Ch 10 Something More

Raph leaned against the doorway to the dojo as he watched Leo preform one kata after another. The last few days have been rather trying for the blue leader after learning about what had happened, but he, as always, had been overcoming it with the help of his family. Now he was in the dojo pushing himself, again, to get past the incident, as he called it, and work on getting himself back in shape.

Raph watched as Leo finished another kata, he was expecting him to continue on to another but was happily surprised when Leo brought his sword up to his face and bowed respectfully to his imaginary foe.

The blue leader sighed as he sheathed his katana. "You can come in now Raph."

Raph smiled. He had a hunch Leo knew he had been watching him.

"Hey bro." Raph said as he walked into the dojo. "How ya feeling?"

"I'm fine Raph." Leo said, sounding annoyed. "You and the others do not need to keep hovering around me," He told him.

"I know," Raph said as the two of them walked out of the dojo. "We're your brothers." He told him as he put an arm around Leo's shoulder. "You went through a lot and we just want to make sure your doing okay? After all, it's not everyday you get turned into a baby." He told him laughing lightly.

"I know Raph," Leo said rolling his eyes, "But it really isn't necessary." Leo patted Raph's arm and smiled. "I have to admit, it feels really weird to know what happened, especially when Mikey showed me the pictures, but I'll get past that and be just fine." He went toward the kitchen. "Okay?" The two stared at each other for a few seconds. "Really, there is no need to worry any longer."

"I know bro, you always bounce back fearless, but I'll probably still worry about you so get use to it." Raph smiled at him as he walked into the kitchen. The smell of pizza filling the room.

Leo walked in behind him and sat down at the table with the rest of the family. He did have to admit to himself that since being told about his time as an infant and along with the effects that the ring and the sword still had on him, it left him feeling out of sorts, but he was sure it would pass and in time he would deal with it and did not need to confide in his family about.

Splinter watched Leo with curiosity. His son seemed to be okay but to himself he wondered if there was more going on then Leo would admit. He did fear that in time, he might find out but for now he was content to just enjoy being with his sons.

The small family enjoyed their time together, laughing and eating in the sewer. But Splinter's sons could see there was still something on his mind. And it told them that whatever it was, it would probably be something that was going to turn their lives upside down in the worse way.


Okay, so that's the baby story I came up with. Would love to see some reviews but to those that did, Thank you. Thinking of a sequel to this one based off the 2003 show 'Secret Origins'. Let me know what you think.