A/N: Thanks for checking this out! This fic wasn't supposed to happen, but I had this burning desire to write a fic for this game and a one-shot didn't cut it...so here we are. I'm a full-time senior in college, so I don't know how often updates will happen, especially with my other story...but I'll do my best. Chapters will be shorter than I normally write but...well, let me know if you want them longer...or at all, haha! I hope you enjoy it!
Edit: Changed/added text to make it a little more involved. Will be editing these first eight chapters over the next couple days before I proceed!
Evelynne stared down at the palms of her scarred hands, something she did often as of late. She had so many that it was impossible to remember how they all came to be. Some of them were thin and white, nearly invisible against her pale skin. Others were red and wide. Burns, cuts, scrapes...all because of her curse. They littered her entire body. Balling her hands into fists, she closed her eyes and frowned, memories flashing just behind her eyelids.
It coursed through its host, promising power. A carrier of magic couldn't renounce it. It was always there, tingling in their veins, building up and forcing release if ignored for too long. Some, like those who spoke quietly several feet away from her, counted magic as a blessing. Others, however...
At first, she had just been called crazy. Her adoptive parents were the first. They were the reason she was taken to the hospital. They were the reason she stayed there for thirteen years. It was there that crazy turned into possessed . Evelynne scowled, recalling the nurse that claimed she was a demon. No one ever wanted to hear it was an accident. She didn't mean to make the crappy TV in the rec center blow up. She didn't want to hurt her first and last roommate.
Evelynne brought a hand up to brush back her short black hair as she looked up. The sun was steadily sinking, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink. If she turned, she would see the moon beginning to show itself. This was by far her favorite time of day. The heat from the sun was beginning to give way, a gentle breeze blowing through the trees and caressing her skin. She let out a sigh, closing her eyes as goosebumps raised on her arms and a chill flashed through her.
She had been free for six months, and she could still hardly believe it...but she was running. They were always running. The group that had helped her escape was made up of magic-supporters. Magic was rare, these days. Most people under the age of sixty denied its existence. But some still believed. They had been following her story for a few years, and decided to help her.
She hadn't known how to feel about that, but certainly was thankful for their assistance. She had no intention of dying in that awful place.
Unfortunately, no one knew how to help her here, either. She had little control over her magic, only able to hold it back until it became too strong, or she too unfocused. The people she traveled with knew to be cautious, and had discovered what signs to look for.
She would become quiet, restless, and the kicker…
Her eyes would glow.
It was only a slight shine, her blue-gray eyes burning silver, but it was an undeniable sign. It happened whenever her magic manifested itself. They all knew to give her space, when that happened.
Lest they be in danger, despite her efforts to avoid them.
Aside from these bimonthly episodes of varied intensity, Evelynne couldn't remember ever feeling so happy. She couldn't get enough of the outside world, having been forbidden from exploring the hospital grounds at a young age. She had been lucky to stand in front of an open window. The travelers she had joined seemed to understand. Their group was too poor to afford any permanent housing. If they weren't in a motel, they were camping, and they never stayed in one place for more than two weeks.
She often took first watch, staying up until midnight to enjoy the night. Sure, the sky was pretty during the day. But at night...it truly seemed endless. The stars stretched on forever, and the moon…. it was so beautiful.
She wondered briefly how long she would travel with the group, or if she would stay forever. With no home and no family…
Evelynne grimaced at the thought. Her real parents were unknown to her. She had been adopted at the age of two. She was treated well, until the incident when her magic first became known. Her adoptive parents had stopped visiting her three years after she had been admitted. But their son...her brother…Her hand flew up to the locket around her neck, thumbing the stars that dotted the tiny silver heart. She should try to find him, eventually.
Evelynne was torn from her thoughts as she heard a rustling sound several feet in front of her. In the rapidly dying light, Evelynne could see the shadow of a small person climbing the trail. Heart leaping up into her throat, Evelynne looked behind her at the tents set up around a dying fire. Everyone had gone to sleep, leaving her to her thoughts as usual. She pushed herself up from the ground, looking back at the trail to find the person gone. Curiosity and anxiety kept Evelynne rooted to the spot for several seconds, silently arguing with herself. Should she wake the others? Tell them of one small person passing by the camp? Or should she follow the person, and see what they were up to? After all, this mountain was supposed to be cursed. None of the locals would ever chance a trip, right?
Evelynne felt her heart racing in her chest as she made her decision, picking her bag up from the ground and tying her hoodie around her waist. She stepped as quietly as possible out of their camp and onto the trail as she slung the bag onto her shoulder. She began the climb, her eyes scanning the darkening trail for any sign of movement. After several minutes, she still had not found anyone. Thinking her mind was just playing tricks on her, she stopped, squinting through the shadows.
There it was! Up ahead, Evelynne could see the small silhouette. They had made it to the top of the mountain. With haste, she completed the climb, slightly out of breath by the time she reached the top. The light was almost gone now, the sky a dark tint of fading orange, purple, and dark blue. Several feet ahead of her was the small person, looking down at the ground.
She didn't know what possessed her to follow this person. In fact, it was as if every fiber of her being was telling her to turn back. Before she could act on it, however, she found herself calling out. "H-hey!" With a start, the person turned, and Evelynne was able to get a glimpse at their face. They seemed to be a child, though Evelynne couldn't tell if they were a boy or girl. They couldn't have been much over the age of ten. "What are you doing?" She asked, moving forward to talk to them. As she moved forward, however, they took a step back. She watched as they tripped, their arms flailing as they fell backwards. Instead of landing as she expected, they disappeared. Evelynne gasped, rushing forward and squinting at the ground. It was so dark now that she nearly stepped right into the giant hole in the ground. Instead, she dropped down to her knees and stared into it, hoping she would be able to see them. "Hey!" She called again, hoping to hear a reply. When none came, she felt her blood run cold. Were they dead? Evelynne pushed up from the ground, nausea churning her stomach this way and that.
Should she go to the town and call the police? What if someone recognized her? She knew the authorities were still looking for her...Should she go back to the group and ask for help?
She didn't know when she had started pacing, but she realized it a moment too late as her foot suddenly tugged against a root, her balance ripped from her as she fell forward. Her left shoulder slammed against the ground painfully and caused her to gasp out in pain, momentarily too distracted to realize she was rolling until it was too late. The earth disappeared from beneath her, leaving her falling. Stunned, Evelynne couldn't even scream as she flew down, air rushing past her and leaving her feeling breathless. Suddenly, flowers and rocks became visible to her, and she realized her fall was coming to an end. Letting out a shriek, she squeezed her eyes shut and held her arms out in front of her in a poor attempt to break her fall.
And then….everything stopped.
Thanks for reading! Let me know if you enjoyed it! Don't forget to leave a review!
P.S. - I'm moving this over from AO3, now that my issues with posting on this site seem to have stopped. The chapters fluctuate a lot, soo if you're disappointed by the length, don't be! :p