Author's Note: This wasn't planned at all (to post the thank you and than have the chapter ready, wasn't planned. I'm actually surprised). I am beyond excited for everyone to read this chapter. I'm buzzing with literal excitement. Okay on to the normal postings.

I cannot thank olways-and-forever for agreeing to help me with this crazy thing I call a story. Put for also being an amazing friend, who has her own crazy, amazing ideas.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of its characters

I am on tumblr under the same pen name. Please come drop by and say hello

The eve of the next full moon, Remus found himself to be sore, aggressive, and in pain - all of which he had become accustomed to during the peak of the moon cycle. James and Sirius told him not to worry about the Order meeting, but Remus had growled that he was going to the bloody meeting. He should have listened to the two of his friends, but Remus was not about to admit that.

A hand holding a steaming cup was shoved in front of him. If it wasn't for her scent and calmness around her, Remus would have bitten the person's hand. He glanced upward looking directly in the eyes of Freya.

"It's hot chocolate, laced with a calming drought," she offered, nudging the cup towards Remus.

Remus hesitated before smiling softly and accepting the cup allowing the warmth to spread through his hands, "Thank you."

"My friend back in France was a loup-garou - a werewolf -" Freya explained with a soft smile.

Remus froze. The werewolf in him howled at being acknowledged.

"Always cranky before a full moon, you learn to recognize the signs," she shrugged. "Chocolate always helped him."

Allowing himself to relax, Remus realized that Freya wasn't talking about him and his lycanthropy. He felt Sirius staring from across the room. Across the room, Sirius was quickly becoming agitated by the interaction between Remus and Freya, hearing only snippets of the conversation. Sirius' expression darkened as he heard the word werewolf, setting off an automatic response. He stomped over, aggression wafting off of him, causing Remus to frown.

"What about werewolves? Do you have a problem with them?" he interrupted.

"No," Freya hissed through gritted teeth, turning towards Sirius, "I don't have a problem with them, Black. Who gave you the right to listen in on a conversation, you weren't included in?"

"Jumping into a conversation you aren't a part of is how innocent suspects get put into Azkaban," Fabian said walking up to the group.

Gideon rolled his eyes fondly at this twin. Fabian had a thing for always teaching new Aurors something even if they weren't in the office. Facing Freya, Gideon raised his eyebrow asking if she was alright. Freya twitched her nose.

Instead of focusing on the conversation, Freya abruptly asked Remus, "Is he your boyfriend?"

"Is who?" Remus asked tilting his head.

Freya nodded her towards Sirius, who was immersed in the discussion with Fabian.


Remus felt his face heat up as Freya nodded. Sure, Remus fancied Sirius but so did everyone at Hogwarts. Remus fancied Sirius wouldn't be anything new and it wasn't like Sirius showed any indication at being attracted to the same gender

Shaking his head, Remus confessed, "No, he isn't."

Looking between Sirius and Remus, Freya hummed, "He is protective of you though."

Remus felt his heart speed up at that. His stomach had butterflies at the thought of Sirius possibly facing him but Remus quickly shot that down. Pads is protective of Prongs, Wormtail and Lily. It's who he is.

Instead of admitting that, Remus brought his hand up to his neck, a habit he picked up from James, "Ah, yeah. Just a little."

Remus paused in rubbing his neck as a slight flicker of distress crossed Freya's face, and the smell of grief emanating from her made Remus' eyes tear. Unknown to Remus, he had reminded her significantly of Harry, and even Ron. Years, apart and the Potter trait still prevailed and was being passed on to friends.

"Sirius has always been prone to thinking with his emotions," Remus explained to Freya.

His back was turned but Sirius hollered over his shoulder, "I heard that, Lupin." Remus chuckled as he was flipped the bird when a thought crossed his mind, turning towards Freya, who in turn raised an eyebrow.

"Was?" Remus suddenly asked, remembering Freya's comment. My friend was a werewolf. "What happened?"

Hermione smiled sadly, "Too many full moons."

Remus looked away. Sirius' shoulders tensed and his hands clenched in a fist. Even the twins looked away uncomfortable. Being a bitten witch or wizard did not make it easier to hear about their passing. James and Lily had joined the conversation as Freya spoke, their expressions somber.

"Were they alone?" Lily asked unshed tears in her eyes.

Remus was glad he was sitting as the grief emanating from Freya intensified to where Remus felt the urge to grab a hold of her hand to stable her. He did just that, an eerie echo of his passing twenty years in the future, and through the grief diminished, it was replaced by sorrow.

"No," Hermione whispered, her throat thick with emotions. "No, he wasn't."

Doors next to the group banged opened startling everyone, allowing Sirius to point his finger at everyone chuckling until Remus pointed out that he jumped more than everyone else.

"We're starting now," an older Order member told them in a clearly annoyed tone.

James watched as Gideon threw his arm over Freya's shoulder, and feeling that same frustration from the first meeting James growled lowly at the senior Auror. Sirius had tugged Lily ahead with him, their relationship hadn't yet recovered but two weren't glaring at each other anymore.

"Gid," they heard Freya, "I can walk on my own and if you pull a Fabian, you'll lose more than your toes."

Gideon gulped as he removed his arm; on the other side of Hermione, Fabian was chuckling, and behind Hermione's back Gideon flipped his twin the bird. James and Remus brought up the end of the group but Remus grabbed hold of James' wrist suddenly.

"You feel it too," Remus whispered.

"Felt what?" James asked, confused.

Remus frowned, "A feeling of being overprotective towards Freya."

"Feeling of overprotection," James whispered asked. "Moony, what are you talking about?"

"Freya, when Gideon put his arm around her," Remus mumbled. "Stop denying it Prongs. You reek of protection."

James lifted his arm to his nose giving a sniff. He couldn't smell anything but he also knew not to argue with Remus so close to the moon. It was then that Remus realized what James' problem with Freya was.

"Okay, fine, yes I feel it," James whispered walking into the sitting room. "That doesn't explain why though."

Albus once again stood before everyone, proud of the addition of Lily Evans to their ranks. They weren't able to get through much during their last meeting and Albus was hopeful for this meeting. Gideon and Fabian were frustrated as they hadn't found who had used dark magic around muggles. It had been a month and it was still something that bothered the twins, no matter how proud Albus was of them for the mission.

"Thank you for meeting again," Albus started. "As you know Voldemort," cringes ran throughout the room, "is on the rise and it takes great courage to willingly fight against. Now I believe Fabian and Gideon have something for us."

James was listening but he couldn't take his eyes off Hermione. The way her eyes weren't focused confused him greatly and he felt the need to protect her, which made no sense since he'd just meet her two weeks ago.

Gideon nor Fabian felt the need to stand as they were on even playing field with everyone in the room other than Alastor, but that was only because he was their boss.

"Last month, there was reports of dark magic activity," Gideon started. "Fabian and I were sent to check it out."

Hermione's blood still boiled towards Albus for sending Fabian and Gideon out when he knew Molly was about to have Fred and George. Something Albus knew, Hermione thought unaware that her nose was scrunching up till Fabian nudged her foot.

"When we went to check there was any presence of any wizards but there was-" Fabian glanced towards Lily, something that didn't go unnoticed. "There was evidence of muggles having been tortured."

The reactions were across the board from shock to outright horror. James found himself intrigued by the lack of response from Freya. Remus observed the looks James was giving Freya, he also observed the frown on Lily's face, which caused Remus to elbow James in the side.

"Oof," James grunted softly

"Torturing," Lily whispered shocked.

Fabian smiled sadly. Gideon nodded asking, "Lily was it?"

Lily confirmed that was correct. Fabian grief-stricken expression intensified as Gideon advised Lily, "You should consider closing your floo if you have one and give limited access to it."

Realizing they were talking about Lily, James re-focused himself asking, "In order for her to stay safe. What should she do?"

Fabian, instead of answering directly to James, looked towards Lily explaining, "When you're done for the night close your floo and ward wherever you're currently living."

Lily wanted to roll her eyes but she didn't. This was clearly important to James as he sat straighter. Sirius was also paying attention. Glancing towards Remus, Lily felt her heart flutter with warmth as Remus was leaning forward paying attention. Everyone at Hogwarts knew the Marauders were a pack and Lily knew that when she agreed to date James. Yes, she was dating James but Remus and Sirius were extensions of that too.

"Secret keep it," Hermione muttered to herself.

James opened his mouth, froze and then closed his mouth. There was no point in denying it anymore, Lily wasn't safe. No matter how much they wanted to admit it or not.

"Keep focus everyone," Albus said looking at those in front of him, "Miss Evans; Alastor and a selected few Aurors will be sent and they will ward your flat."

"There's no reason," Lily tried arguing. "Can you ward my parents and sister's house instead?"

Albus looked towards Alastor, who grumbled that it could be done. Lily's shoulders relaxed knowing her parents and sister were going to be safe, even if Petunia wasn't speaking to her.

"I believe that is all for today," Albus announced putting an end to their meeting.

Hermione's head snapped up. That's it? After only that much. What. It took everything in Hermione not to scream at Albus currently. What about the Horcrux?

"I could use your help and the help of the Order but I am more than capable of doing this alone. I made a promise and nobody will stop me from doing so; I don't break promises."

Hermione felt her lips twitch upward in a sneer. She wasn't going to wait for Albus to decide when it was a good time to take Tom Riddle seriously. Fed up with the lack of concern from Albus, Hermione decided to start looking for the Horcrux herself, and she knew just the place to start.

People jumped to their feet as voices, and tensions, grew.. Hermione cursed at herself - having sat near the middle of the table, she had to dodge people in order to reach Albus, but by the time she made it to the head of the table, he was no longer standing there.

"Bloody hell," Hermione swore, annoyed at Dumbledore's tendency to disappear whenever he was most needed, but Hermione turned sharply and made her way over to Fabian and Gideon.

"Freya," Fabian greeted spotting her over his twin's shoulder.

He had noticed the looks James had been giving Freya throughout the meeting and he didn't like it one bit. Gideon noticed as well and it took everything in him to not snap at James. Suppressing his irritation with James, Gideon turned his head in order to greet Freya.

"I'm heading out," Freya informed them. "Molly still wants us over for dinner?"

They confirmed that Molly did, in fact, want her to join them for dinner later that night. When Hermione started coming around the Burrow again, Molly hadn't let her out of her sight - neither did Charlie or Bill for that matter. Hermione loved being around the Weasley children; not only did it warm her heart but also pained her as she watched them grow and show characteristics of the men she knew they would become.

Hermione felt the weight of the octagon shape pocket watch pressed against her leg.

Arthur wrapped his hands around Hermione's causing her grasp the watch; he told her "You can because you're family. You will always be family. Going into the past alone isn't going to be easy; this will show that the Weasley family stands with you. Knowing my wife she'll take you in after meeting you."

Gideon brought Hermione out of her thoughts blurting "I can pick you up," before backpedaling, "If you want, that is. I'm sure you know where the Burrow is by now, but it might be safer…."

Hermione tried to not laugh, but Fabian was standing next to Gideon and his shoulders were shaking. She felt the corner of her mouth twitch upwards and it was that exact moment that Gideon noticed his twin.

Turning towards Fabian, Gideon whined at him, "Bloody hell you arse, don't laugh. I'm trying to be serious."

A chorus of groans came from behind the trio. Fabian and Gideon, each looked over Freya's shoulder as she turned her head. Lily's face was covered by her hands, James and Remus shook their heads laughter on their lips.

"Prongs, Moony," Sirius whined. "He said my joke. That's suppose to be my line."

That broke Hermione and Fabian and they both leaned forward laughing. The tension that stood in the room was lifted as James and Sirius were chuckling too. Gideon crossed his arms but his lips were forming into a smile.

Hermione stood upright,the last of her laughter draining away as she wiped tears of mirth from her eyes. Gideon was taken back by how pretty Freya's eyes were as they still held a twinkle.

Fabian noticed his twin staring and elbowed him in the side before Freya could detect it as well. Pain shot through Gideon side, the worst of it right where Fabian's bony elbow nicked him. He covered the gasp with a quick short cough.

Hermione smiled, "I can get there, but the company would be nice."

His grin couldn't be hidden any longer, Gideon grinned "Great. I'll be at your place say six?"

Hermione agreed to being picked up then. Heading towards the door she heard Fabian holler out in surprise as Hermione turned to look, Gideon had wrapped his arms around Fabian and was going in for a noogie.

I could use your help and the help of the Order but I am more than capable of doing this alone. I made a promise and nobody will stop me from doing so; I don't break promises.

More than capable of doing this alone.

I made a promise and nobody will stop me from doing so.

Repeated in Hermione's head as she appeared in Diagon Alley. Ducking her head, Hermione entered the Leaky Cauldron heading straight towards one of the fireplaces. James was thankful for his years as a quidditch player and for the cloak from his dad.

"Three Broomsticks," James heard.

Broomstick? Why is she going there? Not thinking much of it, James uncovered himself before also disappearing into a flame of green smoke. The fireplace spat out James only giving him a second to throw the cloak over him again. Ignoring the ashes covering his clothes James rushed after Freya.

Bollocks, she walks fast, James thought beginning to question why he decided to follow Freya. She walks faster than Remus and Sirius.

James had to dig his heels into the ground to order to not run right into Hermione's back as she had stopped right at the fence separating the Shrieking Shack from the rest of Hogsmeade. Glancing around quickly and confirming she was alone, Hermione pushed on the wire fence causing it to bend allowing her to lift her leg over.

The Shrieking Shack? Why is she going there? James moved towards the fence once Freya had cleared it. James didn't want to rip the cloak and didn't want to give himself away, he had made it this far in his following unnoticed. Shrugging his shoulders, James lifted the bottom of the cloak climbing over the fence.

Freya's right leg touched the ground and she darted towards the Shrieking Shack, not wanting to waste any more time. James cursed as he wasn't even over the fence when he watched Freya darted off, he wasn't even over the fence yet.

Bloody freaking hell, James thought throwing a Silencio on his trainers. What is her issue?

Freya stopped before opening the door, she didn't open it all the way just enough for herself to slipped through. James was internally screaming as Remus was to be inside the Shack tomorrow. There wouldn't be enough time for Freya's scent to be removed.

James groaned at that thought out loud. He froze as Feya stopped walking, James could only hope he cast a strong enough Silencio on his trainers and calmed his breathing. James stood there watching as Freya's shoulders tensed and she spun around having her wand out. Finding nothing but still leaving her wand out Freya moved quickly across the floor opening the hatch and jumping down.

Having wasted enough time once Hermione's feet touched the solid ground, she darted down the corridor. James jumped down in time to once again watch Freya rush off towards the Whomping Willow. Blimey, James thought rushing after her, the willow is going to destroy her. Hermione suddenly dropped to the ground, alarming James, at the entrance and crawled out not bothering the branches on the Whomping Willow.

Shaking his head, James followed. In doing so he found himself in Hogwarts on the seventh floor hiding behind a statue watching as Freya paced in front of a wall. Just as he was going to give up, the wall shimmered and a door appeared allowing Freya to walk through. Ripping the cloak off him James scrambled after Freya barely making it through the door.

"Woah," He said once in the room, "What is this place?"

Hermione froze. Her heart was pounding in her ears. Her hands became sweaty as she turned back towards the door. Standing right in front of her in all his glory was James bloody Potter unashamed as turned in a circle amazed at what he was seeing.

"The map doesn't show this," he said to himself, he repeated his question, "What is this place?"

"You were following me?" Hermione interrogated growing angry.

The air in the room changed as Hermione realized that she had, in fact, being followed. This is exactly why she didn't want to get involved with anyone from the original timeline. During her first interaction with James and Sirius, Hermione did feel an overwhelming sense of protection but had put it off to her adrenaline rushing through her system at the time. When Remus walked through the doors for their first Order meeting, Hermione knew there was no hiding it. She was connected towards the Marauders.

James had the decency to look embarrassed rubbing his neck, "There's this pull towards you. It isn't romantic in any way. The pull is like that of a familiar."

"Potter, there is no pull," Freya lied through her teeth. "Whatever you're-"

"You can't honestly believe that," James interrupted. He walked closer to Freya, slowly as if walking up towards a scared animal. "Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't feel the same."

Hermione couldn't do that. James looked too much like Harry and Hermione wouldn't be able to handle knowing she lied.

"That still doesn't explain why you're here," Hermione growled clutching her wand.

Growing overwhelmed and frustrated James ran his fingers through his hair, another Potter trait that ripped through Hermione's heart, "I thought if I felt this...this feeling that maybe you did too."

Hermione looked at James, clenched her teeth, she lied, "I don't. Potter, I don't know you so why would I feel the need to protect you."

Everything in Hermione was screaming to tell James the truth but she couldn't. Not yet. Not when James still trusted Peter. Everything James said made sense as his animagus was a deer and unknown to Hermione; she smelled like family to the animagus in James.

"Bloody hell," James cursed, "This doesn't make any sense."

"Language Potter," Freya told him frowning.

James rolled his eyes walking past her, "You sound like my mum."

Freya rolled her own eyes turning away from James. She didn't have time to deal with his questioning. It was bad enough that she was about to gather one of Voldemort's Horcrux and she didn't have anything to hold it in. Realizing she was walking away, James ran after her.

"So," James began as he dragged the ooo sound, "What is this place and how do you know it?"

"My dad let me read his Hogwarts: A History," Hermione explained move around books. She lifted a pillow before tossing it. "He explained how nobody could ever find the room, but yet it was written into the school book."

James stopped walking watching as Freya climbed on top of a couch, "How old are you? Why didn't I see you at Hogwarts?"

Standing on top of the couch, Freya looked through a book before tossing the book over her shoulder not caring for where it landed at the moment. James ducked, listening, "I turn twenty-one in September. Dad met a French muggle during a business trip," looking over her shoulder, she shrugged, "He was told pick family or the mudblood. He picked Maman, dad was blasted off the family tree and I was sent to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic."

Hermione held her breath praying to Merlin it sounded believable. James was excited that someone finally understand French and they would finally be able to understand Padfoot.

"So you'll help us when Sirius decides to speak French thinking nobody can understand him?" James asked, looking up towards Freya.

Hermione sighed with relief that he'd bought her story. Jumping down, she didn't respond as she walked away.

James scratched his head in confusion. She's stubborn, he thought. Alright let's try a different way.

"Pads isn't horrible," James tried instead. "He's always had this habit of making off comments in French knowing none of us understands him. Are you even listening to me?"

Hermione had been listening but something was calling to her. Something dark. Off to the left something caught Hermione's eye. A cabinet. Not just any cabinet, it was the vanishing cabinet that was used to allow Death Eaters into Hogwarts during Hermione's sixth year.

Hermione pulled her arm back and rotated her shoulder, "Bombarda."

James covered his eyes as the cabinet exploded. Unphased, Hermione walked past what was left of the cabinet. The scar on Hermione's arm burned, and in order not to give away the pain she bit her lip.

The Room of Requirements gave plenty of light, even so, this corner of the room was the darkest. The hairs on Hermione's arms stood. Sitting there on the rustic wardrobe was the box that held the diadem. Hermione walked towards it and even stood on a chair yet she couldn't reach the darn diadem. James came up behind her and grabbed the box.

"Here," he said reaching up ignoring Hermione telling him not too. "I'll get it for you."

Just as quickly as James touched the diadem, he let it go. Hermione dove off the chair reaching for the diadem catching it just before hitting the ground. Thank Merlin, she thought. Pushing herself up, Hermione dusted her trousers off.

"What the bloody hell is that?" James questioned horrified by the anger he felt.

Placing the boxed diadem in her bag, Freya snapped, "That is Helena Ravenclaw's Diadem. It's now a Horcrux that I told you, not to touch!"

"Thank you for your unwanted help, Potter," turning on her feet walking away. "This never happened and next time you feel the need to 'protect' me," Freya turned glaring pointedly at James, "don't."

The echo of doors slamming was the only indication that James was left alone. The room cleared itself of everything that had been in it. James fell to his knees in shock. He had no idea of what he just witnessed. To James, it felt like mere minutes till he left Hogwarts but it had been hours by the time James left the castle. Subconsciously James managed to apparate himself to his flat without splinching himself. Still, in a daze, James unlocked the door to his flat unaware of his surrounding, so when someone said his name James flung a perfectly aimed Petrificus Totalus at whoever the person was.

"Bloody hell Prongs."

Now that gained James' attention, only three people called him Prongs and one of them wasn't even in England at the moment or so James thought.
