A FNAF Reality


Chapter 14: Aftermath



I drifted in darkness. Time didn't seem to exist where I was. I moved through the black world as if I were swimming lazily through murky water. Moving in a slow, dance like motion. I didn't know where I was, or where I was going. Nothing seemed to make sense as shapes began to twist and move together. Then they began to form into familiar objects. Finally into a scene I never wanted to see again. The pizzeria. My feet made contact with the tile ground while my body shivered from the bitter cold in the dark pizzeria.

The main dining area was covered in blood. The whole floor was covered in thick blood that went up to my ankles, while it dripped from the walls and the ceiling. Lifeless bodies were seen in the blood, scattered about and distorted all over the ground. I instantly felt my throat close up and couldn't breathe as my eyes scanned across the place. I took a step backwards, but I moved in slow motion as I did so, turning around. A green exit sign glowed a couple yards away from me. My legs felt weak as I tried walking towards the glowing green exit sign. The closer I got to it, the more I began to notice blood dripping down across it till it was covered up.

I continued towards it anyways and tried feeling for the door.

Suddenly, I felt something grip my shoulder and dig its sharp claws into me. I tried to scream, but didn't have any air inside me. I turned my head around and strained my eyes up to the dark figure behind me. A light came on and I was able to see who stood behind me. It was the killer. His whole body inside the costume looked like a rotten corpse, revealing the grinning skull with maggots crawling all over it. Yet, the suit moved freely as if it were alive on its own. Black thread was seen criss- crossing over some places and threading through the corpse as well. Lacing and knotting the two separate beings together. Binding them into one.

I felt his claws dig deeper into my flesh till I felt my blood seep out and drip down my shoulder. I struggled, but it was no use. The killer/Golden Freddy laughed a deep, demonic laugh as it grabbed me by the neck with its other hand and lifted me off the ground. I tried gasping for air, but instead felt the rest of the air in my lungs escape out. I clawed my fingernails into the fake, course yellow fur before meeting the pools of black that were the eyes of the suit.

Two small glowing white orbs appeared floating within the black sockets of the suit. The suit grinned, revealing long sharp teeth. The face of the mask began to look more skull like, with the thin lines going past the teeth and along the upper and lower law. It grinned down at me maliciously. Terrified, I shoved its grotesque face away from mine. I heard the sound of the threads snapping away and unlacing. The Golden Freddy head came flying off and disappeared in the pitch black void. In its place, was a corpse head. Its head looked down and its sunken eyes were closed. Then it slowly lifted its head up to me. The killer's corpse. It opened its mouth, causing blood to spill out through the teeth. The corpse leaned out of the suit and came towards me. I cringed as I tried kicking the suit to release me, but my legs were still very weak like a doll made of fabric.

The corpse's mouth was open while it came at me, gnashing his teeth at me and reaching its bony fingers towards me. "Game Over," I heard him say before he came at me with a mouth full of sharp knives for teeth-

I woke up screaming as I sat bolt upright. Tears streamed down my face as I shifted wildly where I sat in the darkness. Instantly assuming I was still in the pizzeria, I got up and started moving. The light instantly came on, just as I fell. I landed on my hands, while my legs were tangled in white sheets. I was in a bed. I breathed heavily as my sensitive eyes got used to the light. I found myself in a small room with bright white walls. A pair of arms grabbed me and lifted me up. I screamed and fought, moving my arms violently and kicking the air.

The person holding me released me onto the bed and told me to calm down. I turned and found a man in his thirties with short dark curly hair, caramel colored skin and glasses. He wore a pale blue shirt and pants. From his familiar attire, I assumed he was a nurse. I looked at his name on his nametag and had a hard time pronouncing it in my head.

Once he saw that I was calmed down, the nurse grabbed a box of tissues from behind him on a counter, and handed it to me. "Are you allright?" he asked me. I blinked as I stared at the tissues, then realized my eyes and face were wet with my tears. I pulled one of the tissues from the box and wiped my eyes and cheeks with it. "No," I admitted to him as I turned my head slightly away from him.

He gave me another tissue. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I heard you screaming...were you having a nightmare?" he asked me. I didn't respond as I looked around the small white room. After a while, I looked back to him. "Where am I?" I asked him. He told me the number of the room I was in and the name of the hospital, which I instantly forgot. I noticed near the foot of my bed were a bunch of balloons and a couple vases of flowers on the table counter under the cabinets.

At first I didn't understand what I was doing at the hospital, and why there were flowers and gifts at the base of the bed. I felt my mind drawing a blank to what had happened. I asked the male nurse why I was here. He told me that I had been here for about three days and I was brought in by the paramedics with severe cuts and I wasn't breathing. I felt ill as the memories of Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria came back to me. The killer. The knife. All the blood...

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door, causing me to tense up. A dark skinned female doctor came in, wearing a crisp clean white doctor's coat over a grey and blue skirt and buttoned shirt underneath. Her hair was jet black and curly and was tied up in a bun. I instantly looked at her nametag and saw her name was Jenita.

"Hello Ren. My name is Jenita Hoffman," she said as she held out her hand for me to shake. My arm hesitated as I lifted it up and attempted to shake her hand. Once the greeting was over with, she spoke to me in a calm voice. I took a slow shaky breath and tried calming down in the new environment I was in. I turned to my left and looked out the window, past the blinds. The sun was beginning to set as I looked out a couple stories up.

The male nurse finally left once the doctor began to check my vitals and my bandages I didn't realize I had till Dr. Jenita touched the side of my temple with chilly hands. Once she was done, she gave me a cup of water and told me that my food would be coming soon. Once she was done, she left, leaving me alone in the room. I sighed and laid my head against my pillow.

As I did, my muddled mind wandered back to the dark place that now haunted my mind. I tried pushing it away from me, but it continued coming back. Hours later, when it became dark, I couldn't sleep. Every dark silhouette reminded me of the killer. The footsteps outside my door didn't make things any better. It finally got to me where I jumped out of bed and ran out of my room and down the dimly lit hallways in my hospital outfit.

I didn't really know where I was or where I was running to, but I didn't care at the moment. I went to a small reception desk that was lit by one light above in the ceiling. I stayed there till a male doctor saw me huddled at the base of the desk and asked who I was and which room I came from. I didn't answer him as I cried in my arms. Eventually, I was brought back to my room and was checked again and given some medicine to help me sleep. I asked for the doctors to keep the lights on. They did, but it didn't help much since the light was harsh and white. On top of that, the nightmares still came.

I stayed up the rest of the night, crying...

The next morning, I got a lot of visitors. My parents, and other family members were there. They hugged me and cried in relief, happy that I was ok. Truthfully, I wasn't ok. I was the total opposite of ok, but of course I couldn't tell them, and I didn't feel like telling them what happened on my birthday. Thankfully they didn't bring it up and talked about other things. I was happy to see them. So when they left, I felt a sudden pain in my heart when they had to leave when visiting hours were over. I didn't want them to leave. I couldn't stand the idea of being left alone.

"You need to rest," Jenita told me when she came to see me. I argued against her and told her I didn't need rest, and that I wanted to go home. She told me that I had lost a lot of blood and had got a concussion. The doctors needed to make sure I was allright before they sent me back home. I fought against her again, and when she gripped my arm, my mind instantly flashed back to when the killer gripped my arm. I screamed and lost it. I kicked and thrashed wildly.

I remembered seeing men in white come in and pin me down to the bed, then I felt a sharp pain in my right arm. After a couple minutes, I began to feel really tired and my eyes began to close shut and my whole mind was instantly swallowed up in that familiar darkness...

Soon after, I was haunted to yet another nightmare.

I opened my eyes and found that it was dark. The only part that I was able to see was through empty eye sockets. It took me to moment to realize that I was looking at the empty black eye sockets of one of the animatronics. The little dim light that allowed me to see showed that the animatronic was purple. Bonnie. I gasped and attempted to move away, when I did, the sockets moved too. I started to get scared and moved again. When I did, I felt a shape pain in my arms and legs. I stopped and cried out as thin, sharp metal pieces began to sink into my flesh. I turned my head slightly and cried out again. As I did, I noticed that the sockets did too. That's when I came to the horrific conclusion...I was inside the animatronic. I was Bonnie.

I screamed and tried waking up, but I couldn't. I moved around wildly and continued to scream. The more I moved, the more I felt the metal pieces in the suit tear into me. Blood flowed like waterfalls down my body as I tried escaping the suit.

I stopped when I heard the familiar low chuckle in front of me. I straightened up and looked through the darkness. It was the killer. He was still inside his stitched up Golden Freddy suit. He placed his hands behind his back as he inspected me, moving his head up and down. "Hello, Bonnie," he said.

I screamed myself awake and found myself on the floor. My legs dangled above my head, resting on the bed. There was no clock anywhere so I guessed it was around midnight when the drugs had worn off. I stayed up the rest of the night...


A couple days after my incident, I was taken to a therapist to talk about the incident, the constant nightmares, and whatever was on my mind. I didn't talk a lot since I was unable to say things without crying and curling up into a shivering ball. The therapist was nice and said that we didn't have to talk about it until I was ready. Deep down I doubted I would ever be allowed to talk about it. It was not something you wanted to talk about and relive through again.

The lack of sleep didn't help either as I began to "hallucinate," having moments where even though I was awake, I was still seeing disturbing visions. I started to see rivers of blood flowing down the hallways in the hospital, Janet, Shaina, Shy, Jose, Stephanie, Alfredo and Eddie standing at the base of my bed with pitch black sockets; the killer leaning over me, grinning down at me while he pulled out his knife and began to gut me like a fish on the bed.

The doctors gave me stronger doses of my medication to help me sleep better at night, and get rid of the hallucinations. It helped a little bit, but it still wasn't enough to help get rid of the painful dark memories. I wished that there was a way to make me forget my birthday. Forget everything that happened. To forget that there was even a Five Nights At Freddy Pizzeria.

Miraculously, I found out from my parents that Scott Cawthon was getting rid of the pizzeria. Apparently, my parents, and the parents of every victim that died in the hands of the killer, they contacted Scott himself and demanded for him to destroy the pizzeria, or they would sue and make sure he got life in prison. Scott Cawthon responded back to them and instantly hired some construction workers to demolish the pizzeria. Once he did, he apologized to all the families who lost their loved ones in the horrible pizzeria incident and gave them a good amount of money. He paid my parents as well, and paid for my time in the hospital. I also found out that he was paying my therapist.

I was given television privileges once they saw that I was behaving well. I felt like a prisoner in the hospital. Bedridden, only allowed to go outside in the afternoons. I then began to realize I was in some sort of special mental hospital. I didn't bother asking Jenita what kind of hospital this was and decided to spend my boring days watching the T.V. Occasionally I would flip to the news and check to see if any of the news was still talking about the pizzeria incident. The only news on that was recent about the pizzeria was that the pizzeria was demolished and now was being turned into a fast food place.

I stayed up late at night in my brightly lit room, reading books my mom brought to me the day before yesterday; then I would sleep in the daytime. Avoiding the nightmares as best as I could. Trying to escape into the worlds in the pages of my books.

Once I had fallen asleep, I was once again haunted my another nightmare.

The animatronics circled my bed, staring down at me. I heard the screams of Shy, Jose and Alfredo from within the suits. I tried helping them. I got up and began trying to pry open Foxy's mouth. Foxy's mouth acted like a bear trap. My fingers slipped when I was reaching my other arm into his mouth to Alfredo, trying to pull him out. The teeth came down on my arm, cutting it clean off. I screamed and recoiled back. The remaining stump that once was my arm gushed blood, spattering everywhere and on Foxy's face.

Foxy's eyes glowed red.

I woke up soaking in my own sweat. I checked my arm that got bitten. It was still intact. No blood. I looked up and found that the lights were off. I began to breathe, too afraid to leave my room. A couple doctors came in with flashlights a couple minutes later. They told me that the electricity had gone out. One of the doctors was nice enough to give me his flashlight and keep me company till the lights came back on. Once they were on, he let me hold onto the flashlight and left.


Over a span of months, the nightmares began to go away. I took medicine that didn't give me any weird side effects, and I was able to sleep peacefully. Soon after, I was getting enough sleep, and the hallucinations faded away as well. I was able to see my family more often, and I was able to leave my room, accompanied by Jenita. I started to feel a little better, but still longed to live a normal life again.

It was a Wednesday when I found out the good news. Eddie was staying at a different hospital. He was alive I was told, but had very severe wounds and had lost a lot of blood. I was unable to visit him till they were certain he was able to have visitors. I was so happy to hear that he was still alive, I wanted to see him. I actually began to smile. It felt like decades since I actually smiled, or was happy. Jenita told me that she would inform me when I was able to go and visit him. My small smile slipped away and I felt the painful hole in my chest again.

I asked Jenita how Eddie was able to survive when I thought he had died, and the fact that he was very weak from the lack of blood. Jenita nodded and began to answer my question. "It's not common, but there have been a couple reports of people surviving knife wounds. There was a woman who survived a kitchen knife being driven into the back of her neck, and a man who survived having a sword being stabbed into his eye."

I told her to stop as I turned away, feeling sick. She did. Then the doctor gave me a cup of water and I took a couple sips from it. She apologized to me. I didn't say anything as I continued to drink from the cup with trembling hands. When she left, I felt the darkness envelop around me once again, taking me into its ebony arms and trapping me into its cold embrace and smothering me. I laid on my side with my knees close up to my chin and cried.


The next day, I was given a surprise visitor. Stephanie walked into the room. When she saw me, she stopped and took a moment to collect herself. "Ren," I heard her say. I nodded my head. "Hi, Stephanie..." I responded back, swallowing the lump in my throat. She survived. Once Stephanie was close to my bed, she wrapped her arms around me. I felt her begin to shake, then a small whimper and sniff, then she began to cry. I hugged her back and tried holding back the tears. They flowed down my face, even when I strained to keep them contained. My eyes flickered down to something I notice at the corner of my eye. Stephanie had a cast around her leg from the knee down.

Before I could ask what happened, Jenita came into the room to give me my medicine. I took it and began starting up a conversation with Stephanie. It felt nice to see someone other than a doctor...but at the same time, it was painful to see a familiar face that had seen the same horrors I had on that same night. We tried avoiding the subject, but every time we tried, it always seemed to head towards the dark subject.

Finally, I sighed and asked Stephanie what had happened when she went through the ventilation system. "What happened when you escaped?" I asked her. Stephanie's eyes seemed to turn glassy from her tears as she tried blinking them away. Her voice was quiet as she muttered in short sentences, fumbling with the end of her shirt.

I tilted my head closer to her and began listening very carefully to her side of the story.

She explained that when she went through the vent, the end was blocked off. It took her a while to kick down the filter and get onto the rooftop. She tried using each of our phones, but there was still no signal. Her attempt of getting down was very risky, and she broke her leg from doing so. Scared and in pain, she said that she limped to the nearest house in the neighborhood near the pizzeria and screamed for someone to help her. A couple angry people came out to yell at her since it was late at night. She asked them for help. The people were too angry to listen and called the police on her. When the police came, she told them about the killer in the pizzeria. Apparently Stephanie's parents, and everyone else's family members had arrived and were asking where their kids were. The police decided to help them and began trying to unlock the door.

"After that, I was taken away in the ambulance," she said in a quiet voice, finishing her story. She looked down. I could see that she had something on her mind. Something she wasn't telling me. "What's wrong, Stephanie?" I asked her. She didn't say anything for a while. She was quiet for a good three minutes before looking back to me, then glancing over to Jenita. She took a deep breath and sighed. "You...you are a suspect...with the police...On the news...they suspect you for..." Tears sprang to her eyes as she turned her head away completely from both of us.

I felt the blood drain from my face. They suspected me for killing everyone...

Hearing this made me angry and want to cry. Now everyone was going to think I was the crazy insane one who killed everyone in the pizzeria. Stephanie continued to advert her eyes from me. Jenita stared at both of us. "I'm sorry," she finally said. I glared at her and instantly snapped back at her. "What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything! You weren't trapped in that pizzeria with the insane killer like we were! You didn't see your friends get butchered in front of you! You weren't seconds from death like I was!" I shouted and threw the covers off of me.

The result ended in the edge of the covers hitting one of the glass vases that held a bouquet of flowers in the corner near my bed to crash to the floor. I screamed from the sudden sound and jumped to my feet on the bed. Shaking and trembling in fear. The doctor and Stephanie stared up at me with wide eyes. When I saw the look on their faces, I felt my throat close up and began to cry. I fell to my knees on my bed and curled up into a ball.

I heard Jenita show Stephanie to the door and left me alone in my room. I squeezed my eyes shut and stayed in my stiff position, ignoring the pain beginning to form in my legs.


I left the special hospital when the leaves in the trees were beginning to turn orange. Fall. It had been close to a year that I was stuck inside the hospital. Seeing people only a couple days out of the week, seeing my therapist once a day, and doing physical and mental exercises to keep my mind and body fit and clear. I was reunited with my family and taken back to my house.

There, all my friends and family greeted me outside the house. They hugged me and told me how sorry they felt for what I had gone through. I didn't talk a lot and simply hugged everyone who had come to welcome me back home. We ate cake and started up small conversations. After that all ended, I walked into my room and reunited with every possession I had.

I stopped when I saw all of my FNAF items. My FNAF poster, my figures, my stuffed animals...and my sweater, clean and blood free. I hesitated there as I stared at it. I walked up to it and lightly touched the end of the sleeve. My sweater hung limp on the back of my closet door. I stared closely and saw places where the sweater was sewn. The places where the knife had stabbed through the material.

I moved my hand away as if it were hot to the touch. I placed my hand on my mouth as I felt the tears come back to me. I grabbed an empty box that sat outside my room, then began collecting all the FNAF items, and placing them into the box. I tossed the stuffed animals in first, then dropped the figures in next, rolled up the poster, then finally yanked the sweater off the hanger and stuffed it into the box. After that, I stuffed the box deep into the dark depths of my closet; hidden behind my clothes, and boxes of childhood toys.

I soon left my room, only to find myself looking over to my sister's room, which was next to mine. I felt my throat close up at the thought of her. When I was staying at the special hospital, I had sometimes wished I died instead of her. She would've taken my death better than I was for hers. It hurt so much to lose someone in your life; like a huge black hole, tearing away at your insides, and getting bigger and bigger each passing day. I couldn't bear to look into her room any longer. It reminded me too much of her. The most unfortunate thing was that the only last memory that I could think of her...was when she was screaming inside the Chica suit. All of the happy memories with her were gone, and replaced with that one terrible one. I hated it. Why did it have to happen? Why didn't I die? Why did I have to live, only to suffer with the painful feeling of losing my sister, and my new friends? It wasn't fair.

I closed the door to my sister's room, then slowly shuffled down the hallway.


A couple days later, Eddie was able to see visitors. I drove down to the hospital myself to see him. When I walked into his room. I found him propped upright on his bed, resting. I started to feel my heart beginning to hurt, seeing him in this state. I barely recognized him. He had lost a lot of weight. His eyes had bags underneath them, and his face looked very gaunt. His neck had thin ropes of scars along his neck, still healing. A male doctor came up behind me, startling me and causing me to nearly hit him. He apoligized for scaring me and walked into the room.

"Hello, are you his girlfriend?" he asked softly. I nodded. "My name is Ren," I told him as I watched Eddie breathe uneven breaths as he slept. I was afraid to wake him, but at the same time wanted to hug him and kiss him again. I had missed him so much. The doctor tightly touched Eddie's shoulder. Eddie's eyes instantly snapped open and he began to move frantically, with his mouth slightly open. He calmed down once he saw it was just the doctor. The doctor smiled warmly to him and gestured over to me. "You have a visitor," he said. Eddie gave him a somewhat confused look before turning over and seeing me. Instantly his face lit up, which lit up my face too. I took a couple steps forward and embraced him where he sat. Tears streamed down my face as I squeezed his body and held him close to me.

"Be careful," the doctor told me. I softened my hug. "I missed you so much," I said to Eddie, then began to kiss his face. I heard Eddie try to say something, his voice straining in a whisper. I stopped kissing and hugging him and stared down at him. His eyes were misty with tears as he turned his head away from me. "Eddie? What's wrong?" I asked him, getting worried.

The doctor took a step forward towards me. "He lost his voice. The scars you see on his neck..." the doctor said as he pointed to Eddie's scarred neck. "... the weapon the murderer was using...destroyed his voice box..." he explained. I stared at Eddie, who still wouldn't look at me, as if he were ashamed. I gently ran my fingers through his dark hair. Eddie grasped my hand with his and pressed it against his cheek.

The doctor pointed to a small white board and a black erase pen near Eddie's bed on the small table. "He's been communicating with us by writing small messages," he said. Eddie began to tremble as tears came down his face, soaking my gloved hand. I felt a pain slice through my heart, seeing him crying. "What's wrong Eddie? Please tell me," I said, pointing to the board. Eddie didn't look at it as he continued to sob, not letting go of my hand.

"Eduardo. Please tell Ren why you are upset," the doctor told him. Eddie ignored him. Instead, he shoved the pen and board off the table, causing them to crash to the ground. I at first was startled by Eddie's sudden anger, but then began to put myself in his place. He was unable to speak to me. Most likely it was permanent. For the rest of this life he would never be able to talk. He would never be able to say anything to anyone, only through writing and text. I knew it was something that was going to be very frustrating for Eddie. Especially if anything happened, he wouldn't be able to cry out for help, or warn anyone. I wouldn't be able to hear the sound of his voice again. I wouldn't be able to hear him say "I love you," to me.

I stopped. I felt my insides beginning to twist and hurt at the sudden thought. My heart felt like it had hardened to stone, and was beginning to weigh me down. I started to cry and shake, wanting to go down and curl up into a ball. I felt Eddie grip my arms from where he sat on the bed. He pulled me up onto the bed and hugged me tightly. The doctor left the room, leaving us as our emotions took over. Soon we had cried ourselves to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms for comfort...


It was during the wintertime when the funeral was arranged, and when Eddie was allowed to leave the hospital. Outside was a beautiful sunny day. I somewhat wished the sun would just go away and be replaced with dark rain clouds; to fit the scene. Ten black coffins were seen decorated with flowers on the green grass, ready to be buried six feet below the ground. Ten coffins. Ten victims.

"Ten down...one to go," the killer's voice seemed to echo in my head.

Eddie, Stephanie and I had a hard time staying, so my mom took all three of us to my house. Once we were inside, Eddie, Stephanie, and I stood together alone in the corner of my house near the small kitchen. Silent. Eddie squeezed my hand and held me close. We all wore the same shade of black. I wore a black dress under a black overcoat. Stephanie wore a black dress as well, only hers had black roses on it. Eddie wore a black suit and sat in a wheelchair, which was only temporary.

I felt that it was still too early for us to hold a funeral for all who had been murdered by the killer. Stephanie held a box of tissues for all of us to share. I stayed close to Eddie, staying as silent as him. My mom left us snacks in case we got hungry. None of us touched the food. My mom left us at the house and headed back to the funeral.

Soon after, Stephanie pointed out the window. Someone just pulled up in front of your house," she said in a quiet voice. I turned my head over to the window and saw a somewhat familiar car parked outside the house. It was an ugly blue green and had some areas where it needed a new paint job. The car looked like it needed a wash or two and had black smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe.

Three figures came out of the car and stood on the lawn. I instantly recognized them. It was the killer's family.

The killer's family glared at me from where they stood. They looked very similar to the killer, especially the dad. The dad was overweight with a bad comb over, while the mom was this thin, but strong looking character with a tight looking grey dress on and a black leather belt around her waist. The mom was blonde like her daughter, where it was unkempt and had a bunch of rat's nests in it. The daughter looked very creepy, and had a bunch of makeup on her and an outlandish outfit on her that made her look like Harley Quin's younger sister or something. It was no surprise where the killer, or Steve, got his craziness from.

I found out his name was Steve because they began shouting at me and calling me names from where they stood. They shouted that I had killed their beloved "Stevie." The creepy thing was that his full name was Steve Montagu Scott, which I remembered was the same name that was called during my birthday for the winners of the "Survive the Night Contest." If he didn't go onto the stage, he would've been with us in the security room.

As I thought back on that night, I began to wonder what would have happened if he found out he won and got to sit in the security room and survive till six am. Would it have played the same? After that...I didn't want to think about it.

The good news was that I wasn't a suspect to the police anymore; and I didn't have to go to jail for killing Steve/the killer. I truthfully couldn't start calling him by his real name. He was the killer, and would forever be a killer. The bad news was that now the killer's family hated me...and most likely wanted to kill me. Even if I filed a restraining order, and had policemen outside my house, I felt that it wouldn't be enough to stop them.

One of them threw a dirt clod at the window, startling all three of us. I came up to the window, causing more dirt clods to be thrown at the window. I already knew how to handle them. I pulled out my charged cell phone, letting them see it through the window. Then I went to the number pad and bean to slowly tap the two numbers. Nine...then one...then one again.

The dad's expression on his face changed a bit. Then he grabbed his daughter and wife's arm and began to pull them back to the car. Once they all were piled in, I watched as the dad made their car squeal its tires, peeling out and driving away from my house as fast as they could.

I watched their car till it was out of sight.

The days passed into months, I never saw them again.


"Why don't you try writing out what happened? and maybe letting others read it," my therapist offered to me one Saturday afternoon. Me, Jenita, and the therapist, whose name had slipped my mind, sat in the small garden under the maple tree, just outside the white building of the special hospital. I still was having to meet my therapist. The days had dwindled down to three times a week. The downside of this was that my mom didn't trust me driving by myself to the place, so she always offered to drive me to the special hospital, then wait outside till the hour was over and then take me home.

My therapist saw I was doing a lot better since the first time she saw me. Unfortunately, it was a thing I doubt I would ever recover from. Scars never truly healed. Just like mine. Everyday I was greeted by my scars on my forehead, shoulder and arms. The one on my back was the worst. Every time I took a shower, I felt it. Sometimes my eyes would see it in the reflection o the mirror when I got out. To me, it looked like the shape of a deformed star. An unbearable reminder of the tragedy. Sometimes I still felt the knife lodged in my back, especially when I slept.

"Why? No one will believe me," I pointed out to her. The therapist nodded and tilted her head to the side. "Well, yes, but it's at least something to help you. They say writing helps relieve stress. Also I did hear you mention that you like writing stories," she added. I slightly nodded my head. Yes. I did remember talking to the therapist about my stories and other hobbies.

I loved collecting classic monster cards, drawing, reading peoples unique names on their nametags; but writing was my favorite hobby of all. The days I was stuck in the hospital, my parents gave me a journal to write in. I wrote down everything that came to my mind, and what happened while I was in the hospital. Just something that kept me somewhat sane.

"Write it anyway, even if no one believes you. Who cares what others think?" the therapist said to me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I narrowed my eyes a bit and got up out of my seat, turning away. Jenita got up with me and attempted to touch my arm, but stopped herself. I pretended not to notice. "You don't have to if you don't want to, she was just offering," she said.

I moved away from her. "I don't want people to read what I went through... I don't want to relive through it again...and I don't want to talk about it anymore!" With that, I walked out of the room. The doctor didn't chase after me or call anyone to stop me. I walked out of the building, and over to where my mom had parked. Once I was in the car, my mom drove us home. We didn't say anything on the ride back...


It wasn't till three years later that I decided to write it. Still printed on my mind like a dark, poisoned tattoo. The words I wanted to write seemed to haunt my dreams as well as the killer in the Golden Freddy suit. Even with the reports of the pizzeria massacre incident, it still pissed me off that the investigators had assumed I was the one who killed everyone. Thankfully everything was cleared and the rumors disappeared, as well as everyone's interest in the pizzeria reports. Unfortunately that wasn't enough for me. It was time everyone knew the truth.

I grabbed an old notebook and pen from my messy dresser and began to scribble down everything that was on my mind. Page after page I wrote down notes of how I felt while encountering the killer, the smell of the blood, the horrific moments where I thought I was going to die.

My hand began to hurt from pressing the pen down really hard, but didn't stop. It was horrible going back through the memories, but at the same time felt like a huge relief. All of it was bottled up inside me, now I was able to pour it out of myself; as if I was performing some sort of exorcise on myself. Extracting all the evil from my body and trapping it within the pages of my spiral bound notebook.

Once I was done, my hand was red and beginning to cramp up. I took a couple minutes to relax my hand and stretch it before walking over to my computer and turning it on. I sat down in my old swivel chair while massaging my hand while I waited for the screen to turn on and ask for my password. Once it came up, I typed in my password and opened up a word document. I stared at the blank new page, then stared down at the notes I wrote. After a while, I looked back over to the blank page.

Chapter One...

I decided to give my first chapter a title. The first thing that came up was the word 'Surprises,' so I wrote it in. Then I began to type out the first words that have been repeating in my mind to write down for a long time:

Forever. I will always hate my birthday...the day when it happened. When I turned twenty.

The day I was no longer a teen.

The day I nearly died.

It will haunt me for the rest of my days. It will never leave...

Five Nights at Freddy's will never leave...


The End...

A/N: Thank you all for reading my story and leaving wonderful comments. I am happy you enjoyed it. This story's plot and the chapters went through a couple changes before being uploaded. I am happy how it turned out, and thank you again for being patient and for sticking with it till the end. I have a bunch of other FNAF fanfic ideas I shall be writing and uploading soon so hang tight. If you have any questions, just message me and I'll answer them as best as I can. :)

Original Characters: Ren, Shy, Eddie, Jason Sparks, Mrs. Sparks, Jason's brother, Alfredo, Janet and Jose Madero, Stephanie Queen and Shaina, Macx and Heather (Employees), Steve Montagu Scott, unnamed kids, parents and employees. Jenita Hoffman, nameless male nurse, nameless therapist.