A/N: I don't own anything in the Teen Wolf universe, only own my OC's. Not sure if I'll be continuing because of time restraints. Maybe eventually or when a particularly large muse hits.

((&&* in which we don't get paid

"I can't believe you hooked up with him, I mean seriously? You could do a little better than second string anyway, but I don't get the big deal." Raven said, applying makeup to the marks on to her friend's neck.

"These are crazy though, no puppy tilts today, you'll expose them." Raven warned, the black haired girl only glared.

"Those are unintentional and I still don't like you having a name for that." Shayla but back, adjusting the collar on her bomber jacket.

"What else can you call this?" Raven asked, tilting her head to one side and making a pout. After a second she added a dog whimper before Shayla nudged her to stop.

"I don't really care about him being second string- you know that. I'm just not interested in being picked second and I just found out he's kind of borderline obsessed with Lydia Martin, like Beyoncé crazy in love with her." Shayla said, hopping down from the bathroom sink and applying her matte lipstick.

"What guy isn't?" Raven asked, giving her an incredulous look as they walked out of the school bathroom.

"Not the guys I get with." Both the girls laughed, obvious of Scott and Stiles just around the corner listening to them.

"She thinks I'm obsessed with Lydia?" Stiles said, almost shocked.

"In her defense she heard it from Carson and last year you were kind of obsessed with Lydia." Scott said, giving his best friend a look.

"But-I'm not anymore, I'm moved on. I-" Stiles saw the look Scott gave him. "I am, she's- Lydia's in love with Jackson and I'm- I have to move on." he said, it was something he had been saying all summer and he was pretty sure it was the truth now.

"Maybe you should talk to her, ask her out or something." Scott said before Allison and Lydia came up to the pair of boys. They were coming up from behind Stiles so he hadn't noticed them yet.

"Yeah, I'll just go up to her, 'Hey Shayla, I don't know if you remember me but we made out last night, want to go out to a movie? Oh I'm also best friends with a werewolf, the one that doesn't drink.' Yeah that'll go swell." Stiles snarked, Allison's eyebrows raised almost to her hairline.

"Stiles got with Shayla, like Shayla Garrison?" Allison asked, Stiles whipped around looking back and forth from both the girls and running a hand over his face.

"No- I mean yes but- why what do you know?" he said, truthfully he didn't know much about her. They'd gone to school together but they'd been in different cliques.

"I know she dated a senior, Jason, last year. They broke up and she's been rejecting ever since. Really a shame, since she's so hot. A little too...rebellious for my taste." Lydia said, examining her nails. After this morning of being shut down by Derek she wasn't feeling great. She knew the marks meant something, and Allison seemed to think so too. The strange woman who left the marks of their skin was missing and she felt helpless.

"She's part of a band I think, I had to do a project with her last semester, she's pretty nice." Allison added, she was excited for Stiles. She was even more excited that he seemed to be moving on from Lydia, since Lydia had been going on a boy rampage and the last thing she wanted to see was for Stiles to continue pining over her while watching her get with other boys.

"I'm so out of my league." Stiles said, banging his head against the locker.

Shayla was walking to lunch, speed walking actually, Owen brought his mom's cookies to school today and she wanted to snag one before Raven ate them all.

"Shayla! Hey, wait up!" Stiles yelled, his backpack flopping against his back as he tried to catch up with the small girl. Shayla furrowed her eyebrows before turning around seeing Stiles almost in front of her.

"Hey, what's up?" Shayla greeted, slowing her pace so they could walk together. She was only partly surprised that he'd come up to her. She's hooked up with plenty of guys, they usually didn't bother talking afterward. And if they did she sent them packing.

"U-Hi. I just, hey." Stiles replied, a small smile on his face. Shayla returned the smile but narrowed her eyes at him.

"You okay?" she asked, adjusting her scarf, Stiles was going to reply before he saw the mark on her neck, his eyes widened.

"I-your neck-I mean-" he sputtered, stopping walking completely.

"Yeah, you kind of leave the darkest marks, this is with makeup on. No biggie." Shayla said, flipping her hair back over in an attempt to cover it at much as possible. She leaned against the lockers before laughing at his expression, Stiles looked like a goldfish.

"You sick?" she asked, stepping closer to him to put the back of her hand on his forehead, after a few seconds she took her hand off, seeing as she made Stiles turn almost completely red.

"You don't have a fever," Shayla concluded, it looked like he had to reboot. Letting out a laugh as he finally seemed to snap back into reality after an awkward silence. "I think I'm going to go." she finished, starting to back away.

"I'm not in love with Lydia." he said, Shayla froze, not only confused but a little weirded out. "I mean, Allison heard you in the bathroom and you said that and it's not true. I don't, I wanted to actually ask you something." Shayla stepped towards Stiles as he spoke, continuing to move towards him while he started talking again. She noticed they were alone in the hallway, all the students were probably already at lunch.

"I know, we haven't really talked, but that's actually why I wanted to- maybe we can get to know each other, like sober." Stiles continued, Shayla nodded, now only a few inches away from him.

"Is that-" Stiles didn't get to finish since Shayla stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his.

"It's a yes then?" Stiles asked, his eyes darting back and forth between Shayla's eyes and lips. Her whimsical giggle brought a lopsided grin to his face. Shayla put her hand on the back of his neck and kissed him again, this time he got to respond. He put his arms around her waist, lifting her up a few inches before putting her down. Stiles pressed her against the lockers, she tugged on his bottom lip, smiling as she heard his breath hitch. She separated herself from him and picked up her bag which somehow got on the ground.

"That's a maybe." she said, walking away after she saw his mouth slightly part in confusion.

"You're going to kill him." Lance said, Shayla rolled her eyes. It's been a week since their hallway meeting and she's been avoiding him ever since.

"Absence makes the heart to fonder." Raven replied, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Stop, I just want to be sure." Shayla said, taking a bite of her salad.

"Sure of what? Beacon Hills has people dying left and right and you're going to die without boning Stilinski." Raven said, referring to Heather. Only yesterday it was discovered that Heather was dead. She had gone missing the night of the party and now that she knew she was dead Shayla felt awful about leaving her a nasty voicemail about getting paid. Plus with Erica and Boyd missing, Beacon Hills didn't exactly scream safe anymore.

"Did you see his face yesterday in gym?" Raven asked him.

"He looked like a homeless puppy, you actually ran away from him, while he was talking."

"Stop talking, I'm begging you." Shayla said, practically groaning as Stiles came into the lunchroom.

"He's looking again isn't he?" Shayla asked, looking down at her salad.

"He's doing more than just looking, he's coming over here." Lance said just a few seconds before Stiles got to them.

"Shayla, I need to talk to you." Stiles said, a worried look on his face. She nodded, walking out of the cafeteria and into an empty classroom. Shayla knew a conversation was going to happen. After Jason broke her heart into tiny little pieces she finally got all the glue to dry. She wasn't sure if she wanted to risk it all again right when she felt whole again.

"What's up sugarplum?" Shayla asked, hoisting herself on the teacher's desk. Her black hair cascading down her back.

"Was Heather a virgin?"

"Excuse me?" Shayla asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"I just-do you know?" Stiles asked, running a hand over his face in frustration. Shayla remembered what Lance told her, how Heather wanted to lose her virginity that night- then about how she completely ditched him when he went to get cups for the wine. Her pause lasted too long as Stiles grabbed her shoulder.

"Uh- I don't think that's my place-"

"Shayla if you know, please tell me, I promise it's important." He said, almost as if he was speaking to a child.

"Yeah Stiles, she was. Do you need anything else?" Shayla said, the words didn't feel right, it wasn't her body to talk about.

"No, well I also wanted to talk to you abou-"

"You're not going to ask me on a date after asking about a dead girl's virginity." Shayla said, hopping off the desk and not looking back. Something she seemed to be doing a lot of lately.

It was game night. Game night meant Lance, his little sister and parents came over to the Garrisons to play Scene It, Risk, and Life. His sister and her little brother were both 10 and got along swimmingly, plus their parents really seemed to like the break.

"What did Stilinski talk to you about anyway? When you can back you were all moody." Lance whispered as the movie clip played.

"Nothing, just a failed attempt to ask me out." Shayla covered, it was mostly true.

"You should do it." Shayla raised her eyebrow, pressing her lips together.

"Ask him out- what's the worst that could happen?" He asked before Shayla's mom jumped up, getting the answer correct.

"Why the hell not."