Phoebe's POV:

Darcy was the first person that I wanted to see when I walked into the apartment. I wanted to finally come clean to her about what happened between me and Blaine. She had stayed back with Charlie while the rest of us rushed to the hospital with Damien's father. The cleanup crew had finished putting everything back, leaving me with nothing to take care of.

"What happened?"

"He's stable for now, Damien was able to see him," I explained, "Damien went to the office to get some of his father's work I guess."

Darcy frowned, "His father just had a heart attack and he went to work?"

"People deal with grief differently."

"Yes, but –," Darcy began.

"Please just leave it alone, I'm exhausted and need to go to sleep."

"You don't even know exhausted until you're pregnant," she groaned, "All I want to do lately is lay in bed and eat. Just getting dressed in the morning makes me want to give up and put on sweatpants. Not to mention the fact that sweatpants are all that make me forget how ugly I feel."

"Charlie doesn't seem to mind."

Darcy laughed, "The only thing he cares about right now is sex. He thinks that the more sex that we have, the better our chances are of having twins. In his head, we're having two boys just like him. Could you imagine two red-haired demons running around?"

Charlie came into the room, "My mother said I was the perfect child."

"Of course she did," Darcy rolled her eyes, "You were God's gift to the world and can do no wrong."

"Go upstairs, you're getting cranky," I told her, "Plus we have a long day of apartment hunting tomorrow."

For once, there was no argument on her part.

"I'll be up in a minute," Charlie kissed her forehead.

Charlie waited until Darcy left the room to begin talking, "So Blaine told me what happened."

I stared at Charlie, "What was there to tell?"

"The kiss, you and him finally being together, am I forgetting anything else?"

"Are you really going to leave Damien?"

"I don't know."

"He's my best friend and I'll be the first to admit that he's fucked up a lot with you, but he wouldn't be able to take it if you were just stringing him along. Blaine loves you more than anything and he's going to mess up again, we both know that, I just need to know that you aren't going to leave him again if he does."

"I don't know what our future holds, I just know that I want to be with him. He's changed, I can see it whenever he's with Caden."

"Are you ready to be in Caden's life even though Heather is in it too?"

I wasn't dumb enough to think that I would never have to see Heather if I got back together with Blaine. Heather was an important part of his and Caden's life and nothing would change that.

"I talked to her at your wedding, I don't hate her anymore. I spent too much energy hating her for something that wasn't her fault. She didn't ask to have Blaine's baby and if I hate her that means that I hate Caden. How could I hate someone who brings Blaine so much happiness? I see the way Blaine looks at Caden and I get it now how he couldn't just leave Heather when she gave him the greatest gift."

"Now that I'm getting ready to be a father, I understand now why Blaine didn't just give up on Heather either. I was worried at first that he was ruining his life, but it's more about Caden than it is about Heather. You know his dad, Blaine is trying his damn hardest to make sure that he is never that way with Caden and that meant losing you. You are the love of his life and always will be."

Everything Charlie was saying was true. Whatever Blaine and I had would never go away and to think that being with someone other than Blaine was going to make me just as happy didn't even make sense anymore. We argued, we drove each other crazy, and we knew each other's weaknesses, but that was what love was.

"You're a great friend Charlie and you're going to be a great father."

"I know," Charlie grinned, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go make love to my wife in your very comfortable guest room."

"Thanks for the mental image, excuse me while I go gag."

Charlie laughed as he ran up the stairs to Darcy.

Around two o'clock in the morning, I could hear someone stumbling around in the bedroom. I turned the bedroom light on to see Damien trying to take off his tie. His eyes were glossed over as he tried to focus on his task. This was the first time that I have ever seen Damien drunk and I didn't like it. I was usually the one that needed to be taken care of. He was always in control of himself whenever we went out and only ever allowed himself one or two glasses of whatever everyone else was drinking.

"Get off the floor," I tried to lift him off the ground.

He was mumbling something underneath his breath that I couldn't understand. I tried to ignore the stench of Hennessey that seemed to ooze off of him and lead him to the bed. Damien was more than twice my weight, leading him was no easy feat. If it weren't so late in the night, I would have woken Charlie up to help me.

"I thought you were going to the office," I continued to drag him.

"So did I," Damien slurred, "Somehow I ended up at a bar."

"Did something happen with your father?"

"Besides his heart attack?" Damien laughed, "Not that I know of."

"Then why did you decide to get drunk? It's not like you."

Damien's eyes became focused, "Do you still love me?"


It was a simple question that I didn't know the answer to anymore. I loved Damien, but I was in love with Blaine.

"Get some sleep."

The next morning while Damien was still sleeping, I showered and got ready for apartment hunting with Darcy. I moved quietly so that I didn't wake him, I wasn't prepared to talk about last night. Damien's snoring was the only indicator that he didn't drink himself to death last night. I walked downstairs to find Darcy and Charlie in the kitchen making googly eyes at each other from across the kitchen island.

"Morning love birds," I sat down next to Darcy.

Charlie brought a pan from the stove full of eggs and placed it in front of me, "Morning."

"Do I get bacon too?" I teased.

He opened the oven door, "How do you like your bacon?"

"I wish Damien or I knew how to cook. We'd save a lot of money not ordering takeout every night."

"I got one of the good ones. I told your dad's realtor that we'd meet her around noon in Queens and your mom wants us to meet her for a late lunch with Gwen at three."

"Seems like you girls have a busy day ahead of you. I'm going to Blaine's," Charlie kissed Darcy, "I'll see you two later."

"Aren't you going to help pick out your future apartment?"

Charlie scoffed, "Like my opinion really matters. I told Darcy that whatever she chooses I'll love."

"He's so smart," Darcy kissed him again, "He makes me want to marry him all over again."

"See you two later."

I was getting off the phone call with O'Keefe to come pick us up at the apartment when Damien came down the stairs in his workout gear. Darcy had gone upstairs to grab her purse so that we could meet O'Keefe outside.

"You're going to the gym?" I asked him.

"I always go on Thursday mornings," he kissed my cheek, "What're you and Darcy doing today?"

I watched him, amazed that he seemed completely unfazed about what happened with his father last night.

"We're going apartment hunting. Aren't you going to visit your dad in the hospital?"

Damien opened the refrigerator, "I talked with him this morning. He wants me to go to his meetings for today and fill him in later tonight."

"He doesn't need work talk, he needs to relax."

Damien shrugged, "Work is what relaxes him. I've gotta go before I'm late. I'll see you later."

He kissed me goodbye then walked out the door. Darcy came down the stairs as soon as the door shut with her purse and cell phone.


I nodded and we headed out to meet O'Keefe. We were waiting for the elevator to come when Darcy broke the news that Charlie told her about me and Blaine kissing.

"You two talked about me instead of having sex?"

She rolled her eyes, "We talked about you after having sex."

"Why did I come up after sex?"

"That is so not the point. The point is that you kissed Blaine and didn't tell me! How could you tell Charlie and not me?"

"I was going to," I promised, "Charlie was the one who brought it up first after you went upstairs last night."

"Are you really going to leave Damien?"

I knew that Darcy wasn't the biggest fan of Damien, but she didn't like Blaine either.

"Since when were you Team Blaine?"

"I'm Team Phoebe and I know that you love Blaine and Blaine loves you. I want you to be happy and if that's with Blaine or Damien or anyone else, I'm all for it."

O'Keefe pulled up to the curb, ending our conversation about my love life.