The story isn't dead! Finally got motivated to get this rolling again, and I'm hyped.

I may suggest going back a bit to read some previous chapters, I even had to do that a bit, and I probably remembered this better than y'all, considering it's my story.

This is a flashback 'thoughts' "talking"

I do not own RWBY, Fire emblem, or any references that I make.


"Your students are something Oz. I don't know whether to be relieved I have someone like that on Ruby's team, or afraid she's gonna get killed."

"I'm not sure you're one to criticize recklessness Qrow, but can I get a report already? I haven't gotten anything."

"Maybe now that you know what if feels like to be out of the loop, you'll actually keep me updated. I don't know the full story either, but some of your kids found a White Fang hideout, and a few of them snuck aboard some trucks they were using to transport gas. Then there was obviously a fight of some sort, and gas in the dust containers, with a lot of dead Fang members. A lot of destroyed trucks as well. The faunus girl said Torchwick and his guys were gassing the White Fang members, but she had no idea why. It's gotta be something to do with Salem, if our theory about her collaborating with the White Fang is correct, but beyond that, your guess is as good as mine. You'll probably get more out of Hafer."

"And Mr. Palmer? I know they brought him into the hospital."

Ozpin listened to his old friends answer intently, genuinely worried for his student. But that wasn't what terrified him. No, as the old crow spoke, Ozpin turned pale at something else. "He's not looking great, but he should make a full recovery in time. But Oz, I did a get a chance to speak to Hafer for a minute, Before I was interrupted. He said…"

It was a massacre. Not just inside, but outside. The whole city was being overrun, and there was no easy evacuation route. Several boats left before the harbor had been overrun.

And the pre-teen finally found himself there, at the hospital, looking for his sister. He had no clue where they would go when he found her, but he wouldn't go anywhere without her.

She was all he had.

"JASMINE!" Running through the halls, he repeatedly shouted her name.

Finally seeing a familiar face, a nurse pointed him to where she had seen her. Sean didn't remember the nurse's name, and he didn't care. Not even muttering a thanks, he sprinted further into the hospital.

It was difficult getting through the building, the ceiling and walls had collapsed in a number of places, blocking off hallways and stairways. But he knew the building well enough to navigate it, and simply ran through flames where they appeared.

The destruction was like nothing he had ever seen. Outside, Sean saw people on their knees, simply in shock, and frozen in terror, as they were picked off by nevermores.

Of course. The hospital, and the city as a whole was getting invaded by grimm, but she couldn't leave even one person behind. "Jasmine!"

The older girl turned, "Sean?! What are you doing here? They called the evacuation an hour ago!"

"There's no where to evacuate. Besides, I can't leave you here sis!"

Beside the two siblings, another person, older than Sean, but younger than his sister, continued to pull rubble, widening a gap in the blocked off hallway. Based on the voices on the other side, a number of people were seemingly trapped, blocked off by the rubble.

The person pulling out rubble wasn't wearing any uniform, and was most likely a patient at the hospital, or a visitor. Too afraid of what was happening, Sean completely missed the extravagant revolver on his waist.

An explosion could be heard through the blockage, and though he was too short to see over it, a haunting purple light shined through the gap in the rubble. Screams of pain and terror were scarred into all three of the children's minds. They all froze, and the older two, tall enough to see through the gap, grew pale. Jasmine started trembling.

"Sis? What's happening?" Sean finally squeaked out.

"Go." She whispered.


"We need to go. Now." She said, this time audible.

Robin was in shock.

For the first time, ever, the stuck up heiress wasn't being ridiculously hostile. Extremely hostile, but not ridiculously hostile.

It was an improvement.

She questioned why he was still there, but actually told him it was OK to stay if he wanted to.

Pretty amazing right?

The shock didn't last long, as his thoughts quickly fell on the same this as Weiss.

As for where "there" was, the two white haired students were sitting inside a hospital room. Laying on the bed, was the unconscious swordsman. Sean.

Emily and Daniel; the other members of team SEWD, were on their way, according to Weiss. She just happened to be closer when she was first called.

I am in these rooms WAY too often. It's not me on the bed this time, but still. Someone get's dragged in here every time. Our luck has to cut out eventually.

The rational part of his brain argued this meant they were in way over their heads.

Funny. I thought I murdered that part of me back in Plegia. Well, now I know where to find it, so I can finish it off.

There was another bed in the room, but the curtain between the two remained open, as the other one held Blake. As worried as he was about her, he realized her injuries were really not so bad. She got cut, but it was already almost healed, with the help of her aura.

It was a close call though. And he was just as powerless to save her, as he was Sean. The whole fight was one sided. They had equal numbers, and their strongest was at best equal with their enemy. That they lasted as long as they did was only a mix of chance and good delay skills. And the odds of that man being there… were beyond absurd.

'Finally. I can get out of this thing.'

The undercover huntsman had been stuck in a black cocoon, made out of his hardened aura, for quite some time now. Forced to just listen to the battle rage on outside.

Mercury and Emerald were up there. The kids fighting them didn't stand a chance. He was surprised that the noises still continued, it seemed the girl who had shared his container wasn't a bad fighter. But he didn't miss the drop in quantity of attack sounds.

The gas had trapped him. He recognized what it was; Kaler gas. Nasty stuff. It came from a substance in the Mistral mountains, altered in complex process to create an extreme effect. It was rare, and not many knew about it.

But Hafen did. He'd seen it before. When it was first released into the container, he didn't believe it was actually it. But when he felt his legs go numb, it became apparent.

He would be dead if not for his semblance. It takes only half a minute breathing it to go unconscious. And two to four minutes from that would kill most anyone.

But why were they using it? He didn't just mean why did they gas their own subordinates, but why use this gas? It was hardly more efficient that any other lethal gas. The only thing unique about it, was the aura of those killed by it remained intact for a few hours. The heart stopped beating. The life was gone. But it's essence, remained a little while longer.

And that was what terrified the huntsman. He had only ever seen it used one time before. And it's purpose was horrifying. If Ironwood knew the huntsman saw the footage, he was more than certain the general would have him executed.

'I need to stop thinking about it. I can't do anything about it, I have no evidence. But I can do something about that girl who's about to die.'

He knew it was Emerald she fought, for one of her weapons is what unintentionally opened the back of the container, releasing the Kaler gas completely. He no longer needed to hide in his semblance-created-cocoon.

Blake would have died too, or at least been captured, if that faunus didn't save her. Who was that anyway? He went with Qrow, after the huntsmen arrived. Had he been infiltrating the White Fang? I suppose Vale wouldn't COMPLETELY ignore the threat. That's not what matters anyways.

It was a miracle help arrived when it did. Then again, that wasn't exactly true. It would have been a lot better if it came sooner.

Another defeat. Another crushing defeat. Just after the last one. Hell, one of our enemies was even the same person. And yet, I still arrive at the same conclusion. This doesn't mean we're going too far, acting too risky. I don't know what the real players of Remnant are doing, but even if they are fighting a monumental fight, they aren't fighting this one. The loss of life was minimal seemingly in this stage, but all the secrecy, the gas, the dust, they aren't doing it for no reason. And if what Blake says about Adam Taurus and his rise to power in Vale, is true, that reason should be terrifying.

Or if the Remnant elite ARE fighting this, they're fighting it poorly. I had grown used to fighting with armies at my side, and special forces of dozens, not several students. I have to realize I don't have what I did. I needn't stand down, I need to reassess, and come at it a different way. That, or grow in power. But we can't stay out of this fight, nor can we fight it poorly.

One thing is clear, standing down isn't an option. Ozpin told me to fight for Remnant, and I promised the shepherds I would uphold their legacy. Ozpin has yet to win my loyalty, but at the very least I will fight for the second. I'll resist this movement of destruction, and I'll topple the traitors to peace and justice.

I'm just sorry to those who have gotten hurt, and will get hurt. I thought the thoron bolt I fired into Grima would be my last attack on the battlefield. I've known for a long time now that I was wrong.

Time to start acting the part again. Time to take up the banner of a warrior.

Robin was easily snapped out of his thoughts, hearing the smallest noise, from outside the room. It was a voice. It probably was at least.

A few seconds later, Robin confirmed that much. Again. Yes, it's a person. I know them somehow. And something… something tells me I need to hear this.

It was nearly impossible to make out the words. Robin had experience on watch and scouting back home, especially in their time spent deep in Valmese territory, but it barely helped. It was gruff and deep. Every syllable Robin mentally crossed out candidates from his list.

"...Kaler gas?" At this point, Robin had snuck out of the room. His exit briefly caught Weiss' eye, but she didn't say anything. She had larger concerns, and it wouldn't make sense for her to have been at peace with his presence, and suddenly go after him as he left. It seemed she was the only one who looked his way even.

Say what you will about his nimbleness, but if he didn't have any of it, he would have gotten killed many times over in the Valmese war. Most of the time the war involved more hiding and waiting than actual large scale battle.

"Hafer, you realize…"

It was definitely getting quieter. But he knew where it was from. There was only one voice, most likely they were speaking on a scroll. Normally Robin wouldn't have hunted down a voice. Who says it meant anything? But he became more confident in the legitimacy of his gut reaction when his list became quite short.

Passing the corner, to the backside of the building, a good ways away from the others, the tactician came face to face with the speaker.

"Oh, hey, it's you again."

Qrow. Qrow Branwen. The first person he had met on Remnant.

It was clear Qrow knew he was approaching before Robin entered his sight. But Robin didn't miss the last quarter second in the older man's maneuver; putting his scroll away.

In fact, Robin caught a glimpse of the screen. It was an end call screen. And it had a contact picture, visible in the center. It was far from a good look, but it was enough. Qrow was speaking to the man from their fight. Who left as quickly as he appeared.

And this did two things for Robin. First: it confirmed Hafer, as Robin now had identified him, was a hunter, infiltrating the White Fang. Second, it gave Robin a pretty good idea what the gas was called.

"Qrow, haven't seen you since I woke up in the first god forsaken hospital in Vale."

"It's great seeing you're OK Sean. I- thank you. You saved my life."

"Don't think anything of it." He dismissed.

Robin honestly hadn't expected that response. It was so nonchalant for someone who had almost died. Incredible. Especially for a student. It seems everyone he had met at Beacon hadn't led such a simple life. The terrified nobles he rescued in Ylisse, or the farmers he found fending off risen, no matter how brave, would speak with shaking voices. Sean was a warrior, yes, but he was just tossed into a fight to the death, and almost lost his life. "No really, you knew that you might die doing that, but you still did. I would scold you for being so reckless, and suicidal, if that wouldn't make me a hypocrite. I owe you my life."

"You don't need to scold me. Weiss already did that for about an hour."

Robin chuckled at that.

He continued, "No really, the first thing I heard when I woke up was, 'You idiot.'"

The were two back at Beacon, leaning on a wall in a deserted hallway. After his very brief reunion with Qrow, Robin almost went back to the room, but saw the other two members of team SEWD running there, and left, deciding he could give his thanks later. Also allowing him time to talk about the dragon in the room.

Deciding the silence had gone on long enough to signal the end of the topic, but not long enough to become extremely awkward; he spoke what both were thinking. "I think we both have some questions. Since you're the hero of the day, I'll answer firs-"


The tactician didn't even register the shout before he slammed into the ground. He finally coughed out, "Good to see you Ruby…"

Robin noticed Sean frown out of the corner of his eye. "I guess I'll see you later Robin."

Damn. I need to talk to Sean. But it would be best to do that alone. "Yeah, see you later. Thanks again though, I can't say that enough."

Sean waved off his comment, as he walked away.

"Don't do that again! I thought we agreed we were a team!"

"I didn't want to put yo-"

"No! Just before you left, you told me we were in this together! You agreed we'd take everything together! Then you go and risk dying again. I know you want to fight the White Fang, and I know after the life you've lived, you don't want to wait, and you feel you have to do it yourself, but we're with you and for a reason. I got hurt, but so did you! That's what it means to be a soldier."

Soldier, huh. She didn't use to call hunters soldiers. She called them heroes, even warriors, but not soldiers. It hasn't been long at Beacon, but she's changed her views. Her infinite optimism and idealism is still there, but it's not so limitless anymore.

I don't want her to be crushed, but… she's right. Hunters are soldiers. Tools. And… maybe it's best she does learn that.

But the accusations she flung at him. They were true. The same day he promised to stay together he went off with other people to fight the White Fang. But that wasn't fair, "Ruby, you were still injured, and Yang wouldn't have it. Blake was going either way!"

"I told you I was fine! I'm not weak! I'm not a child! But how am I supposed to help, supposed to grow, when everytime something happens, I am left unaware in the dorm!"

Robin's protest was cut off by his own thoughts. He couldn't argue with this when he had just recently concluded he had to treat her as a combatant. Morgan convinced him to do so, and he couldn't keep Ruby, or anyone else, out of danger. Especially when they were training to become Hunters. Right? "Yeah, I'm a stubborn bastard Rubes. I'll try to keep the team together, even if it means stapling Blake to her bookshelf to wait an extra day next time she tries to sneak off."

This seemed to calm the hooded girl down, enough for him to stand back up. "BUT, you are still 15, and I'm team leader. Under the circumstances, I made the right decision."

As Robin jumped to his feet, doing an overdramatic back flip, Ruby's instinctual pout turned into determination. Now on his feet, and pushing off in an escape attempt, Robin, in utter horror, recognized the look.

"Oh no"

He was exhausted, and without enough sleep, but he put everything he had into his legs, willing them to exceed speeds he'd never even reached. Not this time dammit! The first step was painful. He put FAR too much pressure into his leg, but he continued. He would not be subject to this. Not again. The second step was equally painful. But now he had momentum building.

I can do it. I just…. A third step. His balance was perfect. His footing was solid. And he was on his way to powerful sprint. Need to….

Cold. The floor was cold. And by extension, so was his face. His back, however, was quite warm. The stars in his vision cleared to reveal a soft rain of red petals fluttering towards to hallway floor, accompanied by a painful sensation.

"TAKEITBACK!" The lump on top of him yelled incomprehensibly.



"But I was right!" Robin protested.

This was met with a steady stream of soft punches on his upper back. "Take it baaaaack!"

"Fine! You're 34, I've always been wrong at everything, and executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical initiation ceremony!"

"Thank you! Finally some sense!" Robin chuckled as he sat up against the wall, again liberated from Ruby's crushing weight.

Robin sat still and silent for a moment, putting on a more serious face. "I do mean it though Ruby."

"Mean what?"

"I AM fairly certain you are 15 and that I am team leader, but that isn't what I was referring to. My agreement I made earlier, it was a serious one. I didn't bring you along this time, but I do mean when I saw I do not intend to shelter any of you from this. I've made it beyond clear that I don't want you or anyone else to get harmed, but I will not force you to stay out of this. It was foolish of me to try otherwise. You made the choice to become a huntress, you have great skills, and you wish to join in this fight. Yes, you have a long life to live, and you're a great person, but the same is true for all the professionals as well. The same is true for the everyone else who fights for a heroic cause. The nature of conflict is nothing like you read. It would be condescending of me to go against your wishes. It would be condescending for myself, a few years older than you, to go into battle with other people our age, while saying you aren't ready.

"The truth is, nobody is ready."

"It took me a long time to become consistent in this, believe me it's not easy to knowingly put anyone in a position of risk, but the fight will happen whether I want it to or not. I couldn't keep Morgan out of the fight, just as a can't keep you out."

"But… I need to ask something of you. I will obey your wishes in every respect. But only if I know for sure. I will ask Yang the same thing, although I think Blake made this choice years ago. Do you know what you're getting into? Do you really want to put everything on the line for a conflict you don't understand, that I don't understand? Even if we're wrong about the depth of the conflict, any battle is dangerous. Are you ready to risk your life on it? Are you ready to risk someone else's life? I'm perceptive. I've seen your attitude change. I know you no longer have any delusions about your job. You know this isn't a children's book, and you aren't a child. So, with that perspective, do you want to do this? Do you really want to do this?"

The answer was the worst one he could have received. He ensured the question was of dire importance, and yet, this was the response.

The second ring angered Robin no less than the first. NOW?! Why would it go off NOW?!

He didn't waste time however, as Ruby had yet to give her response, and he wouldn't let this continue. Swiftly whipping his scroll out of his pocket, Robin stopped himself, his thumb a mere centimeter away from the deny option.

After all, it was the headmaster of Beacon academy who was calling.

"Come on in students." The twelve teenagers were quick to arrive, Ozpin had to commend their reaction. Although Glynda didn't seem too enthused about team RBRY's timeliness in regards to her combat class.

Ozpin had made a mistake. Send out the scouts he had said. Send out the scouts. The scouts of course were the students, primarily team RBRY, but this last mission seems to have included members from 2 other teams as well. The words echoed in his ears now, hauntingly. It wasn't his worst mistake. No, certainly not. But someone as old as he should have known better. The words served their purpose, it forced Ironwood to not escalate this situation in the eyes of the public. Something Ozpin, believed- no KNEW would only cause a panic. When Vale sees an Atlesian army occupying their city after all, they would want to know WHY.

The students made excellent scouts. And while scouting is never without it's dangers, they were competent fighters, and aware of the risks. But Ozpin doubted they were aware of the risks in this last endeavor, as the headmaster himself certainly was not. And nobody but the best were ready to deal with the ramifications of their most recent encounter. While shaken by the event, the students had no clue what these ramifications were. Or how truly deep they went.

He didn't want to send Qrow back out. And he had no control over Hafer. But he wouldn't let this mistake go any further. The headmaster had a great many tools at his disposal. Beacon academy was his greatest, but not his only.

He wasn't wrong about scouting. Escalating the situation prematurely could be disastrous. No, that wasn't true. The situation had to be escalated now. Just not in the way Ironwood was seeking.

Team RBRY, team SEWD, and team BRCK. Three of his best first year teams. Hell, they were three of the academies best.

The only first year team he would expect here that missing was team JNPR. That one surprised Ozpin. RBRY and JNPR were almost close friends already, why go with SEWD and BRCK? Of course they didn't really, as it was only one member from each. Sean and Beige were so very interesting. Both took the initiative on this. And Ozpin knew for certain Sean was close to his team, even if Weiss had caused a lot of drama. He seemed to play the role of a vigilante. Wanting to step into any fight he saw in the name of justice. In some ways he was everything a huntsman should be, but in more ways it was the last thing anyone should do. Ozpin had seen plenty of his type. They were the first to die. Sometimes heroically, sometimes in vain.

And sometimes, so eager to fight, so unable to stand on the sidelines, they would fight on the wrong side. Jumping into the battle without realizing the reality of the conflict.

Beige… Beige was of monumental importance. Even if just a student. She absolutely terrified the headmaster. Her incredible skill, it was unheard of. But, it remained a mystery. Pyrrha was an icon for mankind. Everyone knew her name, and while they almost certainly did not truly know her, her intentions were clear. But Beige… it had been a long time since Ozpin met someone like her. A very long time. Despite her immense strength, she was not a public figure. In fact, she didn't even attend a huntsman school before Beacon. And at his own school, it took Ozpin manufacturing a difficult fight for her for even himself to see any of her abilities, even then leaving questions.

He would have left JNPR out of the fight, but putting Pyrrha against Robin was a great way to test his ability to adapt tactically, and Pyrrha's ability to fight alone. The battle gave the headmaster more than one piece of useful knowledge. So while the battle left questions with Beige, it was still very worthwhile.

She came from Haven academy. As a first year student. She requested a full transfer to Beacon, the first week of school. Aiming to arrive at Beacon on the morning of initiation. Such a request was unheard of. The decision to go a huntsman school was one the students made over the course of years, why would one decide on one, and before even attending a semester, try to switch? Ozpin had been baffled by it, and did research on her in his records to find her history. It was one of the most bare ones he had seen. Not family, anywhere. No school history, which made little sense, as nearly every student at the four academies had been to a huntsman school. Ozpin was not without resources however, and eventually found she had been there, at the fall of Kino. Under a different name. At least, he thought she was. It was a weapons trace, and there was a picture of what likely was her. It could explain a bit about how she acted.

That was all he found. Lionheart claimed she got into Haven academy after one of his trusted professors vouched for her immense skill. Certainly extremely unusual circumstances. So, what did he do? Ozpin accepted her transfer, of course. To watch her. Keep an eye on her himself, and try to figure her out.

He met with her when she arrived. Ozpin gathered very little, but at the same time a lot. She gave up absolutely nothing of use to him, and was very deceptive. Not too bad at deception either, it was just that the old professor was better at seeing through it. But he quickly figured out she wasn't a pushover. She wasn't some ordinary child, going through their education. Her life was not a simple one, it had been one of struggle, and importance.

Ozpin would find out at some point. Her actions in the last day gave him some relief, but then again, the first thing an enemy infiltrator would do is find out who is sabotaging them, and get inside. So ultimately it didn't help his unease all that much.

The only real thing that convinced him not to press the issue was how strange it was. After all, any half decent spy would make fake records, and would transfer in with the other transfer students. The fact that she drew attention to herself assured him that while very abnormal, she was not an enemy.

"Students, I'm sure you all know what happened. You're not here to be punished. even if Glynda has suggested it."

The blonde woman said nothing at this mention of her name.

"I have all but sanctioned these actions in the past, and I would be doing a poor time creating huntsmen if I punished people for trying to do good. You faced a life threatening situation. That is nothing new, every time you fight the grimm, you could die. The morning after you arrived, I lined you all up on platforms and launched you into a forest filled with deadly monsters. You cannot be trained to be a huntsman if you have not taken the role of a huntsman."

"But this was different. You weren't dealing with a thuggish gang. You weren't dealing with grunts stealing dust, or the creatures of grimm. You stumbled into a massive operation, that has been going on underneath our noses. And by all means, the information you acquired is vital. But this is NOT how students are to learn. You do not tell the mechanic trainee to design a new car."

"Some of you are merely team members of those who were involved here. But you ALL are to not pursue this further. You are not ready for this. And I will not have such power, determination, and potential be lost for no reason."

"Thank you all for upholding Beacon's values, this matter will be passed on."

After a moment of silence, Blake began to speak up, "No, that's not-" before being cut off by her leader, who assured Ozpin they would comply.

The other teams, most of who hadn't even been involved, seemed too confused, and surprised by the whole thing, to say anything. And Sean wouldn't dare protest with Weiss in the same room. Even if they didn't like it, it seemed none of them would put up an open protest here.

It made things easier. Ozpin might have to keep an eye on the bunch to make sure they really didn't try anything, but the loss of the academies support on top of the near death experiences they faced actually could be enough to scare them. Not all of them. Robin wouldn't care, only standing down if his teammates did. And Beige... Ozpin had no clue what her motives were.

As the twelve left the office, Ozpin missed Ruby whispering a "yes" to Robin. He was again remembering the final words Qrow had given him in his report.

Kaler gas.

Why is Ozpin so spooked? When will we find out how the fuck Sean recognized magic tomes? Who tf is Beige? What did Hafer see? Come back in a decade when I finish the next chapter and maybe find out!

Yeah, this took a long time, I lost interest in this whole thing tbh. But I've changed a lot of the plans now to what I think has a lot more potential, and while still slow at writing chapters, I'm actually writing now! I got on for a few hours every other day this last week and a half, so I think with that pace I'll be able to release chapters fairly consistently. And if I actually get a rhythm going it should be even faster.

I've also realized after re-reading this a lot of my writing is cheesy and unrealistic, especially with dialogue, where characters jump around too quickly. I will try to improve that. Another problem I think I've had is rapid scene changes, so I'll try to get better at that as well.


Most of the reviews didn't really ask any questions, mostly complementing some chapters. Thank you so much for those, but as I'm sure none of you eve remember leaving the reviews in the first place, being from many months ago, I won't leave a response for all of those this time around. But thank you for your support, if I didn't get any of those I wouldn't write this at all.

Natsu vi Kurosaki: You gave a question, and it wasn't too long ago, so I'll answer, even if you don't read this chapter. I think I've talked on this before, but as a reminder if nothing else, my explanation for the weakness of Robin and his magic, especially immediately after arrival, is that magic power largely comes from the world, and not only was Robin just in a fight with Grima himself (likely very exhausting), but he was in a mostly non-magical world. Thus his normally impressive thoron was weak. He has become stronger however, as he has unlocked his aura, which not only gives him defenses, but manifests his power, allowing him to use it for his magic. Is it canon for RWBY or Fire Emblem? Likely not, but it's a fan fiction, so that's how it works here. If I have abilities coming from different universes, I need to make the compatible with each other. Another thing to note here is that while in game you could make him into a god, Robin's real attribute was strategy and tactics, not combat skills. So I don't plan as writing Robin as a god, who can single handedly crush the grimm dragon, that wouldn't be much of a story.

Please leave more reviews, critical ones are encouraged as long as it isn't just a political rant and irrelevant to the actual story. Story suggestions are great, and I may factor them in (if I don't it doesn't mean your ideas are bad, it likely just means I can't work it into the plotline I already laid out, but I'm still writing this, so don't feel shy, no idea is a bad one). Question anything unclear, as I'm the one writing this I may not have explained what is supposed to be happening clearly to someone still in the dark, so I will try and clear up any confusion.

Sorry for being so late here, I won't give a time for the next chapter, as I find I never stick to those, but I'll get it out when I can. Thank you all for reading.