It was a warm night in Konoha as Naruto Uzumaki ran through the forest. He had just stolen the forbidden scroll from the Hokage's office, which wasn't very well guarded for a place containing matters of village security.

Naruto arrived in the clearing where he was supposed to meet his sensei, Mizuki, who had been kind enough to offer him this chance to become a gennin after he had failed the test, again. He sat under a tree, laying the large scroll in his lap, and opening it up. No harm in learning a few super cool moves, right?

As soon as Naruto opened the scroll, he began looking for the best jutsu, and by that, I mean the flashiest. He then noticed, in the bottom most corner of the scroll, the kanji for Uzumaki. Naruto traced the lines of the kanji, unknowingly adding chakra, causing the seal to glow a light blue before out puffed 3 things: 2 scrolls and a map. One had writing on it: Naruto.

Naruto smiled. Maybe his family had left him a note! The old man did tell him his parents were ninja's who died in the line of duty. Naruto unrolled the scroll and began to read, his loo of joy turning into one of horror. The letter read:

Dear Sarutobi,

Thank you for watching Naruto while we take Narumi away to train in the art of the Ninja. You know about the prophecy, but because of your age, we wrote it on the scroll that should arrive with this one. While it is sad, we have to abandon Naruto, so that he may be raised by the village, and so he will be the ideal husband for Narumi when they grow up. We know you will protect him with your life, and that the village will spoil Naruto silly. A seal at the bottom of this scroll holds a key to the Uzumaki hide out that the map that also arrived with this scroll leads to. When it is time, you should visit it... and burn it down. Do not let that power be used Hiruzen. It needs to be destroyed.

Love, Minato "Yellow Flash" Namikaze and Kushina "Red Death" Uzumaki

Naruto's eyes watered with tears. All his life, his parents had been alive. And on top of that they allowed him to be attacked by the villager's on top of abandoning him!

Naruto hesitantly reached to the other scroll, opening it. It read:

A child born of 2 strong parents will lead the way to glory, and through marriage within their family, will become the ultimate protecter of peace.

Naruto's eyes narrowed in fury. They abandoned him, for this! This could mean anything. It was so vague, it could be talking about someone in a civillian clan who beat a video game. Naruto turned his head back to the other scroll, the one containing the key to ultimate power. Fuck the fact that it was dangerous. His whole life had been dangerous. He activated the seal, grabbed the key, and took the map, before running into the forest, leaving the map. He could always come back when Mizuki was there.

Small cottage, borders of Fire Country

A blond haired man and a red haired woman watched as an orange haired girl swung away at a training post. The man was Minato Namikaze, and the woman was Kushina Uzumaki, both dressed in there normal gear.

The girl swinging at the post with her fists was Narumi Uzumaki Namikaze. She was 5 feet tall, a respectable height for a 12 year old, with wavy orange hair that was held in a pony tail, with two long bangs framing her face. She wore ANBU style pants, a track jacket, and an orange sash around her waist.

"Okay, Narumi, go to bed, we have to wake up early to head to Konoha in the morning,"Kushina called.

"Okay mom!"The girl walked into the cottage they had been staying in for the last 3 years.

Minato smiled,"After all these years, we get to see our son again."

Kushina smiled in return,"It'll be such a happy reunion."

Suddenly, there was a poof of smoke in front of them, and there was Fukasaka, the Sage Toad, wearing the usual sage cloak. He didn't look happy.

"Minato, Kushina, I have bad news."

Minato now frowned,"What is it, Pa."

The Sage Toad replied,"The prophecy has changed, and I feel we may have made a grave mistake."

"What mistake, 'ttebane?"Kushina cocked her head to the side.

"The prophecy now reads : A boy abandoned for the greater good has lost his soul to darkness. His twin raised in light must save him from it, or he will drag the world in with him. It's Naruto, I can sense his anger and hate from hear. And...Oh no."

Minato, who was already upset at the bad news, prepared for more,"What now?"

"He's with the Mask."

That was all Kushina needed to here,"Pack our bags, Minato, and I'll get Narumi ready. We need to see him as soon as possible. Maybe Narumi can meet some of the soon to be minted gennin."

Minato nodded and disappeared in a yellow flash.

Back with Naruto

Naruto found himself in front of a stone structure, the ruins of some old building, in his hand, a green gem that glowed purple gem. He stepped forward into the ruins, not really paying attention to the tingling sensation he felt in his whole body as he stepped into the ruins. Inside the ruins he found a basic stone alter, covered in runes he doubted he would ever understand. On the altar sat a white mask. It was white as a base color, with green tribal markings on it(Ichigo's hollow mask, red replaced with green)and the kanji for 0 under the right eye. Naruto felt drawn to the skull like mask. He was about to pick it up, when it suddenly shot off the altar, and on to Naruto's face. He grabbed at it, trying to take it off, but found it wouldn't budge.

"Why do you fight me, young one?"

Naruto looked up, and in front of him, was a stunning woman. She had hair blacker than the darkest night, that flowed down to the small of her back, with her right eye covered by a bang, the left eye a brilliant purple, bright close to the sclera, dark as pitch by the iris. She wore a kimono only slightly brighter than her hair. Her skin was a shad Naruto had never seen, a luscious brown, like milk chocolate. Naruto loved chocolate. Back on track, her nails were painted a black that looked white compared to the endless darkness that was her hair. She was 5'11", far taller than Naruto, and was truly stunning in terms of figure, with D-cup breasts and a lovely rear. Naruto almost found himself lost in her beauty, before remembering the mask on his face.

"Because this mask just attached to my face and you suddenly appeared!"Naruto shouted in did he know, to the animals who were watching from the forest, he was yelling at space, from which trailed the shadowy silhouette.

The lady smiled radiantly,"You came to my shrine looking for power, right? To make your family regret abandoning you, to show the village the power of your anger, to get revenge on everyone who has wronged you."

Naruto stopped struggling against the mask as images of the past flashed through his vision. The beatings, getting thrown from the orphanage, the shame of scavenging through trash cans, not being able to play with other kids. The woman in front of him had him, and he knew it.

" can give me power for that?"

"On one condition, yes."

"What do you want?"

The spirit walked around, wrapping her arms around him, grinding herself into him,"Three conditions, actually. One, you gather souls, so that I may create myself a body. Two, you call me by my name, Majo. And three,"she licked his ear lightly, Naruto stifling a moan of pleasure as his eye's widened,"I want you, Naruto. I've never seen a soul with so much anger, so much barely restrained insanity. I love it.I'll give you access to power untold, the power of a witch god, the power of Voodoo, the power of shadows and poisons. Just forsake Kami, Yami, and the Shinigami. Reject your lying friends, your Hokage, your village, your family. Forsake them all, and trust in me."

Naruto weighed the pros and cons. He would essentially be selling his soul, but at this point, he was damned by the village anyway,"You have a deal, Majo-chan."

Majo smiled, before biting into Naruto's neck, causing him to scream in pain. His eyes glowed green through the mask, as he screamed in pain. His body lost all fat, becoming leaner, as he grew from 4'9" to 5'2". After 2 minutes, the pain was over, and Naruto felt better than ever. He chuckled to himself. Majo pointed to a mirror, making him turn, seeing the changes. Beside the growth spurt, he had gained green streaks in his hair, and in the pit's of his mask, he could see venomous green irises and a white pupil against a black sclera.

Suddenly, Naruto felt a disturbance on the other side of the forest. He didn't know how, but he knew it was Mizuki, who had used him for the scroll. The 12 year old growled in anger, before quickly explaining the situation to Majo.

"Here, Naru-kun,"with the wave of her hand, a golden scepter appeared(Loki's scepter from the Avenger's, with a green gem though, fully extended),"take this, go get even."

Naruto nodded, taking the weapon, before disappearing in a green mist.

Iruka had seen better days. He had come out into the forest, attempting to find Naruto, who had the forbidden scroll. He had then walked into a clearing, found the forbidden scroll, and now had a severe shoulder injury thanks to a demon windmill shuriken Mizuki had thrown. The traitorous co-sensei was now bearing down on him.

"Any last words, Iruka?"

"Go to hell."

"Hmm, okay."

Suddenly, in a plume of green mist, Naruto appeared between them in a strange mask with a strange scepter,"Hello, traitor."

Mizuki sneered,"Demon brat."

Naruto brought a hand to his chest in mock hurt,"Oh, woe is me, my beloved sensei hates me."

Mizuki smirked,"Do you wanna know why?"

"Sure, why not."


"Nah, oh by the way, have fun in hell."

"What is that supposed to URGK!"

Mizuki looked down to see a blade sticking out of his chest, the metal stained crimson with his blood. The Naruto in front of him faded away like a shadow when there was no light to cast it.

The blade was pulled violently out of his chest in a wet squelch.

Naruto looked down at Mizuki and tsked, before looking to Iruka, and waving,"Yo."

Naruto stood in the Hokage's office, leaning on his scepter as the much older man attempted to read him. Finally, after a 3 minute stare down, the Hokage sighed.

"Naruto, what happened?"

Naruto shrugged half heartedly,"I was told by the traitor to steal the scroll so I could graduate, I opened it to get some jutsu, discovered the truth about my parents, went to the abandoned shrine, got this mask, and as we speak it is downloading information on how to achieve power into my head."

"You know what could happen because of that mask!?"


"Do you know the price of that mask!?"

"Any chance at salvation."

"And you were still willing to put it on?"

"Eh. Kami had her chance, and I now will begin to gain power towards my new goal."

"...What is your goal now? I thought you wanted to be the Hokage?"

"Nah, that was a faze. Now, I just want to kill Narumi Uzumaki Namikaze."

The pipe in Sarutobi's mouth fell to the ground. He never thought those words would come from the bright eyed, sunny haired little boy he had "raised".

"Naruto, don't say things like that. You don't really want to do that. She never did anything to you."

"But her parents did. I want to show them, Hiruzen. I need to show them what they missed out on, what I have become to atone for their sins. And what better way to do that, than delivering the head of their prodigal child to them on a silver platter."

Hiruzen frowned,"Naruto, you know I can't let you attack her on sight."

Naruto smirked, although the third couldn't see it,"Oh I know, but I will just hope I can fight her during the Chunnin Exams."

Hiruzen's frown got deeper,"You aren't a ninja, Naruto. You can't just get in. You have to work through the ranks first."

"Oh, but you're going to promote me right now, aren't you Hiruzen. Isn't that what that fore head protector in your left hand under the table is for."

Hiruzen thought about not promoting him to save himself the trouble later, but then he realized that Naruto had sworn to kill Narumi. A swear was greater than a promise, and Naruto had never broken a promise in his life.

The Hokage sighed in defeat, tossing Naruto the forehead protector,"Team assignments are in 2 days. I hope you turn from the path you are on, Naruto."

"No promises, old man. Oh, put me on Kurenai's team."

"Why her?"

"...My powers are growing. I will be revolving mostly around poisons and shadows. I need a teacher who can tell me how to improve my genjutsu."

"...How do I know your genjutsu is that good?"

"Because I was never here." With that, Naruto shimmered out of existence, the headband going with him.

Two days had passed, and the passed gennin were sitting in the room, talking, when Naruto walked in, looking the same as the day he left, only... younger. He was shorter, and his eyes radiated cuteness that had people fighting not to pounce on him and smother him in hugs and kisses.

"Hewo, guys."His voice was so cute that people actually went 'Aww'.

Sakura Hurano, a girl known for being incredibly mean to Naruto, walked up to him,"Naruto, what happened to you?"

Naruto seemingly misunderstood the question, pouting and drawing circles on the floor with his foot,"Jiji said it would be alright if I sat in the back and watched you guys push off as ninja today. I-is that okay?"

Ino Yamanaka, another girl who was extremely mean to Naruto, walked up,"Of course, but only if your a good boy."

"Naruto is a good boy." With that, he skipped up the stairs and sat in a seat close to the window, in the shadow of the room.

Students idly chatted, wondering what had happened to the Naruto they all knew, and most of them hated. But those thoughts were stopped when Iruka stepped in the room, a beautiful orange haired girl trailing behind him. As boys stared at her with looks of awe and lust, while girls stared with awe and jealousy, she smiled and waved sheepishly.

Iruka spoke,"Everyone, this is Narumi Uzumaki Namikaze, the daughter of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, who have returned to the village with her, and older twin of 15 seconds to Naruto Uzumaki, now Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze."

All students of the room were gob-smacked. This angel was Naruto's slightly older sister, and Naruto was the son of the Red Death and Yellow Flash. Three people hit the floor, unconscious.

Little Naruto ran down to the front of the classroom and hugged Narumi at the hips, looking up at her, awe struck."Are you really my Onee-san?"

Narumi looked down, smiling,"Yes, I am," then she frowned,"Why are you so young? You should only be 15 seconds younger than me, and I'm 12."

Naruto just smiled,"Oh, I'm not the real Naruto. I'm a genjutsu he made to keep him company,"Naruto's face turned solemn,"You should leave, Onee-san."

Narumi's eyes narrowed. Was she really talking to a sentient genjutsu? Maybe he knew something,"Why should I leave, Onii-san?"

"Because Naruto swore to kill you to get revenge on Otou-san and Okaa-chan for abandoning him."

Everyone in the class was thrown for a loop. The 2 greatest hero's in Konoha's history abandoned their child? It did make sense, though. After all, Naruto always seemed sad when he saw families spending time together, while he often stood alone in the rain.

Narumi, on the other hand, didn't know how to react, but she didn't have much time, as the door opened. The boy who walked in was 5'2" and pretty slim. He wore a black hoodie, over which he wore black ANBU armor with green tribal markings along it. Under that, he wore black jeans that were baggy, steal toed black boots, and his leaf forehead protector around his waist as a belt. He had his hood pulled over his head and wore a skull like mask with the kanji for one under his right eye. Attached to his back using some form of harness was a strange golden spear/staff combination with a long, almost sword like blade and a green gem glowing in it's 'cradle'. He looked pretty god damn scary.

"Hey, Naruto," Iruka greeted.

'NARUTO?!WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!' was the mental scream of everyone.

"Ah, Iruka-sensei, you look better than when I last saw you,"his voice was hoarse, metallic, and demonic all at the same time,"medical jutsu's doing you some good?"

"Yeah, that and no stress, but 2 days and here I am, back at work. Can you dispel the genjutsu so we can begin?"

"I would, then Majo-chan would be mad at me. Where is he little rascal anyway?"

Iruka indicated to Mini-Naruto with a nod of his head, who was still holding on to Narumi's leg. Naruto smiled, though no one could see it, looking down at the boy,"Well, who are you bothering now, scamp?"

"My Onee-chan!"

The temperature in the room dropped a few degrees. Naruto's venomous green eyes turned to Narumi, but he still spoke to Mini-Naruto,"What is her name?"

The little boy looked at his older 'brother',"Narumi."

Naruto nodded to the boy,"Alright, dispel yourself until later or go hang out with Majo-chan."

Min-Naruto nodded vigorously, before sprinting out the door. Naruto now turned to Narumi,"What are you doing here?"

Narumi smiled,"Well, I'm here to become a gennin, and to tell you that me, Tou-sama, and Kaa-sama are back. Honestly, I didn't expect you to know I would be here."

Naruto's green, venomous eye's narrowed,"I didn't. In fact, I was hoping you and your family would be murdered by Iwa ninja."

Multiple gasps echoed throughout the room. Hoping some one would be killed by Iwa shinobi was the most anti-Konoha way to say 'Rot in hell, bitches'.

Narumi's eyes narrowed,"I should have expected this. Mother and Father did say there was a possibility you would be spoiled rotten."

Naruto released a cold, evil laugh,"My childhood was spoiled. Not with gifts and love, though. No, I grew up with no friends, I've lived on the streets since I was 3, I ate out of garbage cans for 2 years before the Hokage finally realized what was happening. I was constantly beaten, among other things, and have lived alone in the Red-Light district, with no heater, barely any stipend, no running water, no electricity, and was denied my basic rights to close and food, ever since the orphanage threw me out. All of his because your parents decided it would be a good idea to leave me alone in the village to train you to become a mother fucking shinobi!"

Narumi snarled,"Lies, dad told the village you were a hero."

Naruto put a hand to his chest in a dramatic gesture,"Well, considering I have yet to lie to day, they must not have gotten the fucking messa-"

"ENOUGH,"the room turned to Iruka, who had finally gotten tired of the argument."Will you two sit down and shut the fuck up so we can begin!"

Naruto scoffed, walking towards a seat in the back corner, while Narumi took a seat in the middle of the room near Sasuke.

"Thank you," Iruka now adressed the class,"Now, normally I would give a 2 hour long speech, but a lot has to go on today, so let's get to teams. Team 1 will be..."

Naruto zoned out, thinking about his promise to kill Narumi. What would he gain from killing her, besides a bunch of negative back lash as the 'demon' who killed the 'princess'. Naruto then gave a sinister smile behind the mask. He then decided to go back on his promise. He didn't want to kill Narumi, but now... she would be living through hell.

Naruto then started paying attention again,"...Team 7 will be Naruto, Narumi, Sakura, and Sasuke lead by Kurenai and ... Kushina. Right... Team 8 will be..." Naruto was inwardly seething, but it seeped out of him a little in the form of all the shadows in the room moving towards him, but no one seemed to notice. Those mother fuckers ad went and gotten the nerve to do this! Some one was going to die.

10 minutes later, jounnin started to walk in. Kurenai was a woman of decent height, 5'8", with ruby red eyes and black, wavy hair, along with red lipstick. She wore a dress made out of bandages, with a red right sleeve, which seemed to conceal her figure, comprised of C-cup breasts and a nice curve. Next to her was Kushina, who was 5'9", with CC-cups and a larger curve. She wore traditional jounin attire, a short sleeve blue shirt, Dark Blue ANBU pants, Leaf flack jacket with Uzumaki swirl on the back.

"Team 7, meet us at training ground 9,"Kurenai called, before walking out with Sasuke and Sakura following her. Narumi and Kushina, in display of Uzumaki boldness, hopped out the second story window, before waiting for the rest of the team at the front door. Naruto's mask, the only part of him visible in the darkness, disappeared into the shadows.

Training Ground 9

The sensei's and the 3 gennin arrived at the training ground, expecting their final member to come running up behind them. What they didn't expect, was for his mask to appear out of the darkness of a tree, the rest of his body following it.

Naruto chuckled dryly at their surprised looks,"Ta-da."

That shook everyone out of their stupor.

Kurenai had all the gennin sit in a semi-circle before beginning introductions,"My name is Kurenai Yuhi. I like my friends, genjutsu, and dango. I dislike perverts, rapists, and sexsist. My dream is to create the best Genjutsu ever."

Kushina then spoke up,"My name is Kushina Uzumaki. I like my family, my friends, and ramen. I dislike perverts, rapists, sexsists, and anyone who make's fun of my hair. My dream is to reconcile with my son for a past mistake."Naruto just scoffed.

Sasuke went next,"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I don't like much, and I dislike almost everything. My dream is to kill a certain someone." Sakura swooned.

"Hello, my name is Sakura Haruno. My likes are (looks at Sasuke). I dislike Naruto and Ino-pig! My dream is (looks at king o' brood again before squealing)."

Narumi smiled,"Hello, my name is Narumi Uzumaki Namikaze. I like my family, making new friends, ramen, and peace. I dislike murderers, idiots, rapists, sexists, perverts, and spoiled brats. My dream is to achieve world peace."

Naruto sighed, knowing it was his turn,"My name is Naruto. I like illusions, poisons, shadows, the moon, and Majo-chan. I dislike traitors, rapists, my family, most of Konoha, and people in general. My dream is to collect as many souls as possible... and make everyone who has ever wronged me suffer."

One thing is for sure. Shit's about to get real.