A/N Hey guys! So, I have good news and bad news.

Bad news- this is the last chapter.

Good news- I'm working on updates for my other stories! Minus the co-author ones.

I can't believe this is the last chapter. I remember seeing the idea a while ago and wanting to make it a thing. I'm super glad I did but now it's coming to an end :(

Thank you all for your love and support for this story! This chapter is for y'all!


I do not own PJO or HoO. Rick Riordan does.

Chapter 10- Annabeth Becomes A Jackson

Annabeth was nervous, to say the least. Today was the day she has been waiting for. Her wedding day.

She was to become a Jackson.

Annabeth smoothed down her dress for the fifth time in the past five minutes. Dress shopping had been a challenge. Aphrodite had crashed the trip and insisted she come. After trying on an abundance of dresses, Annabeth found the one. It was a vintage Greek chiffon dress. It had a deep v-neck that connected at the end with a flower brooch. Annabeth had had her "this is the one" moment. She broke down in tears, smiling so big her face hurt.

Her hair was pulled into a simple French braid, the end hanging over her shoulder. She opted for no veil, instead had flowers woven into her hair and a flower crown adorned her head.

Her father broke her out of her trance. "How're you- oh, my. Annabeth, you look beautiful."

"Thanks, Dad. Are they ready?"

"Yes, everyone is here and waiting."

"This is it. I'll be Mrs. Jackson soon."

"Honey, I am so proud of you. You've grown to be such an amazing person."

"Dad, don't make me cry!" She laughed.

"I can't help it. I'm just so proud."

"Thanks, Dad."

Piper stepped into the room. "Are you guys ready?"

She was dressed in one of the bridesmaid dresses. A grey chiffon dress. It was simple and an a-line. He hair was in a half up, half down braid.

Annabeth nodded, smoothing her dress again. "Let's do this."

Her father offered his elbow and helped his daughter outside. The wedding was taking place by the lake at Camp Half-Blood. Their mortal families were allowed inside. Flowers were lined down the beach, creating an isle. Benches had been placed closer to the homemade altar. Percy and Annabeth asked Chiron to marry them.

The bridesmaids and groomsmen went down the isle first. Hazel and Frank, Leo and Calypso, Piper and Jason, and then Ella and Tyson. Annabeth's maid of honor, Thalia, and Percy's bestman, Grover, followed behind them all. Percy's little sister came down the isle throwing flowers.

The rings had already been given to Chiron, so there was no ring bearer. The processional music began playing and everyone stood. Percy shifted nervously at the altar. Annabeth and her father started walking.

Percy's breath left him as he saw his beautiful wise girl. Tears shimmered in both of their eyes as they made eye contact.

Annabeth reached the altar and Fredrick gave her hand to Percy. They smiled at each other, happy as can be. Fredrick sat down and Chiron began.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the uniting of Perseus and Annabeth. I've watched these two grow together and as individual people. Together they bring out the best in one another. I am so proud of who they have become. Today they will be joined together in this ceremony, becoming man and wife. Who gives this woman in marriage?"

Fredrick and Athena stand. "We do."

"Now for the vows. Do you have any written?"

Percy and Annabeth shake their heads.

"Then face each other and join hands. Annabeth, do you take this man, whose hands you hold, to be your wedded husband? Will you love him, comfort him, through good times and bad, sickness and in health, honor him at all times, and be faithful to him until death do you part?"

Annabeth grins, "I do."

"Percy, do you take this woman, whose hands you hold, to be your wedded wife? Will you love her, comfort her, through good times and bad, sickness and in health, honor her at all times and be faithful to her until death do you part?"

"I do, I do, I do."

"Annabeth, place this ring on Percy's finger and repeat after me, 'With this ring I wed thee.'"

Annabeth slides Percy's ring onto his ring finger. "With this ring I wed thee."

"Percy, place this ring on Annabeth's finger and repeat after me, 'With this ring I wed thee.'"

Sliding her ring onto her left hand along side her engagement ring, Percy says, "With this ring I wed thee."

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Percy dips Annabeth and the kiss. They join hands and run down the isle, full of happiness. The guests file out to the pavilion.

The reception went smoothly. Many people, including some gods, made speeches. Even little Estelle, Percy's half sister, made a little speech.

After Estelle, Sally stood to make her speech.

"Hello, everyone. As most of you know, I'm Percy's mother. I am so happy for my son and my new daughter. They've been through so much and they deserve this happiness just as much as anyone. I hope that they live a safe and wonderful life. Annabeth, welcome to the—"

Sally was cut off by a demigod and a satyr running towards Chiron.

"Sir!" The satyr huffed. "There's a monster! A-at the border!"

"Do you know what kind?" Chiron inquired.

"I-it's the Minotaur and Echidna. T-they said they are here f-for the wedding."

Percy and Annabeth glanced at each other. Percy uncapped Riptide and Annabeth pulled a dagger out from under her dress.

"They weren't invited." Annabeth said.

"Why don't we go tell them?" Percy grinned.

"Let's do this."

Percy and Annabeth joined hands and looked out towards the border.

In unison, they said, "Together." And charged towards the border with their family and friends.


Oh my goodness. This is it. It's over. Wow. Thank you guys so so much for being apart of this journey. I've had so much fun writing this and sharing it with you guys. Please review, follow, favorite this story.

I'm not sure if I did the ending right. I know I wanted it to end with them going off to kill a monster and saying "together" but I just don't know if I executed it right? Please tell me if I did. That would be great!

Also, if anyone is wondering, Estelle is Percy's actual half sister. It's canon. She is mentioned in the trials of Apollo.

For those who read Daughter of Ocean, I'm either going to rewrite it or delete it. We shall see what happens by the end of summer.

Thank you guys so much again! Until next time, my lovelies.

Goodbye and may the fandom be with you. :) :)
