Author's Note: I hope this chapter or the next few chapters aren't too boring. It'll get better along the way. Promise.

Disclaimer: Nothing but the idea of this story is mine. It all belongs to the great HP author JK Rowling, and the people at Warner Brothers.


Chapter 1~ A Hidden Secret

Harry and Cho Chang have gotten very close since Cedric's death. Cho needed a shoulder to cry on, and who would be better than the famous Harry Potter? Surely not the teachers or her friends. They wouldn't understand as much. Harry had a mad crush on Cho ever since his third year at Hogwarts. Even though Cho was a year older, they are still close friends.

Every student and teacher was in the Great Hall having dinner. Draco Malfoy and his best friends/followers, Crabbe and Goyle, were sitting at the Slytherin table trash talking about Dumbledore and school events. Then something caught Draco's eye. He stared across the Great Hall to the Gryffindor table where he found Cho sitting next to Harry laughing and talking. Draco narrowed his eyes a little in disgust.

"Look at those two! They act like they're dating!" Draco said spitefully.

"Haven't you heard?" Goyle asked surprised. Draco usually knows all the rumors and gossip going around. "They are dating."

"Since when? Are muggles flying on broomsticks already?" Draco asked half angry and annoyed, and half joking. He smirked and snorted a little at the joke.

"Since y-yesterday." Crabbe stuttered out the answer. He was scared of Draco even if they were best friends. "Harry asked her out yesterday after lunch." Draco narrowed his eyes again. But this time he narrowed them into little slits. He felt more disgusted, annoyed, and angry then ever at Harry. But he felt it even more at the mere fact that Harry actually had the courage to ask Cho out, and she said yes! Then Draco pictured them walking hand in hand. He shook the thought out of his head.

"I bet you that Cho doesn't even like Potter. She just feels sorry for him that his stupid helpless parents are dead, and that he's now a helpless orphan who lives with muggle relatives who treat him like crap!" Draco was so frustrated. Crabbe and Goyle stayed silent. They knew that when Draco was mad, you shouldn't mess with him. Especially because he's a Malfoy, and the Malfoys are known to be very aggressive when they're angry. He was still looking in Cho and Harry's way. Just then, Cho looked back at Draco and smiled. Their eyes met and locked. For a moment it felt as if time had stopped and they were the only two people in the room. Draco didn't notice, but he smiled that devilish but soft smile back at her. They just gazed and smiled at each other for a long time without them noticing what they were doing. They did this for so long that they didn't hear the other students get up and leave. Almost half of the room was empty. Cho got out of the trance when Harry nudged her and said, "Let's go." She blinked surprised and was a little embarrassed. She got up and left. By doing so, she brought Draco out of the trance. He too was also surprised and embarrassed. He told Crabbe and Goyle to stop stuffing cakes and candy in their robes and left. Bye 7:00 pm, the Great Hall was empty, and the students went to their dormitories.

Cho walked with Harry to the staircases, said their goodbyes, hugged, then departed. She walked to the Ravenclaw common room. It was warm inside. Cho sat on one of the couches closest to the fireplace and thought. After a moment, she stood up, walked the girls' dormitory, took her diary, a quill, and ink, and went back to the common room. It was quiet and peaceful until Penelope Clearwater, a prefect who was also in Ravenclaw, came into the common room.

"You should go to bed. Everyone else is." Penelope said with tired eyes and a yawn.

"Yes, I know." Cho replied. " But it's not that late. Only 8:00. Why don't you go to bed? You look like you haven't slept for days."

"Do I look that awful? Ugh. I've been like this for days. I've been staying up 'til 1:00 in the morning studying for an exam this Friday. Since I'm also a prefect, I have to get up earlier then everyone else." Penelope's eyes were about to close.

"Wow. You're a hard worker." Cho said. She was also kind of hoping Penelope would leave she he can write in her diary.

"Yeah." Penelope's head was bobbing up and down. "Hey, what've you got there? " Her eyes slowly strolled to the diary.

"Oh, it's just.nothing. A book." Cho said nervously trying to make something up, but Penelope already knew what it was.

" A diary isn't it? " She smiled. "I've got one myself. Don't worry, there's nothing embarrassing about it. I'll be back in say. half and hour? Will you be done writing then? "

"Um, sure." Cho answered.

"Good." Penelope then got up and left. Cho opened her diary, thought about what happened that day, and started writing.

Dear Diary,

Day 2 as Harry and I are still an item. I know it sounds like I'm not happy with him, but I am. He's been a great help to me. He's been there for me when Cedric died (I still miss him), he comforted me, and always cheered me up. Now, thanks to him, I feel a whole lot better. Harry is such a great friend. Ron and Hermione are lucky to have him as a best friend. Today was almost the same. I had to sit through the same classes as usual. It's just that there's something different about today. I don't know what it is. Okay, maybe I do know what it is. Fine, I'll tell you. Ready? Okay. It's just that today at dinner, something really amazing happened. If I tell you what happened, then I have to tell you something else. Okay, I was sitting with Harry at the Gryffindor table just talking. Then it felt like someone was watching me. I looked over at the Slytherin table, and saw Draco Malfoy looking right at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I was a little surprised. His smile was sweet and soft. I've never seen him like that before. He actually looked.nice. Which is a real shock considering he's a Malfoy. Draco and I were just sitting there gazing at each other and smiling. Even though he was across the room, I could see his eyes. They weren't gray as everyone else. Instead they were an ocean blue color that looked so deep. It's like he had clear blue lakes as eyes! It was breathtaking. It was so amazing that I just kept looking into them without me noticing what I was doing. I also didn't notice that Draco was doing the same. He was looking into my eyes. I thought he would look away, but didn't. We shared a... I don't know. I can't really explain. I guess we shared a beautiful moment. Now I need to tell you the other thing. I've kept this secret for a long time. My close friends, who I trust with my life, don't know. If I tell them, they would laugh or think I was mad. Even Harry doesn't know. Well, of course I won't tell Harry. It has to do with him and a certain person he absolutely hates. Besides, it would break his heart. The only two people that know this secret are me, and God. I've liked Draco since I was a third year. At that time he was a second year. I don't know. I guess it was a little girl's crush. I thought he was very cute. When he first came to Hogwarts, I didn't have a care in the world for him. But, when his first year was over, summer passed, and Draco came back to Hogwarts for his second year, I was completely shocked. I barely recognized him! He was probably the only one out of all the second years who changed so much. Draco had gotten taller, and looks more. mature and grown up. Only his looks changed. I don't mean anything against him, but even if he looks more grown, his attitude hasn't changed much. He's still tormenting people (Harry most of course), trash talks, and plays jokes. Now he's a fifth year, more grown, and in my opinion cuter than ever. The older he gets, the cuter he becomes. But again, his attitude is still the same. Draco might be getting crueler and crueler every year! Maybe he'll become like his so called father Lucius! I really hope not. There are rumors going around that Lucius beats Draco. If it's true, then I feel so sorry for him. Even though Lucius beats him, Draco still loves him. I really don't know why, but maybe it's because he has a bigger heart. I just know Draco will grow up to be a much better person than Lucius. OH my god! I sound like I'm in love with Draco! I don't love him. I don't love him! I just think he's cute. That's all. Okay, I'm with Harry. I love Harry. I care for Harry. Hold on, if I'm saying and thinking this, then why don't I feel that way towards him? Do I really love and care for Harry? What am I saying! Of course I do! Really! I just thought about Draco too much, that's all. Besides, why would he like me, Cho Chang, a Ravenclaw. Everyone says he likes Pansy. She's a Slytherin too, and really pretty. Long blonde hair.Draco and Pansy were meant for each other. So I'll just forget about him. I

Cho was interrupted by Penelope who walked in the common room.

"Time's up Cho. You really should get to bed. It's 9:00." Penelope said almost angrily.

"Okay, let me just close my entry. Then I'll go." Cho didn't want to argue with her. Penelope was already really tired from only 30 minutes of studying, and didn't want to get to her bad side.

"Fine, make it quick." Penelope snapped, but in a soft way. "Sorry Cho. I don't mean to be a grouch, but I'm really tired." Cho nodded in understanding and closed her entry.

I'll write later. I've had a ton more to say, but I forgot now. Penelope wants me to got to bed. Bye for now.

She closed her diary, grabbed her quill and ink, and left. She walked quietly into the girls' dormitory being careful not to wake anyone. Then she changed into her nightclothes. Cho paused for a moment and walked to the window. She looked down at the snow-covered grass. It was twinkling in the moonlight. She grinned at no reason at all and looked up at the night sky. Cho turned her grin into a smile. After a minute, she jumped into her bed and fell asleep instantly. The smile still on her face. That night, she dreamed of herself flying on a broomstick over Hogwarts, then over the dark forest. It was a beautiful sight. But she wasn't alone. There was one other person with her on the broomstick. A boy. He was clutching her tight so that she wouldn't tip over and fall. He had a very soft touch. Cho looked into his eyes. They were calm and gentle which was out of the ordinary. He spoke softly to her, but she couldn't understand what he was saying. She didn't care. All that mattered to Cho was that she was happy.


Author's Note: So, what did you think? I'm sorry if it was a little boring. Like I said, it'll get better. Promise. Pleas r/r! You can put flames. It'll probably help my story!