The morning was crisp and clean and all things a southern California morning should be. The tall, lanky physicist finished cleaning his bowl of high fiber cereal and waited patiently for his roommate. That lasted three minutes and 12 seconds. "Hurry up Leonard, before we're late." The shorter of the two men came groggily trudging out of his bedroom, barely able to tie his robe in front of him. "Not today Sheldon. I emailed you 7 days ago, as per the roommate agreement that I'm working nights and thus cannot take you in to work today." Leonard actually felt a little triumphant that the roommate agreement had thus been followed and thusly had come around to bite Sheldon firmly on his skinny ass. He knew inside though that if Sheldon pushed it he would take him. Leonard kind of hated Sheldon having to ride the bus. Yes, Sheldon was a grown man, but Leonard also knew Great Danes who thought they were lap dogs and didn't like causing Sheldon as much misery as he got from riding the bus. Well he also simply didn't want to ruin Sheldon's day completely.

As if on cue to break the lull in their conversation their neighbor, who abhorred being up this early, came in dressed for work and seeking the comfort of a Columbian blend. "Coffee?" Penny eked out slightly as she moved in between the men to get to the kitchen. "Ready as usual," Leonard said as tiredly as she looked. "Thank you," she said between long drinks of warm wakefulness. "Not me…" Leonard retorted while pointing to Sheldon. All Penny could see was the back of his shirt hunched over his computer desk. She walked over, touched his shoulder and repeated the thank you she'd given to Leonard. Sitting up Sheldon simply nodded his head and went back to his screen. Inside however he was trying not to crawl out of his skin. Why did she insist on touching him sometimes and why sometimes did he wish she would. "Devil woman" was the thought in his mind when she interrupted. "Not going to work today?" she asked. "No, Leonard's not going in since he's working nights so I'm to remain here while the world of Physics will have to do without me until Thursday", he whined, "Sweetie, do you need a ride?" she said while also thinking about what was to come if he said yes. Damn that check engine light was still on. "Do you mind?" he perked up hopefully, glad he didn't need to get out his bus pants. "If you're ready to go, let's go." she sighed not wanting another speech about that damn check engine light.

The drive was pleasant and Penny didn't feel like torturing him with some of her more experienced driving techniques, so all and all he was a little less than irritating. She could tell he perked up when she pulled in to the university and they were surrounded by manicured lawns and students going to and from classes. She realized this was the kind of place he felt at home. After all he had left for college at age 11. Here he was someone important, not the social awkward genius who thought himself above most of humanity and spent far too much time in his apartment. She pulled into his spot, why the university gave one to someone they were well aware didn't drive she didn't know, and began to turn around. "Penny?" she heard him squeak. "Do you think you would be available this evening to pick me up?" It was at moments like this her heart softened for the 6'2" pain in the ass that had stolen her heart not long after they met years ago. That thought she would never let slip. "What's the magic word, Sheldon?" her eyes lifted. "Well, Penny there are many "magic words" so to speak from many different..." he didn't get to finish. "How about a guess then?" she said. "Do you think it's is either please or thank you?" eyes lifted again. Blue eyes met green eyes, "I believe it is both," he said. "Bingo!" she chirped and headed off to work herself.

He entered his office and booted up his laptop almost immediately. He knew Raj would be there soon to disrupt his thoughts, but he had grown accustomed to Raj though he would never tell him that. Ever. First thing was first though and it was Tuesday and that meant he would have an email from his brother George. Searching his list of emails he found it 24th down from the top.

Hey Sheldon,

Sorry, no time for formality. I know you'll have many questions and you'll get them all answered, but plain and simple: I'll see you this Friday.

Dr. George Cooper, Ph.D.

Sheldon moaned audibly as Raj walked in. "What's wrong?" apprehension in his voice.

"My brother's coming to town." his head hanging to his desk.

"Holy shit! That's awesome!" Raj laughed while punching a message into his phone. A smile as big as could be on his face. He had to tell everyone that the eldest Cooper was coming to town and the quickest way to do that was to tell Wolowitz.