A/N: Here's part 2 everybody! Sorry I suck at coming up with story titles. Enjoy!

Part 2

Rick and Morty stumbled out of the forest, only to find a cliff in front of them, overlooking a huge grass valley. The wind was stronger up here. They stopped near the edge, Morty doubled over as he tried to catch his breath.

"Rick, what…the hell…was that?!" Morty gasped, holding his side.

"I…" Rick paused. He did know what it was. Or, really, who it was. However, he didn't feel Morty should know this information, so he tucked it away in his mind. "I-i-i-it was just some robotic thing that was trying to kill us, Morty." He looked around, trying to find a better way out of this situation. They were trapped; with their pursuer lurking in the forest, a giant cliff on their other side, and the portal gun broken, Rick felt confined. He knew he could fix his portal gun easily, but he just didn't have the time; he needed to shake the pursuer off their back first-

Something rustled in the trees. Darkness leaked from between the trunks. Rick narrowed his eyes, peering into the blackness from which they had just come from. An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of his stomach; he pushed it away.

"Morty, follow me." Rick said, pulling out his laser gun. Morty didn't move from the cliff. Rick turned around, glaring at his grandson. "Morty!"

Morty stared at Rick, fear plastered on his face. He refused to move. He did not want to go back into that forest.

Rick rolled his eyes. "Whatever." The wind blew around the two, sending Rick's lab coat rippling around his ankles. He walked forward a few hundred feet, then stopped. Something wasn't right.


Pain exploded in Rick's face, sending him down to the ground, his laser gun knocked out of his hand.

"God-dammit, you son-of-a-bitch!" Rick yelled, grabbing his head. A pounding sensation began to hammer at his temple. He opened one eye, only to see Morty standing over him, holding the laser gun.

But no- it wasn't Morty- at least, it wasn't his Morty. Not his current one, anyway.

This Morty was his first and original Morty. The only intelligent Morty that Rick ever knew. He was wearing the same armored suit they had seen in the forest; this time, however, Morty had the helmet off.

"Morty, you little shit-"

"Shut up, Rick." Morty cocked the laser gun, adjusting the aim so that it was at Rick's head. "If you move, you die."

Rick spat. "Fuck you." Deep in his gut, however, he knew his original Morty would pull the trigger. What he had done to Morty, all those years ago- he knew Morty wanted to murder him.

Rick didn't give a shit, though. However, he did give a shit about getting his current Morty back home. He knew that his original Morty would kill his current one as soon as he killed Rick.

Rick glanced behind him, seeing Morty- his current one- standing where he left him, near the edge of the cliff.

Morty was afraid. He saw the other version of him knock down his grandfather and take his laser gun. "Oh, jeez, Rick." Morty whispered, terrified. He had not once ever seen Rick be overpowered by anyone- much less a Morty. The wind whipped around him, sending ripples through his hair and shirt. A part of Morty was reminded of the cliff hanging behind him; that part of him screamed inside, telling him to move away from the cliff, to move away from the 300 foot drop to the grassy clearing below.

But he was too scared to move. He didn't know how to help his grandfather without getting either of them killed.

Rick looked back to his original Morty. "Do you really think I give a shit? Look, kid-" Rick slowly creeped his free hand into the inside of his coat, his fingers wrapping around the cool metal of his other laser pistol. He just needed to keep the kid distracted for a moment. "This isn't going to play out how you think it is. Why don't you just take your pansy ass back to wherever you came from and leave me and my Morty the fuck alone?" Rick cocked his pistol quietly.

His original Morty barked out a laugh. "Your Morty?!" He turned his gaze to Rick's current Morty and snorted. "He's pathetic. I was your Morty. Until you left me on that godforsaken planet, of course. You remember, right? You know, the one with those giant, horrific beasts?"

"Oh, yeah, I remember. I remember very clearly. You were being a little bitch, whining about wanting to 'go home', but you knew that we couldn't."

"I was ten!" Morty shrilled. "It was because of you that everyone was killed- it was your fault that the Federation was on your ass again! And it was your fault that you had left me on that fucking planet!"

"God dammit Morty! I thought you were as good as dead! I didn't know you would have survived after that Teriyon beast attacked you!"

"No, you were just-just a fucking coward. But guess what, Rick? I survived. And I will continue to survive, long after all the Ricks are dead." Morty shifted his gaze towards Rick's current Morty. He raised the gun in the other Morty's direction.


Rick yanked his pistol out of his pocket and pulled the trigger. The laser shot through the original Morty's head, sending him flying back on the ground. His body lay still.

But not before the original Morty had fired.

Time seemed to slow down; everything was silent, as if the air had been stuffed with cotton. Rick spun his head around, seeing his current Morty staggering on the edge of the cliff, hands on his stomach. Morty looked down at his abdomen, then back up at Rick, fear in his eyes. Blood began to ooze through his interlaced fingers.

Morty fell backwards.

"Morty!" Rick bellowed. He scrambled to his feet and ran as fast as he could to the edge of the cliff, arm outstretched. He threw himself onto the ground, arm hanging over the side.

He was too late.

Morty was falling, falling, falling…

His body hit the ground with a quiet thud, sending ripples in the sea of grass so far below.

Rick looked down in shock.

He couldn't feel anything. His entire body felt like it was put on mute; he could barely breathe.

Morty was dead.

Rick stared at his grandson's body for a long time; whether it was five minutes or five years, he couldn't tell. Finally, he found enough energy within him to roll over onto his back. He lay there for a few minutes, staring up at the purple sky. He didn't want to think about it.

He knew he had to go down there and retrieve the body.

Rick slowly stood up, the blood rushing back to his feet. He closed his eyes and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He felt like it wasn't real when he couldn't see the body.

The scientist scoured for a few minutes for some kind of trail down the cliff. Rick managed to find one, albeit a steep path. He slowly made his way to the bottom, landing on his feet in the sea of grass.

Morty looked worse up close. Rick walked a few paces until he was standing over his fourteen year old grandson's dead body. He turned back around; for once in Rick's life, he was unable to face the facts.

Rick had done it this time. Oh, he knew he had really done it.

A feeling like no other emerged in his chest; a huge bubble of anger rose up inside him, expanding so that it consumed his whole body, consumed every cell and every atom in his being.

He let out a strangled yell.

This was his fault, his fault-

Morty's death was Rick's fault.

They had been stuck on this godforsaken planet because of him, and now, his grandson has been killed because of him too.

With the portal gun shattered and the spaceship back at home, Rick knew he had no way of returning, with or without Morty.

Rick screamed.

He let out an angry yell which seemed to tear through the universe, through the galaxy, through the atmosphere, through the clearing, and through his heart.

If only he had been quick enough; why hadn't he been quick enough?!

He turned on his heel to face his grandson's bloodied body, lying in the grassy clearing. Morty's body was bent in such a way that no human's should be, with arms sprawled, legs bent. A huge hole was centered in his abdomen, blood still oozing, though Morty's heart had long stopped beating. His eyes were glassy, staring past Rick.

"Fuck you, Morty!" Rick shouted. "Fuck you for not listening to me! You dumbass, you little shit- you were supposed to stay next to me!" Rick yelled, hitting his chest with his fist. Weakness overcame him, and he suddenly found himself sitting on the ground beside his grandson, his head in his hands. A feeling like no other overwhelmed him; the bubble that was threatening to explode inside him kept thumping at his lungs, making his eyes feel strained and glossy.

"B-b-but instead-" Rick stuttered out, his eyes squeezed shut, "you didn't. A-a-a-and now you're dead. God dammit!" Rick roared again.

For once in his life, Rick wasn't sure what to do. He couldn't gather his wits about him; everything felt scattered, like someone had taken his thoughts and ground them up into fine sand, only to toss them onto the ground, and ask him to find this one particular granule.

C'mon, you piece of shit. Rick thought to himself. Get your shit together. Just don't think about it. Rick closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, inhaling deeply. He forced himself to push away the sorrow he felt.

He knew what he needed to do.


As he was a super-genius and knew his portal gun like the back of his own hand, it didn't take Rick long to fix it. What was taking him awhile, however, was facing the task ahead.

Rick knew he could get another Morty from the Citadel- after all, he still had that coupon- but he was the Rickest Rick, and this Morty was the Mortyest Morty- what was he, without his grandson? He had been just Rick for almost his entire life, but after connecting with his grandson, he had gone too long having Morty with him to revert back to being alone.

Rick put up a mental steel wall as he walked back over to Morty's body. He forced himself to dissociate; it doesn't matter. This is just what the universe is like. Shit happens. Rick started up his portal gun and shot a portal into the air beside him. He scooped up his grandson in both arms- don't think about it, don't think about it- and stumbled through the portal.

A/N: Aaaaaaaaaand that's a wrap! What a great ending, right guys?! Haha…yeah. That's the end. Imagine what you will what Rick did after that. Yup. If you liked it, leave a review or whatever! And if you didn't- well, sorry. Keep going about your day, then. As I've said before, reviews make me very happy and keep me motivated to keep writing!