Dun dun, dun dun, dun dun... DUN DUN!


LOLZ JK The look on your face.

So I am going to make Yandere fan fic! I love this game!

Just a note: This game is nowhere near done.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN YANDERE SIM (but I wish I did) ALL CONTENT GOES TO YANDERE DEV (my Senpai...)

But I do own a character I am going to add... Gin Okami! My Japanese name! It means Silver Wolf! (get it?)

Also, my friend (emilyemma99) ALSO has a character that is going in here ^.^

I actually have no inspiration for my warriors, so that is on hold.


PS. I am using the character's actual names :3

Ayano Aishi POV

I wiggled around a little in my sleep.

"Mmm, yeah, Senpai..."

Suddenly my alarm went off and I slowly opened my eyes. I just had the best dream... about my Senpai. Don't judge me, I have an addiction. Every night the dreams got better. And better... Don't ask. You don't really want to know.

I wanted to dream more, but this was the first day of school. I met Senpai on the street. I was supposed to be going shopping for my mother, but I got... sidetracked. I was running to the shopping place, when suddenly I collided with the most beautiful person ever. Senpai. I revived the memory in my mind.

I was running through the streets, soaking wet. Stupid rain! I ran faster, the water blurring my vision, when suddenly I felt a solid force collide with me. Seriously Ayano? Why are you so stupid? I looked up, my black hair dripping down my back. I was about to pretend to be normal and help the person up... oh yeah, I don't have any emotions. But, I didn't have to pretend. There he was, sitting in a dirty puddle, his black hair wet, his dark eyes sparkling... don't get distracted, Ayano. He stood up and held out a hand.

"Erm, sorry. I should have been watching where I was going. Need a hand?" Slowly, the rain stopped, and I saw his face clearly. Pale, smooth, perfect... I grabbed his hand with my own, a shiver ran down my spine when we made contact. What was this warmth in my stomach? I felt a yearning, a longing. Was, was this love?

The boy helped me up, and I squeezed his hand tighter. I never want to let go. We made eye contact, his dark eyes with mine. I was starting to lose myself when I herd a voice.

"Taro Yamada! Get over here! How many times do I have to tell you to looke where you are going?" The boy let go of my hand. Wait, was that a girl? I looked behind him to see a tall girl with polka dotted stockings and long orange hair in two pig tails. The warmth in my stomach grew to be very uncomfortable. It felt like it was burning through my flesh. This girl... she didn't belong here.

"S-sorry, Osana..." Taro said, rubbing the back of his neck. I recognized that name. This orange haired devil was going to my school that started next week. I almost growled at the thought of her, a class above me, stealing him.

"You don't have to walk me everywhere you know." Taro said bravely. Osana scoffed.

"It's not like I like you or anything. It's just if I don't help you probably going to get lost or something." Osana started to play with her long hair. She definitely liked him. Why does this always happen to me? I felt the fire in my stomach again. Rage. Anger. Hatred. These emotions are new. I kind of like them.

"Baka! Let's just go!" Osana grabbed Taro's hand and dragged him away. I stood in the street. The clouds started to clear, and I could see myself in the puddle clearly. He fell into that puddle. I grabbed a water bottle from my pack and scooped some up. This was sacred water. He touched it. My, my Senpai. Yes. My Senpai. I need to be with him. But how? Not with Osana around... I have to do something about this. I started to stalk my Senpai. It turns out this was going to be harder than I thought. Osana and Senpai were childhood friends. Every time I saw the orange haired freak I felt my rage build up again.

I want to stop her. I want to hurt her. I want to kill her.

I was snapped back to reality by the sun coming in through my window. Senpai will be mine. He doesn't have a choice.

I ran downstairs, hoping I wasn't too late.

"Mom! I've got to go!" I called while running frantically down the stairs. My mom always said goodbye to me. She always did with a smile. A smile. I made sure my smiled looked realistic before stepping into the room. My dad always worried because I wasn't normal. I want to be normal, for him. And Senpai... But they weren't there. I frowned and saw a note on the fridge.

Hey Ayano-chan! You might be wondering where me and your father are - don't worry. Just another... business trip. We are in America! I hope to see you soon! Call me if you have any problems or anything. And try to mingle! I want to know you have made at least one friend when we get back. We might be back in around ten weeks. Kisses!
- Mom

Ten weeks... I thought. Me and Senpai might be married by then! I gave a little bounce and quickly changed into my school uniform - what looked like a sailor's outfit with a short skirt. I hope I look good in it...

I ran out the door. I was late enough already. I saw my bike. Red with a little basket. Who needs a bike anyway? I ran faster than my bike - so I ran to school. I saw Senpai and waited behind the wall of a building. He was so beautiful. His hair, his face, his - Oh no. Here comes Osana. I watched them talk. I could barely contain my anger. Then Senpai took a bite of an apple. I watched him chew. But then Osana dragged him away, causing him to drop his apple. My heart started to beat and I ran up to it. I picked the apple off of the ground and licked the bite marks. This will go with the water of the puddle Senpai fell into. Wait, am I really making a shrine? To a boy? Yes. I smiled. Yes I am.

End of chapter 1!

I changed how they met a little bit, but yeah.

I am getting most of my information from the Yandere Sim Wiki, look it up. But part is just creativity!

I hope you like it so far! Hopefully future chapters will be longer!

- Silver