It was cold and raining, the typical funeral scene. People were crying, why wouldn't they be?

The town and the parents of the deceased decided to have one big funeral. Many people were speaking, saying how much they would miss the people who were shot.

Yeah right.

Then, it was Phantom's turn to make a speech.

He told the mourning people that he was sorry. He spoke about each of us in a personal way. He said he would miss the students. He ended up crying at the end of the speech saying that if he could, he would change the past so that it never happened.


After the speeches they laid the caskets into the ground. There should have only been one casket!

They put dirt over top of the caskets as people wept.

Eventually all the mourners dispersed, except Phantom. Phantom looked at all the graves and sat down. He stayed there for hours, talking to himself. Eventually, Phantom left too.

I walked out of my hiding place and stared down at my own grave.

Mikey Johnson


Beloved Son

Rest in Peace

I wouldn't rest in peace though. Soon that grave would say a different name. Soon the grave would be commanding someone else to rest in peace.

Soon Danny Fenton would be dead and I would be alive.


That's the end of Take me home. Sorry the epilogue is short :)


2 communities (Thanks Candy Phantom and History Maker 21730)


37 Favourites

Special thanks to CrayonPencil, Unlucky Alias, ahksirita, The Power of Names, Maximumni, PhAnToMxGhoulkaneki, OfLifeDeathAndAllBetween, CyrusLibera, Candy Phantom, various guests, HaiJu , hi, FowlFanKid13, Arrowkid21, Nobody, pir84lyf, and Yoshietime15 for reviewing.

A special thanks to lexi1220 my beta reader for dealing with my inconsistent timing and random comings and goings. Oh and lack of beaches, thanks for dealing with that.