A/N: This is set in season one, although the exact time frame isn't set in stone. I'm assuming Wally already knows who Robin is as that was stated in one of the episodes.

Young Justice is a team with great talent. They can fight some of the worst super-villains without breaking a sweat, and even separately, they're formidable. Yet, despite all of the amazing team's talent, maturity isn't ranked amongst the highest of their skills. Even their leader, Kaldur'ahm has trouble maintaining stoic adult maturity for long periods of time. Which is why on a rainy Saturday with no missions in sight, it seems like the time to do the age old and questionably mature game, truth or dare.

The team sat in a circle in their living room, completely forgoing the couches. Everyone was excited except for Superboy who looked exceedingly confused. "I don't get this game, we just ask each other questions? Don't we do that already?" Conner asked.

"He's got a point, this is kinda stupid." The team's resident archer agreed. "But, I think this will be a great opportunity to find out who keeps stealing my lunch from the fridge." She glared straight at Wally, then took out an arrow and started polishing its sharp and perfectly reflective point. Wally slowly scooted closer to the exit.

M'gann glanced around the room, her emerald cheeks stained with happy red ovals. "Okay, how about Wally goes first since he's from Earth. Sorry Robin, but you already know most of our secrets."

"Okay, let me think." The speedster studied each protégé carefully. "I pick Kaldur. Truth or dare?"

"Truth, I think."

"Truth it is, who's your favorite person on the team?"

"Red Tornado." While Wally protested in the background, Kaldur began looking to see who'd he get to ask. "Artemis, Truth?" She nodded. "Were you actually sick during yesterday's training session?"

"Wait, I-I meant dare!" She said quickly.

"Fine. I dare you to do yesterdays training session today." Kaldur answered, slightly happier than he should be.

"Fine, when the games over though." She glared at the Atlantean. "Robin, truth or dare?"

"Truth." The youngest member answered.

"What's your back story?"

"Whoa!" Wally yelled, "you can't ask that!"

"Then he can pick dare, Baywatch." Artemis replied.

All eyes eagerly rested on Robin, waiting to hear his answer. Could this be the moment they all learn the truth?

"Well…" The Boy Wonder said. "I was born in a circus before being adopted by a multi-billionaire with a bat fetish, and my name is Dick." He looked around the room eagerly.

"Fine, don't tell us!" Artemis sniffed. "Please, Dick's the best name you can come up with? I guess that means dare. I dare you to-"

Robin put a finger to his ear.

Artemis stared at him. "No! You do not get out of this because of a Gotham mission, Bird-Brain!"

"Roger, Batman. ETA five minutes." Robin turned to his team mates. "Sorry guys, Arkham problems. Gotta go!"

Next thing they know the ninja was gone through the zeta-tubes.

"Gosh, that kid has some imagination." Artemis glared at the now empty transport. "But why pick such a stupid name like Dick? Does he not know what that means?"

The team shrugged, all except Wally who was turning red and dismissed himself before laughter spilled out.

Robin stepped through the Zeta-tube and changed out of his superhero uniform. After he carefully hung up his cape he walked through the bat cave, and up the stair case to the mansion. The stairwell was dark, the only illumination coming from the crack of the door at the top. When Dick had first started being Robin he'd constantly fall down the steps. It soon became a rule that Batman had to be in front of him whenever he walked down to the Bat Cave.

Dick opened the door which on the other side looked like a statue of (you'll never guess) a man holding a baby bat. Bruce Wayne sat on a sleek leather couch looking at a pile of documents when the young teen came in. The room he'd entered was a cozy library, with books, a desk, and a small fire place. Bruce rarely used the desk, much preferring the couch. When young eight year old Dick had questioned this, he'd answered that desks made grown-ups grumpy.

"So, which cover story this time. Arkham or the Joker?" Bruce eyed his ward.

Dick grinned a mischievous smile. "Arkham."

"You'd think they'd know by now that those are just excuses we use. Do they really think Arkham inmates can just waltz out whenever they want?"

Dick shrugged, "I guess they do. Besides, if the Justice League still believes that excuse what makes you think Young Justice would figure it out?"

Bruce chuckled. "I guess. What made you leave?"

"Truth or dare. They asked me what my back story is."

"Ah, so you left before you had to answer. Smart move, Dick." His mentor nodded approvingly.

"Um… Well, actually." Dick laughed nervously. "See I did give an answer."

The billionaire raised a questioning brow.

"I told them that I was born in a circus before being adopted by a multi-billionaire with a bat fetish, and I told them my name is Dick." Said boy looked at his mentor sheepishly. "They didn't believe me, they laughed at my name too." Dick's eyes turned sad.

Bruce got up and put a hand on his shoulder. "I think your name is perfect, Dick." The boy smiled at his mentor. "But you're still grounded."

"What?! But they didn't even believe me!" Dick exclaimed.

"Since you're such a math whiz I'll put it in an equation you can solve. Mentor plus Ward plus Ward saying 'Bat Fetish' equals what?"

"How about a new equation. Mentor grounding ward plus ward telling Alfred you throw out his packed lunches instead of eating them equals what?"

Bruce stared at the boy, a mixed look of exasperation and amusement adorned his chiseled features. "How about this one instead. Ward keeps his mouth shut plus mentor adding only thirty minutes to training instead of grounding equals what?"

"That equals 'deal'." Dick grinned.

"So, how about hand and eye coordination? Like basketball?"


The End.

A/N: Thanks for reading! If you have any suggestions of secrets you would like Robin to reveal either PM me or leave it in the comments section. The first two people to review will have the next chapter dedicated to them, however I will thank each person for reviewing this with a PM and or if you're a guest, in the authors notes!