He's always been important to you, but nothing in your life- well, almost nothing was as scary as the moment you realized that he was not just a friend anymore. In the space of time you hadn't even realized was passing, Sirius had changed from a star in your solar system to the Sun. Lately, he's all you see. In History of Magic instead of taking notes, you're watching his eyes dance while he flirts with Marlene McKinnon.

You didn't notice that as soon as you look away to avoid being seen, he's looking at you, Marlene forgotten. Everywhere you go, he's there sooner or later. You think its friendship, but James and Peter know better. His eyes sparkle when you're there, and he hasn't disappeared to a broom closet in weeks.

After class, you sit on your bed with the curtains charmed shut, skipping lunch. Your worn copies of Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing sit splayed open in front of you. Nobody comes up to the dorms, but after lunch you join your housemates for Double Potions with the Slytherins.

James smiles at you, so does Peter. Sirius is distracted again, this time by Mary McDonald. You could argue that you're staring because his eyes looks stormy in the dungeon light, but a) that would be rather girly and b) you've been looking at him long enough to know what color his eyes are in any light.

He'll never tell you, but the amber color of your eyes is his favorite color.

You know he's perfect, far too good to be a werewolf's friend- let alone a potential love interest. But you know him, know everything about him, and he knows you- maybe even better than you know yourself. But of course, you could never be blind to anything. You notice everything that Sirius does, but maybe when you look away, he is noticing you too.

You're still staring at him, and he seems to be blushing, but you don't know why (Sirius Black never blushes). You refuse to believe that his little glances are for you. But, maybe the things that are more telling are in his actions, not his looks. He always has chocolate ready for you, loans you his jumpers, bothers you incessantly about things that really should not matter at all, especially not to someone as messy and careless as Sirius Black.

That night, he stands outside your curtains and mumbles a question about Transfiguration class. You look out at him, startled, before he bashfully locates your hand under the covers and takes it into his own. Maybe you are not the only one whose universe completely changed direction.

After all, Sirius seems quite comfortable where he is, and you certainly have no intentions of moving.