way she was letting him get his way! There had to be consequences!

She just glared harder, when she couldn't think of anything. Damn him. She was so angry right now, that she literally couldn't think straight! 'I seriously need to blow off some steam! Damn it all! I- Wait...'

That's it. It was so simple, that it was almost criminal, and it was entirely ironic. There would be no better way to punish him for this transgression. A nasty, menacing grin spread across Alice's face; it was not a pretty sight to behold on the bedraggled girl.

Alice stepped over and plucked Reaper from the wall, holding him up closely to her face.

Almost casually, she asked with sickly sweetness, "So, I understand you've been feeling a bit down in the dumps lately, Reaper. Bored out of your purple skull, perhaps? Bloodlust at a maximum?"

For a moment, Reaper baffled at her sudden change of pace and wondered if she might have suddenly, incomprehensibly snapped from the stress somehow. So, it was entirely understandable that -for once- he cautiously and unsurely answered, "...Yes?"

She smiled at him. It was not a nice smile. A feeling of intense foreboding dropped heavily into the bottom of Reaper's gut, and he felt his hackles rise further still, when she grinned sweetly, whilst her dark aura projected at full-blast around her body.

"Well now, that's no good, is it?" Alice asked with false sweetness in her voice. "As it just so happens, I have some serious steam to blow off right now. Unfortunately, there aren't too many good outlets for this kind of thing." She took a pretend contemplative pose with a big, loud sigh and then exaggeratedly snapped her fingers. "Well, there's always Bakugan brawling, but... Oh wait, Alice Gehabich definitely does not brawl. Oh, no no, that just would not do."

She snapped her fingers again, and Reaper felt the pit in his stomach deepen. "Ah, but of course!"

"What the Doom?" muttered Reaper incredulously, as motes of purple light expelled themselves from Alice's chest to her hand and flowed together, crackling and jerking, into a solid, 'w'-shaped, blue-lensed, black-banded mask, which Alice raised up to her face with her free left hand.

With the placement of the mask and a flash of multicolored light, Alice Gehabich's form melted away into blonde curls, purple pants, black shirt, gloves, and boots, and a short-sleeved, white trench coat. At the same time, Reaper felt Alice's body open itself up fully to her dark foreign energy, nearly quadrupling her aura and foreboding presence. He was sure that even humans would be able to feel it now.

Alice grinned and nodded, stating, "All right, this is good!" Reaper noticed there was now an unnatural echo to her voice. "But it isn't quite enough to be dressed fancy. The equipment must also tell a story!" Alice set Reaper down on top of her desk and opened the drawer, taking out a certain tin box and opening it to the sight of her menagerie of cards and Bakugan. Reaper could only watch in stunned silence, as she also clipped a deck-holder to her belt, which apparently came with her transformation, and loaded it easily with a multitude of Gate and Ability cards.

As she picked through her stash, Alice wondered to herself if she was really going to actually go through with this -to in an instant of recklessness, break her silent oath, which she had upheld ever so faithfully, to never brawl with Bakugan. "Hmm, so many excellent ones. It's so hard to decide," she mused tauntingly.

But as her fingers grazed over the sealed creatures from another dimension that she kept secluded inside a little tin box, she slowly realized that, yes, yes she definitely was doing this. "I guess I'll have to go with Mantris and Laserman; they're both good for what I have planned. But who will be my third...?"

Something Reaper had said before had stuck with her. 'There are your Bakugan's feelings to think about and not just your aversion to conflict!' Alice hated to admit it, but the violent Bakugan actually had a point.

All the Bakugan could talk; that was a certain fact; for, they were all sentient. They just chose not to speak out of some sense of fear or derision; or were still being driven mad by something Alice could still not guess at what. This conviction she was fueling with her reckless, impulsive punishment for Reaper was also geared towards her own benefit and/or punishment.

She desperately needed to get over this -as Reaper often put it- ridiculous aversion to Bakugan brawling.

In a way, Alice realized bitterly, now that she thought about it, she might be even worse than any of the other Brawlers. The very idea made her cringe. After all, despite being sealed and practically bound to do battle, what kind of horrid life must it be for Bakugan to slowly waste away motionless in a dark little box in a dark, little drawer?

No, that was no life. Alice realized with horror that it was closer to Hydranoid's birth world, the Doom Dimension, than anything else, except without the actual dying after an extended period of time part, but still... It was close enough, and that was living death.

Alice decided then and there that something about how she was handling this situation with the Bakugan would have to change. If she wanted the Bakugan free from their bindings at the hands of children and Hal-G's manipulations, she would have to be proactive.

There could be no more silent, hidden hatred of the way things were. After all, as Alice had heard some wise -if maybe slightly biased- person once said, if you weren't a part of the solution, you were part of the problem.

Now, that didn't mean she would be protesting anything as herself in public. Oh no, she needed her façade to continue on indefinitely. For now, this persona that she could become with her Silent energy would be her sole channel of justice and vengeance for the sake of the Bakugan.

This body would be her instrument of change in this world with which she would exact punishment upon all the brawlers out there, who deserved it, and, of course, when she gathered enough skill in her powers, Naga and Hal-G!

"Hmm, I suppose Siege will do..." Alice plucked the knight Bakugan from the tin and slipped it into her pocket along with Mantris and Laserman.

"No..." And all at once, Reaper realized what she intended to do, and he was both enraged and proud of the brat. Now that was how to get even. Alice's brief lapse from her act to grin vindictively at him was all the proof he needed to confirm his assessment. He had awoken the sleeping dragon, and the dragon was rearing to level the entire countryside in spite.

Alice sighed in mock disappointment. "It's so unfortunate, however, that the Battle Brawlers have already associated you with the Alice everyone knows and loves. She can't be seen brawling! No, certainly not!" She grinned maliciously. "But I'm not her, am I? We look nothing alike. It's truly unfortunate that you're Alice's Bakugan, and I'm not Alice -a true tragedy. So, it looks like you'll just have to sit back quietly and watch the fun."

Reaper stared at her in muted horror. "Pure Evil. That's what you are. You wouldn't really be that cruel. You'd really brawl for the first time and leave me out of the action -all to get even?"

Alice grinned at him deviously, blue mask lenses glimmering. "I would. After all, I'm not Alice; I couldn't possibly be. I'm someone else entirely. Unfortunately, the name's still a bit of a work in progress, but I'm sure something appropriate will come to me in time." She smirked. "Remember this moment, and use it as an example for next time -if you so dare. Use it as proof, that I can give as good as I get, and I'll be dirty about it."

'Well, I was certainly asking for it -all things considered, and I definitely got it.' Reaper let out a mental sigh. Suddenly, this was looking to become a very long, torturous day, because Alice was going to drag him along and make him watch.

AN: And another one bites the dust! Glad to see people like what they read so far!

Tried to keep everyone in character. Well, except for Alice, cause she's definitely AU, and I'm just bad at writing super-nice people, but I'll try to do it better for her later on.

Other than that, Runo is loud and temperamental (but still tries to be a good friend to Alice), and I see her as a redeemable character, Julie is Julie, really *shrug*, Marucho is shy and geeky (but becomes forward when needing to defend others), and Dan *sigh* is as brash and loud-mouthed as ever (You can not deny that he has little semblance of a brain-to-mouth filter in the first season. Don't mean to bash him if at all, but it's just how he comes off as being to me).

I hope you people like what I'm doing with Reaper. He's someone I'm really trying to keep mostly in character.

R&R! I'd appreciate it a ton. I love constructive criticism; anything to be a better writer for all of your enjoyment. Try to avoid flames if you can; Alice isn't really a fan of Pyrus. ;D