Going Crazy!


S Class Rank 6- Metal Knight hid behind a rock as he watched the two combatants face each other.

He was well aware of the story told by their stats and knew that in a direct confrontation he would not stand a chance against either.

But to Metal Knight, this hardly presented a problem. This was a reconnaissance mission after all, and there was no way they would spot him.

His sources had directed him here, for some unfathomable reason, though Metal Knight couldn't imagine either of the two having intel regarding the Hero Associations greatest secret.

It had been five years now, since he had started searching for that source of power which was known only to the highest officials of the Hero Associations.

Five years since he had began his quest to find the ultimate weapon- Earth's last trump card against evil.

Some people claimed that it was a legend. They claimed that he wasn't real. But Metal Knight knew better.

After all, he'd seen that hero with his very eyes.

His speaker crackled to life, picking up the voice signals from his drone planted a 100 meters ahead.

"What do you mean who am I?" Saitama demanded. "I already know who I am! Why would I need your help for something like that?"

The man paused for a second. He glared at Saitama as if he was stupid.

"When I said that, I was talking about your potential! Not who you are now!" He growled.

Saitama frowned. He took a second to process what was going on.

"What are you talking about?" He demanded, his face as expressionless as usual. "I thought you called me here to show me something! But it looks like you're just some weird sales marketing guy with a weird strategy. I'm out of here."

He turned around, but before he could leave, a hand grabbed his shoulder and rooted him to the spot.

Saitama's interest was piqued. He'd never felt such a potent grip before.

He stared at the person with a new-found interest, and his expression was no longer a goofy one.

The man in grey chortled.

"Fine. I have no choice but to show you my true identity." He said, bringing his hands towards his hood as if to pull it off.

"But you said your identity wasn't important." Saitama protested.

The man froze. The way his expression changed was almost comical.

"Did I say that?" He asked Saitama.

Saitama frowned. The respect he had developed for this man was slowly fading away.

"Yes, you did. About five minutes ago."

The man blinked. He took off his sunglasses and wiped his face with his sleeve.

"Wow..." He muttered. "It must have been the heat..."

He stared at Saitama once again, his eyes black as obsidian.

Then he pulled of his hood.

Saitama stood rooted to the spot, his face unable to convey the utter chaos in his mind.

The man had a prominent nose. His face seemed a bit wrinkled from age, but he still retained the vigor of his youth.

But that wasn't the worst part.

The worst part was that there was not a single speck of hair on his head. He was completely bald.

"No" Saitama choked, taking a step back.

This couldn't be happening. It simply wasn't possible. His eyes must be lying.

"Are you...are you my father?"

Suddenly, the man was wracked by a horrendous fit of coughing. He fell to his knees and grabbed his throat, spluttering incoherently.

"Nonsense!" He yelled. "How in the world did you come up with a silly idea? Do I look that old to you?"

Saitama felt a familiar sensation run up his spine. A sensation which he'd experienced as a child whenever the teacher yelled at him for being unable to do basic addition without using his fingers.

In other words, he felt stupid.

"I'm sorry." He muttered "It was a mistake on my behalf."

His words seemed to reassure the man, for a smile crept up his face and he stood tall.

"Very well then..." He said, spreading his legs across the ground and adopting a fighting stance. "Let's get started."

Saitama narrowed his eyebrows. "Get started? With what? I don't even know who you ar-"


A single punch connected with his chest and sent Saitama flying away. He crashed into a gigantic rock which collapsed and crumbled upon him.

The man chuckled, stretching his hands into the air.

"My name is Balarast." He thundered. "But the world knows me by another name. They know me as Bla-"

A streak of yellow and red zipped out from the debris and collided against the man with such an intensity that he dug a huge trench into the ground.

Balarast looked up and spotted Saitama standing over him, a dull look on his face.

"I'm sorry" Saitama said. "I didn't get the last part."

Balarast stood up and brushed the dirt from his pants.

His eyes met Saitama's and the two of them faced each-other in a silent stare-down.

Then they were gone, leaving two smoking craters in the ground as they flew at each-other.

A second later, the valley was rocked with explosions.