A/N: I know I'm a few days off, but Happy anniversary, TATMR!"

Chapter 199: Thomas and the Magic Railroad Part 7

James and Junior silently watched as Diesel 10 drove into The Smelter's Yard. Splatter and Dodge were there already waiting for him.

"Ah, bad news, boss. We can't find The Magic Buffers anywhere."

"Yeah, we looked everywhere too."

"Well, almost everywhere. All the Standard Gauge lines, anyway."

"Oh, right."

Diesel 10 rolled his eyes, annoyed by his underlings' ineptitude.

"Well, don't you worry, they're here somewhere. In fact, I'm certain that those tea pot handlers have found it already, which is why I brought this…"

He retreated into a shed, only to bring out…


Junior shushed James, clamping his mouth shut as Diesel 10 continued.

"Once they see that we've got one of their own, they'll have to show us the magic buffers. And when they do, we'll take them all out, and it'll be goodbye Twinkle toes!"

James could barely contain his anger, clenching his fists as he tried to contain it.

He couldn't.

"James, wait!"

Junior's warning came too late, as James charged at Diesel 10 like a madman.


With barely a glance in his direction, Diesel 10 grabbed James's arm and twisted it hard, breaking it with an audible crack.


"Find his accomplice! I knew I heard voices!"

But before anyone could move, a loud bell rang out, startling Diesel 10.

"Its that Tea Pot watcher! I'll smash him!"

In his rage, he began destroying the shed they were in. Seeing his chance, Junior grabbed James and Molly before teleporting away. By the time Diesel 10 had calmed down, the shed was in ruins.

"Eh, boss? Did you mean to do that?"

"Grrr, I always mean what I do!"

Back at Knapford, Mr. Conductor looked around frantically for Junior. Thomas and Lily watched him pace the platform.

"Oh, I hope he hasn't gotten into trouble again. He always was sticking his nose where it didn't belong."

"Knowing your cousin, he's probably off causing trouble somewhere."

Just then, a shimmer of gold dust appeared on the tracks beside him, making him jump back in fright. Once it had dissipated, Junior, Molly, James and his engine stood before him.

"Junior! What's going on?"

"I'll explain later. Right now, we need to get James medical attention."

While a doctor attended to James, with Molly there to comfort him, Junior explained everything to Mr. Conductor.

"He doesn't just want to destroy the Magic buffers, he wants to destroy The Magic Railroad, us, Sodor, and Shining Time along with it! He wanted to use Molly as leverage, force us to lead him to the buffers."

"And he would've if I hadn't- AUGGHHH!

James cried out as the bandages were wrapped around tighter, squeezing his broken arm. Molly gently stroked his good one.

"Shhh, it's okay," she said soothingly. "I'm safe, your safe, everything's alright."

"I wish it was, Molly," sighed Mr. Conductor, "But I'm afraid as long as Diesel 10 is on the loose, none of us are safe."

Lily gasped in horror.

"My grandfather and everyone back home are in danger. I need to warn them!"

"I wish that were possible Lily, but we don't have enough Gold Dust for the trip. I used up all of mine escaping Diesel 10, and the supply cousin has won't be enough for a round trip."

Lily began to tear up, afraid she would never return home. Seeing how upset she was, Mr. Conductor sighed, realizing it was time to use their last resort.

"There is one way for her to return home."

From his back pocket, he handed Thomas a map. It was one unlike Thomas had ever seen before, ancient and worn.

"Follow this map, it'll lead you to the Magic Buffers. Use the last of the gold dust to open it, it'll take you to Muffle Mountain."

"But Mr. Conductor, what if-"

"I'll be fine. Getting Lily home is the top priority right now. Thomas, I need you to keep her safe. Can you do that for me?"

Thomas was silent, momentarily unsure of himself, but nodded.

"I'll try, sir."

"Good luck, you too."

With a small wave, Thomas and Lily set off on their important mission. After an hour of traveling, they found the buffers on a disused siding. It appeared to have been in that state for decades, if not centuries.

"You ready, Thomas."

"I always did want to see the world. I just never thought it'd be like this."

Thomas spread the last of the Gold Dust on the buffers, causing them to shimmer. With bated breath, they drove the engine right through, headed for Muffle Mountain.

The Magic Railroad was dark and spooky, with thorns growing on twisted vines as their engine puffed its way past them. Up ahead, they saw an odd shape on a siding.

"Thomas, what's that up ahead?"

"I don't know, but I looks like an engine."

Slowing down, they got a better look at the strange locomotive. It was certainly a unique model, unlike any either of them had seen. It was purple and gold and dripped with elegance.

"How did this get here?"

"I'm not sure. This is a magic railroad, maybe it kept it running?"

Lily noticed a small bag in the engine's bunker. Opening it, she found it to be full of gold dust.

"Gold dust! This should help the Conductors!"

"Once I've brought you home, I'll take it back with me. I should take the engine too, they might know something about it."

After some maneuvering and fixing of points, Thomas backed his engine down onto the mystery one and couple up. After that, they set off once more.

A few minutes later, they found themselves driving out of the tunnel and into broad daylight. They were on Muffle Mountain, looking down into Indian Valley.

"Wow, what a view!"

"Now lets go find Grandpa, and-"


Thomas and Lily turned to see PT Boomer bounding over towards them, his face red with fury.

"Alright, no more fun and games! You're coming with me!"

Thomas pushed Lily behind him.

"Not on my watch, she's not! Lily, run! I'll hold him off!"



Nodding, Lily took off, taking the bag of gold dust with her. Boomer snarled.

"You shouldn't have done that, punk!"

Although intimidated, Thomas grabbed his shovel for a weapon and stood firm.

"You want to get to Lily? You'll have to go through me!"

"That can be arranged."

Meanwhile, Lily took off into the caves of the mountain, trying to put as much distance between her and PT Boomer.

"Be careful, Thomas."

In all of her running, she somehow found herself running right into Burnett's workshop, where he was attending to Lady.

"Lily, where have you been? Stacy said you-"

"No time to explain! PT Boomer's trying to kidnap me, and-"

As she paused for breath, she noticed Lady sleeping on the bed.

"Grandpa, who's that?"

Burnett sighed, and told Lily the whole story. Lily took this all in for a minute before an idea hit her.

"Wait a minute, maybe this will help! I found this Gold Dust on the Magic Railroad, maybe it'll heal her."

"It's worth a try."

Together, the two spread the gold dust around Lady, covering her and her bed in it until every last drop had been used up. For a minute, they watched in the hopes that she would wake up, only to find disappointment. Burnett hung his head, crying beside her bed.

"I've failed her. Everything I've tried and still she won't wake up. I'm sorry, Lady. I just wish I could see you alive, just one more time."

As he continued to cry, the tears trailed onto Lady's body. A minute later, a small hand rested on his.

"Not now, Lily. I need a minute."


Shocked, Burnett raised his head to see Lady smiling at him.


"Hello, Burnett. Thank you for keeping me safe, but I sense that it is time for me to repay the favor."

A/N: Its all coming together now! Next time: The epic conclusion and the 200th chapter! Stay tuned!