Sasuke leaped in front of Sarada to shield her from the danger. "Saukra?! What's gotten into you?! Are you trying to kill our daughter?!"

"Oh sorry." Saukra smiled and scratched her head. "I thought you were Naruto. He's been showing up to the house every single day since you left. He's been bugging the crap out of me and asking me all sorts of questions. Like for instance, he wouldn't shut about when you all were coming home." Sakura peered over Sasuke's shoulders. "SARADA!"

Sarada ran into her Mother's arms. She hugged her tightly and didn't let go. Oh how much she missed her Mom, despite the both having buttheads for the longest times. Nothing felt for safer than knowing that she still had her Mother's love.

"Sarada! I missed you!" She reached across and slapped her across her cheek. "Why on Earth would you do something like that? Really, running away from the village?! What has gotten into you?!"

The girl was very appalled and so was her Father. She had just gotten home and her Mother was already unleashing her rage. Of course, this was her regular attitude on any given day. "Uh… well…" she began as she fumbled with her words. Her cheek started to sting with every word that came from her mouth. Her Mom sure knew how to pack a punch. "I was just… scared." Her voice quivered. "I didn't mean to kill ChoCho. All I remembered was sparring then this voice took over my head. It was telling all sorts of things like to kill and hate, but I did the best I could to ignore it! Also, people kept bullying me and about you guys. They would say things like you were useless, and that Dad was crappy man. I just felt super mad and I guess I lost control. I didn't think you both would love since I killed someone…" The girl burst into tears.

"Never honey! No matter what happens, your Papa and I will always love you. Things like this happen all the time to people." She embraced her daughter close to her heart. "Look honey, yes, we are still very angry at you for running away and disrespecting us, the Hokage, and your fellow peers, but at the moment, we are very relieved to finally have you home. This doesn't mean that you are off the hook for your punishment, understand?"

Sarada nodded her head slowly. "Yes, Mama. I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"It's okay sweetie. I'm just glad you're back home. I was worried sick about you! How about I make you both some lunch? Afterwards, we are taking you to Uncle Naruto's Office. You have lots of apologizing to do." Sakura walked halfway through the doorway, stopped and turned around. "Sarada, you do know what that voice in your head was right?"

"Of course I do. Uncle Itachi told me all about it!" Sarada gave her parents a radiant smile. "There's no need to worry."

Saukra and Sasuke looked at each other with perplexed looks. Sasuke placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Your Uncle told you? When was this and how did you see him?"

"Right after you stabbed me. Remember when you pulled that Genjustsu on me? I saw him in my dream."

The pink haired woman's eyes lit up like balls of fire. "SASUKE, YOU PULLED A WHAT ON OUR DAUGHTER?! YOU STABBED HER?! SHANNAROOO!" She clenched her fists and huffed with fury.

Sasuke glared at the girl with his weapons of mass destruction. Sarada couldn't help but to laugh nervously. "Sorry Papa…" She said as her Mother blew up on her Father. At that moment, the girl realized that she was back to her usual cozy life in Konoha.

After the Uchiha family had finished eating their meal, they set off to see the Hokage. As they walked down the streets of the village, man citizens and ninjas began to eye the family with either disgust or friendly smiles. To Sarada, it didn't matter whether they smiled or hated them because she had her Mama and Papa. No one else mattered but them.

As soon as the young Uchiha arrived to the 7th's office, she immediately apologized and begged for forgiveness. She was sure that he would be furious, but this wasn't the case. Like the loving and compassionate man he was, he had forgiven the girl of all her wrong doings. But even so, like the voice in her head had said a couple times, every action has it's consequence. The Hokage wasn't going to ban her of becoming a shinobi, but instead, he had declared that Sarada had to miss the upcoming Chunin exam, since she didn't not make Chunin the last year. Grateful for the punishment, the girl bowed and thanked him.

Finally, she was dismissed after several hours of various explanation's and apologies. When she was pacing around Konoha, she ran into ChoCho's parents at the grave site, where ChoCho was buried. Her eyes rapidly filled themselves with hot tears and regret. What surprised her the most was instead of scolding her, the Akimichi family loved on her. They embraced and cried with her as they sat near ChoCho's grave. Naruto had explained to them what the situation. Although they didn't quite understand why the girl did such a thing, that didn't stop them from mourning together. They loved her a much as they did ChoCho. They always treated her like their own and they will continue to do so.

Sarada stood in front of her Uncle's grave. The words "Itachi Uchiha" were carved neatly into the slab of stone. A lone white rose laid across it. She couldn't help to think what her Uncle was like back then. Apparently he killed his own clan for the sake of the village, went rogue, joined the Akatsuki, and died while fighting her Papa. If she knew one thing, he was a noble man who loved the village with all his heart. One day, she was going to strive to be like him and it was a fact. Still, her dream in becoming the Hokage were still at heart, but after meeting her Uncle for several minutes, she admired him.

"Thank you Uncle Itachi." Sarada smiled softly. Even though she never met the man, she loved him with all her heart.

A small bush behind her rustled. She turned to see a boy in blonde hair standing with his arms crossed behind his back. He pulled them forward to his body and in hand, he held up a small pink tulip. "Here." Boruto handed her the delicate flower as he blushed. "I thought I'd give you this to cheer you up. You looked a bit down and I thought that you'd like this."

Astounded, Sarada took the flower. Her cheeks slightly turned pink. "Thanks-s Boruto…" She couldn't help but to grin. "You shouldn't have."

"Well, I don't get the wrong idea or anything, but I'm just looking out for you. You had me worried sick." He hid his face with a scarf that was wrapped around his neck. "Don't scare me like that."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do." Her eyes met the ground. "Hey Boruto, sorry for stabbing you at the valley. It's understandable if you hate me for it."

"Tch, you think I hate you? If not, it's the opposite. I kinda sorta like you... A lot." His voice cracked as he confessed. "I don't ever want you to think that you're alone in this. You know, you have me. I'm your teammate and I care about you."

"Thanks. I really like you too. I'll keep that in mind for next time." She closed her eyes and held the flower close to her heart. "I really do owe you one Boruto. Sorry for all the trouble."

Boruto looked away as his face turned completely red. He stuck his hand out to the kunoichi. "Let's go. We have training to get to." Sarada nodded her head and took his hand. The two Genins ran into the forest and headed off to meet up with the rest of the group.

What about me…

Sarada slowed down to a complete stop. What about you, she thought.

Aren't you forgetting me…

"Sarada? What's wrong?" Boruto asked.

"It's nothing." She smirked. "I'll race you to Konohamaru Sensei." She took off into a sprint.

"As if I'll let you win!" Boruto darted right after her.

Tsk… What a pathetic girl…

"Sorry, but I have use in talking to you." Sarada whispered as she raced to the village. The voice that she had listened to for so long had disappeared. There was only one thing that was on her mind, it was becoming Hoakge. She vowed from then on to protect the ones she loved from any forms of danger. There was nothing going to stop her, not even that pesky voice.

Sarada… Her conscious called out as it dissipated into the depths of the small, but dark hole in her heart. It would stay there asleep until when the girl would call out to her, seeking for revenge.




Well, It's finally finished! I just happened to mash up about two chapters in one because I didn't want to drag the story any longer x) Thanks so much for reading! I actually just started writing another fanfic, but I'm not going to be posting for several weeks due to the amount of school work and work (Or so I say xD ). Maybe I'll post the first chapter later on within the next week or two and see how you all like it. :)