Going Crazy!


"So..." Bang muttered. "He couldn't come?"

Genos shook his head.

"No. He said that he had some urgent business to attend to."

The S-class veteran nodded thoughtfully. He felt a small tinge of disappointment at not having the opportunity to meet the man with such overwhelming strength once again.

"Did he give any reasons?"

"Not exactly. While we were on our way here, someone sent him a text message. That's when he told me that he had work to do and that he'd try to join us later."

"He better not come." Bang's sole disciple Charanko snarled. "...Stupid B-class...thinking he's such a hotshot."

Bang sighed. Sometimes, he wished he'd not spoilt Charanko so badly.

"Charanko, you blithering idiot! Watch your tongue!" Bang growled. "Saitama is many times stronger than me!"

Charanko looked dumbfounded. "Many times stronger than you?"

"Yes" Genos quipped. "Master is much more powerful than he looks."

Charanko was silent for a moment. Devious thoughts rose to his mind.

'Hmm... I'm Master Bang's disciple and this blondie is the B-class's puppy. If I beat him, It'll mean that Master is a better teacher than him!"

Chuckling silently at his plan, Charanko tiptoed towards Genos, who was looking in the opposite direction. Bang arched an eyebrow, but kept mum.

When he was a few feet away from the blonde cyborg, he let loose, surging forward, determined to beat the living hell out of the imbeciles who looked down at his master.

A second later, he lay on the floor, covered with bruises from head to toe, one black eye and a nose which was bent at an unnatural angle.

Genos frowned at him before turning to Bang inquiringly.

Bang brought his hands up in surrender.

"I'm sorry. My disciple tends to think more with his heart than his brain. I apologize on his behalf."

Genos nodded, but his frown didn't disappear. "I thought your disciples were stronger..."

"They were. But we had an accident of sorts."

Genos blinked. "An accident? What happened?"

Bang's eyes met Genos'.

"Garou happened."

Suddenly, the doors burst open and a man in a black suit rushed in.

"Mr Silver Fang!" He yelled, trying to wipe the sweat off his brow, but failing miserably because his glasses got in the way. "An emergency summons has been issued to all S-class heroes! Please report to headquarters immediately."

His eyes panned to the right, landing on Genos. "Ah... and the same goes for you, Mr Genos! We need all the strength we can get."

Genos felt a chill run down his spine. For some reason, this gave him a bad feeling. He would have been much more comfortable if Master had been with him.

But where was Master?

Saitama walked up to the edge of the cliff, panting slightly.

"Whew.." He muttered in relief. "I finally found him.."

Standing in front of him was a person wearing a grey hoodie. Not an inch of his skin was exposed. Even his eyes were concealed by some cheap brand of sunglasses. He gave out a menacing aura- the type no one would want to mess with.

But for obvious reasons, Saitama didn't notice any of it.

He cleared his throat "Umm.. hello.."

The man raised a hand, acknowledging the greeting, but not turning back.

Saitama frowned. Didn't this guy have any manners, acting as if Saitama wasn't there even though he was the one who had called Saitama there in the first place?

The awkward silence hung in the air. Saitama resisted the temptation to dig his nose.

"Were you the one who sent me the message?" He inquired. "

The person nodded.

A pause.

Saitama's brows furrowed.

"Who are you?" He demanded.

The man smiled. "Who am I? That isn't particularly important is it? The real question is...who are you?"