The cold night lingered on as the blizzard finally weakened after its devastating force was unleashed over the mountains. The snow fall ceased, the wind quieted and the air began to steadily warm as the rising sun finally broke through the thinning snow clouds overhead. The warm rays of the sun shined on the ice that coated the mountain range. A thousand crystalline lights dazzled the desolate mountain range in a bright array of colors and natural beauty.

Luigi roused from his much needed slumber, still feeling weak but less confused. Sitting up gently he lifted the blindfold from his eyes and slowly opened his heavy, tired eyelids. The blurs and obscure shadows began taking shape as his vision returned and focused. Turning his head he spotted Mario sleeping in the bed across to the left of his own.

"Mario!" Luigi clumsily climbed out of his bed and walked toward his brother. "Bro! Are you okay?"

Hearing Luigi's voice Mario woke up and stared at Luigi. "Luigi! You're awake!"

"Yeah, so are you! Are you alright? I'm sorry about-"

"Don't be sorry!" Mario cut Luigi off midsentence and smiled. "It's my fault we were up there, and it's my fault that I didn't watch my footing. Professor Gadd told me everything."

Luigi breathed a sigh of relief and put his hand on Mario's good shoulder. "I'm just glad you're okay."


Professor Gadd walked into the warm lab and brushed a layer of snow off his coat. "Brrr! It's still quite nippy outside. Oh good, you boys are awake!" Gadd strolled over toward Luigi and carefully looked at his face. "And I see your eyes have recovered from the snow-blindness, fantastic!"

"Professor," Mario rubbed at his sore arm. "how's the weather?"

"There's been a break in the storm! I took the liberty of tucking some supplies in a satchel and putting it on the saddle of a Snowshi. The herd is ready to move down the mountain and they'll carry you two down with them."

"Snowshis?" Mario was a little confused. "I thought I dreamed that part..."

Luigi laughed a little. "Nope! Those guys really saved us out there in the snow. We need to make sure to keep them safe, just like the Yoshi clan on the islands."

"Yeah, we really owe them." Mario agreed. "Can't let Bowser or anyone else try to take advantage of their compassionate nature and endurance."

Gadd nodded in approval. "Well said. Now, as soon as you're ready you can leave with the herd. It's best to leave before this evening as the storm will resume and you'll get caught up all over again!"

"Don't want that!" Luigi admitted a little nervously. "I'm tired of seeing snow, I want to see the sun and the beach!"

Though it was awkward Mario managed to get out of the bed and walk under his own power. His sprained knee had some time to heal but it was still sore and walking was cumbersome. "Okay... I'm good." Mario smiled. "Moving a little slow, but I'm okay."

Gadd jogged over to a large closet on the far side of the lab. "Before you go..." He began digging through the many items stored in the closet. "You'll need these!" He stepped out of the closet with two coats in his hands. One red, the other green. "Don't want you to get sick again."

Mario and Luigi took the offered coats and looked at each other a little perplexed.

"Are you sure we can have these?" Luigi asked, now wanting to leave Gadd alone in the mountain without a coat of his own to wear.

"Of course!"

Mario had a more interesting question to ask. "You just happened to have two extra coats that are our sizes and colors?"

"Yup!" Gadd smiled. "A good explorer is ALWAYS prepared! Always!"

Slipping on their new thick coats the brothers walked outside and into the bright light. Luigi put his hand up to shield his sensitive eyes as a Snowshi approached them, his body blocking out the light of the rising sun and casting a shadow over the two heroes.

Luigi squinted and recognized the leader. "Hey buddy." He put his hand on the Snowshi's nose. "Thanks for everything."

The Snowshi let out a happy chirp before sounding a call to summon the rest of the herd. It turned its attention back to the brothers, laying down on the snow so they could climb onto its back.

"Need help Mario?"

"Nah, I think I can handle this." He replied as he less than gracefully saddled up. "It wasn't pretty, but I'm ready!"

Luigi laughed a little and shook his head. "Right, well, let's go!" He climbed onto the Snowshi's back much easier than Mario and pulled the collar of his coat up to protect his ears.

The Snowshi herd marched in unison, working as a group to traverse the thick snow and break through the layer of ice that covered the ground. Following the sun the Snowshi's instinctively trekked the path toward the base of the mountain.

"Say Mario, think we could look for another map once we're back in the Mushroom Kingdom?"

"Really?" Mario was shocked to hear Luigi wanting to look for a new Warp Pipe, so soon. "We were almost killed looking for this one!"

"Doesn't mean we should give up. It just means we need to try harder. And to be more careful!"

"Well... Yeah! We can find a new map. AFTER we heal!"

"It's a deal!"

The Snowshi's sang a somber song that echoed through the mountains as they continued their journey to the base of the mountain. The two heroes were reunited, recovering and absolutely fearless in the face of danger.

Just another typical day for the Super Mario Bros.!

-The End