Author's Note: The Last Chapter!!! Finally!

Disclaimer: One last time for Part one, nothing but the idea of the story is mine. It all belongs to the great HP author, JK Rowling and the people at Warner Bros.


Chapter 15 ~ Goodbye won't be Forever

The door of Draco's compartment slid open and Cho walked. Finally you're here, Draco thought. He scooted towards the window signalling to Cho she should sit next to him. Cho closed the door behind her, gave him a little smile and sat next to him. "Glad to be going home for a week?" She asked, leaning back on the seat.

"Mmm.not really. I won't be seeing you.

Cho breathed a laugh.

"Yeah, but there won't be any school work or exams."

"That's the only good thing," Draco exclaimed. He kept trying to get Cho to look at him, but she just leaned her head back and stared at the ceiling. "I'll miss you terribly you know."

"I'll miss you too."

Draco smiled.

"I miss you already." He held on Cho's soft hands and stared at her like she a miracle angel sent to him.

"Oh really?" Cho was tempted to look up at him, but she knew what would happen if she did. She didn't really want to be kissed; she wasn't in the mood, so she just looked down.

"Yes." Whispered Draco and lifted up Cho's chin.

Oh no. Ah, what the heck, Cho thought. It was their last time together until a week would pass. Their faces drew closer and their eyes were slowly shutting out the light. Then, they met. It was the sweetest and longest kiss ever. It lasted almost a minute. When they finally drew away, Cho laid her head on Draco's shoulder and Draco's arms were wrapped around Cho.

A few moments later, someone lightly knocked on the compartment door. Draco got up.

"What is it?!" He said as he opened the door and found a short, plump, elderly woman standing with a cart full of treats in front of her.

"Oh! Oh my," The lady jumped back in surprise at Draco's annoyed tone of voice. "Just wanted to know of any of you dears wanted anything off the trolley. I don't mean any harm."

Cho rushed over.

"No thank you." She gave the lady a warm, friendly smile.

The lady smiled back softly then turned to Draco with a dark look.

"And you, boy?"

"Nothing." Said Draco flatly.

The woman turned back to Cho and said cheerfully, 'Good day to you and a Happy Christmas!"

"You too," Cho replied. "Sorry about Draco. I don't think he meant to be rude."

"Yes." The lady looked back at Draco with another dark look. "Nothing to worry about." She scanned him in disgust. "Humph." With that, she pushed the cart to another compartment and muttered to herself.

Draco rolled his eyes and turned back to the seat. Cho stared after the lady feeling sorry for her. Then she closed the door and sat next to Draco.

"What was that all about?" she asked a bit angry at Draco's rudeness toward the friendly witch.

"What was?"

"Well, why did you snap at her?"

"I'm sorry alright?' Draco said and meant it.

"Don't apologize to me! You should apologize to that woman." Cho pointed in the direction the lady went. "I'm sorry mum," Draco gave her a sad, puppy look. "Are you going to punish me now? Don't kick me out, mum. Please. Do you still love me?" He pouted and the corner of his mouth curved into a smile.

"Oh my god," Cho laughed. "You are so pathetic!"

Draco pouted even more.

"So you do hate me now?"

Cho decided to play along.

"Aw! I'm sorry sweetie! Of course I still love you! You're my baby!"

They both broke out into a huge laugh. The two of them continued joking with each other and enjoying their last moments before Hogwarts Express would pull into Platform 9 ¾.


It was late in the afternoon and the train finally approached King's Cross Station. It slowed and stopped with a loud screech. The students came rushing out of their compartments. All except Draco and Cho. They didn't want to leave each other's sight.

"Well, it ends here," Cho sighed. "But it's not forever. Just a week."

"A lonely, depressing week," added Draco. "Should we write each other?"

"No. I don't think we should risk it. We could get caught."

"Yeah, my father won't be too happy about that."

"We'd better get going." Cho stood up. As soon as she did, sadness overwhelmed her. Even though it was just a week, it felt like she was saying goodbye forever.

Draco stood and held Cho's trembling hands.

"See you in a week." He said and hugged her tightly.

Cho's tears had escaped and slowly ran down her cheeks onto Draco's cloak. She had to dry her tears and her feelings before exiting the train to see her mom. She had to be casual and act like nothing was wrong. Otherwise, her family would ask her what was the matter and she didn't want to lie.

"Bye, Draco." Cho whispered. They drew away and looked at each other one last time. Before any of them could say another word, Cho let go of Draco's hands and rushed out. She couldn't stand saying goodbye to him. As she rushed through the aisle, she wiped her tears and took a deep breath. She walked onto Platform 9 ¾ and immediately saw her mom. Her mom waved happily to Cho and she waved back smiling. She grabbed her bags and walked to her mom. Cho, for some reason, looked over her shoulder. She saw Draco picking up his bags and Lucius Malfoy was right behind him with his snake staff. His face was stern as always, and his silver-blond hair was tied back.

Cho looked forward a second and turned to look back again. This time she saw Draco walking in the opposite direction. He too turned and looked at her. They stared at each other and kept gazing until Draco was pulled by Lucius and disappeared through the wall barrier that led to the muggle world.

Cho was about to run to him, but stopped when she felt and arm around her shoulder. She jerked her head forward and saw her mom, who smiled warmly. Cho almost instantly didn't feel so about not seeing Draco, and missing him.

"Welcome back, honey. Was that a friend you wee looking at?" Her mom said with a soothing tone.

Cho smiled slightly and nodded and hugged her mom. After a few moments of that, she and her mom walked through the wall barrier and went home.


Author's Final Note for Part 1: Yay! I'm done! THE END of Part 1! Part 2 will be coming soon! Thx A BUNCHES again to everyone who reviewed (and yes, I'm even thanking that meanie who put a flame)!!! Ya'll are the best! And thanks to my friends who backed me up!!! Thank you! Okay, it's like I just won an Oscar of something! Lol. Seriously though, thx. r/r!!!