Blaine's POV:

From across the room I watched Phoebe enter with some guy by her side. He was tall, had brownish almost black hair, and brown eyes. The two of them looked like a power couple as they walked in holding hands. I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't break at the sight of her with another man. Truth be told, I never got over Phoebe. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself to move on, I couldn't. She was the love of my life and I wanted to be that guy on her arm more than anything. I wanted to be the first and last thing she saw every day. I wanted to make her life in that adorable way that she has where she covers her mouth with her hand in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. I wanted to be her world just as much as she was mine. But she would never be that again.

Caden tugged on my wrist as he tried to get my attention. Heather had dressed him up in a black, miniature suit with shiny black dress shoes and an electric blue bow tie. My son looked adorable, he was a heartbreaker. His curly black hair, much like mine, was recently cut to try and tame it. The kid had a lot of hair for a two almost three year old.

"Cake daddy, cake," he pointed to the dessert table.

I leaned down to pick him up, "We have to eat dinner first and then we can have cake. Where's mommy?"

Heather and I weren't together but I asked her to be my date for Darcy and Charlie's wedding. We were good friends, we had a child together. The real reason for why I asked her to come with me was because Phoebe was going to be here. I wanted to crush her heart just as much as she crushed mine. Bitter? Yes.

"Mommy is right here," Heather said.

She looked beautiful in a champagne colored floor length gown. Her blonde hair was cut to her shoulders and let loose with curls. Heather had a little makeup on but not as overly done as she used to wear it. She grew up a lot in the past two years. I was proud to be in her life.

"So, who is Phoebe with?" Heather smirked.

She knew that I still loved Phoebe and understood that nothing would ever happen with us. We had a child together, that was it.

"I don't know," I glanced over at Phoebe again.

She was hugging Darcy and Charlie. Her date stood faithfully by her side in a very nice, very expensive suit. His brown eyes landed on mine. If he knew who I was, he did not show it. Instead, he wrapped an arm around Phoebe's shoulder. She looked up and smiled at him.

"Are you going to talk with her or are you going to just keep staring at them?"

Caden was fussing in my arms, I set him down on the ground and he ran off. Man that kid had a lot of energy.

"I'll say hi, eventually."

I could not be in the same room as her, let alone talk to her. Phoebe looked beautiful in a tight, black, sparkly, dress that skimmed above her knees and brought attention to her butt and chest. Just thinking about getting her out of that dress made me have to rearrange myself in my pants.

"Go over there," Heather pushed me, "You obviously want to."

"It's complicated."

She gave me a "yeah right" look.

"Well it already looks like Caden beat you to it."

Sure enough, Caden was giggling in Charlie's arms. Charlie and Darcy were Caden's godparents. I could not think of anyone better and Heather really didn't have that many friends.

"Now you're forced to go and talk to her," Heather chided, "Don't look now but they're looking at you."

I of course looked over. Phoebe's beautiful grey eyes were trained on me. Charlie waved me over.

"Don't be a pussy, go over there," Heather pushed me.

It was hard not to stare at Phoebe as I made my way over to them. Darcy, Charlie, and Phoebe were watching me as I walked. Caden ran over to me, I picked him up for protection.

"We were just telling Phoebe that since she's the maid of honor and you're the best man, you two should go out tomorrow and finalize the plans," Darcy grinned wickedly.

Did I mention how much I hated her? From the look on Phoebe's face, she was not too keen on the idea either.

"Sure," I nodded, "If you aren't busy."

"Damien and I were planning on visiting my parents for dinner. So it'll have to be breakfast or lunch," Phoebe said.

At the sound of his name, Damien held out his hand to me, "Damien, Phoebe's fiancé."

Fiancé? Phoebe paled when he said that. I did not know that she was engaged, it was not like anyone would tell me if she was. After she left, it was a rough time for me to fully grasp that she was not coming back. The dozen of unanswered voicemails and text messages were not enough.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Blaine," I tried to keep my composure, "How 'bout brunch then? I can pick you up or we can meet there."

"Damien has business in the city so he can drop me off."

"I could do that," Damien looked down at his phone as it rung in his hand, "Sorry, I have to take this. Nice to meet you Blake."

He excused himself from the group and headed out towards the exit. Phoebe refused eye contact with me, Darcy looked at me pityingly, and Charlie looked uncomfortable.

"Dadda cake," Caden begged.

"After dinner," I told him.

"Dadda cake! Cake!"

"I'll take him to go get some," Heather appeared.

Phoebe visibly tensed at the sight of Heather.

"I need to go say hello to your father, excuse me," Phoebe walked away.

Heather walked away with Caden to the dessert table. Darcy hit me in the back of my head.

"What was that for?" I rubbed where she hit me.

"You idiot! You see Phoebe for the first time in two years and you have nothing to say? You're supposed to be trying to win her back!"

"Win her back? If you haven't noticed, she has a fiancé," I said, "Besides, who says I want to get back together with her?"

"One, Damien has nothing on you, two, you were eying Phoebe like a piece of meat, three, you haven't dated much less slept with someone in two years... Do I need to go on?"

"I've slept with other girls," I lied.

Charlie scoffed but tried to cover it with a cough.

"No you haven't, Charlie would've told me," Darcy glared, "You can try and pretend that you don't have feelings still but I see the way you look at each other."

"It won't work," I shook my head, "Plus, she lives in England."

"How do you know she lives in England?" Darcy smirked.


"I'll go and see if Heather needs help."

Phoebe's POV:

I knew what Darcy was trying to do when she forced Blaine and me to have brunch together tomorrow. Even though I knew Blaine was going to be Charlie's best man, I did not expect to see him so soon. Damien knew everything and tried to assure me that I was only imagining the worst that could happen. He did not consider Blaine a threat anymore, especially now that we were engaged. I had not wanted to make a big deal about it until after Darcy's wedding but I was forced the face the reality when Damien brought it up with Blaine.

After saying hello to Darcy's father I found Damien in the club's conference room in yelling match with someone on the other line. It was undoubtedly business, he was a workaholic, something that annoyed the shit out of me. We were only young once but Damien did not see it that way, he wanted to please his father by making the most money for the company as possible.

"Get off that phone right now!"

He gave me a sheepish grin, "The fiancée is yelling at me, we'll finish this conversation tomorrow at the meeting."

Pleased that he hung up, I gave him a kiss, "Much better, there are still some people who I want you to meet."

"So that was the infamous Blaine, huh?"

"He's just Blaine, I don't know about infamous."

"He was a major part of your life."

"Yes but that was before I met you," I breathed in his smell, "Do I have to reassure you again or was this morning in the bedroom enough?"

Sex with Damien was great, beyond great and I loved him but seeing Blaine again was different. The teenage girl in me still got excited to see him while the older woman in me thought that I should move on, he obviously had.

"I might need a quickie in the conference room," Damien brought me against his growing erection, "Just to make sure that we're on the same page."

A knock on the door interrupted us from going any further. Darcy stuck her head in. I knew that she did not like Damien but she put on a good act.

"Your parents just arrived."
