Ok…when I read again the chapter I was…what happened to my head to write that xD.

15. I won't give up.

POV Himeko

I did not really watch Chikane reaction when I tell her about…my particularly… I meant, I knew she will be upset. It was the first I openly told my secret. Usually, I said, I'm not interested in someone and that's all but this time I could not escape from the truth. I will go to my class when she said:

"I'm glad." I frowned, what did she said? I turn back and she smiled widely. Did she lose her mind? Miss imperfection could not bear my words and voilà, I broke her…was it too much for her?

"You are glad because…I can't love you? Ok…great!"

"No silly. I'm glad because you did not reject me." I was speechless, I did not reject her? What?! So, what did I do until now? I could not accept her love for me…I told her that won't happen…because I'm asexual…did I miss something?

"What? Do you understand what's mean to be asexual? You seemed to be a clever young woman, perhaps am I wrong? I don't feel attraction or desire for someone!" The bluette laughed and I was very pissed. She was very annoying. I did not care why she behaved this way, I will simply forget and go study.

"You did not say you don't love me or you despite me, you say you are asexual, that's not an excuse to let you go, it doesn't mean I don't have luck to seduce you. And to be honest, I'm not sure how to seduce you, you different from the others, if I smile you won't bother...even if you said I have a beautiful smile…" She slightly blushed and I closed my eyes, yes, I made that mistake to tell her that, there was no meaning behind those words. Himeko don't lose your mind. Don't lose your mind! Perhaps it was her revenge?

"But that doesn't mean I won't try. For once, I will do what I really want. I won't think about the consequence. I want to be with you. I will show you feelings and needs are not important in our case, being together, to care is enough." I blinked when she slowly approached me. Her face was just few centimeters of mine.

"I could try to make fall in love in me or to like me a bit, I don't ask more that you stay beside me." This time, I laughed. She was crazy. Nobody succeeded.

"You don't need to bother, I'm fine this way, I don't want you to make lost your precious time." She stared at me, she gently caught my hand and I froze when I touched her breast, I tried to remove it but she did not let me escape.

"Chikane…let me…go! Or I will squeeze it like a lemon!" I seriously warned and she laughed.

"Do it if you want." She smirked and I lost my patience.

"Er…you start to scare me…I don't want to have this kind of kinky relationship with you…that's so weird just saying it…"

"Do you fell it?" I was looking down, yes, I noticed something big.

"Not there you baka!" She shouted with a red face.

"Could you stop with 'I am stupid'."

"Where is your left hand?"

"In your breast? Well…of course…my hand is…there…and I wanted it back…soon…now!"

"No, my heart. It was the first time in my life it beat so loudly, I'm so afraid…but I feel so alive. It's because of you Himeko, I'm alive because of you. There is no way I will give up because you are asexual, I know you are my soulmate."

"Aaaah? Soulmate? Damn…I'm with a psycho with romance. What is wrong with you? We only meet few times and you…oh… my head…will burst if you continue. You don't understand, I can't love you. When you kiss me, I felt nothing! Nothing! It was my first kiss and there was nothing special. No firework and burning sensation in my stomach. When I touch your breast, it just annoying because it's bigger than mine, I'm jealous."

"Your breast is perfect for me, not small or too big." I growled.

"Your heart beats fast, so what? I must take the responsibility? What a bunch of nonsense."

"I'm your first kiss?" Her face lit up and mine decomposed. She only heard what she wanted. I noticed that...few days ago..."You are mine too. I will take the responsibility to love you. You will see, before I was like you. Idid not want to be loved. But it's a good sensation, I want to share with you that moment. I won't give up." I removed my hand and sighed. She was such a bother. I noticed when she hated me and now she loved me, what kind of drama I was.

"Ok, do what you want Himemiya-sama. I don't care." I pouted, there is no way I will continue that conversation, I was already late and tired.

"You are so cute." My classmate hugged me and I did not move. I took a deep breath. She was too close to my taste.

"No hug." She let me go and she kissed me on the cheek. I clenched my fist. If I punched her, it will be bad? No…yes…

"No kiss."

"Okay, as you wish."

"I think you are blind and stupid." I spat upset.

"I always heard to be in love make someone blind and stupid but I'm happy." I rolled my eyes when I looked at Chikane, she looked like a puppy who wiggle her tail.

"Yes, yeah, whatever. I need to go, I'm late."

"When did you finish your lesson?"

"If I do not have issue with my teacher, as usual 15 p.m. Why?"

"It's a surprise!" Gosh…now, I had a stalker! I will run away through the windows when school finished.