Disclaimer: See Prologue

Author's Note: See Profile

"abc" - Spoken

abc - Thought

abc - Sound Effects

abc - Genma's Signs

A Tale of Two Cursed Souls

Chapter Fourteen: Steps Along The Way

2014 A.D.

Tokyo-2, Japan

Nodoka Saotome considers herself to be many things, a loving wife and mother, a modern woman with traditional values, understanding, caring, and something of a romantic. But, if there is one thing she most definitely is not it's unreasonable, at least as far as she's concerned.

And, yet, that is how she has been made to feel ever since her husband stared at her with those unbelieving eyes. Yet, she wonders, What's not to believe… if one wants to separate a mother from her child they must expect for there to be extenuating circumstances.

It's been about 11 years since that night and the moment where she agreed to let him take their son away from her, but only if he agreed to her terms. And, in that time she hasn't for a moment thought that it was for naught, especially at times like this when the proof of its success has once more been returned to her.

Every few years, as per her conditions, her husband returns to this place, to their home, and returns her adopted son, Shinji, to her warm embrace. She never actually sees her husband or her Ranma, but threw Shinji she knows or at least hopes they are doing well.

But, that's beside the point, for at the moment she is focused on only one thing and that's enjoying every moment she has left with him. Part of the terms that she and Genma agreed to is that every two years; he must return Shinji to her for a year of proper schooling. She originally wanted both of her boys returned to her, but Genma adamantly refused and she was wise enough to tell that he'd never concede to that term.

He had only agreed to returning Shinji out of respect for his departed mother, who being an academic herself would probably have wanted her son to receive a first class education; even Genma is smart enough to know that a life on the road is no place to receive such a thing.

And, yet, it's only been about 2 weeks since Shinji was returned to her for the third time in as many years. She was returning home from shopping when the sky suddenly opened and let loose a light downpour, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and the sun shined brightly.

As she made her way home, she could see a rainbow reaching out into the horizon and decided to enjoy the view. When while walking at a leisurely pace, she turned a corner onto her street and there was Shinji, asleep, sitting up in a tree in front of their home with a note tied to his wrist. It simply read: Ranma is fine. Back for Shinji in a year. Genma

It was the same message he always left and she had no reason to believe otherwise. Her Ranma was fine and so there was no need to worry. Yet, that was exactly what she was doing; worrying about her children, both near and far. Today is Shinji's first day of school, Junior High, and he's late. He's never been late before and Nodoka can't help but worry.

Every two years, she enrolls Shinji in a school that she feels will best serve his needs; namely the honing of his mind, body, and soul while keeping him away from any unwanted distractions.

It's already well into the second term, so finding a school that would accept him would've been a problem if she hadn't enrolled him in one well in advance. Luckily, after seeing his transcript and hearing their unique situation, she has always been able to find schools that will accept him, where most would simply look the other way.

But, it seems one can't prepare for every variable as something or someone is keeping her Shinji from coming home. Checking the time, her mind is quickly made up, That's it! He's ninety minutes late… I'm going to go look for him.

It's at that moment, just as her mind is made up that she hears the most precious sound in the world: the sound of her son's voice.

"I'm home." announces Shinji.

"Welcome home, little one." Nodoka replies, stepping out into the foyer to greet him.

Shinji looks back, smiling up at her, as he removes his shoes; she returns his smile, but he can tell that something's amiss.

"Is something wrong?" he asks, rising to his feet and turning to face her.

Looking at the young man standing before her with care and concern in his eyes, Nodoka can't help but feel an overwhelming amount of pride flowing from within her, as she pulls him into her gentle embrace.

"No… nothing's wrong. You where just a little late and I was beginning to worry." she explains, leaving out any mention of how she was about to scour the neighborhood for him.

"Oh, sorry, Mother. Um, I walked, well, followed a friend home from school." he explains, sounding more than a little unsure of himself on that last part.

"Followed… and this friend, does he have a name?" Nodoka asks, sounding more amused than upset.

"Well, his… I-I mean her…" Shinji explains hesitantly.

"Her…? But, you attend a…" Nodoka injects sounding more than a little confused, till Shinji follows suit, saying, "I know, an all-boys school. Yeah, that's where things get confusing."

"Okay, well, lets head into the kitchen and you can tell me all about him, I mean her, over a cup of tea." she says with a laugh, as she's sure this is going to be quite the story.

It was a story of separation and reunion, Shinji explained that this girl who is posing as a boy was a friend; he and Ranma met during the first leg of their journey. They had happened to end up camping near her Father's shop and became quick friends. The two of them always seemed to be together and where never separated for long.

Then, one day, Genma just up and decided to leave, not even letting the two boys say goodbye to their new friend. Shinji can still remember the sadness in her eyes, as she chased after them, calling out for them to take her with them. Not a day went by, following their departure, in which Shinji didn't wish they could have. He loves his cousin, but it was nice to have someone else to play with.

A sad smile graces Nodoka's lips, as she listens to his story; she had worried that Shinji might be a little anti-social, as he had never mentioned making any friends, or showed any interest in doing so. But, now, she realizes that he's just simply shy and awkward when it comes to his feelings and emotions.

She listens as he continues on to explain what happened earlier today. He had just finished introducing himself to his new class and the teacher told him to take a seat at the desk next to someone named Kuonji; only he was nowhere to be found. Leaving Shinji to think that name sounded familiar, but pays it no mind.

Moments later, as he was taking a seat next to the vacant desk, this Kuonji makes his appearance, announcing, "Yeah, so sorry, teach… things where unexpectedly hectic this morning."

Shinji looked over to find a young man with delicate, yet stern features with his hair pulled back into a sloppily bundled ponytail. He looked nice enough, nothing out of the ordinary, at least until he made eye contact with him.

"Ah, Kuonji, nice of you to join us… I should probably make you stand in the hall. But, instead, I'll have you show the new kid around. Sounds good?" asks the teacher, drawing Kuonji's attention away from the kid sitting next to his desk.

"Huh… New kid…?" Kuonji replies, looking away from the person in question.

"Yes, his name is Ikari, Shinji. And, I see you already noticed him. So, why don't you make nice, introduce yourself, and take a seat."

Kuonji looks over at Shinji once more, this time getting a good look, and quickly looks away; a sneer on his face, he mutters, "Nah, I'd rather stand in the hall if you don't mind. Later, teach."

The teacher simply sighs and shakes his head, "Fine, Kurenai!"

"Huh? Yes!" replies Kurenai, who was a little preoccupied with watching Kuonji exit the room.

"You'll show Ikari around campus, okay?"

"What… Um, yeah, whatever…" Kurenai replies, looking disinterested and disappointed.

Shinji couldn't help but feel a little rejected following that, less than enthusiastic welcome, and yet something about that guy seemed familiar. So, after class Shinji walked over to Kuonji hoping to introduce himself, but he was more than a little hostile causing Shinji to freeze up.

"Well, what is it? Huh! Got nothing to say… then, don't stand there gawking like a jackass! Man…!"

It was that encounter that caused Shinji to realize where he knew this person from, but he couldn't believe it to be true. After managing to ditch Tsubasa Kurenai, who had done nothing but go on and on about how wonderful Kuonji was, Shinji followed Kuonji home, where his hunch was confirmed. When where a brooding young man entered, a seething young woman emerged.

Shinji, seeing this, proceeded to run all the way home without looking back even once. Why he did, is something even he isn't sure of, but coming to a stop outside his home he couldn't help feeling like he failed someone.

"So, you ran without confronting this Kuonji?" Nodoka asks, not sounding the least bit pleased.

"Ye–Yeah… sorry." he replies, avoiding eye contact with her.

"And, what exactly are you sorry for?" she asks, lifting his head up, so that she can see his eyes.

"Um, I'm not sure?" he answers with a nervous laugh.

"Well, you could be sorry for making your poor mother worry, but you should be sorry for not trusting your feelings." Nodoka explains with a knowing smile, as she ruffles his hair.

"My feelings?" he asks, running a hand threw his shoulder length hair.

"Yes. Your feelings lead you to confront 'him', and your feelings lead you to follow her. You should have followed threw on those feelings and revealed yourself to her."

"I-I wanted to…" Shinji explains, shyly.

"Then why didn't you?" Nodoka sweetly asks.

"Because I-I was afraid of how she'd react." he answers honestly.

Hearing the sadness in his voice, Nodoka smiles at him brightly, saying, "You care for this Kuonji-girl, don't you?"

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, she's probably my only friend besides Ranma… and he's kinda stuck with me, right?"

Hearing this saddens her, but only for a moment, as Nodoka reconfirms for herself that as long as her boys have each other they'll never be alone.

"Well, then, there's only one thing for you to do… you must go back to her house first thing in the morning and tell her that you know who she is."

"I do?" Shinji says sounding quite unsure, which cause Nodoka to laugh, saying, "Yes, she must have recognized you in the classroom and that's why she acted the way she did. She is probably just as confused as you are."

"Really, you're sure… cause she didn't seem confused, she seemed angry."

"Yes, trust me; she's just as confused as you are. You see, you both need to learn not to shun your feelings, but to trust and believe in them. Yes, some emotions can weaken you; make you feel like less of a man. But, in facing those emotions you will become stronger. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Um, a little…?"

Smiling, Nodoka continues, "You see, my Shinji, if you come to believe in and trust your feelings, and thus yourself, you will become stronger of spirit and by becoming stronger you will be able to share your feelings – of both joy and sorrow – with someone special one day without fear of being hurt."

"Oh, you mean, like you and Uncle Genma?" Shinji asks, his eyes wide with understanding.

"Yes, um, yeah… just like us. But, you must also realize that… Yes, you will be hurt and, yes, your feelings will be betrayed. But, it will only hurt for a moment… making you all the stronger a person in the end. So, don't fear the pain, embrace it, and become a better man for it. Understand?"

"Yes… I do! And, first thing tomorrow I'm going to trust my feelings and go back over there and tell her the truth…" Shinji strongly states, while internally saying, I think…

Arriving at his destination, Shinji laughs, as he realizes just how early it is. In his rush to see Ukyo, again, he left just after sunrise. Sitting against the wall surrounding his friend's yard, he starts to doze off when he hears noises coming from inside the house. Perking up, he waits for the opportune moment to present itself.

That moment comes, as she was exiting the gate and turned the opposite way. Standing firm, Shinji makes himself known, after taking a few steps after her. He says, "Are you, Ukyo Kuonji?"

The person in question freezes, but doesn't bother to turn around. Asking, as he slowly reaches for something on his belt, "Yeah, and who wants to know?"

"Ucchan?" he asks, sounding on the verge of tears.

"Shinchan?" she replies shocked. She quickly turns to face him, only to be pulled into his embrace. Surprised, she drops the object in her hand which turns out to be a small metal spatula.

The sound of metal against concrete causes Shinji to back away slightly, but he still holds onto her. Looking her over he can't believe what he sees. Where yesterday he saw a hostile effeminate boy now stands the little girl from his childhood all grown up.

Wait a second… little girl?

Seeing the look of confusion in his eyes, Ukyo asks, "What's wrong, Shinchan?"

"Um, you are Ucchan, aren't you?" Shinji asks, hesitantly.

"Of course, I am, you Jackass! What would make you…?"

"Sorry, I… then, where are your… you know…" he hesitantly asks.

"No, I don't know… my what?"

"You know?" he replies, gesturing downward with his head and eyes.

Following his line of sight, Ukyo gasps, then blushes, as she jabs Shinji in the ribs. Laughing, she says, "You perv…" as she unbuttons and lowers her shirt collar showing him some of the medical gauze wrapped around her chest.

"Oh… sorry." he says, as his eyes linger on her chest, causing her to giggle, as she punches him in the arm.

"Ow… that hurt!" he shouts, which causes her to laugh while buttoning her collar. Her laughter turns out to be contagious, as he does the same, till she pulls him into a fierce hug. This causes him to freeze up, despite the wrapping, as he's suddenly become very aware of the fact that he's being hugged by a very cute girl.

"I missed you, Shinchan."

"I missed you too, Ucchan."

Three Years Later

Tokyo-3, Japan

Lying awake well before sunrise, Shinji finds himself alone in his room reflecting upon a nights worth of memories. Lying on his back, he can slightly make out his surroundings thanks to the moonlight, creeping in from under the window curtains, as his dream has left him with even more to wonder about.

Ucchan… why haven't you ever written me back? Do you hate me now… not that I could blame you. Trust my feelings… believe in them… well, it hasn't betrayed me yet.

His right arm outstretched before him, stretching, reaching for the ceiling. He can feel the muscles and tendons that lie beneath his skin tighten and flex, as he opens and closes his hand repeatedly.

To some, it might appear as if he's reaching towards the heavens begging for mercy, or is it forgiveness, only then to clench his fist in an act of defiance, against whatever is to blame, for all that has befallen him. Yet, as he gets out of the bed, clad in a tank top and boxers, his demeanor is neither of one who is defeated nor defiant; but, of one whom, for better or worse, is simply living.

Exiting his room, he creeps down the hall, hoping not to disturb either of his roommates as they can be more than a little crabby before they've had that first beer of the day. He figures he may as well enjoy a hot bath before he addresses the challenges that lie before him, namely, finding a way of his own and talking to Ayanami.

First, a slight detour, entering the living room he finds himself drawn to the deck. Quietly, opening the sliding door, he steps out into the brisk morning air. Leaning against the rail, he looks out over the city. A place that at times can appear so cold and sterile now seems warm and fertile under the dawning sun. He smiles, as the sun's rays slowly stretch across the city, returning life to it with each block it engulfs.

He's startled, as a pair of arms wraps themselves around his waist, but relaxes as a jumble of teal-colored hair plops down against his shoulder.

"Sleep well?" he asks still looking at the majestic view.

"Incredibly well…"

"Really…?" replies Shinji with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Yep, I had a wonderful dream… it reminded me of just how sweet you can be."

"Ah, you're making me blush." he says with a laugh.

"But, seriously, it made me realize that maybe I was wrong about you… about us."

"Is that so…?" he asks coyly.

"Yes, I realized that maybe you and I are capable of… you know?"

"Well, my dear Shi, you maybe onto something…"

Shi giggles at the playfulness in his voice, as Shinji takes a hold of her hands. Leaning against his back, Shi sighs contently and Shinji glances over his shoulder at her. His playful smile turns serious as he tightens his hold on Shi's hands.

"But, you know… Nodoka was probably right about one thing?"

"Hmm… and what was that?"

"When she said that our feelings will be betrayed, but that it'll only hurt for a moment…"

Shinji glances behind him, as Shi removes her arms from around him: He's surprised to see her smiling; an innocent smile that instantly puts him at ease. Looking back out unto the city, he feels Shi lean against his back with her hands on his shoulders. A chill runs down his spine, as she whispers into his ear, "Well, let's see if she's right!"

Before he can react, Shi pushes him forward sending him up and over the railing. As, he plummets to the ground below him, Shi shouts, "Don't worry… it'll only hurt for a moment."

Awakening with a start, Shinji splashes water everywhere, as he checks his surroundings to find himself sitting in the tub. Laughing at his foolishness, he leans back into the tub, till all but his head is submerged in the water.

His mind wanders to the possible meanings of his dreams, Betrayed… That's probably why I haven't heard from Ucchan. Not that I can blame her…

He slides completely under the water, reemerging refreshed, but with a sad look in his eyes.

It's been almost two years… Abducting me in the middle of night and having the nerve to call it training. But, I'm still to blame… I should have fought harder. I shouldn't have let him take me… I-I'm sorry, Ucchan…

Rising out of the tub, he sighs, thinking, Maybe there's still time for a change…?

Furinkan High won't be open for a few more hours, but there's already activity on its grounds. Hoping up into a tree near the courtyard, Ryoga Hibiki beams with pride as everything is going as planned.

Its morning and I haven't wandered off… this was a brilliant idea! Now, I just have to wait until the moment to strike presents itself.

Stifling a yawn as he stretches, being careful not to fall off the branch he's currently sitting on, he laughs sleepily, thinking, Maybe, I should catch a little shuteye… its not like I'm going anywhere… this time…

Yawning, he leans back against the tree's trunk, as the exhaustion of a week's worth of non-stop travel takes a hold of him. He smiles, as one last thought crosses his mind, I wonder if I'll see Shinji again?

Successfully, sneaking out of the apartment without waking his roommates, Shinji quickly makes his way towards Rei's place. He fidgets with his collar, as he sighs, thinking, How could I forget to do the laundry?

Shinji clad in a traditional school uniform shakes his head, remembering the sight of all his usual outfits lying in the hamper. With everything that happened yesterday, he completely forgot about it, but luckily he had this uniform laying around.

Man, this sucks… I feel so stiff.

Reaching Rei's building, only one thing comes to mind, What a dump!

He notices that there doesn't appear to be anyone else living in this place, yet he can't decide if that's a good or bad thing.

"This can't possibly be where she lives… man; I wish this was another of Ritsuko's pranks."

Reaching her floor, Shinji makes his way towards apartment 402 and is saddened to find a name tag upon its door that reads: Ayanami, R.

Laughing at the absurdity of the whole thing, his amusement is quickly quelled, as realization takes hold of him.

Oh man, she really lives here… I actually have to do this!

Feeling overwhelmingly ill-equipped to handle this, he tries to come up with an out. He laughs nervously, saying, "Maybe this isn't a good idea… showing up unannounced like this can't be good, right? I'll just give it to her later."

Felling justified, he turns to leave when he remembers what Ritsuko told him last night.

You'll see your goals through to the end - no matter the cost…

Not allowing his nerves to get the better of him, he approaches the door and with a deep breath rings the buzzer. One, two, three minutes pass and there's no response, he tries once more but the results is the same.

"I guess I missed her… I'll just leave it here and…"

He bends down to drop the card through the mail slot, but finds it overflowing with junk mail. Kneeling there, he takes a moment to think about what his next course of action should be. Kasumi's words from the day before come to mind, as he gathers up the mail lying on the floor under the slot and jams them into it, they take on a new meaning, as he removes Rei's ID card from his pocket and looks over the photo it contains intensely.

Its more than not being alone… we need to feel wanted… loved… It's only human…

Sighing, he rises to his feet, now determined to see this through to the end. Putting the ID back in his pocket, he wonders how Rei would feel if she heard that he was avoiding her. He knows he feels lousy just thinking about her doing the same thing.

Knocking on the door forcefully, he's more than a little startled when the door gives and opens slightly, "It's not even locked?"

Pushing the buzzer again, he confirms an earlier notion that he tried to ignore, as he now confirms that it does not work. Feeling like scum for doing so, he pushes the door open all the way and enters the apartment calling out for his Fiancée.

Nothing, no answer, no sounds, nothing to confirm there's life within these walls and neither do the surroundings for that matter. Dark, barren, gloomy, and alone is the impression he gathers from what he sees all around him. Taking of his shoes, he steps into the apartment proper and notices how dusty everything is. Looking down behind him, he sees how his feet have left footprints in the dust.

Shaking his head, he goes onward fighting back an overwhelming desire to find a broom and mop. Entering the main part of the apartment, he doesn't find Rei in what seems to be her bedroom, but something else catches his eye.

He notices something glinting atop a dresser and before he knows it he's made his way over and picked them up. Studying every inch of the glasses he holds in his hands, he can't help but feel he's seen them before, as he notices that they're inscribed.

"G. Ikari? These are - Father's!"

Reading the inscription, once more, Shinji slowly puts them on. Looking around the room, he wonders if anything will look different, if he'll see things the way his Father does. He laughs at the idea of looking threw his Father's eyes and suddenly seeing everything and everyone as beneath him.

Checking the various medicines and pills lying atop the small fridge, standing near to the dresser and across from the foot of Rei's bed, he wonders if the broken condition he saw her in the day they meet was a regular occurrence. Seeing a beaker of water sitting there he tenses up, hearing a noise come from behind him.


Shinji turns to find a naked Ayanami exiting from what must be the bathroom. Holding a towel and dripping wet, having just gotten out of the shower; her eyes meet with Shinji's and in them he sees for the first time ever a clear emotion: displeasure.

Shinji panics, as she approaches but does not move, as all feeling to his legs seem to have given up on him, having high-tailed it out of there the moment his eyes meet with hers. He looks down meeting her gaze once again, as she stands before him with her usual neutral stare, and he wonders is this what his Father sees when he looks upon her. And, as quickly as he thinks it, he answers himself thinking, No, this isn't what Father sees… when he sees Rei, he sees someone who's happy to see him…

He's brought back to reality as he feels Rei reaching towards his face, trying to remove the glasses he's wearing, and is quickly reminded of her current state of undress, as her damp body momentarily presses up against his. Panicking, he backs away with Rei continuing undaunted which causes her to fall forward, crashing into to him, as she is solely focused on reclaiming what is hers.

Loosing his balance with her added weight against him, Shinji falls sideways, bumping into her mini-fridge before falling back towards the dresser. He grabs Rei, as he does, pulling her against him before they make contact with the floor. But, as they do, he hits his head hard against the dresser.

He mumbles, "Rei… You okay…" and hears a quiet reply of "I am, Ikari." to which he replies "That's good…" before darkness overtakes him.

"Oh, my head… those are pretty colors." Shinji mutters, coming to, with his sight focusing in on the spectrum of colors reflecting off the pool of water and glass shards lying on the floor next to him.

"That they are."

"Yeah, I'm glad you agree." Shinji states, before realizing that his hand is resting atop something… "So… Soft?"

"As are you…"

"Huh…?" Shinji focuses, as he leans his still throbbing head up to find a very wet, very naked Rei laying atop him, with his left arm draped across her back, and his right hand getting a good feel of her left butt cheek, while her hands are getting a good feel of his breasts.


Suddenly, reality comes crashing into focus as Shinji takes in her surroundings: throbbing head, broken beaker, spilled water, damp clothing, staring up at ceiling, girl atop girl; it all adds up to one messed up situation.

Looking at Rei, once more, he quickly realizes that he still hasn't moved his hands, nor has she asked him to. His line of sight meets with hers and for a lingering moment they just stare at each other until it becomes too much for Shinji and she looks away.

All right, think… think… you got to say something… something smart… something appropriate… something… anything…

"Um… did I say soft…? I meant that in a good way."

Oh my God… is that the best I could come up with…?

"As did I." Rei replies, her tone unreadable, as she remains atop Shinji; her hands still resting upon Shinji's transformed chest.

Shinji stares at Rei in disbelief, as he doesn't know what he imagined her responses to be, but it sure wasn't that. Gently, removing his hand from her butt, he lays it at his side but does not remove his arm from across her back.

Okay… well, at least we're talking… Hey, where are…?

Realizing that something is missing from the equation, Shinji reaches for her face and finds what's missing, resting atop her forehead.

"Um, I take it, you want these back." Shinji says, holding her Father's glasses up above them. Rei slowly pushes herself up, coming to rest slightly upon Shinji's lap, as they both look at how the sun shines through the upheld glasses upon her upper torso.

Man, somebody's comfortable in their skin… nudity hasn't ever really bothered me but her calmness does big time…

Shinji suddenly notices that Rei is no longer watching the lens-shaped spots dance across her skin, but is instead watching him observe their dance.

She's so calm, so comfortable… and I'm still freaking out… funny thing is she doesn't seem the least bit upset… more like extremely curious…

Shinji's brought out of his observations as he feels a sudden added pressure to his chest area, as Rei appears to definitely be curious about something.

Yeah, they're real… Shinji jokes to himself, but embarrassedly says aloud, "Um… if you don't mind… could you move your hands?"

Rei looks down to where she's bracing herself up by the mounds of flesh resting upon Shinji's chest. She remains as is for a moment more before removing her hands, she leans further back against her lap allowing Shinji room to sit up.

Finding her face now mere inches from Rei's, Shinji freezes up as the proximity to those eyes that have left him fascinated from the moment they met his, threatens to overpower him. Looking away, he notices a case lying on the floor near them, reaching for it, she then hands them to Rei.

Shinji is surprised by the care in which she returns the glasses to their case. So, surprised is she that it manages to distract her from noticing just how intimate a position they're now in, but for not nearly long enough as Shinji becomes all too aware.

Oh, man… good thing I'm a girl at the moment or this position…combined with, well, these type of thoughts might have led to… something embarrass…

Shinji is cut off mid-thought as Rei begins to remove herself from against her. Shinji's mind focuses on every movement no matter how slight: from how she rests her hands atop her shoulders to steady herself or the separating of their hips, unlocking from one another; it's all taken in, as Shinji is left stunned by the emotions, the sensations, she's feeling as a result of them.

Looking up at Rei, she watches as she walks over to her dresser placing the case back on it, Shinji snaps out of it as she notices, yet again, how naked and slightly damp Rei is. Standing, she picks up Rei's towel and wraps it around her. Rei looks at her with what is clearly surprise to which Shinji replies, "I didn't want you catching a cold."

Rei nods in understanding and turns to face Shinji taking in the sight before her; there stands a teal-haired young woman, of similar height dressed in a damp boy's school uniform. The sight having been registered, Rei goes about drying off, as she removes a bra and pair of panties from her dresser, before walking towards her closet without saying a word, as Shinji's eyes linger on her every movement.

Reaching into her closet, she removes a school uniform and lays it upon her bed. Watching, as she begins to put on the bra and panties, Shinji's mind is at a stand still. He knows he shouldn't look, he knows he should say something, but until he figures out what; he figures it be best to shut up and pretend he's part of the furnishings.

Well, she doesn't seem to mind that I'm standing here… watching her… so, why am I still freaking out… We're engaged right, so…

Shinji's breathe catches at the back of his thought, as Rei bends over to put on her panties and nearly all mental and bodily functions come to a halt, as only one thought comes to his mind.

Oh, man… this can't be okay…

He stands his ground able to breath once more, but all to quickly the apparent silence, disturbed only by the machinery outside and the sound of clothing meeting skin, becomes to much for him as Shinji heeds the little voice inside his head, and quickly announces he'll wait outside, before running out of the apartment.

He moves so fast that he misses as Rei turns around with a look of befuddlement upon her delicate features.

Ikari… Why?

Sitting against the door to Rei's apartment, her legs having given out upon exiting, Shinji exhales a deep breath as she goes over what exactly took place in there. Hugging her knees, Shinji thinks about exactly how odd it all was from the nonchalant, almost casual way in which Rei addressed him – As are you. – to the various brief flashes of emotion, he swears he saw; from displeasure to curiosity, even gratitude when he wrapped her in her towel, and threw it all she seemed to be analyzing him and his actions.

All right… so, in conclusion, we had something akin to a conversation, but she probably hates me, or at best thinks I'm a major perv… could things get any worse!

Suddenly, the door gives way and Shinji falls back to find herself staring up Rei's skirt.

Classic white, I see... and I was hoping for a nice shade of pink.

Closing her eyes, Shinji laughs at her little observation, figuring if she's about to be stomped to death, she may as well go out laughing. With his ambivalent death, apparently at bay, Shinji opens her eyes to find Rei leaning over him, they remain that way for a moment longer until Rei says, "You are injured. Come inside."

At her words, Shinji suddenly becomes aware of the throbbing in her right foot. Sitting up, she spots a blood stain and rip on the bottom of her sock. Looking back into the apartment, Shinji catches a slight glance of Rei entering the bathroom; Shinji wonders, Is it me or does she seem amused by all of this…?

Standing, Shinji carefully makes her way back into the apartment to find Rei sitting on her bed with a first aid kit.

"Sit here and I will attend to your wound."

Shinji nods and does as she's told, taking a seat next to Rei. She gets up and kneels down before Shinji, removing her sock; Rei finds a piece of glass from the shattered beaker enlarged in Shinji's foot.

Shinji watches as Rei gingerly removes the shard and proceeds to clean the wound, she smiles, saying, "You're really good at this."

Rei responds, "I have become so... Overtime." as she begins to bandage Shinji's foot.

Looking around her room, Shinji sees just what she means in the large cardboard box overflowing with bloody bandages, in all the bottles of medicines and pills resting atop her fridge, and, finally, in the large patches of blood covering her pillow case. A frown firmly implants itself upon her face as the deeper meaning of Rei's words take a hold of her.

You've seen much pain, haven't you, Ayanami? Is what he says to himself, while saying aloud, "Are you nervous about your upcoming reactivation?"

Pausing only momentarily, Rei continues what she's doing as she replies, "No, why would I be?"

"Because of this… all of this…!" Shinji states, sounding saddened while gesturing towards her bloody pillow case.

Concluding her treatment of Shinji's foot, Rei stands and takes a seat next to her on the bed.

"Why would… pain make me nervous or afraid… are you afraid to pilot your Eva?"

How Rei's words manage to always hit point-blank upon what she's feeling surprises Shinji to no end, as she struggles with her own feelings on the topic of Eva and pain, while she tries to come up with a response. Looking down at her bandaged foot, Shinji feels secure in what she feels is right, stating, "Yes… I'm afraid."


And, there it is, that question that haunts him in every quiet moment, whenever he's alone, whenever he's confronted by his enigmatic Fiancée.

"Because I... I don't know, Ayanami… But, I do know that I hate pain!"

Rei studies Shinji's features as she speaks; she's surprised by her words, but doesn't show it. Rei stands stepping away from the bed before replying, "Pain is life. Life is pain. I… I feel pain for I am alive. Is it not the same for you?"

Shinji has never heard Rei speak so profoundly before, up until now she hasn't said but the briefest of things to him. He's come to notice that she has the habit of being short and abrupt with people. Whether she means to, or not, he's not quiet sure yet. But, as her words take root in his psyche; he can't help but feel that she's at least partly wrong.

"Life maybe pain, but… But, I believe there is more to it than that… there's just got to be… like there's…"

Shinji stands, as she struggles for the right words; Rei turns to face her just as Shinji finds the words to convey what she means.

"There's more to life than just pain, there's also… love. Yes, life is love and pain."

Shinji's words are fast and unsteady, but firm in their stance. Shinji looks to Rei for a response yet she simply stands there staring. It's as if she's gazing into his very soul and yet unlike times in the past, Shinji feels a calmness overtake him, as Rei turns away and starts walking towards her closet.

"Perhaps, you're right."

Shinji looks at her with surprised eyes, he hadn't actually expected Rei to agree; actually, he didn't expect her to say anything at all. He's so happy to realize that his view of Rei has become all the more positive despite everything that's happened this morning.

He thinks about telling her so and asking if she feels the same, but before he can, he's surprised when Rei suddenly taps him on the shoulder.

"Huh… Yes, Ayanami…?"

"Here put this on." Rei states, handing Shinji one of her school uniforms.

"Oh, yeah, sure…" Shinji replies, placing the uniform on the bed before beginning to unbutton her shirt without even realizing what she's agreed to wear. Looking down at the outfit, as she removes her shirt and places it upon the bed, Shinji is quick to let loose a more than surprised, more than confused, and not at all ladylike, "What…?"

To Be Continued…

Author's Note: See Profile…